Ch05.1: Lord Philip's Disagreement w/ the king's decisions
"Entrusting this task upon you can only reassure me," Lord Philip opened up to him.
"But even more crucial is your role in all this, my lord" the ambassador, Adams, spoke.
Philip- "I'm grateful to hear that"
Their positivity lowered when they saw Alexander coming their way and giving him a bow.
"Hmmm...Are you leaving the office?" Adams asked.
"Yes" Alexander answered.
"This is His Highness Lord Schuyler" Adams said, introducing Alexander to the man whom he did not know was Eliza's father.
"My name is Alexander Hamilton," Alexander introduced back. When Adams and his lord heard him say that was his name, there was silence created from the name that made Lord Philip feel cold and bitter. Now that he knew what he looked like, this made Lord Philip feel bitter to his stomach. Adams noticed his lord's feelings about this.
"People trying to compare you with your esteemed father, does it not burden you?" Lord Philip asked Alexander.
"I tend not to let people's views weigh too heavily on my mind," Alexander spoke with calm tone and pride. "heh heh" came out of Lord Philips mouth to make it seem like he's happy, but when really he's not.
"I've hear dyou've been entrusted with the princess' lectures. I'm sure our king's concerns will be allayed by now," Lord Philip spoke with a smile.
"I am merely in charge of her lectures," Alexander answered humbly.
"I feel great regret everytime I see you," Lord Philip said, which echoed in Adams ears as Adams looked back at Lord Philip. "You may go now"
After a couple of bows to Lord Philip and Adams, Alexander took his leave.
"Adams, I see you're familiar with the young lecturers of the royal institute?"
"He's one of my son's friends, my lord"
Ch05.2: 3 days later ( Tench Tilghman )
Tench Tilghman and his apprentice Charles stood before their army of knights who came to listen to what their commander has to say.
"As of late, rogues have been increasingly disrupting public peace. And I shall by no means tolerate their behavior. So capture these shameless varmints feeding off our people's suffering"
"Our service to the king!" the knights "saluted" - or at least like cried out a "yes"
And so, Tilghman, Charles, and the other knights ran throughout the village outside the palace and dragged out every imposter they could find from marketplaces/trading posts.
Tilghman was in the middle of the village and happened to cross paths with a gang of ruffians who beat the crap out of Church.
The two decided to surround them by going different paths and giving them a "dead end". Tilghman went right and Charles went left.
Tilghman managed to eventually track down the ruffians and chased after them. He ran on roofs to catch up to them. When he chased them off to a dead end, the ruffians were about to go back. Until Tilghman jumped off the roof and landed on one of the men which kicked him to tumble onto a stack of boxes.
One down, one to go Tilghman thought. The second man looked down at his own leg and took out the dagger off of his belt and aimed it at the soldier. The first man who got up from being landed on got out his sword and stood side by side with 2nd man.
Tilghman grinned. The 2nd man pointed his dagger straight to his face, but the knight dodged and managed to grab another's sword and twist his wrist. This got the man distracted by the pain in his wrist, he managed to punch him with his other hand.
Bone to bone, he knocked them down and led them in the open to trap them and hit them with his might.
Sir Tilghman felt the 2nd man's presence behind him. He attacked directly and used one leg as an axis to turn and dodge. Next, he grabbed the man's fist and neck at the same time. Then, he held him down as he pulled their wrist to the ground. Finally, he twisted his wrist to make him drop the knife. For safety, he kicked the knife away.
The first man was getting away, and Tilghman threw his sword at his leg like a dart.
While the knight of the Capital Bureau was succeeding, Charles followed other gangsters to where Lord Schuyler was.
"Excuse me! Have you not witnessed any suspicious men in this area?"
"No, I'm afraid not," Lord Philip calmly responded rubbing his hairy chin.
"You must be fully aware that hiding ruffians is against the law," Tilghman reminded him.
"Hold your tongue for once, officer! This is the lord philip schuyler, the king's cousin..." Adams added. This definitely caught Tilghman's tongue and Tilghman bowed before Eliza's father and apologized for not being patient with him.
Lord Schuyler was intrigued by this young man. The inflexible gaze of an officer not swayed by power...
"Tench Tilghman, you said?" the lord asked.
"Yes. "
"And what clan do you come from?"
"My father is the Vice Counselor of the Hall of Worthies"
This made Lord Philip laugh and not want to forget this meeting with the selfless officer of the capital bureau.
After Tilghman took his leave, Lord Philip put some deep thought to Tilghman. After a moment later, he considered an idea.
"Ambassador, I met one of that fellow's closest friends at the palace today."
"Are you referring to Lord Hamilton's son, Alexander?" asked Adams.
Lord Philip nodded. "What great loss to squander such virtue on anyone else..."
"Was your betrothal missive turned down?"
"He chose to forsake me to join forces with my mortal enemy". Not bothering to say 'yes' to that answer, Lord Schuyler just jumped to reasoning.
"This must be prevented. How about impeding this union? Lowly miscreant or esteemed courtier, conceal all your traces and the stench of a courpse is all that your actions will leave," Adams suggested with a cunning smile.
After the weird encounter with the Chatilotian lord, Tilghman stepped down the stairs and came upon Charles who finished his mission.
"How did it go?"
Tilghman did not say a word and just looked back to the home of the Schuylers, thinking about Lord Philip's reaction to him.
Ch05.3: Each House @ night time.
"Father, I'm back" Alexander called out.
"Come inside a moment," Lord Hamilton responded.
Alexander entered his father's study halls and took a seat in front of his father. Alexander was curious about this greeting that he has not heard for a long time. Did he just hear his tone correctly? What gave his father a slight smile? He was about to find out.
"What was your impression of Her Highness?"
"Pardon me?" Alexander wondered. What about Her Highness?
"Was all the talebearing about her true?" his father rephrased his question out of curiousity.
"Father, what are you referring to?"
"It has been suggested that King Henry pampered her to a fault, so she tends to be immature"
Alexander giggled at the thought of "Princess Angelica's" attitude. He told his father that he could only note how misguided those insinuations were. From what he saw in the princess, she is brimming with wisdom and vitality.
"Hmm that's reassuring" his father sighed with a grin. "I shall add you to the lsit of candidates for being a son-in-law of the king. But the entire procedure is a mere formality."
"My son, His Majesty has already chosen a suitable candidate.....and his choice is none other than you!" Lord Hamilton spoke with spark in his eyes.
Alexander was happy at the bottom of his heart. He thought this as a final chance to get to know the "princess" a little more.
After their discussion, Alexander paced around the household grounds.
The words his father said (and his choice is none other than you!) echoed in Alexander's mind much more than twice, and a grin spread ear to ear on his face.
He looked up at the night sky. And he thought:
The stars are beautiful than ever before...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Schuylers
Eliza was in her nightgown and with her hair down, reading a book of her own. And surprisingly, now matter what she read, the books she used to favor became a bore. She put down her book at her desk and laid down on her bed and stared at the ceiling.
What to do what to do...
"My lady!"
Eliza got her back off the bed and sat tall when Rose came into her room.
"It looks like the king will soon depart for a hunting spree! We should hasten and get the horse back!"
"Right...his horse," Eliza realized that the horse she rode on was the one that was led by Alexander when he let us the way to that brothel.
Ch05.4: The next day....
"My lady, I could've gone myself, why bother following me?" Rose asked, wondering about Eliza holding onto her arm.
" "So where is it, here or there?" I'd let you if you could find your way around!" Eliza argued playfully.
Rose- "Why is it so far..."
"Not sure. . . Well, here it is," Eliza spoke with relief that they found the brothel, even though it brought her overwhelming memories of this place.
"My lady will have to wait here," Rose implied.
Eliza allowed her to go and waited as she was told to do. But she had to later force herself to disobey Rose when she spotted a familiar face and familiar style of attire.
Her eyes widened when she recognized Alexander's face when he was riding his horse. Eliza quickly looked the other way to hide her face and rushed behind the other side wall of the brothel building. Eliza let out a relieving sigh and stayed shut quiet as Alexander patted and got off his horse. The one thing that made him suspicious was Rose coming out and calling out "My lady!" and "Lady Elizabeth where are you?!"
'Oh my god....Rose...did you forget that i was still playing as Princess Angelica of England?!' Eliza thought, wishing she could tell her lady in waiting on the face with those seventeen words in her mind. Rose did not know how this future king's son-in-law would look like, and there could've been people who could've reported this.
After a while, noises of Rose's calling faded away. Eliza thought to take a peak to see if the coast was clear. Just when she turned her head around the corner, she accidently inhaled her breath and choked from it when Alexander's faced popped out of the open facing hers.
"How can you leave the palace as if it was nothing?! I shall punish all your attendants' spurious negligence once and for all," Alexander smiled and spoke up proudly.
Eliza's heart warmed at such a kind thought.
"Good to hear! I will take this opportunity to inform the officer of inspector-general of a certain licentious lectureer who frequently goes about every woman as it it was nothing," Eliza teased.
Alexander smiled and giggled, feeling humored of her tone.
"So what do we owe today's escapade to?"
"My need to find a horse."
"How trivial an excuse..." Alexander answered, doubting her words as he walked pass her. "Could you have not sent your varlets to do that?"
Well, good point, but it really isn't my place...it's Angelica's... Eliza thought as she looked down slightly to the ground.
"I'm in a predicament you wouldn't understand, Sir Alexander Hamilton"
"So will you ride again, regardless of your lecturer's admonitions...and the risk of once again injuring yourself?" Alexander's eyes were filled with concern for her well being.
"Not anymore...I will not ride again. I promised someone whose grievous concerns I respect," Eliza remembered her promise to her mother.
By the sound of her tone, Alexander could tell she was devastated to never experience riding on a horse while her parents watch her like a hawk. He could not bear the sorrowful look in her eyes. All this time, he could tell that she loved the freedom that should've been bestowed on this proud woman. If she were to ever sacrifice one part of her (interests), he could not live with himself.
"Anyway...I shall take this path back to the palace, so fret you not and be on your way," Eliza spoke in a gentle tone. She gave him a curtsy and left his side.
Alexander was not willing to give up his time with the "princess" so he invited her.
"Join me."
Those two words stopped Eliza on her tracks.
Alexander- "Experience firsthand how truly liberating it can feel!"
Stars lit up in Eliza's dark chestnut eyes. Her lips shined under the sun. There was hope in her eyes and she was willing to give it one last shot for this could be the last time she ever rides on a horse again.
Ch05.5: Horse ride
Alexander took his horse and brought it to Eliza.
The pair took a walk around the village and walked pass the fields that led to fresh, grasslands. Eliza walked beside him on his left while Alexander led the horse by the reins on his right. When they faced each other, his smile and eyes warmed at the sight of Eliza. Even when Eliza looked away from letting him see her accept as "trustworthy", he found this reaction amusing and hard to avoid.
They managed to find an open field where he could help her practice horse-back riding.
"Remember to always hold the bridle and mane when first mounting the horse," Alexander said.
"Okay," Eliza responded as she followed his instructions.
"And when mounting it, always do it from the left," Alexander conintued. He kneeled down to give her access to step on his thigh to get on the horse.
From the sight of this service, Eliza felt regret that it may hurt him physically like the last time she told him to lend her his back to step on. Alexander saw regret in her eyes, so he patted on his leg so loud, she could hear and realize that he is willing to help her.
Eliza cleared her throat and attempted to step on his thigh as gently as possible. As she processed, his body remained stirdy enough for her to make it to the seat.
Alexander got back on his feet when Eliza successfully found herself on the saddle.
Eliza felt so happy, she smiled ear to ear. She was willing to learn more from him.
"Be mindful of not kicking the rump with your right foot. Or else you would invite a sudden fall," her lecturer warned her with caution.
"Ooohh that's right! I remember doing that once..." Eliza recalled.
Alexander- "Here...watch your posture"
Eliza scootched herself firmly to the seat and held onto the cantel firmly, and as a result her back was leaning forward the horse in such awkward position.
"Make sure your head, hip, and foot form a straight line"
The young lady straightened her back.
"Your head too. And your hips as well," Alexander corrected. Eliza applied all his corrections of her sitting posture.
Then she lifted her heal along with the stirrups her sole was glued to.
"Always focus your center of gravity on your back, for pushing forward would result in a fall."
Eliza nodded in response and was later told to firmly hold the reins at all times. Eliza was getting excited to let the horse walk while she's on it.
"Here...Now softly hit its belly with the edge of your foot." She did as she was told, and her horse walked in response to her hit. This took Eliza by surprise when it moved an inch to walk, but her smile quickly lit up when she succeeded from not falling off her horse.
Alexander was impressed by her great listening and lessons. As Eliza and her horse roamed the path, Alexander followed in pursuit. So far, the trust between the horse and Eliza was progressing as it roamed down the hill and walked on flat ground. After a few moments, Alexander gave her her next lesson of horse back riding.
"Now , the harder you hit, the faster the horse will go. Give it a try!"
She did but got scared and shut her eyes when the horse slowly galloped. Alexander turned his direction from the path to Eliza and quickly warned "Do not close your eyes!"
She opened one of her eyes and got scared when her vision was getting rocky. Worried for her, he stopped the horse. He decided to demonstrate and stay by her side for this one. Therefore, he got on the back of the saddle and took the reins to let Eliza hold on to the mane.
Eliza felt how built his forearm was when he put his arms around her to grab the reins.
"Yah!" Alexander commanded the horse.
When the horse galloped, Eliza was still closing her eyes, scared of what she will see.
***U wanna experience the running, then play the video below :)**** ↓
"Open your eyes...I will increase our speed" Alexander cried loud enough for her to hear.
Eliza screamed from the thought of falling if it were to go any faster. "I'm right here with you! Open your eyes..." Alexander spoke softly as he leaned closer to Eliza.
"I'm scared!"
Alex let go of his hand and put his arm around her stomach to make her feel secure. Eliza groaned and was struggling from the rocking motion.
***U wanna experience this romantic Hamliza moment, then check out the video below. If u want u can also slow down playback speed in the video above :)**** ↓
"I will not let you get hurt. Trust me and open those eyes," Alexander said. Eventually, feeling a little more secure with his strong arms securing her, she gradually opened her eyes and looked side to side without moving her head. Eliza inhaled from the sight of the light that glistening flowers.
Alexander- "There's nothing to fear!"
Eliza- "I love it! It's beautiful! It feels as if the entire world is flashing by!"
Alexander- "Feel the breeze! We'll go a little faster!"
Eliza- "Okay!"
She looked behind her to see the warm smile he had on his face. Eliza blushes at the sight and turns around to face the front before he could see her face turn pink.
For the first time, she felt safe in his arms. She thought she could trust him, and she managed to get over her fears because of him. His encouraging words changed her life to the fullest. This gave her the confidence she needed in life.
"Does the breeze feel good?!" Alexander asked from excitement to see her enjoy the breeze.
Eliza- "Yes. Oh my god my heart is beating just as fast! Woohoo!"
Alexander- "Yah!"
Eliza experienced the feeling of being free. The wind is free to blow at any direction it pleases. Her hair flying as the wind hits it, Eliza had no care that her hair was messy. The air was as fresh as Mother Nature when they entered the woods. The rays of the sun brightened the entire forest to its further glory.
Alexander slowed down his horse and came to a halt, leaving Eliza puzzled that the ride has ended.
"Sir, can we not go any further?" she asked much to her disappointment.
"As much as I'd love to teach you, we must head back," Alexander said teasing her with truth.
"Teach me more!"
"What?" Alexander asked.
"Learning how to ride made all my fears and misgivings vanish. So I want to learn more," Eliza faced him. "Let us meet again under the full moon, before the palace gates..." Eliza blushed.
Alexander felt wholesome his eyes showed a hint of purple and realized how much his ears have been heating up. When Eliza turned back around to face the front, Alexander felt relieved that she did not see how happy he was to hear her invite him. He remained smiling from the heart on their way back home.
Suddenly, something shot pass them: an arrow
To be continued...
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