Chapter 4

"I heard news of it, but I didn't believe anything until you've told me so yourself. This is big news." The astonished voice of your friend, Rose, rang your ears.

Through the next hour, you found boredom to plague your duty. Through some string of fate, you noticed Rose being online at this hour of the night. Without anything urgent to take care of, you thought it'd be nice to send her a message.

Only for her to call instead.

"Even Freddy didn't know a thing about it." you leaned back on your swivel chair, resting your feet on the desk in front of you as camera feeds from the monitors flickered. "I just feel bad for Monty, you know? Since, until now, people are pointing fingers at him." You added, recalling the frustrations and obvious anxiousness radiating from the alligator animatronic's temperament.

A slight hum was heard from the other line. "You feel it too, huh? When I first heard the news, I wondered how Monty would think. Since, you know, the fiasco and stuff." Rose trailed off, slight sounds of metal against whisk met your auditory sensors as you raised a brow.

"What are you even doing? Its four in the morning." You decided to ask, even though you already had a brief idea on what the other would say.

"The boss invited the staff in a charitable mission. So, here I am, baking snacks to give away." As if on cue, you heard the 'ding' sound from what you presumed to be an oven.

You released a small sigh alongside a smile. "That's sweet, sorry if I'm interrupting your activities."

"No, it's fine. It gets pretty boring when waiting for the goods to bake. Besides, we don't have the leisure to talk anymore." Rose continued, the sounds of a spoon scraping a surface was heard, and other cooking utensils were placed down on the countertop. You could only guess that she's removing whatever she baked from the molding pan.

"I see, but I won't interrupt you anymore than I've currently done. Enjoy your day! I'm on day off in a few hours." You told her, considering that her lecture would follow after if you decided not to.

"Glad to know you still listen to your body. Now, go. I have stuff to do." Rose hung up before you could reply, since continuously listening to your replies will only lengthen the conversation.

"I'll talk to you soon... I guess..." you were only able to mutter in silence, since she already hung up.

Subconsciously, you glanced at your hand, you skipped the medical bay since you didn't want to go down the Utility Tunnels, nor did you want to head over to the medical bay to get some bandages. The wound was still open, but the blood seemed to clog the wound, currently in the process of slow healing. However, you probably need to clean the wound before applying bandages. Sadly, you subconsciously placed your hands on your uniform to fix the knife-edged creases on your white blouse—which inevitably left small stains of crimson that were minimally to quite obvious marks. You sighed, surely, people or any animatronic will jump into conclusions if they see you like this.

Still, you stood up and grabbed ahold of the black security jacket which you scarcely use—only if its windy outside. You wore it hastily despite the obvious creases of being stuffed in your backpack, but you could care less.

The flashlight secured on your belt was taken, the battery being at fifty percent. You checked the monitors one last time to ensure nothing was out of the ordinary before going out. It was around four-thirty by then, an hour and thirty minutes before your shift ends. A trip to the medical bay should suffice, right? Thirty minutes to an hour may be enough with ample time to do the last minute tasks. You can always extend an hour or so to deal with it, right? As long as you adhere to opening hours.

Despite the chilly air conditioning that continuously circulates in the Pizzaplex, your jacket was just enough to provide you warmth. However, the downside of wearing jackets is that you're carrying something heavier, or perhaps if not, you'll be dealing with movements that are not flexible and smooth enough.

The medical bay is currently under construction due to faulty wiring problems, however, there is another medical bay in the Main Atrium. Considering that the kitchen is a place that's common for accidental injuries, a medical bay is situated near the area to attend immediate concerns. That is, if the medical bay is open for access. Since staff rarely pass that area—security staff, specifically, there may or may not be an entryway security pass.

You looked around the Main Atrium, seeing the scenery very familiar. It would've been more than a year since you encountered the familiar place time and time again, almost every night if not for day offs and the day shift.

The only difference is that the lights highlighting Bonnie Bowl was more prominent, and Bonnie's posters serving as the Pizzaplex's Anniversary were laid around, probably left by fans. The management probably thought it'd be good to clean everything up in the morning. After all, it was pretty busy today.

Through the employee entrance, you took the fastest route possible towards the kitchen, which was just near the salad stop. The entrance required your authorization pass, which was easy, the hallways were dark—you needed to hold the flashlight to keep visibility. The long pathway ended by a spiral steps of stairs, it was narrow yet passable for one person. It led to two or three floors down—where the kitchen was. The smell of grease became more evident as you continued down further, making you scrunch an expression, knowing that the scent came from something that was meant to be disposed of.

The lights in the area were dim, and the lower area of the kitchen was visible from your view. Catwalks of metal reached to the other side of the area where a path in the center leads to another set of staircase which leads to the kitchen, and on one side is a security office area.

Which means, by going to the kitchen, an employees only pathway will lead you to the medical bay.

It wasn't really a medical bay, it was a room with shelves filled with first aid materials, chemicals, and tools. Bandages, antiseptics and alcohol should be present.

You made your way up the said staircase and pushed open the double doors which leads to the kitchen. Metallic cooking ware met your view, and everything was relatively cleaned. The door that leads to the closet was closed, but you were able to open it with a little nudge and some elbow grease.

The door led to a small hallway that is relatively narrow but fit for two people to enter at the same time. At the end of the few feet hallway lies a closet door, the words 'First Aid' sticked on the wooden material from a piece of masking tape. Without a shade of reluctance, you opened the closet door, and inside were layers of medical materials and tools lined properly in a messy way. You took the bottle of antiseptic and grabbed some bandages without needing to look for other equipment, closing the closet door right after you got what you're looking for.

You decided to leave the area first before applying first aid on your wound, just so you wont make a mess. You left the kitchen and headed back down the flight of stairs with the items on hand, your eyes catching glimpse of the metallic door leading to the security office. The office here is relatively large, with several controls for doorways and monitors around gave you the brief idea that this place was also used by the administration team whenever the main office temporarily visits.

You took a seat on one of the many swivel chairs in the area, placing the items you found on the table. Monitors were turned on, only for the purpose of recording. You could vaguely hear the mechanical whirring of the monitors nearby, and the shift in camera feeds frequently captured your temporary interest.

The cap on the antiseptic was already loose, indicating how it was recently being used. The bandage you got wasn't in a plastic wrapper, it was slightly dirtied from being placed in the shelves of the closet.

You could only sigh, you seriously didn't check the quality of the materials first before actually taking them.

Regardless, it wont be a problem if you temporarily use them, right? The wound is slowly healing anyways.

However, before you could actually pour the antiseptic on your wound, the sliding, metallic door behind you slid open which made you pause.

You took the liberty to turn around and see who entered the security office, the antiseptic bottle still in your hand.

There, you actually expected for Freddy to appear—just like he always does. However, that wasn't the case. What stood at the door frame was the blue animatronic that recently joined the crew. His figure and posture similar to Freddy's, and the smile reflected in his eyes was vividly realistic.

"You? What are you doing here?" you asked, placing the bottle down on the table before turning to face him once again. Confusion was quite evident in your expression.

The animatronic took a few steps forward, glancing at the bottle on the table alongside the bandages, before glancing at your palm which still had a prominent cut wound. The crimson color of your blood stained the surrounding of the wound, but it wasn't actively bleeding as it did before.

A small shard can inflict a wound long enough to cover your palm.

"Are you alright? When did you get hurt?" his voice was sincere as he carefully held your hand with his, examining the wound closer before looking at the medical supplies again. "You shouldn't use old and used medical supplies, it could infect the wound." He continued before taking a step back and opened his stomach hatch.

The way he opened his stomach hatch was just as similar as how Freddy does it, but inside wasn't a present box like how Freddy usually has. Inside his stomach hatch was a first aid kit which he gingerly took out before closing his stomach hatch.

"You know, my senses told me that children frequently injure themselves while playing. I guess, bringing this around was of use." He opened the box with one hand and took out a new bottle of antiseptic. He only used a finger to flick away the cork cover while his other hand grabbed a piece of cotton, dousing the soft material in the antiseptic liquid and proceeded to wipe your wound, covering your palm with the brown-colored solution.

It didn't sting, since the wound already probably closed shut, only the blood that remained has dried off on your skin. The antiseptic slowly softened and cleaned the dried stain, which also cleaned the wound entirely.

He then proceeded to grab a roll of bandages from the box and carefully wrapped it around your palm, being sure to be gentle considering his hard hold made of metal. When it was done, he tied a knot securely on the back of your hand with what remains of the bandage to keep its hold on the wound.

The whole while, you didn't move, nor made any actions to counteract his own. His motives and intentions were sincere as you've seen, and his gentleness reminds you of when Freddy takes care of you whenever you're injured.

After so, you took a look at his work, which was near flawless with pristine clean bandages covering the wound. The animatronic simply threw the used materials—as well as the old ones you found—into a nearby trash bin before glancing over at you.

"There, all better." He gave a smile through the expression of his eyes. "But how did you get yourself injured? If its alright to ask." He questioned, standing right in front of you with a curious gaze.

You simply sighed and leaned against the backrest of the swivel chair. "It's a long story, to be honest. I helped Monty clean up in his greenroom, but I got hurt from a glass shard." You simply explained it as simple as possible, being sure to leave out details of why the animatronic was raging.

"Oh?" the animatronic perked in interest. "Although he made the mess himself, he should've taken you to the medical bay, or grab a first aid kit." He shook his head in slight disapproval.

"It's not his fault, I told him I'll go there myself. Besides, it was my impulsive thought, not Monty." You weren't annoyed but the continuous questioning was getting on your nerves.

Why do you always sound so irritated whenever you're interacting with Bonnie? Even if you've met him just recently, your view of him was greatly mixed. Was it because of Monty? You feel bad for the alligator that you're holding prejudice against Bonnie?

You really need to clear your head of these prejudices, it's not good.

"Anyways, thanks for the help, really. The medical bay at the Main Atrium was sealed for construction improvements, and I didn't have the time to look for the one in the Utility Tunnels." You thanked him in the end, standing up from the swivel chair and checked the time from the monitors. It was already the end of your ship, a few minutes after 6 A.M. "You really need to get going and prepare, fans will be all over you in a few hours."

"Don't worry, I charged plenty. How about we go back to the Main Lobby together? I'm sure Freddy has been worried about you." He gestured for you to follow, which you reluctantly did.

Bonnie was nice, you never got the chance to interact with him up close before, you could find yourself smiling while walking with him.

It was relatively silent when the both of you walked in tranquility through the halls, arriving at the starting point beside the Salad Bar before you know it. Only, this time, Bonnie decided to dissipate the silence.

"You know, Freddy talks a lot about you." Bonnie spoke casually all of the sudden. He glanced down at your small physique, watching your reaction.

You were taken aback for a moment, not really expecting that the animatronic would say something as specific as that. "He... he did? Well... he's really nice..." you don't know what else you could say, your mind was empty from having too much to process.

It seems that Bonnie found your reaction quite amusing, he paused for a moment and crossed his arms. "Now I see why, you're pretty funny." He complimented with a smile in his eyes.

You only smiled, awkwardly at that. You couldn't help but be flustered. Of course, you had to admit that you and Freddy were pretty close.

It just felt like you were undoubtedly safe by his side, and his demeanor towards you was fairly favorable. You couldn't see him acting differently since you came back, and he accepted your undoubted flaws.

Your clumsiness, you mean.

Yet something about that animatronic just makes you feel more comfortable than the rest, giving you this feeling which you've never experienced before. It was more than surreal to imagine.

"Daydreaming, I see?" the blue animatronic teased, seeing the smile forming in your unfocused expression.

You evidently scoffed at him and crossed your arms. "You're overthinking things, we're friends." No longer staying around to talk or even continue this conversation, you walked off and headed to where you were supposed to go—which was Rockstar Row.

Employees arrived already, some are just clocking in for their own shifts, while the others were conversing with other colleagues.

You paid them no mind and went straight to Freddy's greenroom, a place where you usually leave your things nowadays. Purposely, you avoided being seen by employees as to not make any more issue.

People like to gossip in nature.

After gathering your things, you presumed for Freddy to have already left, since the area was untouched, and Freddy was nowhere in the room. You merely grabbed your backpack and placed your things inside before going out—again, ensuring no one saw you left his greenroom.

A good few hours' sleep is just what you need.


'You remember me... do you?'

'Did you really think that you'll escape your cage once you've forgotten me?'

'I'll always be here, watching you.'

'Don't forget this, I'll always come back.'


A gasp escaped Vanessa's lips as she woke up with a start, her eyes were wide open, her hand clenching the silk fabric of her night dress by her chest. Her chest felt like she was being constrained—she could hardly breathe from unspoken panic.

It took her a few minutes before she calmed down, breathing heavily until the pace was near normal. She blinked a few times before she recognized the area in which she's in.

The dark grey curtains were drawn shut, letting no sunlight in the room—with the exception of the searing gaps between the curtain's folds, letting rays of sunlight to slightly illuminate the room. There was a closet, a desk, a TV set, and many other furniture commonly seen in a bedroom.

That's right, she's in her room, in her house.

Shaking her head, she recalled the dream she previously had—compared to other usual dreams, she never once heard whispers in her dreams.

Especially, those she remembers quite thoroughly even when she woke up.

Dreams are mysterious events, most of which are immediately forgotten by the time of awakening. However, the voice was clear, it was echoing her head—it was making her feel uneasy.

She swung her legs by the edge of the bed, her feet immediately feeling the soft warmth of her bedroom slippers. She slipped them on and went out of the room, down the flight of stairs, and entered the small kitchen where she opened the fridge and took a glass of water.

The cold liquid of the beverage was soothing as she drank, immediately shaking away the horrid thoughts that plagued her mind before. It managed to let her calm down, but that doesn't mean its over.

This isn't the first time this happened. The dreams became frequent and prominent for a few days now, whenever she slept. She rarely encountered the whispers during her shift—but when it does, she hears it only at one specific location.

The Utility Tunnels.

Without much of a thought, she felt the need to clear her mind from this ordeal. She placed the empty glass by the sink to clean it in a few hours, her strides up the stairs were at a usual pace before reaching the bedroom. Her mind was clouded by thoughts the whole time, as much as she tried to remember, she simply couldn't recall as to where she heard it before, or to who did that voice belong to.

It was empty.

But the Utility Tunnels had always been prominent whenever the voices come up. So, that's her clue right there, it was somewhere in the Pizzaplex.

Perhaps, she should keep resting and find out more on this matter tomorrow.

Maybe, tomorrow will be another day.

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