***If u wanna experience stranger danger with music, click below. ENJOY!:
Ch06.1: Danger
Arrows have missed at the two. They've been ambushed!
"YAH! GO! GO! GO!" Alexander commanded his horse to gallop even faster when he saw where the arrows have been coming from. He also saw that there was a group of ruffians an inch away at their tail.
"Hang on!" Alexander told Eliza who was holding onto his arm that was around her stomach.
He giddyuped with his other arm and his horse galloped at very fast speed to get them off of their tail.
Eliza held onto the mane while Alexander could control the reins. She could feel how fast her heart has been pounding.
Her throat swelling. And her hands getting damp from the fear of being caught. Alexander shook his reins to command his horse once more.
The ride got even rockier, but Eliza wasn't as much scared as she was before after all that practicing.
She felt secure in his stong arms. He could've just let her hold onto the mane while he can shake the reins with BOTH of his hands, but he didn't. He never let go. She could feel his arm holding her as if he was afraid to lose her. His warmth comforted her, and she felt the courage to help him out with checking what their enemy's next moves will be with all that she could.
But before she could, one of the ruffians aimed at them, and Alexander has been looking behind him and saw that the only way to dodge that aim was to get off the horse. Alexander had to duck so he took Eliza with him and both of them got off the horse.
When they tumbled over, Alexander checked on Eliza who looked as if she fainted from being horrified by being chased at.
"Your Grace!!" Alexander turned her over, pleading her to open her eyes. Eliza heard his voice and opened her eyes to see his worried, sweaty face. When she came to her senses, he was struck by an arrow on his back.
"Hamilton!" Eliza called out to him.
Alexander dropped himself to a kneel, and he groaned from the pain of how much the arrow pierced through the muscles in his back. Eliza kneeled before him and held his body to keep him from falling back.
"Hamilton!" Eliza could feel her tears forming in her eyes when he couldn't respond to her.
Wait a minute, I can't just stay here helpless! I have to protect Her Highness! he thought.
"Pull it out..." Alexander asked Eliza who shook her head because there was a possibility that he could bleed if she did. She wasn't a healer so she didn't know what to do. Noticing this, Alexander put his hands on her shoulders and looked straight into her eyes.
"Trust me, I will protect you," he promised. Therefore, Eliza did all she could to make it a little less painful for him when she pulled the arrow out. He groaned which made Eliza feel heartbroken to hear that, but her lecturer quickly got onto his feet. He took her hand and led to to hide behind the bushes.
When they hid, they saw the gang searching for them. Eliza and Alexander did all they could to stay quiet. But Alexander was bleeding and was grinding his teeth and groaning from it to keep quiet.
"Are you alright?" Eliza asked, concerned about his state.
"Shhhh....Stay here no matter what happens, alright?" Alexander shushed her to keep quiet.
Eliza obliged. What is he going to do....Please be okay! Eliza pleaded him in her thoughts.
Alexander came out of the bushes, got on his horse, and dashed towards the gang with his sword in his hand.
"THERE HE IS!" a ruffian cried out.
The gang charged at him. Enduring the pain as much as he could, Alexander swung his sword after one and another. The men groaned from being slayed by and tumbled to the ground. Eliza's heart was racing even though she stayed quiet. She wished there was something she could do to help him. She wished she could've been there for him. She inhaled sharply when she saw the man behind Alexander aim and shot the arrow at his arm.
Alexander tumbled off of his horse and backed up to a tree. The men surrounded him on their horses and aimed their swords at him, indicating his need to surrender. One of them had their arrow aiming at him.
At least she's safe...ugh, Alexander felt releived that the men have not suspected that Eliza was here.
Just when the man was about to let go, Alexander saw a whoosh of someone he felt scared to involve: Eliza.
She dashed into the circle of ruffians and stood in front of Alexander.
"Don't tell me... You will join him in demise?" the leader of the gang asked with cold expression on his face. He gestured the man with the arrow to fire his arrow. When he let go, Alexander grabbed Eliza to the ground to avoid getting hit by the arrow. Eliza was shocked like she was going to die, but luckily they survived the arrow.
When the leader took out his sword, an arrow shot him.
Many arrows that followed shot several of the ruffians who fell of their horses. The rest looked around in panic and encountered the two soldiers: Sir Tilghman and Sir Charles.
Noticing their uniforms, the ruffians were forced to retreat and galloped away on their horses into the darkness.
Help may have come to their rescue, but what Alexander saw was an unconscious Eliza who must've fainted from horror, in his arms.
"Your Grace!" Alexander yelled from horror that she may have been hurt.
"Your Grace! Please wake up!" Alexander firmly grabbed onto her body and shook her once. And then again, pleading her to open her eyes. No luck.
Ch06.2: At the castle
"Will you get out of my way?! Did I not tell you that I must see my father?"" Princess Angelica yelled at one of the ambassadors who blocked her way when all Angelica wanted to do was have a talk with her father, King Henry.
"Forgive me, Your Grace, but the king is enjoying some respite, so..." the ambassador trailed off, worried for the king.
"Respite?! Has he ever slept during the day?"
The ambassador inhaled sharply and did not say a word. His eyes darted left to right, avoiding the upset princess' eye contact.
"Why, don't tell me you've been ordered not to let me in?"
"I-uh....It's certainly not that..."
"The princess may enter," the king called from his room. The ambassador eventually obliged and let her enter the king's chambers.
His father was lying on his royal blue velvet bed and Princess Angelica walked towards him. Their ambassador left them in private and shut the doors when he exited the room.
"Tell me, my child, what did so fervently bring you before me, I wonder?" King Henry spoke.
"It's because of my lectures," Princess Angelica responded calmly.
"Your lectures? Hamilton's lectures?"
Angelica stayed quiet for a while. She didn't know what words to say for it would either upset the king - her father - or make him understand where she stands.
"Is your disapproval of your future husband that deep?" The king asked, for he could see there was sadness, concern, or something negative in her eyes.
"I shall not repudiate our betrothal, so you may accede," Princess Angelica finally spoke up.
"How can you be so heedless about your fathers..." King Henry trailed off and almost choked. He did all that he could to maintain his composure, but it seemed like it would be too late to hide it sooner or later.
"Fine. Take your leave now," he spoke. Angelica bowed to her father, but when she was going to take her leave, she heard him coughing, and then that coughing turned bitter. She realized that there was something wrong with him.
She sharply turned around and noticed how much blood he was couphing. Her heart felt like it was going to sink when she saw the horror. She rushed to his side and held onto him.
"Father!! Someone!! ANybody! Get a healer!!!!" Angelica called out to her father's ambassador or anyone with urgency in her voice. The ambassador made haste with a physician at his side. The healer brought a thick cloth for the king to cough his blood onto.
"Why was he hiding in there?! What were you trying to conceal?!" Angelica demanded for an answer, staring daggers at the healer and the ambassador.
"Schuyler must never learn of this...He cannot see me in this...(coughs)" the king answered weakily. The king inhaled and exhaled deeply to keep his composure.
"My dear...I'm haunted by dread....by that ceaseless fear of what might befall you and your brother...."
"Father, please no!" Angelica cried so heavily it stung her eyes. She looked back up and held onto his hand.
"Forgive me for failing you at such a crucial juncture...."
"Sire, speaking will only worsen your conidtions..." the ambassador spoke with concern and was almost crying.
"I am truly....truly sorry..(coughs)(coughs)"
~ ~ ~
The king's ambassador and Princess Angelica were told to wait outside so the healers may do their work.
Angelica was holding onto her left fist with her right hand so tightly, she did not even think about breathing in and out to calm down. Not when there's a possibility that her father may pass.
"Is it all because of Uncle Philip? Did he conceal his ailments because he was daunted by Uncle Philip?"
"I...I am mortified," the ambassador spoke nervously in a scared tone.
"How long will he be able to endure it?"
"I dare not say the words..."
Angelica knew what that meant.
"Your Grace, only Lord Hamilton can protect you, your father, and brother. Your father trusts Lord Hamilton more than his own blood. May you consent to the conjugal ties with Alexander Hamilton," the ambassador begged his royal majesty, kneeling before her and with teary eyes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
At a random building
While the princess and her royal ambassador moarned for what will become of the ill King Henry, Sir Tilghman brought the wounded Alexander and the fainted Eliza to a housing where they can be bandaged.
Alex's pov
I was carrying Eliza like princess-style and laid her on a soft bed and pillow so that I can be bandaged with ointment and bandages.
For a while, I sat beside Eliza. All I could think of doing was watching over her which led him to recall all that has happened. This woman did not deserve such things.
Sir Tilghman entered the room they were in to check on us.
"Is your wound alright?" Sir Tilghman asked me.
"Never mind me, thank you. Have you searched their bodies?"
"We found nothing of note..."
I sighed from frustration. I wanted to get those bastards so badly for harming the princess. What I wanted more than anything was for her to awaken and know that she's okay. I held a slight fist on my right thigh and slouched a bit because of the pain.
"That place is swarming with rogues. It's a relief I was already on their trail or think of what could have happened..." Sir Tilghman continued.
"Rogues?! I'm sure they purposely attempted on my life," is the first thing that I could think of.
"Is there anything on your mind?"
Yes there is. "Princess Angelica" . I could never forgive myself for blindly bringing her out in the open. What is wrong with me? Usually I am aware of my surroundings. . . How did this one woman make me forget? What was it about her that made me feel like fireworks in my heart?
Tilghman and I noticed that the "princess" was moving, but was still sleeping. I heard Tilghman smirk from the amusement.
"She is quite something. Putting her life at stake to protect a man..." Tilghman was impressed by her bravery. I would too, but that got her unconscious for God's sake.
"So who is she?"
"Her Highness, the princess" I finally spoke.
To my relief, the "princess" must've heard us talking and awoke. She moved her eyes left and right, checking where she was at or why after all the fuss back there ended up being so quiet.
When she saw me all bandaged up, she shot herself off the bed and sat straight.
"Are you alright, Sir Hamilton?!" she asked me with concern for my well being. How I wanted to scold her for putting her life at risk and scaring the heck out of me. If anything were to happen to her, I would never forgive myself.
"Who ever told you to attempt something so dangerous?" I yelled at her. Tilghman must've been surprised by how I spoke to the royal princess of England. Eliza didn't speak a word, realizing that no matter how much she wanted to help, she knew that I wouldn't like it.
"How can you hold your own life in such heedless contempt?" I continued with anger.
Eliza pov
I looked at his eyes; they were filled with sorrow, anger, and fear. His ponytailed hair was messed up from the fight earlier. I looked around at his wounded body that was bandaged all over. And yet, splashes of blood wet a couple of them. At least the bleeding must've stopped.
I'm Sorry, Hamilton...for worrying you...
This is my fault. If only I had listened to my insticts, he would't be in this state. If only I did as my mother was told...we wouldn't be in this situation.
When I got up and waited for him outside, he was putting his ruffled shirt and embellished coat back on and came out. He turned around and put his hands on his hips. He let out a heavy sigh and had his back faced at me.
"I did in the frenzy of the moment, so forgive me..."
"If I had gained survival through your sacrifice, would I have ever found peace? When will you stop being so stubborn?" he sharply exclaimed, sharply turned around to face me.
I could tell that he was angry...disappointed. Worried. I looked down in shame of myself.
The other man who appeared to be a knight came through the door of the room we were in previously. He walked towards us and cleared his throat.
I gave him a curtsy and he bowed before me. He did not make eye contact with me, as it was forbidden for a knight to look at a princess in the eye for a long period.
"I prepared a carriage. Let us escort you to the palace, Your Grace," the knight spoke.
Who was this man? One of the palace guards?
"You can be rest assured. He's a friend of mine, Sir Tilghman" Alexander introduced his close friend to me.
"Thank you, Sir Tilghman. I appreciate you're kindness," I smiled at Sir Tilghman to give him my thanks.
- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We arrived at the back at the palace afterwards.
Hamilton and Sir Tilghman left me in good hands and the two men walked away.
"Your name and from what clan?" I was asked by one of the knights who guarded the palace gates.
"Lady Elizabeth Schuyler," I answered. Fortunately, Sir Hamilton and Sir Tilghman weren't around to hear me speak up my true identiy.
I entered the palace gates.
3rd pov
Meanwhile, Alexander and his close friend watched Eliza from afar. They heard her identify herself with a different name and were confused, yet they were amused by her intentions.
"Using another royal's name to gain entrance?" Sir Tilghman watched with amusement.
"Quite something, isn't she?" Alexander felt humored as well.
"Now that's a first," Tilghman responded. Alexander heard those four words come out of his mouth and he turned to Tilghman to ask him where that was coming from with a smile.
"A princess so nonchalantly leaving the palace...not to mention one undaunted by rogues?...Maybe I should've added myself to that list of candidates," Tilghman continued with a grin.
Alexander- "Ahem! Let's give it a rest, shall we? That gracious young lady is about to join yours truly in conjugal ties."
Tilghman- "Join you?"
"The Royal Son-in-law has already been decided," Alexander spoke proudly. He grinned at the thought of that. However, Tilghman's smile lowered when this felt sudden.
Tilghman- "And that...would be you?"
Alexander- "Jealous?"
Tilghman- "Just...surprised."
"Anyway, those rogues looked suspicious, so look into it" Alexander suggested.
"Sure!" Tilghman said, willing to reassure "Princess Angelica"'s safety.
"Thank you!" Alexander responded with a grin, patting Tilghman on the shoulder.
After Alexander took his leave, Tilghman's happy face grew to a frown.
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