Ch04.1: At the brothel (eliza pov)

Eliza was given a room in the 2nd floor. Then, she undressed myself and put on a fresh nightgown that was just finished, and washed her face from a bowl of water.

After she was done, Eliza heard the girls laughing. Out of curiosity, she took a peak through the window and found the women outside crowding around Alexander. 

What a wastrel.. . . a libertine. ugh, she thought. Scoffing at the sight of "a ladies' man having no shame."

Suddenly, a man suddenly barged in, who stared at me for a while. With no experience with drinking, Eliza could not tell if the man was half awake or drunk. 

When the stranger got all excited and jumpy at the sight of a beautiful woman before him, he exclaimed, "So my darling was here, all right! Here....give me a hug. I'm gonna ravish ya!"

Realizing that her nightgown was all that she wore, she was afraid that she might get laid and that no one could protect her.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken, sir!" Eliza told him, but he stubbornly chased her from wall to wall.

"Haha, Look at this wench! Playing hard-to-get!" the man cried with jubilation.

Fortunately, a brothel woman came to her rescue and grabbed hold of the stranger's arm before he could hug Eliza: "Sir, This is not the room! Come with me!"

"Hey, I said THIS IS THE ROOM!" the man cried upset, swaying his arm off of her grasp like a spoiled child. When they were out of the picture, Eliza ran to the door and had it locked. 

"Oh that was a close one!"

Ch04.2: at the brothel (alex pov)

While Eliza was recovering from this sudden commotion, Alexander was outside, choosing the right fabric and clothing for me to wear to the palace.

"Alright! Let's have a look," Alexander said to the ladies who had a kind of fabric they brought before him and for Eliza to wear.

First, One of them brought forth a tangerine color with golden stitchings. In response, Alexander did not like the color.

Second, the 2nd lady brought out a navy blue skirt of linen.

"You can see through, can't you?" Alexander pointed out her mistake.

Finally, a third lady took out an indigo cloth, also with golden stitchings. No matter the attire the women of the brothel had, it was never enough for a noble lady like Eliza. 

"How gaudy..." Alexander complimented the cloth. "Don't you have any DECENT garnments here in this brothel?" Alexander was desperate for an apropriate clothing but none of these ladies seem to understand his taste.

"Would these do?" the first lady asked, holding ANOTHER linen nightgown of maroon color.

Alex facepalmed, as if they didn't understand what it meant to be decent. 


After a while later, Alexander managed to find an apropriate cloth for Eliza to wear. He entered Eliza's room and decided to put the cloth on her bed. Just when he was about to leave, he noticed Eliza sleeping and leaning on the bed frame.

Alexander saw how adorable it was and grinned from the sight. She didn't seem to notice he was here.

He decided to kneel before her. His face went closer to hers and the closer he got, the more detailed and beautiful her face features seemed to be.

He noticed how long her eyelashes were up close. The rhythm of her breathing made his heart skip a beat.

He saw her lips that were so plump and nicely shaped. When he got a little more closer, her head twitched and moved to the other side. Not wanting to get caught, as much as he wanted to enjoy the sight, he put the clean garnment in front of her so she would notice them.

Then his eyes trailed to her bruised ankle.

A 1/2 an hour later, Eliza awoke, slowly opening her eyes. After a few moments, she came to her senses and saw her ankle. Her ankle must have been tended to when she was asleep.

Her eyes trailed off to the clean garnments that were folded neatly before her. She picked up another top of a dress and found how sheer the top part of the dress was. 

She opened her mouth with her voice sounding shocked; how was she suppose to wear this? 

Eliza- Sir Hamilton....Y-you....bring me this clothing? W-why would you bring me this? Of ALL things? Is this all that the brothel has to offer?! Or am I being mocked by those women? I can't go out wearing this!- 

OH! There's another one...

Fortunately, the other garnment that was laid before her on bed was not sheer at all. It was simple, but at least not see through. It had the color of lovely green. 

Ch04.3: Heading Straight Back Home

Now that she was all dressed up, she lifted her skirts to help her run faster and freely to return home before anyone else spotted her. But Alexander appeared out of nowhere and stood in her way. 

Alex- "Where are you going, Your Grace?" 

Eliza- "Where's the horse?"

"It looked too fatigued, so I prepared a carriage instead. Please," Alexander informed her with delight of her new look.

"But before I go, how could you choose such salacious garnments like that linen top? Next time, please find something more befitting," Eliza protested.

" 'Befitting?' It would seem that someone who bares her calves even in her sleep should say..." he trailed off.      "The palace will be in tumult as we speak. May you hasten." 

Eliza decided to watch her step and lift her long skirt a bit, but she noticed that her lace handkerchief was missing. Her eyes widened from fear that she lost it as she searched high and low for pockets.  

the handkerchief was never in any of them.

"Sir Hamilton, I left my handkerchief inside. Can you please go fetch it for me? It's very precious," Eliza pleaded him.

Hamilton accepted and went back inside to fetch it.


After a short while, Hamilton found it and came back outside with a carriage before them.

"Your Grace, I have it," Alexander called out to her.

But no response...

"Your Grace? It's me?" Alexander called again.

No response again...

He decided to open the door to the carriage, and saw that she wasn't inside. His facial expressions shifted from happy to being frightened at the thought that she may be lost. He left the carriage and walked building after building to search for her.

She wasn't in any of them.

He panicked and ran and ran. Even accidently mistook someone as Eliza.

"Where did she go?" he thought. And continued to go farther. Little did he know that she was hiding behind wall that he just passed.

Eliza looked around and saw that the coast was clear.

Ch04.4: Later that night at the palace...

At the palace, Eunice was outside in the yard, folding dresses. Her coworkers told her that Alexander needed to speak with Her Highness.

Eunice came out and found Alexander weary.

"Excuse me, have Her Highness come back here?"

"I-I'm not sure what you mean?" Eunice stuttered.

"What's she doing now?"

"She's in a meeting with her father..." Eunice answered his question.

Alexander sighed from relief that "she" made it back. He gave the lady in waiting her handkerchief and told her to give it to Her Highness.

Then he left without another word.

. . . 

Meanwhile, at the throneroom Angelica disapproved of the wedding proposal her father had bestowed on her, so she had to talk with him to reconsider his thoughts.

"Do you disapprove of Alexander Hamilton that much?" the king asked his daughter puzzled by her feelings.

"What would possibly move me to feel that?" Angelica asked.

"As you were so obediently taking part in his lectures, I was thinking you might have grown fond of him..."

"Father, please reconsider this...My brother still needs my guidance, so I would like you to defer the son-in-law's appointment," Angelica pleaded. She didn't want to leave her brother to be on his own.

"If my son is whom you're concerned with, join Alexander Hamilton in conjugal ties. How much longer will you stay by his side?! Until he comes of age? Or perhaps when he ascends the throne?"

Angelica felt sorrow and was almost about to cry. "Father..."

"If anyone can help him, it's certainly not a father at the end of his path, nor a sister oblivious to our affairs of state..."

"But father..."

"Angelica, listen to me... I no longer have the strength to cope with such frivilous whims"

After her conversation with her father, the princess and her lady in waiting walked in the gardens. Angelica was depressed and hesitant of her decision to either accept or follow her heart instead.

"How can Eliza's prospective spouse join me in conjugal ties? Have you ever experienced something so baffling before?" Angelica asked Eunice who hasn't said a word.

"I wonder if Eliza knows..."



"This won't do. I'll have to meet with Sir Hamilton and reveal the truth...." Angelica determined.

"He just left...."

"Pardon me?"

"Sir Hamilton came and brought this..." Eunice responded, bringing forth the handkerchief that Angelica gave Eliza from the time she dressed her up to disguise herself as Angelica.

Angelica- "Oh no..."

Ch4.5: That night @ the Schuylers' mansion

Eliza came back home, but her welcome was not a happy one. Her "odd" appearance made her mother furious, she was led by her mother inside to slap her on the face, over and over again. 

"Elizabeth! How dare you wear such commoner garnments, especially from that of a brothel?!" Lady Schuyler exclaimed with fury. Elizabeth couldn't take it any more whipping, she collapsed to her knees. 

"My lady!" Rose called and ran towards Elizabeth who was being yelled at by her mother.

"Elizabeth! Promise you will NEVER RIDE HORSES AGAIN!" Catherine exclaimed.

Eliza said nothing.

"Promise me!"

"I will...never do it...again..." Elizabeth spoke softly, and she hid her tears from her mother. Rose saw those tears and held Eliza's hand.

"If I ever see you anywhere near a horse, it'll be the last time you see me. Is that clear?" Catherine threatened her elder daughter.



Rose put ointment on the back side of Eliza's neck, where she was whipped. Every touch of Rose's hand filled with ointment, Eliza groaned from the pain. The lashes were long, it scared the heck out of Rose.

"Look how battered your poor neck is..." Rose spoke sadly.

"It's alright, Rose. But just looking at them won't heal my wounds. So spread those herbs," Eliza comforted her with words.

"I'm almost done, so just be patient with me. But at least those bruises on your ankles have healed," Rose assured Eliza.

Eliza then recalled Alexander talking about her sleeping with her calves open and the part when her ankle was bandaged and tended to while she was asleep. Could he have done it himself?

( The next morning....) 

The knights came across every citizen and posted some posters, informing a warning to the people who see this. Rose was one of them.

"Ugh, excuse me! What is this?" she asked a neighbor close by.

"It's an edict banning nuptials among the Schuylers because of the princess' wedding" he answered.


In the princess quarters, the handmaidens, including Eunice, dressed Eliza with royal attire of bright pink and blue.


"What is it, Lady Elizabeth?"

"Where has Princess Angelica gone off to? She's usually here..."

"She has matters to attend to. It has something to do with the son-in-law that the king himself has chosen as his candidate," Eunice responded.

"Well I hope he's a good man for her..."

Eunice notices that Eliza is not aware that the son-in-law that the king chose was actually Alexander Hamilton who was suppose to be Eliza's spouse.

"And you know who this man is, my lady?"

"No, Eunice."

"And about your handkerchief?..." Eunice reminded Eliza of her missing handkerchief. Eliza was surprised that Eunice may have heard of her missing handkerchief. "Did you find it?"

"No, it might be at home" Eliza answered, concerned that she may lose it forever.

Castle Gardens: 

"Your Grace, Lady Elizabeth's lecture will start soon..." Eunice responded to Angelica who was busy studying the fabric she was holding. Eliza's missing handkerchief.

"Tell me something?...."


"If a man holds a woman's handkerchief, what would that suggest?" Angelica asked Eunice with curiousity and suspicion.

"Th-That...would be...." Eunice stuttered but could not find the words.

"I'll have to verify firsthand," Angelica decided with determination.

Ch04.6: A few hours later...

Alexander could not stop thinking about his times with Eliza from which he considered wonderful. She is the first and last thing he thinks about. She's a stubborn, proud, gracious, lady to everyone. A tomboy in short, but headstrong.

She surprises him. And he cannot wait to see what she has for him when he starts their lecture today.

And during the lecture, there was silence between them as if they were waiting for someone to speak what's on their mind and correct them. She again wore a veil as it was tradition to not reveal the face uncovered when a princess and a lecturer/doctor/or any other males.

"Did you enjoy a peaceful repose?" Alexander asked.

"Yes...Hamilton" Eliza responded.

"I wonder why Your Grace's safety would afflict me, given your composure," Alexander calmly spoke what's in his heart.

"I can only thank you for your kind patronage," Eliza thanked him with gratitude.

A servant handed him a cup of tea for him to drink. That servant...was Angelica disguising herself ... to see this future husband her father has wanted her to marry. Eliza didn't know about this since Angelica was behind Eliza when Angelica was holding a tray of tea.

In Angelica's eyes, he was so charismatic. His auburn hair and eyes like the summer skies. His definite jaw lines. After he finished sipping his drink, he put the cup down and continued to discuss with Eliza, Angelica was enchanted by the way he spoke and every second he moved.

"Have you perchance heard talebearing of a licentious lady who risks demise only to ride horses whose mere gallop daunts her, and gleefully frolics about in the embrace of men?" Alexander asked the "princess" with confidence.

Angelica was confused by where this he was getting at. Eliza decided to speak up with the same tone.

"I was told that someone brought her to a bizarre brothel...and forced her to don awfully garish garnments?"

Angelica was like "What in the world happened out there? Oh. My. God. Eliza what have you gotten yourself into?" She sharply turned her head towards Eliza who was talking nonstop.

"What happened to that handkerchief of hers which ended up in the hands of that man?" Eliza asked.

"Oh. They told you about that? You mean the one belonging to the same lady who fell asleep beside him..." Alexander joked.

Alexander became envious, and then jealous her hands started to tremble and accidently dropped her tray. Glassware cracked and echoed the room. Eliza and Alexander were shocked by what happened.

When Eliza turned around, she saw that Angelica was pretending to be a maid. Behind her veil, Eliza's eyes widened that she was discussing this in front of Angelica.

Ch04.7: After the lecture

Eliza and Angelica, still in their disguises, walked side by side. But unlike their usual walks together, where they would chit chat and smile, Angelica was stone-faced and quiet the entire time. Even as every handmaiden and embassador passed them, Angelica did not have a care that they saw her face - although not many noticed.

Eliza looked back at Angelica who seemed quiet. She couldn't comprehend what went wrong, but believed that maybe the discussion became inappropriate for the princess' ears and went too far. So she apologized to not only break the silence, but to ensure her that she's sorry about how they talked.

"I couldn't believe my eyes. Why engage in such perilous jests?" Eliza asked.

"When it comes to engaging in perilous jests, are we not on the same boat?! You're donning a princess' sacred attires, so can't I dress like an attendant for once?" Angelica spoke.

"So, Angie, why did you do it? I thought you didn't like doing such activities..." Eliza wondered where Angelica's intentions lied. Angelica put her right hand into her left sleeve, and took out the handkerchief that Alexander meant to give back.

She gave it to Eliza who was shocked that her handkerchief was in the palace this whole time. How did I not realize? Eliza thought.

"My lady in waiting received it last night from Hamilton," Angelica revealed this, stone-faced.

"Are you telling me he visited your quarters to bring this back?" Eliza asked surprised.

"Don't tell me the licentious lady falling asleep next to that man was you?!" Angelica protested.

What? I think Hamilton's words were twisted. She's got the wrong idea...Eliza thought. "Ohh! We met outside the palace by mere chance, and yet all that hyperbole..."

"Sounds quite intimate to me?!" Angelica smirked.

" "intimate"?! Well let me tell you something: He's nothing but a petulant standpat much too enamored with his noble old more...But I've been wondering..." Eliza spoke up, but then paused. Her negative thoughts suddenly led to positive thoughts about him because of how respectful he can be when he defended her from the ladies who mocked her and healed her ankle. He also has a good side that any gentleman should have. He respects everyone and would scold one if he had to.

"This is the same man who treated my bruised calf..." Eliza trailed off with eyes being dreamy. Angelica's relieved smile turned upside down.

After they finished their walk, they switched back to their true roles as they dressed in their appropriate attires; royal dress for Angelica and Eliza's own dress for herself as a lady of the Chatilot House.

Angelica remained stone-faced.

"I shall take my leave now," Eliza spoke in gentle manner. Even though Angelica didn't say a word back, Eliza gave her a curtsy and took her leave. But before she exited the quarters, she went back to face Angelica.

"Right! I've heard news of the son-in-law's selection. Congradulations," Eliza gave gratitude to Angelica whom she thought was depressed because of this sudden marriage. She felt sorry that Angelica might not live the free life she's always wanted. But it wasn't the case.

"Thank you..." Angelica finally spoke.

After Eliza took her leave, Angelica's brightened eyes led to eyes without a star noticeable. Her smile turning upside down.

"Alexander Hamilton...is not your man," Angelica murmured looking at the door Eliza exited through. 

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