The two took a walk through the village. Women were selling fresh vegetables while their husbands were selling meat. Fishermen advertised about their fresh fish that they just caught from the sea. Ginger cakes, accessories, ribbons, knives, baskets, dresses, umbrellas, hats, and many other things.
Eliza was amused by the peaceful crowd and sound of children playing and laughing together; they were music to her ears. She breathed in the fresh air and let out her satisfied exhaling. Alexander could see that she was enjoying herself.
"Every full moon, these streets are filled with merchants. It's rather a rare sight life in the palace cannot allow you, so behold at will," Alexander welcomed me.
"Sure!" Eliza responded. Although she didn't need to worry about all this palace stuff because she wasn't even a princess to begin with. haha
Then, from faraway, some activity caught her eye, and she wanted to try it. People were swinging in a swing that was ornated with pink roses and true green vines.
Eliza took Alexander's warm hand and rushed to the swing to get a closer look.
This swinging game is a game between two competitors. Each person would get on the swing and swing as high as they can go. There's a flower hanging up there. And who ever can get it with their mouth wins a prize.
Eliza made an excited, stout upset look, and clapped and jumped like a child whenever someone either was so close to getting the prize or not. And when she looked at Alexander to see his reaction of this, he wasn't cheering for them. He was looking at me with a genuine smile and eyes. In Alexander's perspective, all he could see and hear was Eliza cheering for the competitors and making funny faces like a child. It was adorable. All he could think about was her smile that had grown. Unaware of this, Eliza blushed at the thought that she was behaving like a child and not a mature woman. Whoops.
When one of them finally managed to get a rose with her mouth, the crowd went crazy. It's hard work after all. Alexander and Eliza turned to their left to a group who were going on about how amused they are and how bored they are.
"Woohoo! She has won again!" "She sure is good at it, that wench. She's born with this strength! :) Isn't there anyone who can measure up to that lady?!"
One of them looked left and right until they saw Eliza.
"Say how about her?" one of them said, reaching out his hand to her.
"Hey..." Alexander blocked his hand to keep it off of her.
"Looks like a noble damsel to me?"
"Nobles ride even better, don't you know? Seeing that graceful posture, you look perfect for it!"
Her. Posture
Those two word coming from a stranger clicked and echoed in Alexander's mind. He did not like the idea of other men complimenting Eliza's appearance.
The stranger took Eliza's hand and pulled her towards him. Alexander has been struggling with their attitude and thought to scold them, but was stopped by Eliza.
"I'll give it a try." Eliza said with determination.
Alexander was worried that she will get hurt after many incidents. He furrowed his eyebrows because he was worried about her falling, especially when she's gonna have to swing at a higher height from the ground.
"If you end up injuring yourself, we'll both be in trouble," Alexander whispered up close.
"Says someone who taught me to ride a horse...I'll be careful. PRACTICALLY careful," Eliza teased.
He eventually obliged and followed her to the swing.
"If you feel afraid, don't hesitate to scream. I will hold you back immediately!" Alexander wanted to let her know. "Yes, Hamilton," Eliza blushed. "Please....call me 'Alexander'". Eliza blushed even more that the heat even reached to her ears. They were going for informalities now.
Eliza put her hands through the loops and held onto the string. When she was in position, Alexander was ready to give her a push, they had to wait for the judge to call out. "On your mark. Get set. Fly!" the judge announced. Alexander gladly gave her a push. Eliza swung like a bird who was about to take off.
So this is what it's like to fly, she thought. While she was enjoying herself, the winner of the previous round tried all that she could to get that rose with her mouth, swinging with all her might. After a several tries, Eliza and her opponent were both almost there. However, the opponent was catching up and kept missing. While, Eliza was a few inches away from catching the rose.
"Aw man! Doesn't look like she'll beat that winner..." one of the strangers said. Alexander felt amused by how fun this activity is. Catching that rose must've been difficult. He found this both tense and exciting at the same time. He caught notice of how much Eliza's smile grew and how much her face has lit up. She's never been this excited whenever she was forbidden to do something.
And then, he realized that he wasn't happily thinking about the game. He realized he couldn't take his eyes off of her. He felt so happy and lucky to have been one of the candidates for this woman. She was so beautiful, serene from the heart, and caring! All those times he spent with her, he couldn't believe how lucky of a man he has been.
He woke up when the crowd cheered for Eliza who finally got that rose! He ran to halt her from swinging and he felt so proud of her, he could not help but laugh. Eliza got off her swing and smiled happily with the rose in her hand.
"Tell me, are you really a princess?" Alexander asked curious and excited where this personality and talent of hers comes from when she's living in "a palace".
"W...hat?" Eliza was caught off guard. "How can you ride horses and swings so well, living in the palace?" Alexander must have been analyzing her. "W..ell, how do you know there are no swings in the palace?" Eliza talked back, teasing him. Alexander cleared his throat. Eliza thought it was a close one. When the two walked and passed by an accessory shop, Alexander noticed there was something beautiful. Something that would go well with her personality. He grabbed Eliza by the wrist to stop her from walking any further.
Eliza saw that he found something, and walked towards the display.
"What woman would be completely indifferent to accessories? You need to get acquainted with the mirror, if your beauty is to shine," he taunted playfully, joking. To Eliza, having all decorations dangling about is bothersome. Alexander brought forth a mirror for Eliza to try admiring her natural beauty. After a couple of refusals, Eliza began to take a closer look. Am I beautiful? Is that what he thinks of me?
When Alexander steered the mirror, he saw a familiar face that made him almost scream "run!" . It was one of the rogues that attacked them the other day. He realizes that the rogue has been following them.
Alexander calmly put the mirror down, grabbed Eliza by the wrist and ran. Eliza was taken by surprise and tried all that she could to keep up with him. She didn't know what the fuss was about until Alexander sat beside a bush to hide behind and covered her mouth to stay quiet.
They heard footsteps and stayed as still as possible. Alexander panted from this "heart attack" he almost could have felt. He was afraid that his heartbeat would be loud enough for the enemy to hear and track. He checked on Eliza whose mouth he was still covering and realized how much danger he was in: He could feel Eliza's lips under his palm. They were warm, and Alexander tried all that he could to keep his composure: remain strong for her.
Eliza looked up and noticed how close their faces were. She saw him panting, and yet she saw how definite his lips were. How strong his jaw lines looked. How beautiful his eye colors were. They were blue, but they were embraced in velvet lullabies. His hair was red as autumn with sunset in his hair.
**created in Instagram by @barbreydustin**
Alexander held Eliza up close to keep a small space as possible for the enemy to not notice. Eventually the man gave up and left. A few moments later, the coast was clear, and Eliza wrested away from his hand and tried to breathe in as much fresh, cool air as she could to keep her from being seen red. Alexander blushed and cleared his throat to turn off the silence between them.
After a quick return to the palace, Eliza turned around to see Alexander. She could not help but smile genuinely for she had a wonderful time with him. "I'll await my lady in waiting, so can go," Eliza wanted to let him know. Alexander thought of something to say. For surprisingly, she reminded him of his late mother, Rachel Faucette.
"My mother grievously died in solitude," Alexander finally spoke of something Eliza didn't expect him to say before she parted ways with him. Alexander continued his story:
"My mother was already engaged to another, but her first husband was a gold digger during the time. She fell in love with my father whom she eventually married in secret. After things got complicated, my father was in Scotland after he left her at the time. When my mother died, he did and still blames himself for it."
Eliza remained quiet. She didn't know he had to go through something this devastating. She felt sorry to have misjudged him. Alexander continued to confess: "I grew up buckwild, but I'll never forget my mother's face, that is real. Should anything happen to Your Grace while I'm away, grief would haunt me for the rest of my days. He has never felt so close to anyone ever since she passed away in his childhood. He never thought he could love another again. He never thought he could trust anyone with his past.
"Once we join in conjugal ties, we will ride whenever you wish, so may you promise me you will not bring any unnecessary danger upon yourself" Alexander pleaded his king's "daughter". Eliza's thoughts were awoken by the reality that she was not "Princess Angelica".
"I...promise," Eliza hesitantly said.
"Alright, the promise is sealed. You may go now," Alexander said before he left. "Wait!" Eliza called to him, and he faced her awaiting her response. "I really....really enjoyed myself today," Eliza spoke before she left without another word.
Eliza walked back to her home. Her guts did not feel so good. Eliza slowly walked to her chambers from which she thought took longer than usual. She was still carrying that rose she won from the swinging contest. The young woman put down the rose on her desk and stared at it for she was deep in her thoughts of the lie he was living.
So many questions were forming in her head. If I told him the truth, what would happen then? Will he hate me? Will I have to be forced to call him "Sir Hamilton" instead of his first name? If...Alexander were to cross paths with Angelica, would he fall for her? That's possible...I wish him happiness, but how come I don't? If I tell him the truth, we will never spend our last days together...Why does it hurt so much....What is wrong with me....I could've just told him, but I wouldn't know how to. Yet, he doesn't deserve this! I'll have to take it slow and reveal the truth myself one day. I'm sure Angelica would understand...Who could ever love a liar after he/she exposes a truth like this?
Something fell on her hand as she stared at the rose. It was wet. It was small and fast. It couldn't have come from the ceiling. Something was rolling down her cheek from her eyes. She was crying. She looked in the mirror and saw that her tears have been involuntarily running and pouring. Her eyelids were pink from her rubbing her eyes.
Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. Eliza quickly wiped her tears before letting him/her in. Rose came before her and curtsied briefly before she could say something.
"What is it, Rose?"
"My lady, you know that new spouse that your father was going on about?"
That's right. I'll be wed to someone I don't love.
"Yes?" Eliza responded.
"He's here!"
No...please not now...He's here already...
Eliza could not help but want to shed tears.
Eliza walked out of her chambers and walked outside. She couldn't find who the guest was until she heard a voice announcing something: "I was summoned by Lord Philip"
This voice was so familiar, but Eliza couldn't figure out whose it was. Her curiousity got to her and she walked to the entrance of her home where her guest was waiting. As she walked close, she gradually saw the color red of his robes. The stubbled face. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .
Oh no! Oh my god! I'm found!
PAUSE THE MUSIC! (for those who turned on the music above, do it if it's still on)
...It was Sir Tilghman.
Sir Tilghman and Eliza were face to face, and both were in shock. Silence was increasing between the two. Tilghman couldn't believe who was before her. Rose rushed towards Eliza.
"My lady!"
Oh no! Rose what have you done...
"Leave, Rose" Eliza ordered her softly.
"I said go. now..." Eliza urgently ordered her to. Rose, confused what could have gone wrong, she gave them a quick curtsy and ran.
"What is Your Grace doing here?" he asked, confused of the situation and why she could be involved with the Schuylers. "And why did she call you "My lady" just now?"
Eliza couldn't find the words to explain or excuse herself.
"Are you really the princess?"
"Please, Sir Tilghman. I think we should go somewhere and sit down. I will explain everything" Eliza admitted defeat.
Afterwards, she told him of her father previously proposing a betrothal between her and Alexander, how much Angelica hated lectures, why she and Angelica switched places with each other, and how curious she was about her future spouse who is now arranged to be the true princess's.
Sir Tilghman stayed quiet the whole time. When her confession was concluded, he took some moments to put the pieces together. He was shocked and understood how it all made sense. In his understanding of the situation, Eliza behaved unlike any woman would do and how much she loved the outdoors.
"If it was only because of such vicissitudes, then you shan't take all the blame. However...you should hasten and tell Alexander the truth," Sir Tilghman thought of this as a solution.
"I cannot find the courage to do so..."
"Alexander not only considers you the princess, but his future consort. Daunting as it may seem, it would be nothing compared to the suffering you'd subject him to. You can't lie to him forever, or he will be living a lie..."
As much as the truth hurt, she knew he was right.
The next day, Eliza payed Angelica a visit to have a real talk about how to resolve of their pretense.
"I reneged on my promise to never meet him again," Eliza confessed.
"I already know that," Angelica responded.
"I shall gleefully accept any punishment for having deceived you!" Angelica grew doubtful from how dramatic this seemed. She knew that even if she were to punish her, her heart would never change. It's normal, she believed.
"And what would be the point of that?"
Eliza paused, but then made a decision to resolve this pretense and free Alexander from the lie he's lived with because of her. "He is the first man I ever felt I could join in conjugal ties" Eliza confessed more.
"What are you trying to say?!" Angelica glared daggers at her and almost grit her teeth.
"If you would be so benevolent as to allow me the chance...to explain everything to him and repent for my misdeeds, I would forever be grateful. It will be the last time. Allow me to meet him once more." No mattered how helpless she felt when around him, she knew that this will not satisfy him when he learns.
"When it comes to coveting what doesn't belong to you, you and your father are no different," Angelica scoffed at how "noble" she was being from her perspective. She grit her teeth even more. She hated that she even let her cousin spend time with Alexander to begin with. Eliza was horrified by what Angelica did just now.
"Wait...why are you saying that?"
Before Angelica could answer, Eunice came out of the open and walked towards the princess. She whispered in her ear of something Eliza could not hear. When she was done, Angelica's face shifted from upset, jealous to shocked that the man was here: Alexander.
Eliza wondered what the fuss was. Before she could even ask, Angelica stopped her. "Move to the adjacent room for a moment."
Eliza obliged and gave a curtsy before she could leave the princess' quarters. She was forced to overhear the lecture between Alexander and the real Princess Angelica.
Eunice had Eliza in the adjacent room and shut the door in front of Eliza who was in her room.
Eliza was shocked, and tried all she could to open the door.
"Angelica! What's going on?!"
Then the door opened. Footsteps approached the door and passed.
After a while, Alexander entered the princess' chambers and stood before the veiled woman whom I believed to be Eliza. He grinned from the idea that they were going back to rude manners.
"I see you won't bother paying respects to your teacher now..." he said. Angelica did not know what to do. She realized how unprepared she was. Should she reveal the truth, and she and Alexander wouldn't talk informally like the way he did to Eliza.
Eliza knew that as much as it hurt, she had to know his reaction for she felt that he would become distant to her. But deep down, she was worried for him. Eliza decided to get a closer to listen to the conversation clearly. She put her head against the closed doors.
"After all this, you still let a veil seperate us? It is not out of aversion, is it?" Alexander asked once more. The lady who stood before him did not answer.
"Your Grace? Are you alright?" he asked. It wasn't like "her" to stay quiet whenever they talked. The maidens from out of nowhere walked towards the veiled woman to take the veil off.
They lifted the entire veil to reveal a completely different face.
Alexander's grinning smile diminished as slowly as minutes passing by.
"Who...are...you?" he asked.
"Whom you're facing...is the princess," Angelica finally spoke. Alexander's eyes widened from shock.
With this, he will never have to meet her now! He shall be mine! With him, I will be satisfied, Angelica thought to herself. Grinning when she just exposed and indicated how much of a liar Eliza was.
To be continued...
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