Chapter 13
The second week of the month began, and not a single one of them spoke about the situation that transpired prior those weeks passed.
Blissfully unaware, oblivious, naivete.
Isn't it better? Like a rollercoaster back in time, right back at the moment of dread when the map was still shattered, and nonchalance lingered the air, ennui brought no regard to anything that transpired.
The thin line between living and inanimate beings—breaking, but now, it wasn't. The line thickens, and the gap between unlikely pairs were severing—albeit, holding onto that thin line that are apparently, ceasing with time. But the resolute of a new dawn approaching—slow and faint, reminds them of the impending confrontation that they actively so avoid.
For what?
Humans are complicated creatures; they often avoid the problem than openly tackling it with others. Is it due to fear? Anger? Was the thought of a disagreement simply unfavorable? Or was the thought of one's feelings being unvalidated?
Is it the heart that overrules? Rationality? Scientific basis and logic? Or is it instinct?
Unpredictable as it may, it's the nature of all beings animate, is it not?
The lights unfading, the sounds blasting, the stage lit up and the enamor of blinding colors decorated the stage with its splendor. The holographic figures—animate and smooth, elevated the experience beyond what was advertised several years ago. The carpeted floor silenced the resonating thump of shoes, feet, and metal, the sounds drowned by the cheers and jests of humans that littered the events place, the center—the Main Atrium of it all.
To many, its just the usual course of business, the cashing of the register, the silverware, plastic ware, and metal trays clinking against one another, chatters and topics drowned the tension in the sea of joy illusioned by five sentient beings, the star of it all.
Unknown of the tension, the tension died down—drowning, fading.
How long would it take? Rather... how long could they take?
"Hello, Rockstars! Are you ready to rock?!" roared the animatronic, blue ears bounced as he nodded his head in the momentum of the moment—microphone raised up high, the glistening object shining amidst the sea of colorful lights.
Cheers, evidently, screams and laughter covered the Atrium with the harmony of pure joy and excitement, anticipation and adrenalin.
Hot pink eyes gazed from left to right, his permanent expression masked the excitement in his gaze. Nodding, as he did, noting for his bandmates to get the show going.
With the main leader of the band absent, the second in command—the best friend, the veteran newly re-established since his return a few weeks ago. The blue bunny waved his hand briefly towards the crowd that congested the Main Atrium's main events center, his eyes showing this glint of excitement, absence of apprehension nor trepidation. Why would he not?
Would there be a reason to?
Behind him stood the two girls, Roxy on the left, and Chica on the right. Just a fair distance behind, equipped with their instruments—a keytar and an electric guitar.
With the background music played on speakers, supported by their own practice of their own respective instruments, the lights danced on stage in a systematical dance of a harmonious jeer.
As they got into position, the crowed—at their best effort—ceased their obnoxiously yet lovable cheers as the animatronics exchanged commands through eye-contact.
"If you wanna run away with me, I know a galaxy. And I can take you for a ride. I had a premonition that we fell into a rhythm where the music don't stop for life." Bonnie began, his voice box according to the melody that repeated in his internal queue. His movements fluid as he swayed and moved his hands in an enhancement gesture. His eyes never leaving the crowed, an occasional smile from the emotion in his eyes were casted to those he catches glimpse of.
The white animatronic stepped forward while clutching her guitar closely in play. "Glitter in the sky, glitter in my eyes, shining just the way I like." Her tone was softer, a tweak in her system after her prior disabling due to glitches, but now, a harmony she lets out if she puts not only her servos into work, but her sentient mind.
"If you're feeling like you need a little bit of company, you met me at the perfect time." Added the grayish wolf on the other side, chipping in with a laid-back tone as she held her own keytar, her mechanical fingers tapping away on the keys like a fragment of muscle memory.
"You want me, I want you, baby. My sugarboo, I'm levitating." Like a symphony, the bunny animatronic and Chica harmonized together in a duet. The hype unable to keep them grounded, their feet randomly tapping on the stage's platform, their heads lightly nodding to the beat, or the fact that they were almost bouncing in place with adrenalin.
"The Milky Way, we're renegading. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..." Breaking apart from Chica, the harmony symphonizes with Roxy in her stead, their voices distinct, and yet it didn't seem to bother both, nor did it harm the serenade.
"I got you, moonlight, you're my starlight. I need you, all night, come on, dance with me. I'm levitating." A solo sang the bunny as he stepped forward, hasty yet calculated gestures, ministrations as he sang at appropriate pitches. There was something in his eyes when he mentioned 'starlight', like a trademark of when the leader of the band used to address the crowd as 'superstars', and yet, 'starlight' had a nice ring to it.
Starlight, a word worth noting.
"You, moonlight, you're my starlight, I need you, all night, come on, dance with me. I'm levitating"
As the music went on, the crowd cheered, craving for more from the sentients that they can only see onstage, the sound clearly emanating through the walls, to attractions, and onto the systems. The holographic figures from behind—large and significant in size, an addition of one veteran in the line-up, a spectacle that could only be conjured up by the producers who yearned, striving for the purpose of monetary capitalism and illusionary yet exhilarating entertainment.
Yet despite the uproar of the musical splendor stood one who was casted aside, standing by the escalators, barely noticeable beside the potted plants and fern that adorned the building with some semblance of 'nature', as they may presume it to be so. Red eyes, scanned, observed, with a hint of annoyance, and... emptiness.
Longing, belonging, was he still belonging here?
From a distance, despite the absence of the leader, it was still noted by the crowed. Whispers like "Where's Freddy?" or "Was he rented again?" many could be heard, some were audible, and some were easy to read through their lips.
But not once did they turn around and notice his significant figure standing behind them, blending in with the greenery acclaimed to be a fruitless attempt of integrating nature in the Pizzaplex. So, what gives? Was he THAT insignificant? Was no one going to ask whether or not he was here? Or why he was absent from that stage?
Admittedly, somewhere deep within his servos, he felt obligated to sit aside and watch. The thirst to claw the bunny's frontal lobe open was unnerving, hard to resist—tempting, and something he felt longing for. Irritation? Contemplation? Frustration? Too many coursed through his servos, his processor desperately requesting a break from processing these nuances that continues to contribute to server errors that brought him nothing but insignificant results to just toss away, disregard, and process again.
Why was he here anyways? Why can't he just be rented all the time instead? Finding a crowd that appreciates and values him for being himself, and not just some luggage drawn upon from the group he once called his family, now infiltrated by some veteran that threatened to take his place, let alone even threaten him of being entirely pointless in hindsight of his existence.
His purpose, that's just what anyone would want. In relationships, in family, friends, and even in societal nuances that brings unlikely synergy together into a mistaken harmony which surprisingly bore fruits. Friendship, is that it? Family, they say. Can a robot even have a family? How come Freddy can be with a security guard then? But if so, why?
Why was he so excluded? Sure, they checked in on him from time to time, but the longer the days pass, the more he feels like he simply just doesn't belong.
Was he just a replacement then? A rebound to temporarily mandate and walk the path of what was supposed to be a place for another entity?
Maybe, he's just envious, insecure, or even anxious. Does he even understand those emotions well? Or did he just assumed after a quick internet search? He doesn't know, but sometimes, these were the reasons why he wished he wasn't any at all sentient.
A blessing, but also a curse, they say. Sentience? Freddy claimed once that sentience was the indirect blessing bestowed upon them due to their Artificial Intelligence being too advanced—training? Their servos and memory chips being trained by usual interaction that doesn't stem solely from the flowchart of "if-else" statements, a branch of results that strayed away from the usual course of the circuit.
And yet... could he just surrender that freedom of thought? The semblance of autonomy granted from that exact concept of sentience? The alligator couldn't comprehend—no, he can, but he wouldn't. the mere idea of being imperceptible—insignificant, or even a fruitless attempt to name him a mere "replacement" in its own nature.
A replacement... isn't that what's his purpose was to begin with? A new imagery called a recruit, yet someone who simply markets more efficiently than the other. But what is this? Can two animatronics take hold of the guitar synonymously?
If one of them has to go—may it be due to maintenance costs and marketing, then who would most likely be kicked out and decommissioned until further notice?
The answer is pretty obvious, the veteran gets to stay.
With a begrudging sigh, his thoughts clouded by constant dismay that remained unknown to anyone around him. The cheers and gleeful shouts continued, the music blasted through the speakers, and the joy remained unbothered by his own thoughts.
Perhaps, it's best to remain that way.
Unknown to the alligator, a pair of (E/C) eyes kept watch on his actions, sympathy etched on your eyes as you remained focused on the lonesome animatronic left unnoticed by the people—but you.
A sigh left your lips, for days, the routine is constant and unchanging. The detachment of Monty from the gang, and the rest just goes on without the need to confront the problem that has been haunting the atmosphere of the Pizzaplex left unknown by everyone entirely.
For a security guard like yourself, it shouldn't be of your concern at all, but it still became a semblance of moral obligation to pursue peace among even the most intelligent of sentients.
However, it was upon your own recent experience that directly confronting Monty wont do any good. The animatronic still in emotional turmoil to even comprehend what you mean to impart. Complicated is the menagerie of emotions just waiting to bursts upon a moment of snapping.
Indeed, emotions are complicated, much more when its being imparted to inorganic beings to begin with.
With a hefty puff, your eyes caught sight of the blue animatronic exiting the stage, heading down to Parts and Service via the elevated platform leading down. Perhaps, confronting someone else would do you good more than confronting someone who doesn't want to be confronted.
Using your authority as security, you accessed the 'Employee's Only' door that led to a series of staircases, all leading down to Parts and Service. The journey there was not that far, the dimly lit halls paved way to the illuminated pathway to Parts and Service. Double doors remained closed as the three performing animatronics from earlier all gathered in the area, with technical staffs checking and making sure there are no issues in the animatronic's servos. The routine only lasting for several minutes, and Bonnie was the first one to be cleared, considering that he had often most required occasional checks more than the rest due to his systems previously decommissioned.
With a frantic wave, you managed to catch the Bunny's attention. That wave accompanied by his name was enough for hot pink eyes to gaze onto the pane glass wall that separated the bare light hallway from Parts and Service.
Immediately, the animatronic bids farewell to his other two companions before pushing the double doors open upon his exit. As usual, his demeanor was as bright as Sunny—less hyperactive, in a sense. His permanent smile couldn't mask the genuine expression portrayed in his hot pink eyes, imperceptible of nothing else.
"Starlight! What brings you here? This place isn't suitable for shining starlights." The animatronic humored. Starlight, a new endearment he uses to address people—if for Freddy its Superstar, then Starlight is from the eyes of the leader's best friend.
Starlight, it has a good ring to it.
"Hey, Bons." You spurred out the nickname you made for him. With your tablet in hand, idle with a list of daytime workload— as well as a confirmation of your nighttime attendance, you could only spout out a smile. "Great show back there, was it lip synching?"
From the jest, the animatronic uttered a soft chuckle. "Logically, yes? About... let's say, 70%? Give or take. After all, it's still our AI audio singing, and its programmed to us under facial motions. But hey, doesn't mean I didn't try to sing on my own, its kinda catchy too." A light wiggle of his long ears emphasized his point, his large hand gently placed on your back to urge you forward—as communicating in a place such as the hallway was not advisable considering the congestion that occurs once maintenance crew arrives.
Through twists and turns of the hallways comes the staircase, and several steps down the utility pathways leads to none other than Rockstar Row. There were very few people there, most are just staffs and patrols, as most of the youths would be at the Main Atrium considering that the animatronics weren't in any of their greenrooms at this moment.
It wasn't at all a problem by the time both you and the 8-foot tall animatronic arrived by the door to his greenroom. The doors automatically sliding open upon his proximity near the scanner. Albeit, your presence as a security guard aids in getting in as well, the doors remained open long enough until the scanners detects no more of either of your or Bonnie's presence by the scanner's field.
The doors sliding shut with a soft thud allowed a comforting atmosphere to be displayed. Light and powdered blue wallpaper adorned the walls, yellow stars and red details were present, enhancing and showcasing the palette equal to the inhabitants itself. A vanity adorned with lights surrounds the glass material, and curtains drawn shut, disabling the outside world from peering into the interior—or rather, to whoever is inside the room. A hot pink sofa was laid just the same position as Freddy's in his own greenroom, and several beanbags of various shades of red adorned the red-carpet flooring of the room. A few chairs on the corners alongside an oval table just in front of the couch. Several plush dolls of various sizes—all in his image and likeness adorned the table, the sofa, and several places littered on the floor. Finally, several posters were on the wall, most were his advertisements in Bonnie Bowl—the smoothies, the arts, and a poster of him and Freddy with the scribbles "Best Friends Forever!" written in red inked markers.
A soft smile was etched into your expression at the sight, a sense of longing hit you for that very moment.
Best friends forever, you wonder how Rose is doing now?
"Hey..." your train of thought was ceased by the soft voice of the animatronic nearby, who seemed to have arranged and adjusted the plush dolls into one side to give you room to sit on the couch. "Are you okay? Is it the light or--"
"No," you cut him off mid-sentence before he even mentions other insignificant details to presume about. "It's just... I didn't know you and Freddy were... that close." The last two words left a bitter taste in your mouth, the image of Bonnie and Freddy happy—it was a good thing, but at the expense of Monty outcasted like this?
It doesn't feel right.
"Well, he and I go way, way back." Bonnie began, plopping down on one of the huge beanbags that could have fit three people at a time, the cushions puffing out as a consequence of his animatronic weight. "Even before Monty came, we were always akin to peas in a pod. I can't remember the last time we fought—well, if it doesn't consider the recent happenings with Monty, of course."
Right... Monty.
"Listen, I know this might sound—"
"Selfish? Outrageous? You want to talk about Monty, huh?" the animatronic cut you off, as if it already sensed what you want to impart to him, or your motives of even meeting him at Parts and Service in the first place. "Let me guess, you want to end this... ordeal, huh?"
"Don't you?" As rude as it sounded, you couldn't help but retort back. Was it only you who desired peace among the animatronics? Friendships intact? No fighting or whatsoever?
Was that not Bonnie's concern?
"... Sorry, don't take it the wrong way. I really do want things to be okay. It's just—" the animatronic took a deep exhale for a pause—as if he breathes to begin with. "—it's hard, no matter what I do, or what I even say—it just..."
Suddenly, he was silent. Just like humans do when they couldn't comprehend what was happening anymore, or how to explain it.
Just... just how human are these animatronics?
A few more improvements and they'll definitely be able to mimic humans entirely.
"Bonnie..." you managed to whisper out, walking closer to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I don't know what else to say either, but I want to try. I just... want you and Monty to be on good terms, please. For the peace of everyone's mind, including yours and Monty's."
Despite your words, you knew the animatronic has heard enough and more, the animatronic already hearing the same words over and over again like a record on loop.
What was the point even? Why were you trying so hard?
What difference does it make?
However, Bonnie revealed a smile with his gaze, a smile that seemed so...
"Hey, Starlight, don't fret. I'm trying my best too, believe me. I won't sit idle and let everything crumble apart. It was my fault to begin with, after all." With shoulder plates slouched, the animatronic remained at ease on the beanbag. "If not for my sudden appearance, he won't be inferior in any way. I know what its like to be replaced, really. I know how he feels, I just—I wished he see things my way, you know?"
"Your way?" you piqued; the terms intrigued your interest above what you usually think of. What way? Pray tell, this sounded....
"Yeah, no one needs to be replaced in my view, the more the marrier, the bigger the band! And... I always wanted to get to know Monty more, even if... he didn't want me around. My fame is just temporary because of the trademark, but it was Monty who made everything... special. Several months later, I'll just be as mundane as anyone would, I'm not that special. Just like... how humans are enticed by new things-- enthralled? Sooner or later, they'll lose interest and..." He admitted, his gaze half-lidded as he shot a look towards the poster of the animatronics in the band, the one taken before he was added into the picture. "I want to belong there, not as a main star, but as someone who makes up the puzzle, a piece in the backdrop. I don't... want to replace anyone.
"Bonnie..." you whispered again, his words hitting you like a pressure weight over your own hypothetical gears. "You're not just a backdrop—you're—"
"... you're a part of everybody."
As the doors closed to those who visits under the guise of leisure and entertainment, the lights dimmed and frayed. The atmosphere serene as the calming ambience played through the speakers. The automated staff scattered along the carpeted flooring, cleaning, seemingly mopping the carpet as if it was the most logical thing to do in their programming, equipped with brooms, mops, and those with security emblems roamed the halls. Their wheels whirring along the flooring as they moved, their sensors and flashlights bared despite the visibility already prominent.
With flashlight in hand, you made your way to the security office. Usually, you would skip that part and head over to begin your nighttime obligations, but no, not this time. Apparently, you received a message from Vanessa a few hours ago to meet her in the office—not that it appears skeptical, for her usual actions and behavior already points out that skepticism is simply implied but not at all plausible. Perhaps, its simply her way of interaction, or perhaps it was an enamor of nonchalance she spurred whenever with others.
Contrary to what was stated in her employment profile, she definitely does not exhibit the friendly demeanor mentioned in writing and in words. Of course, it all depends on who actually was with the person during shifts, and who wasn't to assume such.
With a sigh, you arrived at the office, already seeing Vanessa leaning her back against the desk, tablet in hand. Her sharp eyes kept focused on the screen, camera feeds of various areas remained stagnant in monitoring, but the whirrs of the wheels being the only thing audible compared to the rest, the whirring wheels of what was unmistakably the automated staff.
Other than the buzzing sound from the fan and the constant static of monitors that were not yet fixed up until now, the air was tight and humid for some odd and grotesque reason. Something that the company and its management miraculously forgets up to this point.
"Vanessa." You called out, without the cheeky 'Hello!' or the usual salutations you give to other people, knowing she wouldn't appreciate any of the following at all. Was it due to preference? Or something else entirely?
Again, you don't have the slightest clue.
With a flicker of acknowledgement denoted from a glance, she placed the tablet back down on the old desk meant to hold the monitors, a light thud being heard as poly-like metal meets wood. With a nod of her own as considered some semblance to a greeting, she faced you with a laid-back gaze. "Ten minutes late." Was the first thing that left her lips.
Slightly rubbing the back of your neck, a sheepish smile plastered on your expression. "Sorry, I had to run home for a bit. You know, bills can't pay on their own." A shabby excuse you hoped she'd buy. Whether it was initially an excuse or not, it was... slightly legitimate?
The hours spent talking with Bonnie made you absentminded of the time that passed by. Before you knew it, the customers already left the vicinity, and most of the employees are out of the building. You've only had a handful of time to accommodate personal agendas to make yourself the very least considered presentable during work.
"Right, I suppose that's the most... acceptable reason you could think of." Vanessa spat out, arms crossed and a face of nonchalance, devoid of amusement.
This caused you to eye her for a moment, up and down to take in her form, her eyes were downcast, as if in thought.
"Why?" Why are you being like that? Why are you suddenly acting so aloof? Why are you frowning at me? "Why did you call me here?" despite the numerous questions that flooded your mind, this was the only thing you managed to spout out. So many whys had circulated your mind, but why?
That was the big elephant in the room, why?
"I want to talk to you about Bonnie." Simple as that, words fled out of Vanessa's mouth like a monotonous reading of a machine. The words flying out without any other tone or indication of anything else otherwise. "Don't you think there's something odd about Bonnie?"
"Other than the rift between him and Monty, I don't think so." You answered quickly despite not yet fully thinking about your words. Then again, no matter how much you think of it, the response was always the same. Apparently, you found no problem with Bonnie, especially after you talked to him in the daytime, there seemed to be no error whatsoever, other than the will of the other to befriend and make peace.
However, the contrary was in Vanessa's view.
"It's manipulation, idiot. Sometimes they make it seem like they are earnest to attain peace, but in reality, he's turning you against someone." A hand down on the table, and brows burrowed together as seriousness etched in every crevice of her expression. "You don't know what's going on-- no, you have no idea what's actually happening, you don't hear it."
"Even you? I mean, sure, I get it. Monty thinks the same, the whole 'something's up' thing but—"
"No, this isn't some game where they make up after. No, this is different, (Y/N), you of all people should know that." Vanessa cut you off from whatever you even planned to say. Even you yourself didn't know how else to put this.
"Look, you don't know them. You don't know Bonnie— have you even tried talking to them?"
"And I assume you didn't realize how Bonnie also drove a wedge between you and Freddy?" her words made you pause; an air of anxiousness enveloped you with a new query.
How did she—
"It was obvious, (Y/N), I saw it many times, more than what I can actually stomach. I don't care whatever's happening between you two, but you know what? You should at least be smart enough to know if someone's holding motives."
"Motives—Vanessa, you should take a break. For the past few days, I noticed something odd about you—you're... you're different." You suddenly recalled the nights of her indifference, the way she began avoiding you, the way she always seemed to be with her own thoughts—
The way she acts as if someone was whispering to her in the dark.
"You don't understand my point! Things are moving as if—they're going according to plan—"
"What plan are you talking about? Have you gone mad, Vanessa?" bewilderment now dawned upon your expression, you don't even know what was going on and yet, where are these words coming from?
"These—these things, the shit that has been happening—you don't even understand what—"
"... Or was it you who's behind this all along?"
Was it her?
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