Previously, Eliza was caught by her father who remained stone-faced by what he saw.
Eliza was speechless and her father was too. She was too frightened to avoid his eye contact that were filled with rage. "What is the matter?" Alexander asked Eliza. Then the warden and his guard walked in the dungeon and took Eliza by the arm. Alexander didn't want her to go. Eliza grabbed onto the bars as tight as she could. Alexander grabbed hold of her hands that held the bars.
"No!" Eliza told the knights.
"Wait!" Alexander said. The two were struggling to hold onto each other, but the knights' strength overcame Eliza and she involuntarily let go of his hand.
"Wait! I said wait! Listen to me!" Alexander yelled at the guards for not listening. He shook the bars and constantly yelled at the knights.
- - - - - - - - -
Outside the dungeon
Eliza was dragged by the guards out of the dungeon and pushed to the ground.
"Please leave at once before you incur any more trouble," one of them warned her, for they knew that Lord Schuyler did not like what she did. Eliza got back on her feet and tried to get pass them.
"Just a moment...At least convey my words to him," Eliza almost wept when she became desperate to let Alexander know who she was. Lord Schuyler came across them arguing and the knights noticed his presence. Eliza shut her mouth and kept her composure together.
"You knights let a woman confront a criminal personally questioned by the king? You could be beheaded for such heedless neglect," Lord Schuyler scolded the knights. Then, the knights fell down to his knees to apologize.
"Fret you not. Who said I would ever mention this?" Lord Schuyler assured them with fair benevolence.
"Your Highness, we are not worthy of this...."
"Deny there was ever any visitor. And of course the criminal must not divulge anything on the matter. That is unless you want to bring trouble upon yourself," Lord Schuyler told them.
The knights obliged to his orders and resumed their duties guarding the dungeon. He turned to his eldest daughter who was looking down and back up, repeating this motion. Lord Schuyler looked as if he was going to make fists that would cause his knuckles to turn white. But before he could, he decided to let go and say what he had to say to make his daughter understand.
He walked towards his daughter to scold her. Eliza opened her mouth and thought about what she had to say for herself, but she was cut off by her father.
"How dare you so incautiously call me that? Follow me," Lord Schuyler said with a low angry tone in his voice.
- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -
Meanwhile, Alexander was pacing back and forth. The more he paced, the more his chest didn't feel good. He was worried about what could possibly happen to her. He walked towards the bars and tried all he could to be free. He stopped when he saw one of the guards who dragged Eliza away.
"What did you do with that woman? Where was she taken?" Alexander raised his voice, desperate to know what had become of her. The knight did not answer the question and had to do as the lord has told him to do.
"Act as if nobody came here today. Unless you want that woman to lose her life over this." The knight whispered. He told Alexander to be cautious of his actions for he knew that this criminal wanted to protect that woman from the anger of many ambassadors who would eventually see her as suspicious if Alexander acted recklessly.
The knight left, but Alexander couldn't stop asking questions: "What happened to her?! Did she leave the palace? Answer me!"
He heaved a sigh of frustration
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Eliza followed her father far away from the dungeon but still in the palace grounds. Lord Schuyler stopped his tracks and turned to face his daughter who couldn't look at him in the eye.
"What were you doing there? Have you ever met Alexander Hamilton before?" Lord Schuyler asked her, for he had to know what was going on. Eliza still didn't look up and inhaled to hold her breath, trying to prepare herself for what was coming.
"I'm asking you whether you know him or not!"
Eliza looked up and her father saw tears in her eyes. Eliza opened her mouth to say something, even though she wanted to cry her tears out. Instead of answering his question, all she wanted to do was set Alexander free from this guilt he was thought to have commited.
"Please help him. I'm the one who met him outside the palace walls, not the princess," Eliza confessed which shocked Lord Schuyler deep down. His eyes slightly widened from the shock of this.
"I asked the princess if I could take his lectures in her stead. I had heard of your betrothal talks, so moved by curiousity..."
Lord Schuyler could not believe his ears of someone else's side of the story. He's been told by his gang of ruffians that there was a woman that Alexander was meeting quite often but was taken for the princess of England. He thought they may have misunderstood and not got a quick check on her background information, but he didn't think that that woman would be his daughter.
"You met him while impersonating the princess?!"
Eliza said nothing.
"Were you also the one found at the brothel with him? And the recipient of that letter of his?"
"W-what! no I never wrote a letter" Eliza said.
Lord Schuyler studied her facial expressions. After a while, he knew that she spoke the truth. He had to get deeper facts to this before the confusion causes a fuss. Her father paced back and forth approximately more than she could count. He stopped pacing and turned around to face her.
"Is he aware of the fact that you're my daughter?" he asked.
"He's not. i was going to tell him until your presence was present. Thinking of me as a handmaiden impersonating the princess, he wanted to avoid. Father, you must help him. We can't let him die because of me. Will you please reveal the truth to the king," Eliza begged her father. There was hope in her eyes, but the answer her father said to her inquire was not expected.
"Reveal the truth?! How can you be so heedless? How many times did I tell you that even a trifling blunder can endager a royal's life? Should people learn that my daughter impersonated the princess, not only you, but your father and kindred aliek would suffer dire consequences," Father scolded her to remind her what's at stake when revealing this to the king. Eliza shook her head disagreeing with her own father because she blames herself for Alexander's beheadment tomorrow.
"Would you like that to happen? Is that truly what you wish for?"
Eliza shook her head.
"So that does it. You neither came here today, nor have ever met Alexander Hamilton. He still thinks of you as nothing more than a paltry handmaiden. Is that clear?"
Eliza didn't know what to do. She felt her tears coming back the more her heart was devastated. But, a part of her believed that he may see her as a handmaiden because that's what Princess Angelica called her. All this lying is not what she wanted to do anymore.
"I shall.....follow...your wishes. But promise to deliver him from this harrowing ordeal," Eliza spoke slowly.
"His survival......his survival is all I ask. Should anything befall the man, I don't think I'll ever find peace for the rest of my life," Eliza got down to her knees. She lowered her head as her tears finally slid down her face. Her heart was aching for him to be found innocent. She believed that that would be enough, even though he will not trust her anymore for all the cause she's bestowed upon him.
"I trust Princess Angelica is aware of this all?!" Lord Schuyler relaxed his anger when he tried to put all the pieces together.
"I shall settle this matter" her father decided to settle this for his daughter. His heart filled with rage when the princess was the one that put his own daughter through this mess, all to have Eliza blame herself for the trouble.
He kneedled down to his sobbing daughter and put his hands on her shoulders. "But heed my words, no one must ever learn of this. And neither can you ever meet Alexander Hamilton again. Can you promise that?" Lord Schuyler finalized his words.
Her heart lit up and she was grateful for her father willing to fix this mess. All that mattered and all that made her feel better was Alexander being found innocent.
"I promise."
- - - - - - - -
The dungeons
"I told you, just a glance at him and we'll be out!" Church and Tilghman were outside of the dungeons. They've been trying to confront the guards to let them meet him.
"I was ordered not to allow anyone in," the knight said. Tilghman took out his emblem and identified himself as the officer of the capital bureau to allow them a moment with him.
"I told you I mustn't. They are orders from His Majesty, the king. Capital Bureau or not, take your leave," the kight said neutrally.
"How can you be so inflexible?! Can't you see these garnments? You migh tbe in the future royal son-in-law's presence, how dare you?" Church exclaimed, tapping on his chest that was covered in royal attire uniform for candidates.
The knight sneered at how ridiculous he was and shooed him away. He left without a word and permission for them to enter. Church was about to recklessly charge at him, until he was halted on the arm by Tilghman. They eventually had to turn back.
"What's going on here?! How could they imprison a candidate like him?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Princess Quarters
Princess Angelica was sitting quietly in front of her mirror, but looking down from it. Her lady-in-waiting, Eunice, has been weeping lately and could not forgive herself and how this mess came to be.
"How on earth did the Inspector General manage to acquire that letter?"
"My uncle is behind it," Princess Angelica assumed. She stood up to her feet and decided to do something.
"I shall reveal the truth to my father, and rescue Sir Hamilton!"
When the name "Lord Schuyler" was announced to seek her presence, she halted and swallowed her saliva. She eventually let him enter after she got into her seat. Lord Schuyler was given a seat by Eunice. Eunice exited the room but was curious to listen to their conversation.
"Where were you headed?" Lord Schuyler asked the princess.
"I had something to urgently confer about with my father..."
"Is it perchance concerning Elizabeth's recent puerile antics?" Lord Schuyler asked, which made Angelica almost open her mouth when he said what shouldn't have been learned. Judging by her expression, Lord Schuyler confirmed that she knew. He noticed Angelica looking down.
"Hamilton's only blame was that of letting Elizabeth inveigle him with her mischievous mockery. So if there is anyone who deserves the gallows, it is Elizabeth," Angelica said with a cunning smile.
"Pray tell, is it out of resentment towards her father that you say that?"
"And if I said it is?"
"If she deserves to die for her alleged misdeeds, then indded die she shall. However, should my child perish, those who so detestably took her life away shall write in malefic throes. Imagine who the grievous daggers of vengeance of a father who lost his child will strike!" Lord Schuyler argued.
"You dare use my brother to intimidate me?" Angelica asked, almost as if she was going to bite her tongue.
"Is Your Grace not threatening to kill my daughter to save Alexander Hamilton?!" Lord Schuyler exclaimed. This put her on the spot. Angelica opened her mouth to object, but couldn't find the words. Angelica could not admit that she wanted Eliza out of the picture just so she could get close to Alexander. Underneath her table, she gripped her skirt. Instead of responding, Angelica got up to her feet and was about to leave without a word.
"And tell me....Would you truly be able to so nonchalantly sacrifice someone you cherish like a sister? Will you willingly witness a crimson sea of blood engulfing you as she is brutally killed?!"
The lord's words halted her and realize her actions. Angelica couldn't talk back. She has lost. Lord Schuyler smiled from behind and knew that that was what she was doing.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Schuylers' place to Tilghman place.
Eliza was escorted back home. A few moments later, Sir Tilghman rushed his horse to gallop to the mansion of the Schuylers to notify her about Alexander's arrest and what they must do about her secret. When he arrived, he landed off his horse and ran up the stairs. When a guard was about to close the door, he called out to him and almost panted from the cold air he's been inhaling and exhaling as he ran.
"I'm here to see Lady Elizabeth," Sir Tilghman said.
"The night is ripe. May you take your leave," the guard said as he almost shut the door.
"This is urgent!" Sir Tilghman stopped the door from being closed.
"Orders from my lord. Nobody is allowed to meet her". The knight finalized his message and shut the door before Sir Tilghman.
Sir Tilghman didn't know what to do. He had to save his companion from being beheaded. He decided to stay calm and come up with a plan as he strode back home. There, he and Church have been getting worried as time went by. Time was ticking, and it ached to sit by and not come up with something yet.
Even when Tilghman sent Charles to gather notifications of Alexander's state, they wondered what could've taken him so long.
The next day, the morning sun had shined through the windows, but neither of them could sleep. Church has been praying hour after hour since last night. Sir Tilghman stood up to his feet and realized that this won't do. Church heard the sound of him getting up and turned around to see what Tilghman intended to do.
"I'll have to meet her one way or another!"
"Her? Who are you referring to?" Church asked with a puzzled look. Tilghman realized that he the words he spoke were spoken from his thoughts and brushed off what he said.
Then, his mentor, Charles Lee, entered the room. At last he had come. Church, nervous of the news, still cupped his hands.
"How did it go?" Tilghman asked his former apprentice.
"Alexander was dismissed from office in exchange for his life!" Charles revealed with a grin on his face. Church looked as if he was going to jump.
"Dismissed?! Are you sure?" Church asked because he could not believe the words he just heard. Couldn't believe he's been pardoned. Sir Tilghman smiled and closed his eyes and sighed from relief that Alexander has been saved/is going to live.
"Yes! Oh my god! He's been saved! Oh my god!" Church exclaimed.
"Sir? There's someone waiting for you outside," Charles called his former mentor. Tilghman looked back at him in response.
Sir Tilghman came out of his father's mansion and saw the figure of a person who he wanted to meet. It was Eliza. He walked towards her and Eliza heard his footsteps. When she faced him, he looked down to hide his slight blush. Little did he know that his best, curious friend, Church was watching from afar.
"I came fully knowing how impudent of me all this is," Eliza said. Tilghman faced her and saw her eyes. Her eyelids were red from crying.
"Do you know what became of the lecturer?" Eliza asked desperately.
"You're so concerned with his well being, and yet only show up now? You should have revealed the truth when they questioned him," Sir Tilghman scolded her.
"I could not possibly try to make excuses. I'll only ask what happened to him and nothing more," Eliza spoke honestly. She felt that this friend of Alexander's was also disappointed in her actions. Sir Tilghman saw this look in her eyes and after a while, he knew that she spoke sincerely.
"He barely escaped with his life. He's alive," Sir Tilghman finally answered what she wanted to hear. Her rosy cheeks still warm from crying, Eliza's face lit up. Alexander's close ally and friend almost blushed and looked down to the ground a couple fo times. To him, she looked beautiful with rosy cheeks.
Eliza sighed with relief more than twice. All this heavy burden in her shoulders have been lifted when he told her the news that she's been dying to hear. What a great relief, she thought. She was so worried something terrible could happen to him, but it's over now and she may be rest assured. Eliza almost cried from the happiness that lit up like the fire in her heart.
Her eyes still shiny from the tears, she gave Tilghman a smile.
"Thank you, for everything. You've allayed all my fears," Eliza thanked him with gratitude.
"Do not fret. Alexander will be released today," Sir Tilghman added. Not just to make her feel better, but to reassure her that he acknowledges her mistakes and forgives her. Eliza smiled at him, grateful for his time, gave him a curtsy and left.
Tilghman looked back up to see her go. He turned around and went back to his mansion, and he just happened to find out that Church was there this whole time, watching everything.
"So...who on earth was that lady?" Church teased him.
"Never mind that. Let's go see if they released Alexander," Sir Tilghman brushed him off.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Outside the dungeon.
Finally, Alexander has been released and led by the general.
"Why was I released?" Alexander asked, following the general from behind.
"I see you're still on your feet,"
"And Father..."
Knight: After all this, you still have the nerve to utter his name?
Alexander: Was I released because of him?
Knight: Not only did he grovel at Lord Schuyler's feet to save yu, he even handed his resignation to the king. nothing will ever wash away his infamy. So speak no more and follow me.
Alexander's heart sank.
Poor Father...He devoted himself to this job he thought.
While Alexander was being led by the knight, Eliza watched from afar. She was so happy to see him again. She wanted to see him smile once more.
Then she remembered two things she was told to do.
One was Alexander telling her that "Once we join conjugal ties we will ride whenever you wish, so may you promise me you will not bring any unnecessary danger upon yourself"
Two: the other was from her father telling her to pretend that she's never met Alexander Hamilton
Eliza thought back to all that's happened in the past few days. She misses seeing his adorable smile that lit up her whole world. She misses talking with him. Eliza took her leave as she remembered saying that "he is the first man I ever felt could join in conjugal ties".
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