Chapter 9
"Why does he have to be so complicated? This is worse than before."
"I know, this is why we're better off working with non-sentient units."
"I just thought he'd be more... mature? Like, come on."
"There's no use in complaining, Mate. Just do your job and hope nothing happens."
The two maintenance employees gave each other subtle looks of dismay before proceeding once more in their duties—animatronic maintenance. It just so happened that due to the addition of a new animatronic, switching them in positions and adding Bonnie to the system was making things complicated. They can just talk to the animatronics and make them compromise but...
Compromising isn't Monty's thing.
Everyone knows the supposed tension between Bonnie and Monty, their actions speaks louder than they could ever utter. However, in accordance to their obligations, they are to work together in the band.
One of the maintenance employees brought their tablet to oversee the positioning on stage. "You know what? I'll just set it on default to five, let them decide on their own." He entered the command pin and tossed the tablet towards his co-worker who managed to catch it before it touched the hard surface of the ground.
The one who caught it, stumbled for a moment before securing the device in his hand-carried bag. "You sure it's a good idea?"
"Why wouldn't it? it's their default setting, we just increased the number of animatronic." He shrugged off and checked his wrist watch. "Twenty minutes before showtime, they can handle it."
They should be able to, it's their default settings.
"Ah, I see you have finished maintenance repairs." The bear animatronic spoke in relief, fiddling his microphone with one hand while waiting for his bandmates by the rehearsal area. It appears that the first one to arrive was the blue bunny animatronic.
The animatronic just shook his head. "They were going to replace my casing but it'd be a waste. They settled on repainting and slight polishing." His eyes loomed over his arms where the scratch and dents were supposedly situated, the said damages were absent in the eyes of humans—but it was still visible for animatronics who scan their casings. "It'll do, for now."
"General maintenance are scheduled weekly; you could always notify the staffs for it." Freddy reminded, browsing his systems as a method of self-assessment before and after every performance of theirs. His cold eyes were null for a moment before glancing back at his companion, all servos and systems online and on stand-by. "I also attained the blueprint of stage positioning from the maintenance team. I don't really care about how positions are set as long as everyone's comfortable with them. Would you be so kind as to decide it for me?" Freddy questioned after recalling the instructions, his leniency towards Bonnie was only due to his brief return.
It could aid in the animatronic being more comfortable with them, at least.
The animatronic saluted. "Sure thing! Just send me the blueprint and I'll position everyone in place." His smile was beaming despite his facial expression remaining permanent due to their casing, his eyes alone reassured Freddy that the task is in reliable hands.
Or so he presumes.
The bunny animatronic eyed the other, watching as Freddy approached one of the maintenance staff nearby who was managing the songs to be played at this hour point. It didn't take long before Roxy arrived with her guitar, and not long after, Chica arrived as well.
Bonnie simply stayed put in one side, going through the possible positions programmable. A four-person arrangement is the usual set up on stage, but an additional animatronic made the performances pretty unsynchronized. In previous performances, he just stayed in places where the others were not, and it made him bump into them every once in a while. Perhaps, the technicians failed to program a proper set for them before he was released back as a member?
The inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the company only mirrors its yearning to earn without preparation.
As Bonnie was setting up stage positions, the leader of the band stood at the center of the rehearsal stage. It seems that he is giving himself a moment to familiarize himself with the song of choice. It was an odd choice, but he found himself jamming with the beat. All the while, he could vaguely notice Roxy practicing her Keytar, and same goes for Chica. Despite being in their programming to play, it was undeniable that through practice—it eases their nervousness.
Which is pretty ironic, nervousness is another humanly instance of an emotion, and such emotion... is rarely incorporated with their automated system. The longer they function as independent sentient entities, the more they encounter humanly emotions. In due time, they'd probably forget being sentient beings that are made of metal and bolts—rather, they'll just presume humanity among themselves.
It was only five minutes before the show when Monty showed up. Like usual—since Bonnie's return, he moved far away from Bonnie as much as he can, making Freddy narrow his eyes for a moment. The alligator nowadays preferred to sit in seclusion on one side, not even batting an eye to notice the other constituents of the rehearsal room.
The alligator's red eyes were usually filled with mischief and rough excitement—but now, they were dull.
Especially, when you were no longer there.
It made Freddy somewhat bitter of the fact that you'd often spend time with the alligator, although he knew it was for peace's sake—but you barely have time with him anymore. The most time you had would either be sleeping in his greenroom or occasionally bumping into him from time to time.
It gave him this sensation—a humanly emotion called envy.
"Guys, the show starts in a minute. We better get you in the position." One of the rehearsal staff called the attention of the animatronics and pointed towards the elevator meant solely for animatronics alone, which leads to Parts and Service.
Freddy nodded and gestured for the rest of the animatronics, with Bonnie being the first to stand beside him. The girls followed along—and Monty being the one lagging behind.
The bear animatronic didn't question further, simply leading the way to where Parts and Service should be via the Rehearsal Stage. It was pure silence, giving Freddy the vibe of something occurring, something unfathomable and unwanted.
The feeling that something could go wrong.
He shook the thoughts away; the bitter feeling of doubt has always been unfavorable.
It reminds him so much of what happened a year ago...
The hallway was dimly lit as they made their way to the elevating platform, the circular stage stagnant, programmed to elevate upon command by the time the three-hour mark comes. The dim, yellowish lights on the wall of the tunnel-like structure being the primary source of light above.
Freddy went in center-front, his usual position. The playlist and songs were already queued in his programming, so is the rest towards the other four animatronics present. As soon as they all got onto the platform, the elevator gave a slight tremor before slowly ascending to the Main Atrium. Freddy eyed each and every one of his bandmates—a little detail he often does every once in a while, his gaze landing onto Monty and Bonnie, the positioning of the two were quite close.
That wouldn't be a problem during mid-performance, right?
The harmonic band music of their theme song brought Freddy back to reality, facing forward to see that they were nearing. The sounds of cheers and excitement becoming more prominent over his thoughts that he decided to push them aside, for now.
He wanted to reconcile both Monty and Bonnie, in hopes that Bonnie's return remains smooth and peaceful. After all, what could go wrong with adding a former veteran performer during the old days?
There's a lot of things that could go wrong, Freddy speculated and calculated the risks himself. However, as the band leader and most knowledgeable of them all, he has to mitigate and prolong what peace they have now.
It would've been easier if they weren't sentient, just beings doing what they can and following instructions as commanded, but no. Their sentience was the greatest thing that could occur during their programming phase—he wouldn't want the demolishment of that particularly beautiful occurrence.
But that advantage is subjected to potential risks and consequences—the discord between Monty and Bonnie is one of them. Even though Bonnie remained civil with the other—he simply couldn't control Monty.
He could, he knows it. He could use his special commands to force peace between them both, but that is one thing he considers as the last resort if all fails. Controlling his bandmates or any other animatronic for the matter against their will is a big, red, and prominent refusal on his morale.
The cheers became louder as the spotlights shone at what distance were left between the stage and the ascending platform. The automated voice of the intercom announced their arrival as the cheers got louder. Blinding lights of various colors danced upon the stage as their holographic versions danced in the background, replacing the usual camera feed of their supposed arrival from below. Freddy took note of the cheers in the crowd for a moment; many were shouting his name, some were shouting Bonnie's name, then, there's the names of Chica and Roxy. However, it is also notable that very few, and almost inexistent was Monty's name shouted. Could it be that the shouts of others were far too resounding? Were the cheers of the names of both Freddy and Bonnie too overpowering that Monty's fans were unheard?
For a moment, Freddy genuinely felt bad for Monty. However, Monty himself is uncooperative and distant, it is oh, so difficult to help someone who doesn't want to be helped. That much he knew.
The song began, and Freddy focused on the positioning assigned to him. In times like this, he has no time to spare to review the positions of his fellow bandmates. Despite the set-up, he never felt the need to check, knowing that nothing has gone wrong, even up 'till now.
"We're waiting every night, to finally roam and invite. Newcomers to play with us, for many years we've been all alone." As if on cue, Freddy grabbed his microphone which was on a stand, up front and began to sing, background music assisted their instruments as the jazz-like harmony played on the speakers. The animatronics were equipped with their own musical instruments, with Bonnie taking up what looked like a saxophone for a temporary instrument. With the logic behind playing it, must be technological.
"We're forced to be still and play, the same songs we've known since that day. An impostor took our life away, now we're stuck here to decay!" Freddy continued, his voice resounding as his eyes grazed the crowd.
It was on that moment did he recalled that you were on leave. Meaning, you won't be here today to watch the performance. It's not that he minded, he believes that your health and well-being is crucially important as well. He just missed you.
"Please let us get in, don't lock us away. We're not like what you're thinking! We're poor little souls, who've lost all control. And now we're forced to take that role!" he closed his eyes and began feeling the song of choice.
That song, it was piquing his interest, reminiscing the rumors from his predecessor, the original Freddy Fazbear of the 1900s. Many took interest in what happened, leading to rumors and even creative contents being made through theories which he believes are untrue. Of all works, this has to be one of the few that got him jamming.
He glanced briefly to look and sense his bandmates. Roxy and Chica were on both sides, left and right, equipped with their own instruments. He could feel the vibration on the ground from Monty and Bonnie's steps, however, it concerns him that Monty seemed to be inching nearer the center, towards him.
The positioning was not balanced, so to say, was this intentional?
"We've been all alone, stuck in our little zone, since 1987! Join us, be our friend, or just be stuck and defend, after all you only got—" he could sense Monty's footsteps as he used his guitar, it was making him worry. Knowing Monty's movements, he could easily make anyone trip on his long tail or he himself bumps into something. In stage layout and positioning, there should at least be two to three feet of distance away—a safety boundary to prevent them from accidents.
He should've checked the other animatronic's positioning after all, since, during performance, Monty would always auto-pilot his programming in accordance to inputs—in situations where he doesn't feel like performing. There will be times where he will disregard the inputs, but this is not one of them.
"Five nights at Freddy's! Is this where you want to be? I just don't get it, why would you want to stay—" just as Freddy tried not to mind his surroundings, he felt the sharp nudge from behind—it was Monty's snout. The clanking sound of metal-to-metal colliding startled him. Monty was inching way too close; it's almost intentionally colliding onto him. The animatronic seemed to be still in auto-pilot that he hadn't noticed.
It was kind of difficult for Freddy, on the other hand. Whenever he felt Monty making contact on his casing, he would inch forward to create distance. But oh, the stage could only expand so far, and two more feet until he falls off stage.
"Five nights at Freddy's! Is this where you want to be? I just don't get it, why would you want to stay? Five nights at Freddy's!" Freddy continued, making sure that this flaw was barely noticeable by the crowed. The cheers from the crowed seemed to indicate that they hadn't notice a thing as well while Freddy tried to focus. However, Monty still inched closer, and his bulky frame and snout just kept pushing Freddy towards the edge of the stage.
It was then when he was already half a foot from falling off the stage did he decide to improvise.
He mentally sent an overriding command for Monty to freeze in his spot while continuing to play his instrument, which received a point of hesitation from the alligator animatronic who eventually complied. Freddy jumped down from the stage and onto the carpet flooring which was on level with the crowd, letting Monty stay in his position while he continued.
"We're really quite surprised that we get to see you for another night. You should have looked for another job, you should have said to this place goodbye." By the corners of his eyes, he could see the looks of panic and confusion on the staff nearby, while some of the staff literally body-barricaded the area to prevent the people from jumping onto him, now that he's off-stage. He could also feel the stares of concern from the female animatronics, yet his systems didn't stop. He sang the song; he will complete this round of performance no matter what.
However, he'll need a moment to talk to all of them after this.
It didn't take long before the performance ended, and cheers from the crowd followed after. The staff aided Freddy in leaving the show area, and the same applies to the rest of the animatronics that left from the side steps. However, Freddy silently sent out an encoded message to each and every one of his bandmates, instructing them to meet him at the Rehearsal Stage. The conflicted looks in their eyes spoke otherwise that they indeed, got the message.
Especially, Monty—the animatronic in question that was specifically highlighted in attendance.
As he was walking to the employee's area, the stage handler walked beside him, anxious. "What happened back there? You know animatronics are supposed to stay on stage. The crowd could've mauled you beyond repair, you know?" he began questioning Freddy, since he was the one who will certainly be liable should things like this occur, and accidents are evident.
The animatronic merely lowered his gaze to look at the relatively short male beside him. "It is difficult to explain. Just know that the small improvision was indeed necessary to prevent an accident." He didn't reveal much information, since he'd like to hear more about it from the perpetrator himself.
If ever he chose to tell them about Monty's autopilot tendencies, they might modify something within his programming that he himself would not like, and Freddy doesn't want that. As much as possible, he'd prefer handling things among themselves without the necessity of escalating the matter to the technicians or higher ups.
"Okay, but be careful, alright? You could've damaged yourself back there." He reminded the larger animatronic, knowing full well that he'll be dead meat by the time the higher ups notice damages on their main star. On the other hand, the action was surprising that it caught them all off guard.
In accordance with their job, they need to always be aware of what the animatronics would do. The purpose of which is to maintain peace and tranquility within the Pizzaplex without the worry of animatronics going rogue.
After all, they are still automated beings that could turn against them anytime, and their strength can literally rip them limb from limb.
"This is well noted." Freddy replied limitedly, his eyes no longer focusing on the conversation, showing his immediate disinterest. His next move only focuses on meeting the other animatronics by the Rehearsal Stage first.
As the staff finally left him alone, he headed to the Employees Only area where several pathways connect to various areas in the Pizzaplex, and one of them leads to the Rehearsal Stage.
While making his way there, he thought of various possible reasons why that happened, and it was already given that Monty has autopiloted his systems that he failed to take notice of what's happening. However, autopilot runs depending how the stage positioning and layout is programmed, right?
If ever, he gave Bonnie the liberty of setting the stage positions in hopes of making him feel more... inclusive to their small band by giving him such responsibility. Is that a wrong choice on his part? Was he unable to calculate and assess the risks?
His mechanical ears were lowered, it seems that he's losing his usual touch in keeping things under control and organized, he may need to re-read and re-assess the protocols programmed to him.
By the time he arrived, the staffs in the area were already off to have lunch, since the next performance needs them three hours later. What dawned his view was the group of animatronics near the stage itself, and most notably—Monty who was unexplainably... pushing Bonnie aside.
"You didn't think I wouldn't know how you did that on purpose?! Did you?!" Monty shouted as he pointed a finger towards the other animatronic, his gesture of accusatory got Roxy and Chica taken aback in concern. The two girls immediately got on either side of the raging animatronic, holding his arms back before he does real damage given his aggressive behavior.
"Calm down, Bonnie is still new, there's nothing wrong in making mistakes—"
"Mistake my ass! He's the one who made the stage positions, and he gave those inputs on purpose!" Monty shouted, cutting Chica off mid-sentence. With a heavy haul, he pulled his arm away from Chica. His brute force enabling him to get the animatronic off from pulling him back.
"Monty, seriously. Let's just wait for Freddy, okay?" Roxy tried to reason with the hefty animatronic, finding it hard to prevent Monty from trying to decommission Bonnie—presumably, again.
"The girls are right, I swear, I really didn't mean to—"
"Didn't mean to what? We're all animatronics here, we all know how to read BINARY, can't you understand?! The inputs were telling me to PUSH Freddy OFF the fucking STAGE!" this time, Monty managed to shake both Chica and Roxy off from pulling him back.
With Bonnie leaning against the stage platform's walls, he wouldn't be able to move back to evade Monty if ever. Monty raised his clawed, mechanical hand, aiming for the blue animatronic. However, before Monty had a chance to deal real damage, a brown, animatronic hand caught his wrist mid-air, stopping him with whatever endeavor he planned.
"That's enough, Monty." The low voice of Freddy came into view as he grasped Monty's wrist to prevent him from hurting anyone, his eyes narrowed.
"So, it's my fault again? You saw what he did there, right? He messed up the inputs in my positioning, its written as clear as day!" the alligator snapped back, using his free hand to point towards Bonnie who looked overwhelmed with what's happening. "His inputs were telling me to push you off the stage! --"
"However, I didn't, did I?" he finally released Monty from his grip after seeing that the animatronic would be less likely to go violent against Bonnie now that he's here. "This would've been evaded in another way if only you'd stop placing your systems in autopilot whenever you get on stage."
"You basically want me to disobey stage commands now?" Monty sassed back; his fury now directed towards Freddy than his original opponent. "And you know damn well why I use autopilot whenever on stage!"
"Monty, don't raise your voice at me. Indeed, I know your decisions are aimed for a more safe and precise performance, but that doesn't mean you should rely on inputs entirely. Even if you're an autopilot, you could still steer your control." Freddy paused for a moment, trying to regain his composure before he continues. Indeed, this wasn't what he was expecting for a calm and well-mannered meeting about today's incident.
Indeed, if Freddy didn't improvise that very moment, Monty could've accidentally pushed Freddy off stage. The damage that Freddy could've received wasn't of concern to him, what concerns him more is the fact that he could've landed on a staff or a customer—that could lead to another lawsuit. Worst of all, it could lead to fright. He knew the reputation of Fazbear Incorporated, and brief indications of a 'malfunction' could lead to unnecessary casualties.
Oh, he could so recall the incident when his systems crashed during a show, a show he ruined. Ruining shows is what he dislikes the most to occur. A simple accident could lead to something much more unbearable. He wasn't just here to reprimand Monty, but to also educate him of being conscious in every performance to prevent any accidents or signs of malfunctioning to occur. In the eyes of the crowd, what happened earlier was 'part of the show', yet the staffs knew otherwise.
And so does every animatronic who definitely took notice of the stage positioning.
"It's fine, Fred. It's my fault. I didn't fully understand how the commands work, and I was afraid of asking cause' I didn't want to disappoint you. One of the commands were messed up and..." Bonnie tried to explain, looking from Freddy, then to the enraged alligator. "It happened to be Monty's. I'm really sorry for messing up, Monty. I really do."
"Well! Congratulations, Sherlock! Your mistake almost caused me to unintentionally hurt Freddy!" Monty wasn't having it, the pent-up frustration and hostility he had for Bonnie was exploding that he no longer minded who he's talking to, nor what Freddy and the rest would think of him. He has been anxious and insecure for Bonnie showing up out of nowhere, and their presumed past on how Bonnie got decommissioned only added fuel to the fire. Now, he couldn't simply accept this as an honest mistake of his, but rather, his mind was filled with assumptions that Bonnie intentionally wants to ruin him, to replace him.
Just like how he replaced Bonnie in his earlier days.
"Monty, that is enough. Bonnie already apologized; it was an honest mistake. And besides, nothing unwanted has occurred, no accident took place. I will let the staff handle the stage positions next time." Freddy ended, wanting to get this over with since their meet and greet session with the customers has long been delayed, and he is getting notifications from management to show up.
However, Monty seemed to be in emotions unfit to be meeting children. He simply sent a deathly glare towards Bonnie. "Shit has been happening ever since you appeared, don't think it's just a mistake." Those were his last words towards Bonnie before he stormed off. His heavy footsteps were making the ground vibrate under his pressure, leaving the rest of the animatronics unsure of what else to say after.
Monty has always been a complicated case, he is the one who shows the most humanly of emotions, but he is also the most suitable candidate to let those emotions control him. His words and actions could be overboard extreme, and it's what makes him harder to handle.
He's just that difficult to understand.
The white animatronic looked at Freddy and Bonnie for a moment after watching Monty storm off. "You guys go on ahead, I'll check up on him." She volunteered, knowing that what Monty needs is someone to talk to.
On usual occasions, they just let him storm off and cool off on his own, but that isn't Monty. He won't 'cool off' on his own, not until someone talks some sense into him.
The bear animatronic left his gaze from Monty's retreating form before facing the female. "Do be careful, though." He warned. Though he trusted that Monty wont intentionally hurt Chica, the mind of an animatronic is quite complicated, and chances for Monty to suddenly attack Chica in his state is... never zero.
Chica gave a nod before she headed in the same direction as Monty, needing not to quicken her pace as to give him more time to sort his thoughts. Roxy felt no longer need to stay.
"You know, Freddy. Monty did have a point back there. You shouldn't have given Bonnie control over something so important. Not even Chica or I have selected stage positions before, why Bonnie?" Roxy crossed her arms, feeling quite salty over the ongoing bias that Monty implied over Freddy.
The bear animatronic frowned as his sullen, electric blue eyes watched as Roxy eventually left, following Chica as the route used will also take her to the Main Atrium.
There was silence for a moment between the two animatronics that were left behind.
The bear animatronic shifted his gaze to the bunny. "Was I... too unreasonable?" he couldn't help but ask, considering Roxy's words a moment ago...
Was he being unfair?
The bunny gave a soft smile and shook his head. "It's my fault, its normal for Monty to get angry at me. Besides, they really do have a point—but don't you think his reaction is a bit too excessive?"
"That was what I was trying to impart, nothing bad even happened, and I am partially liable for entrusting the stage position commands—" Freddy paused, looking directly at Bonnie who seemed to anticipate his response. "Not that I'm blaming you, it was supposedly my responsibility in conjunction with the staff. However, I also yearned for the relationship between the two of you to reconcile peacefully." He mentioned, recalling the issue on why Monty would react so antagonistically towards Bonnie.
One, Monty has been suspected as the one who directly caused Bonnie's decommissioning. Two, Monty is threatened with the premunition that he might be eventually replaced by the original cast—Bonnie.
"Trust me, Freddy. I want to get on peaceful terms with Monty just as much as you want us to, but the unspoken tension between our past isn't easy to evade. It might need time or..." the blue animatronic paused to narrow his eyes for a moment, glancing at the spot where Monty was supposedly standing earlier. "... His trust in me."
The bear only gave a mellow nod. "Likewise, I want no discord to be sown within the band. There is only five of us, and no sooner would we get another. It would be greatly disadvantageous and non-beneficial for cacophony to sprout." He crossed his arms and released a sigh, his mind processing on how he should approach Monty later.
Just, why can't Monty simply be in peaceful terms with the other? Bonnie isn't even doing anything to commit intentional harm. Was the problem simply due to Monty's distrust of Bonnie or his own stubbornness?
Perhaps he should discuss with you the potential outcomes of Monty's behavior as a result of your supposed 'support' towards him. Maybe, you could convince Monty to simply be civil towards Bonnie.
"Kindly excuse me, Bonnie. The management requested my presence. Apparently, the guests can no longer wait, it is only right for me to attend the meet and greet." Freddy spoke after seeing a pop-up notification from his digital, peripheral vision. No longer could he ignore his duties due to his brief interaction with the others.
It is very much unruly of him.
It didn't take long before Freddy eventually left, leaving Bonnie in the Rehearsal Stage. His eyes were now half lidded as he watched the scene unfold.
With Chica, however. It took her a moment to finally enter Monty's greenroom without being thrown out by the raging alligator. The thick curtains were drawn shut, not a single glance could be viewed within. The walls were now soundproof in consideration to Monty's behavior, and it only aided to conceal his brute displeasure from being witnessed by the humanly guests outside.
With the door closed, Chica stood near his vanity while the alligator in question had seated himself on the couch, metaphorically tired from earlier events. It was true that nothing bad happened, but why only him? Nothing ever went wrong with stage positioning but why did the wrongfully coded inputs apply only to him?
He'd understand that a mistake is in order if it were someone else, or if his commands told him to go anywhere as long as its not bumping against other animatronics. However, the case stands where—should Freddy remain distracted and unkeen, he would've fall off the stage—and a malfunction could be a result.
So, was it unfeasible for him to suspect that it was Bonnie's doing? Trying to sow discord between them? Making Monty make such crucial mistakes?
He had a fault indeed, he was always autopilot, but still, that only meant that something is definitely wrong with the proposed positioning.
The other animatronic in the room sighed lowly. "Monty, (Y/N) may not be here to console you, but I can. Can you please tell me how you feel about this?" she tried to recall how you could always reassure and console the destructive animatronic, but trying it herself—she isn't well experienced, and her data is very much limited.
"As if you could do anything. Why are you even here? Don't you have appointments in your own attraction?" Monty questioned back, not really in the mood to talk to someone whom he knew could end up scolding him.
"Whatever you want to say, I'll listen to you. I know you don't like Bonnie cause' of your past with him, but we're literally a team now, a band group, and we could disband anytime if you don't talk this out with Bonnie." She tried to talk sense, being direct with her words as she implied in a straight manner, the possible outcome imparted by Freddy before.
The alligator seemed more calm, too calm. His silence was starting to make Chica feel uneasy.
"Something is off about Bonnie; I can feel it." he suddenly spoke, catching Chica off guard with his words.
The female looked at Monty for a while in concern. "What do you mean?"
"The way he tries to resolve things—it sounds so pretentious." He lifted his gaze to look at Chica. "Now I ask you, what do you think?"
The female certainly didn't expect this, for how long, she only thought of Bonnie and Monty not being in good terms due to their unspoken past and Bonnie's decommissioning. "For certain, I don't see anything odd going around Bonnie. You're just overthinking things."
"I knew it, you guys won't even give me a chance to prove it to you." He shifted his gaze to the closed curtains. He could detect the people outside, but none of them knew he was there.
"Monty... You are making too much of a big deal over something not worth investigating further. Nothing bad happened and Freddy didn't fall, why are you so worked up about it?"
"It's not about the accident, its about Bonnie. I can't help but feel that he's doing it on purpose to mess me up!" he growled lowly, his clawed hand brushing back his mohawk in a brief motion before calming his senses. Indeed, Freddy made a move that prevented this but imagine the humiliation and problems it would cause should Freddy failed to notice that flaw in time? It could lead to something much worse—his systems could be mistaken for a malfunction, and he could be decommissioned instead.
"I'll prove it—somehow, but I will. And when I do, don't say I didn't warn you all."
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