Chapter 8

The vibrant lights of the building now ceased, and solemnity has made their way throughout the entire area. The hallways and spaces within the Pizzaplex were now devoid of customers, and employees meant for daytime also left to rest for the night after a tiring day at the mall.

The lights were on nighttime protocols, dimming and reducing efficiency and performance to better preserve power. It was around a little past midnight where the barriers to entry and exit have now been closed, and robotic staff now deployed to scout the area, clean, and assist the security guards of the night.

However, despite the peaceful atmosphere of the night, it was a little more conflicted within the walls of the Daycare.

Inside the balcony situated by one side of the wall, approximately a little higher than the second floor, the disorient array of art materials laid untouched. Behind the enamor of curtains were boxes filled with supplies and animatronic merchandise, with a single vanity being most prominent on sight.

On that Vanity sat a skinny animatronic, his yellow rays depicting those of the sun, and his outfit resembles those of jesters of the court. His permanent smile staring right back at him as he looked through the mirror on that said vanity. He wasn't startled or bothered, rather, he was talking to someone.

Having two consciousness or personality chips within one body is a hassle, like another separate entity lives in the exact same body as the host. However, by looking right at the mirror, his left eye was devoid of the pale white light it used to shine, it held the malicious red that could only be depictable in view of his alternate, Moondrop.

By facing a mirror, its like the two entities in one body was able to have an interpersonal conversation, with no clear control over the other, nor any symbolism of manipulating the other through dominance in controlling the body.

It was never their intention anyways.

A sigh left the animatronic's expression, even though it was unnatural, the habits of humans were easily adapted—and thus, became a part of their own mannerisms.

"I see you're still bothered by what Vanessa asked..." the voice within his mind spoke, it was not audible to the environment but very much audible in his head, like a continuous thought independent of his control.

Sunny simply nodded to himself; his eyes fixated on the mirror. "They were both meant to forget everything, just like how Freddy and the rest can't remember what happened too." He began, pausing in the middle of his statement in thought. "But Vanessa... she's... remembering."

"Humans are bound to begin recalling, their amnesiac state were just temporary to begin with, remember?" the reply came like a devil's whisper, convincing him otherwise. "Besides, we already agreed to not recall this, for their safety and ours, remember?"

"Yes, I know. But...." Sunny once again trailed off, needing not to hide his thoughts with the entity that shared his animatronic body. "I'm just afraid that whatever happened in the past would repeat itself if one of them keeps on investigating."

"If that happens, then its bound to occur at some point. Look, Sunny, didn't you tell me before that you wanted to revive the promise she made you?" Moon interjected, recalling that one detail which also addressed himself. "If she remembers then she'll remember her promise to you too, to us."

"The promise...?" the dominant of the two entities by agreement—Sunny, pondered for a few moments.

That promise... the one you made which should've compelled you into going to the Fazer Blast arena with Sunny. However, the whole ordeal of a fiasco occurred, and that promised was never fulfilled even when the past was long buried behind memories, and the accident now passed through several months that preceded it.

It should've been fine, but Sunny went against it himself. The accident and any memory behind it—which Sunny and Moondrop both knew all too well—will only end up hurting you once again. The fear of mentioning that promise could trigger you, and thus, the peaceful days of the Mega Pizzaplex could come to its end.


"Look, I care about you more than those clown-y wannabes, and I know just exactly what you think. Don't tell me you actually WANT to tell them what happened?" it seems that his counterpart was not really agreeing with the arrangement planned by the other, causing his controlled side—the red eye, to narrow as a reflection of the mirror. "None of them are aware that we both know something—mind you, and just so you know, I'm not testifying to anything either."

"No, I'm not, it's just..." Sunny looked down at his hand, his fingers flexed before he clenched his hand into a fist. "I don't want them to remember, I don't want them to get hurt again, nor do I want them to investigate the past. They're already so... happy."

"Of course, I know that, and I wouldn't want to ruin this for everyone else too. If you ask me, its best to just stay quiet and pretend nothing happened. Pretend that we both don't know anything, and nothing will happen. Like, come on, nothing has happened the past few months, right?" the other entity inhabiting his body spoke otherwise, still firm but at the same time, considering all possible options. Indeed, the course mentioned is the safest to take, and the most risk-free option they could consider. "When Vanessa comes to ask, just tell her you don't know anything. As much as possible, avoid anything that could trigger (Y/N) into remembering. Things are... just best left forgotten."

"Some things are best left forgotten... right." Sunny metaphorically closed his eyes to sort his thoughts—while being observed by his counterpart, of course.

Dual ego or not, they are together in their desire to keep you safe. However, that wouldn't be possible if they both choose to do what they want without considering the psychological consequence.

Especially, now that Vanessa is... trying to remember.


"The most unpleasant of all duties." You breathed out as you tossed your tablet aside, leaning back against the old, cushioned backrest of the swivel chair situated in the security office.

It just so happened that you took the night shift after the morning shift. You could vaguely recall spending the day with Monty whenever he finishes a stage performance, he took you to his golf course, the theatre, and even other attractions you usually don't find interest in.

Although animatronic beings could always re-charge after depleting their batteries, humans cannot. Needless to say, you were sort of exhausted.

The animatronic simply had the stamina of young children.

You stifled out a yawn before grabbing ahold of your tablet once more, your flashlight and phone already strapped onto your belt. The time was around an hour after midnight, there should be plenty of time to rest up after you do your nightly duties.

With the tablet in hand, you navigated your way through the hallways of the Main Lobby, heading down a flight of stairs which took you to Rockstar Row. It has become a part of your routine to check onto their location and statuses before officially starting your tasks assigned.

Monty's room was quiet, his curtains were semi-drawn aside to view the interior, and the door leading to his charging station was open. Obviously, he is still in the process of charging after a tiring day.

Oh, if only humans could do the same.

After Monty, you checked Roxy's room which had a similar scenario, yet the door leading to the back of her room was shut. It could only mean that she's out there—somewhere. During this time of the hour, it is very much normal for them to be absent from their greenrooms. Some of them might actually be roaming in their own attractions, or simply roamed the Main Atrium.

Chica had the same situation as Roxy, with her own door closed, and the curtains slightly drawn close—yet the searing gap allowed you what minimal visuals it could offer.

The last one is Freddy's. The door leading to the back was open, which indicates that he's charging. You could simply go in and personally check up on him, yet it is best to leave him resting for the night.

Then, there's the new addition to the crew—Bonnie. His greenroom was relevantly quiet—aside from the quiet melody which could be heard from the inside. The animatronic was sitting on his couch, playing the guitar bestowed upon him by the staff. With his eyes closed and focused, you decided not to interrupt or linger around further, as doing so could distract any of them.

It looks like more than one, yet less than all the members of the band were tired for the night.

"I still have less than five hours left..." you checked your phone for the time, seeing it was minutes past the first hour after midnight has passed. You gave one look towards each of their greenrooms from where you stood and eventually left Rockstar Row.

You headed up the secondary floor of the Main Lobby, passing a glance at the door to Superstar Daycare for a moment. It has been like this in every other night shift, your thoughts would wander towards the animatronic hidden away in the daycare.

The feeling of the need to remember something, it seems. However, just like your problem for the past few months—you couldn't recall.

Without further ado as to stare at the giant, wooden doors, you headed towards the elevators. The metallic doors closed and the tune you long remembered and memorized by heart came to into play. You nodded your head to the beat and tapped your foot repeatedly while the song neared its conclusion, and yet the doors opened before such conclusion was reached. It was time to get off the elevator, and thus, you did.

The warm ambience of the Main Atrium welcomed you like how it always would in the past, bots scouting the area with their own flashlights, and some were cleaning. The latter seemingly reminded you solely of your obligation, which brought a frown in your expression.

Approaching the south end of the Main Atrium, you entered a hallway meant for staffs only, a door at the end of that particular hallway wasn't locked, and inside were cleaning supplies. There were brooms, a mop, several spray bottles with cleaning agents inside them, and finally, some rags.

You only sighed before grabbing ahold of the mop, alongside the bucket of it. you weren't supposed to take this kind of job, but it so happened that the personnel assigned with this task earlier had an accident and sprained his lumbar, you didn't even know that was possible to begin with. Considering that Vanessa would less likely agree to such task, you had the gall to volunteer.

Just the main floor area of the Main Atrium near the stage, then Rockstar Row. Couldn't they just find a cleaning bot to do this? Apparently so, they thought its unnecessarily redundant to go through the hassle of inputting command codes in non-sentient robots for a task needed for just one night. You were informed that a replacement will eventually come, which backs the redundancy of further coding.

However, its at the cost of your energy.

Still, you grabbed a mop, dunked it in the bucket of soapy water and proceeded to walk out the hallway and down the steps to the main center of the Main Atrium. Despite the carpet underneath the tables and chairs, there were several tiled floors outlining the circle meant to shape the dining area of the Pizzaplex. It's a good thing, you'll only cover the outline where the tiles are, and you'll proceed to Rockstar Row after this.

It just so happened that the cleanup crew thought it'd be fun to remove the carpet from Rockstar Row to have the tiles under it cleaned.

Why does it have to be you?!

You couldn't help but shake your head in annoyance as you proceeded to mop the tiles, the ambience of a music soothed and entertained you while you were mopping. Your mind drifted away for a moment.

Monty's insecurities... funny, you thought animatronics were incapable of feeling such things, yet here you are, left alone to listen to Monty's sentiments after Bonnie's arrival.

As a human being, you could understand and feel exactly how he is feeling. You've been there before, it just so happened that it wasn't this... complicated.

Bonnie's return seemed to be a great gift to the rest, but they slowly forgot about Monty as time goes on. Your heart squelched whenever you imagine the alligator standing at the corner, watching the band smile amongst the crowed—it makes him seem so much of an outcast instead.

You felt the need to reprimand Freddy sometime later, he needs to be aware of the state his friends are in. There should be a way to resolve this issue with both Bonnie and Monty comfortable with each other in the picture, right?

Maybe, they just need to acknowledge him more up to a certain extent. Perhaps, things will go better in a short while.



The sound of metal colliding against one another made you jolt from your thoughts and immediately look behind you to see what the commotion was all about, only for you to grip the handle of the mop, startled.

On the ground were two staff bots, both were malfunctioning, and underneath them was the still-wet trail from where you walked with the mop.

"Shit." You cursed under your breath, you forgot to clear the wet tracks from your mop, which could've led to the staff bots slipping.

You're not liable for this, right?


You hastily sped-walked out of there while carrying the mop, which was less doused than earlier. Maybe, one of the animatronic could pass by and take care of it? Hopefully.

You headed towards the elevator and took the ride back to the Main Lobby, going along with nodding your head to the music as if nothing happened, and got off when the doors opened to the quiet ambience of the Main Lobby.

Mutters of annoyance left your lips as you walked down the stair steps, once again casting a glance over to the Daycare. Maybe, sooner or later you could pay the Attendant a visit when you're not busy? The Daycare Attendant was... nice, to say the least.

You definitely know that the Daycare Attendant was first weary of you, you could vaguely recall it in your memories, but anything after that—you couldn't recall.

Maybe its an encounter best left for later.

You eventually made it to Rockstar Row, seeing that the entire hall from the end where the Utility Tunnels were, had the carpet rolled and placed somewhere you don't know.

Besides that point, the rest of the animatronics were no longer in their greenrooms, probably somewhere within the Pizzaplex, that's for sure. You faced Rockstar Row while your other hand held the mop. "Okay, it's just you and me." You mumbled towards the mop who joined your travels down to Rockstar Row.

Oh, what great memories you'll make with this contraption.


It has been two hours since you started. You wiped the beads of sweat which trickled your forehead with the back of your forearm, you eyes glancing forward to see your work.

The entire hall was finally mopped clean—you didn't expect it'll take that long to cover all the floors when it seemed so small without the carpets. For once, you underestimated the architectural design of this floor plan.

Your eyes focused on the mop on your hand—it was really used well. You moved to one side of Rockstar Row and cautiously walked towards the entrance to the Utility Tunnels, not wanting to soil the newly-mopped floor with your shoes. It was a surprise that you managed to succeed, pulling open the doors to the Utility Tunnels and closing them after you. The dark area made you grab your flashlight and use it to increase your visibility. This place looked like it needs more heavy-duty cleaning more than any other places in the Pizzaplex.

Well, except the sewage under the kitchen, of course.

The set of stairs leading down was quite a trip, you felt exhausted already from cleaning duty that you nearly missed a step for several times already. However, you were also conscious enough to hold onto something and prevent the inevitable.

How clumsy can humans be?

You shook your head and continued your journey until you reached a turn down a dimly lit hallway. If you continue further, you'll get to the first aid station, and the hall following that leads to the main janitorial closet with all the supplies.

Why were you going here again...? Oh yeah, cleaning agents.

The other janitorial closet lacks the chemical to clean the mop itself, and you figured that the main closet should have it, right? Otherwise, the wax collated by the mop will harden.

The hallway—which could fit three animatronics in width, had a door left open ajar, and inside was relatively large that it could work equally as a whole room of thirty-square meters in floor space. Boxes, shelves holding bottles of cleaning agents, and tools lined on one side met your view, a dim light bulb overhead with a thin string of metal-like material serving as the light switch when tugged. You took the liberty of leaning the mop against the wall and began searching for the chemical you need. It should resemble the bottle used for cleaning detergents, but yellow.

It took a moment before you eventually found it, it was on a shelf higher than you. Needless to say, you had to jump a few times to reach the high shelf—it was of sheer luck that nothing bad happened by the time you got your hands on the bottle. It was still unopened, probably a stock.

Again, who are you to complain?

As you were reading the label to make sure it's the right one, your phone lit up and vibrated in your pocket. You set aside the bottle on a lower shelf to grab ahold of your buzzing phone from your pocket and looked at the screen—your friend was calling.

At this hour, though?

You had this odd feeling before answering the call in a swipe of a finger, placing your phone next to your ear. "Hello?" you spoke first.

You heard silence for a moment before a voice came. "Hey, I know you're busy with your work but... I wanted to tell you something." She spoke softly, a sheer difference compared to her usual energetic noise.

You shifted in slight discomfort. "Is there something wrong? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine don't worry. I've been meaning to tell you this, but I haven't got the free time to do so." Her voice was too soft for your comfort, it was flipping you with unease.

She was never this soft, she has the solid voice comparable to Vanessa, but kinder. "Was it that scary dude you've been around with? I swear, if he did some shit to you, I'd personally—"

"It has nothing to do with him, trust me, he's nicer that you presume. I just so happened to be... leaving." It sounded like it was such a burden for her to speak, her voice seemed constrained and dry.

You simply gripped your phone for a moment. "Leaving? But why? Where are you going? When?" you had so many questions that you squatted down on the floor and leaned against the wall, nearing a sitting position.

"You know how I ran away before, so I could reach broader horizons? My... other friends found out about me, and they'll be bringing me home. It just so happened that I'm at the airport, my flight's in ten minutes." The strain on her voice was evident that you could feel your lips quivering as your eyes were downcast.

"I... I see..." you felt disheartened, you've been friends with her for years now—it felt like a part of you was drifting away. She was the only one who accompanied you despite your solitude, she was always there.

But now, here you are, listening to what she has to say before she leaves. You knew her lineage and past, the moment she boards that plane, communicating with her will never be easy. "But what about that guy who accompanied you?"

"That's the funny part, my other friends who wants to bring me back was... also his friend. He was the reason why they found out about me." She stifled a laugh, but you know for a fact that she was in a state of unease, her eyes looked very much dull, and her spirit was wavering. "It was going to happen sooner or later, I've been free for the past half of a decade, maybe it's time I go back and face them, right?"

Something was stinging your eyes, they were blurry—they were tear-filled. You used your forearm to wipe the tears from your eyes.

People leaving... isn't it the most painful thing to think of?

"Well... try to keep in touch with me when you get there... don't forget about me, alright?" you tried to uplift the mood, but it wasn't working in your favor, and you knew she could sense your attempt.

"Times have changed, I'll contact you one way or the other... it's just... I'm sorry I said it just now, I just don't know what to tell you." She continued, and you could vaguely hear in the background of the announcement that a certain flight is now boarding, she sighed. "I have to go... be sure to take care of yourself without me, alright?"

Those were her final words before she hung up, seemingly in a hurry. You could only stare at the wall for a moment before slowly bringing your phone down from your ear, her words still fresh in your mind.

She's always been there for you, and things will change now that she's leaving. It was going to happen eventually; you just didn't expect it'd happen that fast and immediate.

You didn't even have the chance to give her a proper farewell...

It was like emotions crashed over you, and fatigue came knocking on your door. You felt exhausted, physically and mentally drained after that one phone call. Has anyone else felt that before? How they felt whenever someone was leaving on such short notice...?

You didn't know how long has passed, all you recalled was closing your eyes and taking a break from both work, and after Rose's farewell. You shouldn't overreact like this, Rose was a born rebel, she'll be back in no time, you just...

You just know it.


"Follow me..." a voice oddly familiar called out to you, making you whip your head around to locate its owner.

You don't know what happened, but you were standing in the Utility Tunnels, doing hell knows what before the voice called out. It was raspy, but you could make out the femineity of the voice.

You hesitated before walking forward, the tunnel-like structure didn't help in easing your mind, the steam coming out of pipes was making the place seem more... humid, menacing, and suffocating.

However, two red dots—eyes, big ones, were staring right at you from the other end of the hallway. This one was... different from the one before.

"Follow..." the unknown entity spoke once again before turning to walk further down the hallway of a tunnel, the footsteps were light, like fabric against metal.

"Hey, wait!" you called out, walking at first, before you finally began running after the figure.

Is this another dream? Is it a memory? Weren't you in the Janitor's Closet just a while ago?

Will you wake up before you catch up with the entity?

Still, you kept running, the tunnels unnaturally extended, making you run longer even though the tunnel didn't stretch that far in length. No matter how fast you ran—you were still left with significant distance away from the mysterious figure.

Eventually, after going through twists and turns, you stumbled upon an old security office, cobwebs and dust buildup were thick, it made you cover your nose and mouth before you started coughing out.

The figure was no longer there, but you were startled when the old security monitors whir to life, and static replaced the screen once devoid of life.

Oh, you'd prefer it if it stayed in darkness.

"Do you remember?" the voice came again, yet you couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from. The monitors? A speaker? You couldn't decipher, but you were certain that it's the same entity from before.

"Remember what exactly? Where are you?" finding great uncertainty and unease with speaking to someone without seeing them, you hesitated to move.

"Nothing is what they seem. Go on, remember, I'll always come back."

"So, wake up."


"Wake up." You groaned as the voice became clearer to register in your mind, your eyes squinted before fluttering your eyelids open, the dim light from the ceiling wasn't too bright, yet it stung your vision after getting used to the dark for some time.

"what...?" you muttered, trying to see the owner of the voice that stirred you awake, seeing a blob of orange and blue—before your senses sharpened, and in front of you is a clear figure. "Freddy...?"

His eyes were half-lidded—in a bad way, he doesn't look too happy.

Not a sign of joy in his eyes as his arms were crossed.

"Where... are we?" despite your senses coming around, your sense of awareness took its sweet time to maul you.

The animatronic was unamused. "We are still in the Janitor's Closet in the Utility Tunnels. It is also exactly 4:32 A.M." he spoke, his focus on you was... unwavering. "I presume you're working without rest once again—a typical yet unhealthy habit of yours." He began in his well-thought speech about your disregard for your own well-being.

The type of talk which makes you groan in annoyance and yearn to leave already.

But of course, Freddy wouldn't have it.

"I do not like that you're over exerting yourself. Passing out in the middle of work is a clear sign of overwork and fatigue, and its making me worried." His crossed arms slowly uncrossed to let his arms dangle to his sides. "I also know that you're tired due to the series of activities you've done with Monty earlier today. I thought about letting it slide, but to cost you your health? I'm not that kind, (Y/N), and you know it." his long speech about reprimanding you sounded like bickering of an old spouse.

You simply leaned your head on the wall, feeling a numbing headache forming from all his words. "Cut me some slack, I just tried making the guy happy—"

"What about me then? Are you perhaps alright with the idea of my absolute unhappiness in exchange for Monty's temporary joy?" once again he crossed his arms, he was becoming slightly angrier by the minute. "Is spending time with him really that important now? You're leaving me like this."

"Freddy, you're overreacting." You cut him off by raising a finger to prove your point. "Are you more concerned of the fact that I fell asleep in the Janitor's Closet or are you jealous that I'm trying to cheer Monty?" you shifted into a more comfortable position, you couldn't feel your legs, you must've strained them from being in this position for hours.

The animatronic was caught speechless, for once, his highly intelligent core chips ceased to function in giving a response. "I-I am definitely not envying Monty; I am simply unhappy with the fact that you're doing something which goes against your health and well-being. I would never want you to get yourself harmed. You fell asleep in the Janitor's Closet, what's next? You'll sleep on the escalator? The elevator? Much worse, in one of the attractions?" he still goes on with his worries, failing to get the idea that you understand him, but you were not in the mood to take more of his reprimanding.

"Freddy, I get it. I guess I overestimated myself." You were not in the mood to mention anything about Rose for the time being, as much as possible, you didn't want to think of something that inevitably won't help you one bit. There's nothing you can do so—why ponder?

"Good, for the remainder of your shift, I'd be at ease if you'll stay in my greenroom and catch some rest." He approached you in an attempt to help you up.

However, you eyed him. "I'm not done with my work."

"That's simple, I will do it for you." He insisted.

"Might I remind you that I'm on cleaning duty, it means 'water' is an essential aspect." You tried to talk sense into the animatronic.

He looks at you, if he could raise a brow physically, he'd definitely be doing it now. "I am water resistant, and my chances of spilling water onto myself is much more minimal than in an extent of humans." He then directed his full focus onto you, looking at you eye-to-eye. "With that said, I ask that you take a well-needed rest in my greenroom." This time, his request sounded more like a command.

It took you a while, but once your legs regained feeling, you immediately got up onto your feet. "Oh? And if I refuse to?" for some reason, you wanted to finish work yourself. It makes you feel more of a freeloader if Freddy keeps on being lenient to you. Thus, there are times when you need to say no to him.

"You've been engaging in activities that are not to my liking, especially, if its more or less, about your well-being. For the last time, I want you to go to my greenroom and get some rest while I finish the unfinished duties of yours." This time, his tone was much more solid and authoritative.

However, you were also quite rebellious. "Make me." You dared a challenge. Physically, you knew you won't win against the animatronic, but you definitely wouldn't falter without trying.

Just as the animatronic was about to retort an intelligent comeback, another entity seemed to have cleared their throat from behind him.

Both you and the orange animatronic slowly turned to look at the unknown entity in the hallway nearby—and what sheer surprise to see Bonnie there.

"Well, I apologize, did I interrupt something? Like, a lovers' quarrel of some sort?" he questioned, clasping both his hands together to emphasize his point.

You immediately shook your head. "N-No, nothing's going on!" you defended, feeling called out all of the sudden.

"Indeed, the term used is perhaps, inappropriate, so to say." He was able to alter his tone in accordance with the emotion he is supposed to show, even though on the inside.

He too, was damn well embarrassed.

"Right! And Freddy's totally right, I feel really exhausted so—I'll talk to you later? Yeah, that sounds good, see ya!" you made a run for it and bolted past the two animatronics—where would you go? You don't know.

But definitely, anything to escape that embarrassing encounter.

Maybe, a nap in Freddy's greenroom isn't so bad after all?


"Let me get this straight, humans can sleep in the Janitor's Closet? Like, anywhere?" Bonnie was trying to hold in his laughter, watching Freddy's supposedly stoic expression while explaining everything. "Gosh, I forgot how funny these creatures are!"

"Humans are distinct and different from each other, however, (Y/N) is truly different in a way." He shook his head and crossed his metallic arms. "She just never fails in surprising me."

"Right, and I figured if I didn't come at that very moment, something was BOUND to happen!" he was still in his laughing fit while talking, making it took like he'd wheeze in a second. "If I hadn't known better, I'd say you and that security guard would've done something NASTY."

"Please rephrase your words, I am just looking after her. You do know how special she is to me, and it'll make me feel horrible if something bad happens to her." Still unfazed, Freddy responded, but his gears were moving haywire—the robotic sense of blushing, his servos were emanating heat, and it's not even from his warming pads from within.

"You know, if you like the girl then go out with her, I won't judge." Bonnie was quick to conclusions but...

Freddy knew for a fact that he and you were already a thing, the fact has not been revealed to the rest yet. Having caught and 'misunderstood' gave Freddy no sense of worry.

Other than the fact that you might disapprove of someone else knowing without your permission. So, he has to play it professionally, for now.

"I think you need to be tuned; your programming must be malfunctioning with the way you're assuming." He eyed the blue animatronic before he himself walked past him. "If you'll excuse me, I have work to do..." he paused.

The bunny animatronic could've continued, but paused as well after seeing Freddy staring at him, silently. "Is something wrong? I didn't mean to touch a servo if you're not in the mood to joke around—"

"No, it's not that." Freddy immediately reassured him, lest he misunderstands. "However, I could see marks all over your casing." He pointed to Bonnie's arm, the blue paint on his casing seemed to be... scratched, the paint being scratched off, revealing the silvery-exterior that defaulted his color prior painting. Not only that, the same marks of different leverage and sizes littered onto several parts of his mechanical body. Not an ordinary person could see.

However, Freddy had always been keen to detail, and this one has failed to escape his azure-eyed gaze. "What happened to you?"

Bonnie was—physically taken aback, catching quick glances to his arm and body to confirm. A look of disparagement and disdain flashed his eyes for a brief second before it turned back to those of laid-back gazes of his. "Oh, I didn't notice this before. I missed a step earlier when I took the stairs and fell, must've gotten my casing damaged. Don't worry, I'll have the techs tend to me in the morning."

"Right." Freddy decided to drop the subject, since it could've been true that the animatronic did had a little accident. "I will record a note for the techs for you. You should get your casing cleaned too, and do be careful next time, alright?" he reminded, no longer thinking too much of the matter.

Well, Monty often gets his casing damaged from his fits, its no surprise that some could also attain that level of damage, right?

Freddy is well-convinced of the manner.

"Well, if nothing else, I'll go ahead with my tasks, see you later." Freddy patted Bonnie's shoulder and proceeded to leave the hallway, no longer looking back for a response.

The bunny animatronic stood there in place, listening to Freddy leave. It was like a switch within him changed, and he narrowed his eyes for a moment.

"This is getting interesting."

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