Chapter 16
"They'll leave traces, but it's not about whether the trace is left to be found, but how the perpetrator is able to manipulate the world into thinking that the miniscule trace is insignificant enough to ignore."
Those words spiraled in your train of thoughts for quite some time now. Ever since those words were released right in the open, it made you doubt everything you've ever discovered so far. Whether or not Sunny's words made sense, or he is hinting towards a certain direction is far beyond your line of comprehension. Rather, perhaps you're looking this the wrong way. Inevitably, Vanessa being the prime person appearing to mind when the word 'suspicious' arose, and thus, did arose suspicion given her sudden change of attitude.
Given, she really was pissy to begin with, right?
Its hard to assume when you don't even remember what transpired all those months ago. How a handful of memories suddenly vanished away, tucked snugly by the remains of what you claim as flashes of yesterday.
Tonight, you were simply heading out for a while to get your clothes and uniform from the laundry, enough time to return to the establishment before the doors close in from the entrance. Of course, you had control keys to manually enter through another entry point, but usage of such will only demerit you with another scolding for 'not adhering to company policy'. But on the way out, your mind was never empty from the occurrences that transpired for the last few days.
Missing children, the sense of déjà vu, the conflict stirring tension among the animatronics, all of which just spirals down into a fine concoction of a jumbled chaotic ruin which serves no other purpose than to serve a high-grade headache.
Don't you have hobbies to keep your mind of? Even if you did, do you still remember them?
'Stop it, (Y/N). If you keep thinking about it, you'll fall apart, and if you do, who will put you back together?' you mentally scolded yourself before embracing the cold winter breeze outside the Pizzaplex. Absent was the caress of snow, but present is the wind that sends an unwelcoming shiver down your spine. Right, before coming back, bring the jacket.
Your journey out was another story, a mundane one, one which a certain hot pink-eyed animatronic kept focused on until your form disappears in the distance of the once bustling streets of the city.
When your form was no longer visible from sight, the animatronic turned away, passing the lobby and reaching up the stairs to the second floor. With a 90 degree turn, the animatronic pushed open the doors to the daycare. The wood creaking in protest to being pushed open so suddenly, the need for maintenance clear with every screech against the carpeted flooring, where said flooring painted the floor threadbare, yet stained from days evidenced by youthful mess.
The interior painted with colors light to the eyes, a contrast to the neonic colors adorning the Main Atrium. Posters and wall paintings resembling somewhat of a mural of a yellow and dark blue animatronic, two sides of the same circle. Day and night, light and dark.
But the animatronic's focus was not to appreciate the splendor of such murals, nor was he going to stick around and find riposte on any other animatronic's words—that or he was in, somewhat, the receiving end of such riposte. The Pizzaplex is a convoluted narrative which encompasses many stories, all in different books, but co-existing in one location. However, none of those elaborate and intricate details were ever discussed other than the otherwise accepted publicity statement released by the corporative entity. But even so, was there even a point in all of this?
More or less, pondering wont do anything at all.
Hot pink eyes gazed at the staircase at the end of the bright enamor of the area, a play station complete with a play structure and various inanimate objects created to provide an illusionary sense of entertainment for human youth. That, or a fateful excuse for destructive behavior to roam free rampant without dire consequences other than an extra amount charged to an already existing bill for parents to lay their platitudes.
Oh, the disdain. If only the human race and their youthful offsprings could be subjected to some semblance of acquiescence, then things could've gone better.
The animatronic headed down that set of stairs and descended all the way to the first floor. His footsteps heavy as metal collides with rough carpets, the soft thump under his weight signified his presence all too well despite the silencing material underneath. He rounded the area and found himself standing in front of the not-so-imposing stature of two wooden doors lay closed. The structure of an entryway could've been a great intimidation to humans whose stature were lesser than those of animatronics, but to animatronics like himself—it was a different story.
With a slight push, without extending much strength and effort on his part, the doors swung open towards the daycare. The soft paddy matting like jigsaw pieces littered the floor, an enormous ball pit connected to a slide reaching up the second floor laid bare, the structure ever-so imposing and huge, and of course, the miniscule of objects adorning the matting. There were crayons needing to be cleaned up, papers scattered with nonsensical doodles of children who wasted each page for each masterpiece left crumbling underfoot, and the cushions serving as stackable seats laid scattered in different colors. It was a mess, so to say, perhaps it is the beginning of the Daycare Attendant's nightly obligations of cleaning up, despite the presence of staff bots and human janitors who were supposed to do the job were all left absent in the scene, for not everyone is comfortable around the attendant.
But not to him, no, he is just right where he needed to be, where he should be. As his hot pink eyes caught sight of a dandelion figure in the distance, carrying what seemed to be a broom, he approached. A stature like himself would've been ever so imposing and intimidating, but not in the slightest did he prove that insinuation to be true. If animatronics could show facial expressions, a kind smile would no doubt paint his permanent animatronic casing with a smile.
"Greetings to you, Sunshine." He began, raising a bluish hand up to wave.
The attendant seemed spooked for a moment—clearly not expecting a guest to show up beyond hours—and even so, he may not be one of the most to be expected as a visitor to such a place—given his... return...
"Bonnie--! Yes, its quite a surprise to see you here! Um... may I be so rude to ask why? Not that it's a bad thing—it's just—" Sunny fumbled, being caught off guard like this was certainly not in his list of expectations. The only ones comfortable enough to be around him is—
"I heard you and Officer (Y/N) are good friends, knowing her, I would like to follow the example." Bonnie replied, ending Sunny's probably endless fumbling with words as if the automated mechanism was unable to form coherent words out of his voice box and thought process A.I.
Follow the example? What?
"What do you mean? I mean, are you in need of a friend?" what else would Sunny ask? There are a lot of individuals who can make such a bare point and refuse to beat around the bush yet can be so vague that initial questioning will provide no sufficient, nor fruitful response. "IF so, I would love to teach you things you probably already know. I apologize, but I am late for a clean-up. Like humans, it's hard for me to proceed with my line of duties with words being passed around."
Was it too obvious? Or was Sunny trying to be nice? Or rather, was he trying to steer the newly-joined animatronic away?
"Well... I want to know how I could be a more comfortable friend to her." Bonnie replied, taking a step forward, a hand outstretched. His ears lolled up front as he moved, his hot pink eyes grazing over the appearance of the slender animatronic. Inquisitive yet patient, but a hint of curiosity and a sense of compelling was emanating from them. He didn't expected Sunny to suddenly spring up and react to his outstretched hand, on the contrary, it'd be an immense surprise if so.
The slender animatronic gave him a glance, it took a few seconds before the animatronic relented, a hand shifting sideways, as if inviting the other to come inside the Daycare and take a seat on one of the large cushions—or not, whichever the animatronic preferred.
The animatronic whose height exceeds the other, was as expected, standing before the slender one, with no intention of ever sitting down. Just like the other animatronics, there was no point in sitting down.
"A friend... we... machines... can befriend anyone we want, but it only depends on us if we're sincere to it, or if its just like entertaining children on a daily basis. But for Officer (Y/N), aren't you already friends with her?" he inquired, just as inquisitive as the other. Its not everyday the other animatronic would simply waltz in places he rarely goes to just to ask that meager of a question, nor does the animatronic even once came to his aid for advice.
"Friends with her?" the bunny animatronic tilted his head. "Well... yes, however, I've yet to comprehend the connection between animatronics and humans on a level most understandable by the latter. I was hoping to know more about her." he explained with much honesty as he could. He took a moment to look at the slender animatronic's permanent expression before continuing.
"I saw Officer (Y/N) head in here, and she was comfortably talking to you, as like a friend to another in human form. Forgive me for being curious, but what did you two talk about that made her so intrigued?" Intrigued? Was that even the right word? Bonnie didn't know how to word it clearly without making it look like he has implying it oddly, like now. Its not that he has ulterior motives, he has none of that. However, the thought alone of being in casual exchanges with you... was rather appealing.
"Oh, that? We were just talking about the past. You know the news around by now, its uploaded in our system reminders. Another kid went missing, but this isn't the first time that a child suddenly vanished into thin air." The Sunny animatronic explained, not much going into detail with things they both probably knew already, thus, avoiding a meaningless exchange. "Have you gotten any news of it so far?"
"The missing child?" Bonnie hummed for a moment in deep thought. "No, I have not yet gained any intel on where the supposed child went, however, I'm still on the lookout tonight to give aid. Its in our best interest to ensure the child is alright before something bad happens." His words were empathetic, soothing, rather. His concern for the sudden occurrences visible in his words, his eyes shifting back from the ground in thought, and onto the animatronic. "You told her about the previous incidents? Were those children ever found?"
"Honestly? I don't even know anymore." Sunny's voice was low and down, as if he himself is unsure, yet it wasn't the ideal answer that he too wanted to let out. As much as possible, he'd rather have the kids to never return to the Pizzaplex rather than have them all missing without a trace as to where they went or if their parents even knew what happened to them in the first place. Do they know, though? Do they have any idea on what could have happened? The incident left all of them baffled into stillness and silence as the company provides some kind of cover-up story to sweep the incident under the rug, claiming the children may have left or were not even present in the establishment to begin with prior to their disappearance.
"Concerning as it seems, don't you think Officer (Y/N) should absorb less stress?" he pointed out, surmising the events which led to today, trying not to think of the complexity of the situation thus far. "I don't think it'll be healthy for her to keep on thinking about the unnecessary convoluted points which may or may not even be directly involved in the incident. I don't want to stir panic when she already has a lot in her plate."
He cares about you, was that too hard to understand of a concept?
"I know that, but she asked questions and its only right that I answer, right? Besides, who knows if its also connected to the previous incident, or maybe her accident—"
"Accident?" the bunny animatronic inquired, cutting the slender animatronic off course of what he was saying beforehand, that particular word made his own ears loll slowly as he moved his head. "What accident are you talking about?" an accident? When? Where? And how?
Sunny looked slightly uncomfortable for a moment but eventually let down his guard. Besides, the animatronic should know, right? And besides, isn't he connected to the main server? Didn't he saw the report about it? The incident notes and such? Or was his systems delayed in that regard? Nevertheless, he spoke. "Officer (Y/N) and Officer Vanessa got into an accident a few months to a year ago. They both suffered injuries and head traumas which resulted in a temporary loss of memory. But they're fine now, although I'm not sure if they remember. None of us do." He shook his head, what else to say? It's not like—
"Why? How? Who caused it?" the bunny once again was inquisitive in question, still pondering over the matter at hand—still trying to comprehend what he has been processing in his mechanical servos. "Was it a break-in or—"
"That's the problem, we just... we don't know what happened, but they closed the case with attempted robbery and attempted murder." Sunny concluded before picking up a building block littered on the ground, tossing it in the toy box he had in the far side of the enclosure of the Daycare. His gaze on the box, but a flicker of it glancing up at the pondering animatronic from time to time. He couldn't believe how the other had no idea, how? Was it not in his system mail? Was it not included in his connection to the main network? Sure, it could be that he was added late, and updates were still supposedly going underway, but for how long?
"... I see." The bunny muttered, crossing his arms over his metallic casing before a new kind of silence ensued. Sunny had no indication of what the other was thinking, was he feeling sympathy towards you? Or was he shocked for not knowing what happened so far? Either way, now he knows.
What of it?
"Just don't tell Officer (Y/N) anything else about the past disappearances, please. I worry that her personality will lead her to gain more stress than not. Its best we focus on the present." Bonnie pointed out after the minutes of silence, where the only noise includes the shifting of gears as Sunny continued to clean up in the Daycare. "If possible... please refrain from mentioning this to the other animatronics."
"Don't mention what? The past incidents?" Sunny tilted his head in question. Sure, understandable as it may that telling you nothing will prevent you from overthinking and working yourself to the very bone, but why the others? Even so, don't they already know about the past incidents? It's in the records—
"Oh, no, not that. I meant, refrain from mentioning that we conversed tonight." The animatronic corrected the other, seeing the slender animatronic give out a pause, not knowing what else to say with this. Why? What's so wrong with talking to the other? And what negative impact is brought upon by letting others know? Collective concern is never an issue, right? Sunny was left confused, even as the bunny animatronic gave off a beaming smile through his hot pink eyes. "I best recharge, I am running low on batteries. It has been a great pleasure talking to you again."
The bunny soon left, leaving the Sunny animatronic standing there with a building block clutched in his mechanical hold. The doors slowly closed automatically, the wooden material closing with a thump.
Silence once again engulfed the Daycare, much like earlier before Bonnie decided to prance in. but this time, it was different. The air was thick with solemn, and the animatronic didn't even need to breathe to know that!
The rest of Sunny's chores was quick to finish, but his processors still pondered over the encounter with Bonnie. Like something was off, but when was concern such a problem? Anyone would get worried over such an occurrence, and the disappearance of another child was already enough to shaken the entire Pizzaplex.
Much more... the security staff and the animatronics will be the most impacted should that child be left unfound, they still have to find a way to—not let this occurrence be another hurdle of a downfall for the Pizzaplex.
Right after the cleanup, Sunny returned in his room, right at the balcony on the second floor where he usually jumps out from. Inside was not as friendly-looking as the other animatronics, but acceptable in Sunny's standards. With a pile of things littered in boxes or in shelves, a small vanity laid against the wall right in front of his peripheral vision. He took a seat on the stool provided along with the vanity, his yellow-plated appearance reflecting back to him in the mirror, but no, not just his appearance. His colorless white eyes didn't reflect the same, rather, it reflected the ominous red light emanating from the faceplates. It was the gaze of his counterpart, Moondrop.
To them, this was an efficient way to communicate without looking like Sunny was talking to himself, nor was it looking like he was malfunctioning. In this way, they could face each other, but mirroring the image of Sunny, yet his eyes were of Moon's.
"What do you think?" Sunny began, just as how he would occasionally begin their conversation in regards to whatever has happened earlier, which was to be accounted for. Sunny wasn't the most optimal of animatronics in terms of A.I. and thought process, but having a secondary opinion from another independent identity within him greatly helps.
The red eyes stared back at him through the reflection in the mirror. "I never communicated with that bunny before, is that how he really is?" Moon replied internally through their shared system. Moon didn't need to speak to let Sunny hear him, but Sunny was more comfortable to speak aloud, whereas the counterpart—prefers to communicate internally.
"I think so? I mean, he acts the same as several years ago before his decommissioning. Its just... it feels kind of odd, you know? I get it, everyone's worried about Officer (Y/N), but remember when you told me about her memories might be returning? What if Bonnie's right, it might be... doing more harm than good." Sunny paused, glancing around the room for a moment, before shifting his gaze back onto the former.
"You actually believe that guy?" Moon's voice resounded internally, followed by a "tsk" of disappointment.
This made Sunny question the dismissiveness of the other, his own apprehension giving rise. "What do you mean? He looks trustworthy enough."
"Oh, Sun, I don't know about you, but don't you think Bonnie's arrival coincides with what's happening? A lot of things started to change ever since he came back." Moon pointed out, making Sunny ponder for a moment.
Other than the new shift in popularity and the feud between Bonnie and Monty, he doesn't find any other changes that impacts the Pizzaplex.
"Other than the obvious, I don't think—wait, you don't think Bonnie's hitting up on Officer (Y/N), do you? I mean, isn't she and Freddy—"
"You are hopeless. What I meant was how Bonnie returned as a catalyst for the new missing children incident." Moon replied, his voice adamant with annoyance at having to state what was already too obvious to foretell. "They never declared the reasoning for Bonnie's recommission, they didn't even mention finding his parts—unless... this all comes down to... you know..."
"The parts that Officer (Y/N) was collecting last year? Before, you know, Mr. Willy tried to hocus pocus our systems?" Sunny vaguely remembered it as he retrieved the memory log from his systems. He was there, he was never resetted back then. He knew how you were manipulated into reforming Bonnie by collecting his parts, but that should've been the end of it when you erased all data from Freddy's systems, right? "Maybe an employee found the parts and decided to remake Bonnie? I mean, that sounds feasible enough. With the right amount of programming and engineering, they wont have a reason NOT to bring back Bonnie."
"Think what you will, but I have a feeling someone else is behind all of this, someone who brought Bonnie out for a bigger purpose... I don't know what's going to happen next... but I don't think I like it."
"If so... Officer (Y/N) better not make the same mistake twice."
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