Ch03.1: Later that night...

After Alexander and Tilghman took a walk around the village outside the palace, and managed to save Church from being beaten by a gang of ruffians. After they tended to Church's wounds, they found someplace quiet to drink by the lake under the moonlight.

"Church, you should be more careful with those ruffians. You could've been dead if it weren't for us," Tilghman said.

Church drank a cup and has been dreaming about his meeting with the "Lady Elizabeth"/Angelica outside the palace.

"So, you know...I saw a lady with unimaginable, UNMATCHABLE beauty. It could have actually been the eight kingdom's fairest flower, Princess Angelica," Church daydreamily said.

Alexander remembered his encounter with the "Princess Angelica"/Eliza, and he did not take her as the fairest flower.

"Wait, you saw Princess Angelica?"

Alexander ignored Church's question and asked a waitress to give him a refill. Church seemed desperate for his answer, it was killing him.

"Uuuggghhh....You're killing me! Just say something, will u?!" Church called out to him.

"I was assigned to give her lectures..." Alexander finally answered, displeased with his encounter with the "Princess". However, on the other hand, even though Tilghman and Church did not know how it went, they were excited by the news.

"And why did you not tell us before?" Tilghman asked playfully.

"So...tell me...is she beautiful?" Church asked like a little girl begging for details.

"I'm gonna stop you right there. A princess or not, she is still a woman. What's this commotion about some ordinary young woman?"

Tilghman let out a soft giggle, enjoying how interesting this conversation is getting. Church remained puzzled by how Alex described the princess's behavior.

Alex let out a sigh so heavy, he decided to get a drink of his refill. And he drank a lot since.


30 min later, after 5 cups or more, the bodies of Alex and Church were wobbly.

"Those drinks sure tasted great tonight?!" Church exclaimed, walking between Tilghman and Alexander.

"Soldiers! Advance!" Church commanded freely and left them.

"Well, okay...it's your turn..." Tilghman, the only one who wasn't drunk, said, giggling at the sight of his companions.

"What the even hell are ya sayin'... Donchya forget that AAAAAAYYYYYEEEE was the one who carried him all the way here-ya" Alexander asked and later hiccuped.

"Well, if you say so? Church, let's get you back home" Tilghman ran towards Church who refused his service to carry him back home.

After the two left, Alex managed to make it safely back home. But with the sight of his father's figure in the night, Alex tried to wake up as much as he could and fixed his hair and attire to make himself presentable. More likely to avoid his father from yelling his eardrums out.

"Father, I've returned...." Alexander weakily announced. When his father faced Alexander, he did not seem pleased by his son's attitude. Alexander's eyes were lowering their focus to the ground instead of eye contact. His head has slightly been swaying side to side and his hands were loose. Alexander's facial expressions were carefree.

"Got acquainted with the bottle again?" his father asked sternly. When Alex nodded with a carefree smile once more, his father told him to go to sleep for the night and not embarrass him in front of his guests.

After Alex left his sight, Lord Hamilton continued his discussion with someone he despised.

"Hmmm, your son seems to quite a valiant young gentleman..." a dark voice told Lord Hamilton.

"That is besides the point.......Lord Philip!"

Lord Philip did not avoid eye contact and never blinked a second.

"What is the purpose of the proposal?" Lord Hamilton demanded for an answer.

"I'm only protecting my daughter and the throne, my dear friend... And for the sake of my family's survival, that would force me to slay you. Meaning that in the end, one of us will have to shed blood," Lord Schuyler threatened him.

"King Henry does not fear demise..." Lord Hamilton said.

"But would it kill you to prepare yourself to witness innocent children bear the blunt of this all?"

Lord Hamilton was stone-faced at the idea of where this conversation was getting at. Behind the walls, Lord Philip has always been so ruthless, he could take his passion for something too far.

"And think of it this way, Lord Hamilton...If we were to join forces, their lives would not be heedlessly sacrificed," Lord Philip concluded.

Ch03.2: A week later....

@ Princess Angelica's Quarters

"Angie, there really is no other way, is there?" Eliza asked nervously.

"Nope. You brought this on yourself, didn't you? But if you really can't stand it, you should tell your lecturer the truth," Angelica asked while she was glancing at every accessory that lay on every velvet cushion before her.

Eliza sighed heavily, because that would prove how wrong she was and how much of lecturing Alexander would give her, so she decided to continue this act until time comes. She doesn't want to put Angelica in her predicament if Eliza exposed the truth.

The handmaidens dressed Eliza in a way Angelica chose for her. Eliza was standing on a stool(?) while the handmaidens dressed her up.

They dressed her in a fine ice blue & purple taffeta medieval dress for color. Earrings made of jade. Her necklace positioned like flower petals that complimented her neck and chest.

"Now that's more like it," Angelica complimented, satisfied by Eliza's princess look.

When Eliza was finished with her fitting, she paced through the halls and secretly walked outside the palace for a while.

But just when she was a few feet away from outside the palace gates, she noticed a small stable with horses. She kneeled down before a beautiful stallion who was standing still with reins and a saddle on it.

How lucky they must be...but being chained like that is the same thing women are being chained to their roles to please men, Eliza thought.

Before she knew it, the horse walked out of its entrance and stood before Eliza. Impressed by this, she decided to try again once more and managed to get the hang of lifting herself from the stirrups and sitting on the saddle. The horse did not get frightened in the slightest. Eliza felt relieved.

Eliza decided to try the reins, and pulled it a little bit. The horse suddenly started to walk a slow pace. Eliza was surprised and try to hang onto the reins and the stirrups from falling again.

Ch03.3: Man to the res

Church and Alexander managed to get back to their old selves after being drunk last night. They decided to take a walk. And the only thing that came to their minds was their discussion about "Princess Angelica". Church has been giggling.

"I thought you said she was still "nothing but a woman"? But she doesn't look too ordinary to me. Making the fool out of the mighty Alexander Hamilton," Church complimented, breaking the silence between them.

Alexnder smirked at the thought of him bringing up that woman again. "I wonder what she was thinking?" Alexander thought to himself.

"So what? You gonna punish her?"

"I might..."

"oohh...oh. oh. oh.! Haha I get what you mean by punishing her...haha" Church laughed at the idea.

Then, Alexander heard a neigh not too far away. He turned to the direction of the sound and happened to have found Eliza on a horse, which was not an ordinary thing a woman would have done in her life. He was intrigued by this. He started to remember who she was when he saw her face. Church was wondering what caught his attention.

"Hey Church? I have something to tend to, if you don't mind..." Alexander asked for pardon, patting Church on the shoulder and the two men parted ways.

While Eliza was trying to stay focused on riding on the horse through the village, Alexander followed her, his curiousity getting the better of him.

Where could she be going on that horse? She is unlike any woman he's ever encountered. Most of the time, women were raised to be obedient, but this woman is headstrong, " he wondered.

After a roundtrip, Eliza's horse made it back to its own stable, parking himself next to another horse to get a share of hay.

Eliza patted the horse on the neck, smiling at the sight of how adorable her horse's ears twitched. Alexander made a stop behind to watch Eliza getting along with her horse and making kisses on the horse's muzzle.

After a while, Eliza tried to pull the reins and tell the horse to keep walking. However, the horse kept chewing the hay instead.

"Let's go..." Eliza spoke softly.

When her horse lifted its head high slowly, it accidently got close to the sensitive horse next to it and the sensitive horse reacted scared it jumped. Eliza's horse jumped in reaction, which made Eliza's foot accidently move the stirrups against its belly. The horse began to gallop, and Eliza screamed from the fact that she could have fallen.

Alexander was concerned for her well being that he decided to take the other horse and catch up to her before she gets herself hurt.

A while later, Eliza's horse galloped through the woods, and Eliza has been screaming for help. Alexander commanded his horse to go faster. Just when she was close to the cliff, Alexander managed to catch up to her side by side and transition himself to her horse. He sat behind her and took the reins from her hands.

However, the horse was getting too close, Alexander had to grab Eliza, and get together get off the horse before they walk to their deaths.

They managed to fall on the ground and at least were safe.

- - - -

"What's all the commotion?!" asked Angelica, who was shocked by her lady-in-waiting, Eunice, who was rushing towards her like something was urgent.

"Your Grace, the king just announced he will proclaim Alexander as his Royal son-in-law!" Eunice exclaimed.

"Alexander....Hamilton?!" Angelica exclaimed in shock.

Ch03.4: In the throneroom

All the ambassadors, lords of the Chatilot household, the Nepalese household, and others were gathered here today to hear the decision the king has made for a marriage proposal for Alexander.

"M'lord...what's the meaning of this?" an ambassador asked his lord Hamilton.

"After discussing matters with me and Schuyler in person, he has come to a decision for my son. However, since he's the brother of my mortal enemy, it's likely he will choose the daughter of the Lord Schuyler to be the daughter-in-law of my son..." Lord Hamilton assumed before the king approached himself to his throne.


"I shall appoint Alexander Hamilton....As a Royal son-in-law!" King Henry VI announced.

Lord Philip was appalled by the king's decision, and so was Lord Hamilton.

"Sire! May you repeal that order?! How can you appoint a son-in-law without any due process? This is a clear affront against our long-standing mores," an ambassador from Lord Schuyler's side pleaded. His voice echoing all over the throne room.

"So choosing my own son-in-law would be considered an affront?!" asked King Henry VI.

"Your Humble Servant dares to speak. Will you appoint someone whose credentials have not been deliberated upon?" an ambassador from Lord Hamilton's side argued in agreement with the ambassador from the opposing side.

"Are you suggesting that the son of Lord Hamilton would lack credentials?" another Hamilton ambassador argued to his own ally.

"Your humble servant will speak on behalf of all royals," Lord Philip spoke, which caught Lord Hamilton's attention and the king's.

"If you believe Alexander Hamilton to be the most considered candidate, how could these subjects defy the king's wishes? And if I may say so, Like his father, Alexander is a man of remarkable wisdom and disposition, so I believe he would be more than qualified to be the king's son-in-law. However, please let us follow protocol and appoint Alexander Hamilton after a selection. Being put in charge of the proceedings would be a true privilege for me, Sire," Lord Schuyler continued.

The room was silenced by this decision and were awaiting the king's response to this suggestion. The king looked around and both sides were either looking down in doubt or in agreement.

"You should indeed lead the selection process. Very well. Proceed as suggested," the king gave a final order to this discussion.

The whole room of people left and Lord Schuyler caught up to Lord Hamilton walking out, and gave him a sarcastic greeting. The two lords glared at one another until Lord Schuyler broke the silence with the words: "Was it you choosing the king over me? My most earnest congradulations to you".

Lord Philip left his side without a word afterwards, and Lord Hamilton was still silent from the king's decision to make his son a prince candidate and his mortal enemy's tactics.

Ch03.5: An Argument

Eliza and Alexander tumbled over while Alexander was holding onto her body to defend from getting hit by the ground.

They tumbled and tumbled down the grassy hill and as a result led Eliza to being on top of Alexander. They looked at each other's eyes and realized how awkward they physically contacted. Embarrased and horrified, and blushing, she quickly got up and dusted her skirt.

Eliza took a few steps back until Alexander caught her body from going any further because her feet were cm away from the river.

"Do you realize what you just risked?!" Alexander asked with so much concern.

"Or were you just blessed with more than one life?! How can a woman be so heedless?!" Alexander scolded her, which bothered Eliza to the stomach.

Eliza's horse found the pair and walked towards them. He seemed to be calmer now that the "scare" was over. Alexander patted the horse to comfort it.

I cannot believe someone like her would go this far...Alexander sighed heavily and thought to himself when he turned around to see what has become of the crazy woman who was sitting on a boulder to dust off her clothes.

Eliza was finished dusting off until she found a big hole that ripped her bottom of the skirt. Eliza sighed from disappointment that she ruined such a beautiful gift from Angelica.

And her ankle hurt once more from falling.

Alexander walked towards Eliza while dragging his horse by the reins, frustrated how brazen she could be:

"How could you be so brazen? Let us forget the fact that you're a princess, but what judicious damsel would frolic about impudently riding a horse?!"

Eliza heard how rude he was and decided to talk back to him, as if she had forgotten her role to play as "Princess Angelica".

"Did I just hear you say "impudently"?" Eliza talked back.

"I ought to reproach all the palace guards and attendants responsible for this"

"You're the one who deserves reproach. For daring to address a princess with such insolent remarks...," Eliza stood up to him as Alexander furrowed his eyebrows.

"Buuuut, I guess if you'd like to avoid trouble, just ignore the whole matter."

Alexander opened his mouth to protest, but could not find the words.

"W-well, I'm truly overwhelmed by the urge to do so, but how can I do my duties as your teacher?" Alexander questioned. "Well, after you."

"Hmm, well if you could lend me your back for a moment....I mean didn't you tell me to get on the horse?" Eliza questioned with a smirk on her face.

Alexander scoffed at this rude attitude of hers.

"And you'd step on my back to do it?" Alexander questioned back.

The pair argued back and forth until Alexander was forced to give in and lend her his back to step on, tall enough to reach the saddle herself.

On their way back, Alexander led the horse with the reins while Eliza sat on the horse. ***like Joseph and Mary style***

Ch03.6 : Into the unknown...

Eventually, the pair made it back to the village where Eliza rid her horse. But instead of the palace, she found herself being led to an unfamiliar building.

"What is this place?" Eliza asked curiously.

"You cannot enter the palace in this state, so here you may acquire some clean garnments first," Alexander suggested looking back to Eliza whose face was still smudged with dirt.

Eliza accepted his advice and got off the horse as slowly as she could.

"This way, Your Grace," Alexander led the way.

Eliza looked around and saw how homely this place was. It took her a while to admire the scenery: Flowers lined all the way to the doorway, a clear open view of the sky, and any other mother nature knows what.

Just when they were about to enter the building, a female voice called out to Alexander: "My lord!"

"My lord, it's you!"

Eliza saw that it was a group of women who surrounded him and abruptly bumping into Eliza just to get their hands on him. Overwhelmed by the number of women increasing, Eliza backed away from the crowd.

To think I put my trust in someone who gets touched by so many...ugh, Eliza thought to herself. Alexander saw her reaction to this greeting: Someone holding a fan close to her face, the other holding his arm as if she were feeling his muscles. He felt awkward and cleared his throat. Just when he opened his mouth to say something, one of the women spoke up.

"Dear Sir...why didn't you visit us last night?"

"I'll have to importune you for some clean garnments.


"Why, My Dear Sir"

"What would you need them for?"

Alexander did not know what to say to get straightforward, so he faced Eliza's direction and the women followed that direction straight to Eliza.

Eliza did not like the negative faces that the women expressed when Alexander was behind them; one of them grinned a wicked smile to avoid herself from grinding her teeth. She looked from to to bottom of Eliza's appearance whose silky clothes became ragged.

"And pray tell...who would this...homely-looking damsel be?" one of them asked "their man".

"Such unwordly charms...I wonder what waters she trod on her way here," one of them mocked, and Alexander did not like how they behaved to Eliza. He saw how bothered and hurt Eliza felt.

"Ladies, language!"

"But wait a sec, look at YOUR garnments, my lord! My! Don't tell me you've trodden the waters?"

The ladies laughed as if they were trying to be cute about their laughing.

"YOU TWO!" Eliza cried for both of them to stop mocking her. Eliza felt bothersome of how they treated her. She felt bothersome of why Alexander would hang out with the likes of them who look down on others.

"She's not someone you can so flippantly ridicule. Escort her inside," Alexander scolded the ladies who were mocking her.

The ladies hated the idea of him defending a woman against them. They showed jealousy but anyway did as they were told to do for Eliza.

Eliza- "This place.....is a brothel...I'm gonna kill him for this!" 

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