Chapter 12
Some people say that time moves differently; at some point, it whirls past your eyes like a blur, and sometimes, it goes by as slow as the dust that settled after the storm.
A storm, how fast can one bounce back to normalcy after such event?
In the eyes of the idealistic, to fend the hurt and to lend a shoulder to the weeping was a way to fulfillment. But to some, to the realist out there, its tackling the issue head on without as a small regard as to the possible consequences if it's meant for good.
A blank canvas, pure and clean, ready to be adorned with the smear of paint and the vision of the painter. But would it still lay perfect on the canvas if it were painted before, and stripped off with their usual splendor?
There are many things that people ponder about in their moments of silence, some are relevant and some are not. Some make sense, and others? Hopefully, still makes sense.
Just like memories, when gone, births anew to a blank slate that can be painted once more. Only time will tell when the old scars of that slate reappears once more to clash against the present, and brings havoc to once idealistic thoughts and dreams.
If you get the chance to turn away from the past and delve further in the symphony of the new, would you still try to recall the harsh and bitter yesterday than to indulge in the blissful tomorrow?
For several days, no word was uttered between Monty and Freddy, nor was there a glance spared between Monty and Bonnie. Those several days were also the days where you chose not to even spare the bear a glance. No, not just a glance, but not a sound of acknowledgement was exchanged.
Backstage where the animatronics stay after a successful show was where the orange animatronic stood, with electric blue eyes keenly watching the vast upfront, eyes narrowed onto a specific area in the main stage's dining. His arms crossed, and the thought of entertaining children in line with his purpose was absent from his processors.
His dismissive gaze was not left unnoticed, a blue hand firmly placed itself on his shoulder, a kind attempt to anchor the bear back to reality.
Inquisitive blue eyes darted from two distinct figures from afar, to gaze over to the owner of such intrusion to his solace. "Bonnie?" he mumbled a questioning stance, a quick scan from head to toe of the animatronic beside him, a small habit he picked up from years ago.
"Sorry, I noticed you've been standing here for an hour already. The kids are waiting for you." The blue animatronic gestured over to the group of youths in one area of the Main Atrium, his plush dolls signatory to their willingness and eagerness to meet the bear in question, but for naught did they see his presence, well hidden behind the beams of the enormous holographic representation of the band he lived with since his activation.
The bear could only release a subtle sigh, not that he felt the need to, but being surrounded by humans—both personal and professional—has led to his undesired adaptability to work and bring him justice. Unfortunately, such actions are left picked up and integrated in his usual path of normalcy. "I see, apologies, I will get back to my duties in a moment."
But did he though? Was he planning on feigning up the pretense of a smile he lived to enact, absent of the usual gleam that brought empathy and humanity in his cold, electric blue eyes?
"Freddy, pal, you've been like this for a week now. Staring off at a distance is one thing, but we're entertainers, not security guards to just stand and observe." The blue animatronic spoke, his tone firm and unwavering. Patience is not something that is taught to animatronics, they understand the concept of patience in human context, but apparently, so does the irksome aggravation that comes with the word had also flew by. "You can tell me anything, what's wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong." One of the famous lines said by the bear, the lines that he repeated over and over again even in his sleep mode state. Nothing is wrong, right? The child disappearances that resurfaced after a year almost, and everything has been going smoothly.
So, why?
Following the unwavering gaze of the bear animatronic, the blue one followed the other entity's line of sight. A flash of green met his gaze, and he immediately understood the two unspoken figures who fell pray to Freddy's cold gaze and sight. "Monty and... Officer (Y/N)? Freddy, is there something you're not—"
"What do you think, Bonnie?" the animatronic cut the other short before his words were completed, knowing fully on what the other would say. "What do you think of them?"
Animatronics are capable of reading human expression, it's their recognition that allowed them to recognize and familiarize faces of people within the facility, and more or less, those who recurred in the Pizzaplex, and those who have not. Its not just about detecting vitals or checking for faint expressions that tells a different story, or a feigned smile underneath hurting eyes, no, it was far more than that.
Humanity being incorporated in sentient beings... how complicated could they further be?
"Well... they've been hanging out a lot since last week, thrice in the Gator Golf, twice in Fazer Blast, and every other night on the officer's night shift." As if catalogued into his brain, Bonnie recalled the times he found the two together. Not once did he intervened or come by to say hi and wave, no, the tension that arose before still maintained as thick as the atmosphere could get.
But contrary to the thick and unspoken tension that lingered the air was nonchalance by the duo. Were they not affected? Being in the same side warrants them no chance or reason of hostility towards one another. But could friendship be the only...
"They've been loitering and about for a week now, and Monty is scarcely seen patrolling as well." Freddy shook his head, clearing his mechanical mind the nonsense thoughts that crept up to his sentient line of thoughts. He trusted you very much, but....
"... I understand what you mean. But I don't think... this is that simple." Bonnie took a step back to gain more room to move around, his mechanical ears lightly perking as he strained to listen onto your faint laughter from something that the alligator had said. "Freddy, you don't think—"
"No." the flat of his voice monotonously paved way for his line of thought to cease its splendor, to halt on the idea that threatened to leave him. "I trust her, she wouldn't..."
"Fred..." the blue animatronic gently hooked his arm to rest on the stiff shoulders of the animatronic whose eyes looked greatly troubled. "I've been your friend since our initial start-up days. I know what's going on between you and Officer (Y/N). You didn't have to hide it."
"... There's not a point in concealing it further, it appears." The blue eyes of the animatronic glanced over to the dark pink ones that looked his way intently. "I did not intend to hide the fact from anyone, but I do respect Officer (Y/N) in her wishes to keep things discreet. After all, it is idiosyncratic for a sentient and a human to share something far beyond what is deemed professional, in all cases and standards. I request you refrain from distributing such notion to the rest."
"You know you can trust me." A sigh left the bunny animatronic's slightly parted plates resembling his mouth, arms crossed to mimic the animatronic by his side. "Do you think that Monty is in his sound processors?"
"Pardon?" inquisitive as the bear remains, he glanced beside him to question the newly-added animatronic in their little band of sentients. "What are you trying to implore?"
"Monty still hates me despite everything that happened. I got to admit, I lost my temper that week ago and provoked him when he is notoriously known for hostility. But seriously, Freddy, don't you think that Monty... is not in his sound mind?" he emphasized the word before casting a glance to the duo from afar, the duo, left unbothered and wasting time, chattering by one of the tables while the officer indulged in a serving of pizza. "Corruption of memory plates is one thing, but what if something is wrong in his programming?"
"...With all due respect, but that is a claim too bold to be ignored." Freddy slightly tilted his head, the gentle wiggle of his ears bounced by the movement of his head. "Are you implying that something beyond our physical and systematic reach is occurring within the whirs of his circuits?"
"I'm not assuming, it's just... the signs are quite alarming, no? What if Monty has been compromised and we don't even know it. Alteration and programming bugs are definitely not foreign to us animatronics, and even you yourself have experienced it." Bonnie lightly lifted a hand to pat on the other sentient's shoulder, as if proving a point by anchoring the entity to listen to his thoughts. "What if Monty's arduous behavior and impertinence is rooted to something outside of our control? I don't want to think of the worst, but I'm worried about Officer (Y/N). I don't want to think that Monty has ulterior motives."
"... your proposition is undoubtedly sound and reasonable, but it is too vast to presume without necessary evidence of your claim. Like I initially mentioned, I trust Officer (Y/N) wholeheartedly. Should there be lurking dangers, then I will become the shield that protects. Besides, I believe that with her wit and intelligence, any odd behavior of Monty arising from your aforementioned claim of 'corruption' will undoubtedly be detected earlier on." As Freddy ended the conversation with a wave of his hand, he didn't bothered to look back at the other animatronic, nor to the duo that caused him apprehension. Instead, he headed straight for the group of kids who longed his presence, and the once quiet squad stirred into an array of cheers and squeals by the time he flashed his signature smile.
Despite the duty calls that required Freddy and the rest to come upon their supposed workload, save for Monty's low demand which allotted him time and leisure, this encounter between two old friends were not left unnoticed by the keen, cyan eyes of another sentient who unfortunately, had to be around to notice.
With light footsteps that left no unheard thumps on the carpeted flooring, a white-plated hand poked the blue animatronic's shoulder. The subtle action got the other entity to perk and face the entity behind him.
"Chica? I thought you have a birthday party to attend to." The questioning gaze of Bonnie was left uncared for by the time the other entity crossed her arms, cyan eyes up at him inquisitively.
"I did, and it so happened that the party went to play at Fazer Blast. I saw you and Freddy talking, and sadly, I heard what you said." As a matter of factly did Chica chirped in. Her cyan eyes glanced towards the cheerful duo from afar, before returning to look back at the newly-added animatronic in the roster. "Freddy and Officer (Y/N) has a healthy relationship, even without saying a word about it, we know something is up with those two. You shouldn't feed negativities in Freddy's servos."
"I did not intend to rile up a fight, nor sow discord between them. I'm just..." Bonnie glanced at the direction where Freddy went, silent as he is, but somber was emanating from his pretense of a smile. "I'm just worried about Monty, that's all."
"You're one very concerned friend. Look, I get it, you just got back and still struggling to understand the ropes around here. But what you're doing is jeopardizing what little harmony they have left. We all know the tension between you and Monty, but its also affecting Freddy and Officer (Y/N). Believe me when I say this, but Officer (Y/N) is the kindest security guard we could ever have, and it breaks my power source of a heart to see them... like this." The feminine animatronic didn't even hold back her words and tongue as she enumerated the synopsis of the tension that thickened the atmosphere for days. Of course, she empathizes the animatronic who just woke up from an apparently long slumber, but for the cause of the discord that they're experiencing now?
Dark pink eyes went downcast as Bonnie looked away from Chica. Like a child scolded for saying something out of the line, the supposed support and inputs he interjected was slapped with reality that maybe, just maybe, he ruined something that he wasn't supposed to. "I get it... sorry, I didn't mean any harm at all. Maybe, I'm just anxious about everything, I... I don't know if I really belong here..."
The decrease in volume of his tone and the downcast shade of his vibrant eyes had Chica softening her gaze. Her arms fell to her side as she reached up to gently caress her hard-plated fingers over the animatronic's back as comfort. "I apologize as well, I didn't mean to sound harsh... you belong here with us, you were part of this group longer than Roxy and I. I know that you and Monty aren't getting along because of the past that we cannot alter or delete, but please, do yourself a favor and just don't get involved anymore." She reasoned, her voice dripping sincerity, her will to see the symphony of harmonic peace and tranquility within the walls of the Pizzaplex was not unscathed. As the bubbly cheer of the group, she wants only what was best, the scenic peace that brought them serenity for the past year since the awry of incidents that transpired not too long ago. "Just give them time, Monty will come around, I'm sure of it. I know you meant no ill intent, and I understand that. Come on, I heard there's a disabled kid in Bonnie Bowl who would love to see you."
Bonnie's face lit up with beaming excitement at the mention of a child who longed his presence, and without sparing another glance at the duo, he followed Chica along the way to his own attraction that he scarcely visited due to his demand in the Main Atrium.
However, their figures and words were not only left unheard by Chica, but also, by another animatronic who so happened to have passed recently.
With eyes that could see through obstacles, she studied the bunny animatronic's build, shape, and form. Her brows lightly narrowed along with her gaze as she shook her head and made her way to her own attraction, Roxy Raceway. Along the way, one thought crossed her mind after she eyed the animatronic for a good while, her voice coming out in a small whisper.
"... He looks different from us."
"Don't you remember?"
"Listen to me."
"Free me..."
"I'll always come back."
"Damnit!" Vanessa hissed under her breath and kicked one of the wet floor signs off the ground, the former stance of unsuspecting wet floor signages now skidded across the floor with a squeak, and no longer were they upright from that kick. "Just who the hell is it?!"
She brushed her fingers unceremoniously through her hair, brushing back the locks of her blonde hair back in a single sweep. Beads of cold sweat trickled from the sides of her face as she tried so hard to ignore the whispers.
Those whispers, those damned whispers that never gave her a night of peace.
With a sharp intake of breath, Vanessa took several moments to calm down. Her heartbeat palpitates audibly amidst the quiet atmosphere and ambiance of the Pizzaplex in the dead of the night.
"That's right... (Y/N)'s on day shift today..." she muttered lowly, recalling why she hasn't seen you around since the night shift began. It did irked her to know that you frequented the day shift too, despite only two night guards were employed, and one is left behind.
Those same few words, those whispers, those crude and raspy whispers that plagues her nights and sleeping days. Who was it? what does it want? And why...
Why only her?
"I swear if you don't shut--"
"DAMNIT!" once again, another pitiful wet floor signage fell prey to another powerful kick sent by the raging woman, the said sign sliding across the floor like rags on cement. Once again, she took a deep breath with her hands on her head, lightly tugging on the disheveling locks of blonde hair in the wake of her frustration. "Fine! Where the hell are you?!" she couldn't keep it in any further, the endless torment never ceased in both her sleeping and waking days.
"Utility Tunnels... Come..."
And that's what she did, she turned towards the door leading to the Utility Tunnels from the area where she stood. The halls of Rockstar Row was quiet with the gentle hum of the ambience music through the speakers. She pushed open the heavy double doors, the dimly lit staircase leading down was not at all a pleasant sight. The staircase alone giving the vibes of what was down there was something not the public eye could see, but through her years of working, she had gone used to the accompanying silence of the place.
Nonetheless, her shoes clicked against the stairs leading down, the stairs of metal echoing the clink of her shoes ominously in the cave-like walls of the tunnels. Her footsteps were light yet audible, but not once was she fazed when she arrived at the long hallway of the Utility Tunnels, small staircases and doors leading to various areas of the Pizzaplex evident, and the musky scent of the water build up against metal reeked her sense of smell. Then again, she was unbothered, already used to the unpleasant scent of what the company and its employees long neglected.
"Follow Me... Vanny..."
"Tsk—at least get my name right." With a shake of the head, she rushed forward with her flashlight to where she probably heard the sound. Her footsteps audible on the puddles on the metallic flooring, some areas covered with cement. She arrived by the maze of pipes that released the heat of exhaust, and collated metallic pipes served as miniature platforms where she walked on.
Her flashlight shone on the metallic surfaces of tanks, pipes, and dirt. A grotesque shudder ran down her spine at the sight, and a vivid imagery flashed before her eyes like a projector in motion. The vivid memory of the area—no, not just the area, an office.
"What the..." Vanessa muttered; her brows furrowed together as she narrowed her gaze at the direction. "Since when did the Pizzaplex..." she continued, indeed, she was not aware that a security office was here, nearby. Was it? was it just a flicker of imagination? Or was there really such—
"Find it...."
That's the only confirmation she needed as she hoisted herself up and navigated through the machineries that loitered the area. Each tap of her foot on the cement, each clink of her shoe on the metallic platforms and pipes, it felt so nostalgic but at the same time...
She doesn't know where this is, what this is—anything about it...
Still, she kept walking and searching, until she found it. Sitting in the tight space was an office, old and worn down with age. The door was sealed and closed, but in a swift motion, she was able to push the door open.
A puff of dust and dirt build-up met her view, the dust inhaled, and a series of coughs and wheezing left her. "Okay, where the hell are you—"
None, none was the response she gained, but a file suddenly fell down on the ground with a thud, a cloud of dust emerged from the impact between the file and the dusty surface. After a moment of recovery, her hands gently picked up the matted file, flipping through with gentle ease for two reasons, in fear of dust puffing at her face or the fear of tearing through the dusted, paper material.
Photos, documentary papers, newspaper clippings—all of these looks so familiar and yet...
"Gah!" Vanessa dropped the file on the ground, surprised and slightly startled by a box that suddenly opened on its own. A box of wood, worn out by age and condition laid on the table, the lid flung and hanging off the other side.
Apprehension was evident, her eyes narrowed as she tried to push that feeling away. With careful steps, she approached the opened box, still unsure whether or not she should expect something.
Where was the voice? Who was—
"Do you remember?"
Like a splash of cold water to the face, memories flashed and cascaded before her eyes. Memories of what she thought she long forgotten had now returned to her very being at a nauseous pace.
The mask, crusted with dirt but menacing red eyes looked back at hers. This was hers—
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