Chapter 11


The voice echoed; the resounding tone lingered in the air as the entire rehearsal stage fell into deafening silence. No one dared to make a single move, no one dared to utter a word. Crimson red and hot pink orbs gazed towards the one who held those electric blue eyes that spoke thousands of words in just an emotionless, robotic glance.

Heavy footsteps marched forward, each step echoing like stone against ceramic and metal. The tremor felt on the ground was sinister and menacing, alarming the world in its impending dangers in just one step forward.

The bearer of those crimson eyes narrowed his gaze, eyes watching each and every stroke of motion sent by the animatronic who suddenly appeared in the vicinity, just a second away, a hair's breadth from the impending tragedy that he long embraced in action, but abruptly repressed. Metallic teeth bared, claws flexed, allowing the bright light to cascade and reflect on the shiny metallic material, its sinister glint apparent, but unsuccessful in its endeavors. The eight-foot animatronic remained still, eyes casted to the other, but daring not to move. The other animatronic just a few feet away remained silent, hot pink eyes were in a mix of solemnity, terrified, and bewildered.


"I thought we already discussed this, Montgomery." His voice was stern and dripping with seriousness that magnified his long-repressed emotions of frustration. His eyes narrowed, but those electric blue orbs were sharp in its stead. His tone overpowering the rest, and the attempted effort of speech made by the blue animatronic with elongated ears was rendered into silence.

Nothing, that was the exact response given by the animatronic in question. Those crimson eyes still narrowed, his long tail was stationary in a position considered unnatural of his nature, they didn't move an inch. His stance was firm, and no longer did he show a predatory stance, but the glint in his eyes says it all—it was displeasure.

Was there anything else that should be said? Would there be a difference if he said something?

Would it change his perception of what was supposed to unfold if not for his abrupt arrival?

"L-Listen, Fred-- it's not what it looks like—"

"Respond when you're spoken to, Montgomery." The authoritative animatronic spoke once again, and once again did he interrupt the blue animatronic from speaking. Electric blue eyes remained firm and unwavering, the same gaze hardening, fixated on those of crimson.

Bonnie tried as much as he could to explain the situation, the tension was heavy, it was suffocating—the air thick with menacing linger that weighted onto them with formidable difficulty. He would have said something else, but a short glare sent by the authoritative animatronic was enough to render him silent.

And he could only watch as the scene unfolds—it didn't look pretty.


"I hear you." That was the only thing the alligator mentioned, the only thing he replied with since his silence, since the authoritative animatronic's arrival.

That was it.

But still, despite the short glare sent by Freddy to Bonnie—a silent gesture for the other to remain silent, the alligator continued to narrow his gaze towards the bear animatronic in silence. His hands clenched to fists, his claws digging onto his metallic palm, and just a few more pressure would impale his palm with his own claws.

"Then you've no reason to not respond. I'll repeat myself, we already discussed this, did we not, Montgomery?" Freddy spoke, with what tinge of patience that remained in his servos. However, despite the obvious hint of great frustration, he retained what little calmness that his programming allots him in his personality chip.

Sinister-like crimson eyes narrowed further upon the other entity's questioning, although, it wasn't a question, but a blunt reminder under its premise. "We did." He limitedly replied. "On the fourth day of February, three in the morning, in my greenroom, behind closed doors. Any more questions?" he wasn't trying to be sarcastic, but the questioning IRKED him beyond tolerable range. He knew what the outcome of this conversation would be, and he best save time before he utilizes the entirety of the night, listening to the bear's words of disdain and disappointment.

However, the animatronic holding those electric blue eyes narrowed further, but the light glint was very ominous. "Precisely, but are you adhering to the terms we established?"

"Look—" The animatronic inhaled deeply, an attempt to calm down before he lashes out, a technique thought by you specifically. "I'm not the initial aggressor here, okay? Why don't you ask HIM what happened?" he pointed a hand towards the animatronic whose left unacknowledged by the other entity. The animatronic—albeit silent, could only advert his gaze.

But that was shown no regard by the entity. "I am asking you, not him." His questioning was usually devoid of emotions, but for now, his expression—although restricted by the permanent case he wore as a face—showed dead seriousness that meant business.

"He provoked me--! I was trying so hard to contain myself, but his words were getting too far!" Monty knew that the bear wouldn't be on his side, this topic has been long discussed time and time again, and still, not once did he feel Freddy's sincere support towards him. "Is it so wrong for me to retaliate--?!"

"It is." The authoritative animatronic spoke, a deadpanned expression told him that the harsh truth is not far from reality. "With your civilized programming and training, you know better than to lash out and physically initiate violence. Assuming that he did say something wrong to agitate you, it is still not in your authoritative right to assault another fellow animatronic."

"Freddy, listen—"

"Not now, Bonnie." The animatronic didn't move an inch, his voice was enough to render the animatronic into silence after his futile attempt of an explanation. Another thing that makes him seem so human is how he's proactively drifting away from his logical senses, diving into these conflicting, and yet undecipherable emotions that otherwise clouds his sense of judgement.

"... Oh, I get it now." A sigh left the alligator's voice box, his eyes narrowed as he took another step back, his hands clenched to fists that his claws were beginning to dent his metallic palms. "No matter the situation, you'll still see me as the one in the wrong. I mean, come on! Who am I compared to your best friend?!" the alligator scoffed, in his mind, this was another one of the times where the bear would act pathetic in his gaze, and most of all, naïve.

"Are you imploring that I am—"

"Yes, you are." The alligator didn't even allow the bear to finish his words, rather, Monty had enough of this charade. "Your unbreakable friendship with Bonnie has successfully clouded your judgement, congratulations! I hope the maintenance crew gets your system checked out, you need it."

"Where do you think you're going? We are not finished—"

"Unless you want a real fight to commence, we'll finish this now." The alligator spoke, cutting the bear off mid-sentence before turning around, and leaving in silence.

Dejected? Disappointed? Infuriated? Many things could describe Monty's emotions, and those were only the bare minimum. He knew that the other would care less, that the other would always place the blue animatronic atop the pedestal of his line of priorities.

The downside of animatronics becoming more... human.

Finally, the alligator no longer minded the other two sentient entities in the room as he walked to the exit, but paused briefly when he caught sight of two individuals standing by the door.

His gaze softened when he laid eyes on Chica and... you.

His gaze only held yours in brief eye contact before he spared a glance towards Chica, and eventually left. Walking past them without another word, the animatronic walked out of the door, and the door closing upon his exit with one wave of his tail to knock the door closed, leaving only the three animatronics—and then you.

"It... didn't end good... did it...?" Chica's voice was somber, as if she was on the verge of tears if not for her incapacity to actually shed tears.

"Chica..." You could only call her name as an attempt of comfort. You knew no other words would make her feel better, not after what you've witnessed with her.

You arrived with Chica just in time—right before Freddy intervened. It was a good thing, since neither you or Chica could contain Monty should he ever enter that violent state of his.

But on the other hand... what Freddy did to resolve this without physical violence is... still unacceptable, you feel infuriated—it seems like Monty was right, Freddy is drifting away from the principles he long kept loyal to.

The authoritative animatronic stood still and quiet, his eyes gazing on the place where Monty had gone off too, and then lands his eyes on both you and Chica. His electric blue eyes were still holding its cold gaze, unwavering. He glanced over at the other animatronic who tried to speak his thoughts since earlier—the animatronic looking at him somberly. Hot pink eyes held those emotions that occasionally scares them, an emotion so humanly—was it pity? Guilt? Sorrow? What was it?

"Bonnie... I apologize you had to see that--"

"No, I'm sorry. He was right, I said something out of the line. I do appreciate this but... it was my fault to begin with." The blue animatronic held up a hand, pausing the other animatronic from speaking further. He knew what happened—and he was not going to sugarcoat it anymore, nor will he keep it hidden. "We got into an argument, I knew he was still held up for what happened before, and yet, instead of comforting him I—I pushed it too far..."

"Regardless of who started the argument, it is still improper for him to attempt in instilling physical violence against you." Freddy responded; his gaze did soften for a moment.

Why? Why is he acting like this? Does he pity Bonnie? Did he miss him after so long? Or was it something else?

Was he being unreasonable? Is his sound judgement clouded due to emotions that robots like him shouldn't be feeling in the first place? What is this?

"I'm low on batteries... I have to go." Bonnie spoke lowly, just enough for the authoritative animatronic to hear. However, his gaze was determined. "I'll try to get on good terms with him, I'll do my best... But I request that you go easy on him, he went through a lot because of me." Those were Bonnie's last words before he turned to leave, he spared you and Chica a reassuring glance before he left through the same door as Monty. There were a handful of recharge stations in the area, but until he can estimate his activity usage, he'll keep on going with his own personal charging station in his greenroom.

Watching the scene unfold was getting unbearable for you—you just can't keep silent about it anymore, not when the situation is like THIS.

"Chica, I'm gonna talk to Freddy, will you be fine on your own?" you spoke as calming as you could, not wanting to startle, nor agitate her any further than she already is.

"Don't worry about me, I'll... go see how Monty's doing." Chica did her best to smile, but her eyes could display another story. Either way, she left to find the alligator, hoping that he won't resort to rampage as a result of his rage, best she could prevent them before something bad happens.

With only the authoritative animatronic and you being left in the area, you took the liberty to take initiative—approaching the animatronic in sharp strides.

The animatronic kept quiet, watching intently as you approached him, the distance between the both of you shortening rather quickly—it was becoming nonexistent in seconds.


"(Y/N), please, don't get involved. I will figure out a way to avoid conflict with them, and between them." The brown bear interrupted, knowing already that your worrisome behavior got you... worried. Especially, after witnessing the not-so-desirable scene up front. "I already expected a conflict to occur, but for the sake of the tranquility of this vicinity, I'll take care of the matters here."

However, your eyes narrowed as you crossed your arms over your chest, your eyes meant seriousness. "In your greenroom, now." You commanded.

It was something you rarely do, but should the situation call for it, you would definitely try this tone against him. Knowing your nature, the animatronic didn't take this very lightly.

"(Y/N), I have duties I need to attend to—"

"Now." Your tone was solid and demanding immediate response with equal the level of seriousness displayed.

Seeing that the room for negotiation was now restricted of his access, the animatronic gave you a look before he nodded. "Very well."

He lead the way—his footsteps audible in the carpet flooring of the area.

The entire journey, none of you mentioned, nor uttered a word, it was dead quiet. Not a word was spoken, and definitely not a word was heard. The journey took a long time—it's a very annoying phenomenon where you just want time to pass by so quick but then—every second felt like an hour.

The anticipation for the inevitable was putting you on the edge of anxiousness, it wasn't a good feeling at all.

Despite the unease, the door slid close upon your entry in the room, the warm yet fizzy ascents of the room warming your view. The lights were dimmed, their night-programmed settings in play as plush dolls of various sizes littered on the couch, some on the tables, on the floors, and one on the vanity. Those were never neatly placed back in their supposed placements, since children of various ages would once in a while enter the greenroom with Freddy under strict supervision, and still make a mess.

The animatronic remained standing, yet his gaze was no longer on you, instead, it was focused on the photo which was magnetically placed on his vanity's mirror frame, a photo of everyone—except Bonnie, and another photo right beside it, it was Freddy's photo with Bonnie taken in Bonnie Bowl the day before.

He was already aware on what the topic is all about, and what you were supposed to tell him. Its one of the rare instances where you'd make a fuss about his actions.

Day by day, their sentience is improving greatly, and that involves... their ethical principles and morality.

Its been a question long ago, which is more important to an individual? Their moral development or their ethical principles? Would the former weight more than the other? Or would the latter be more important?

If so, then would one of them be more crucial to a person if not both? Will there be an instance where the two distinct yet similar values clash against each other?

For Freddy, they do clash together. His programing protocols—all of those weights closer to his ethical principles to follow the rules, the procedure, and execute the commands alongside its administrative guidelines. By following these commands—his ethical principle remains intact through compliance.

But then again, where does their sentience lean towards? It leans towards morality.

"Freddy." Your voice pierced through the silence like crisp leaves through the whistling harmony of the wind, it was sharp yet gentle at the same time. You sat down on the couch, your weight was pushing the cushions against you, the plush dolls would lean your way, while some were unbothered and left unmoved. "I know you're busy—we all are, but I can't just turn a blind eye to this."

"Kindly elaborate further, I will listen." The animatronic's monotonous voice met your ears amidst the previous silence, indicating his willingness to at least listen and get this over with. The kind of discussion he'd not want to have, especially, knowing you were opposing his ideals.

"I always sided with you, knowing you're logical, sensible, and reasonable, but I don't think all those factors were present at all earlier." You insinuated, adding emphasis on the third factor as you laid each one out. "What you did is not fair for Monty."

"Kindly enlighten me, I do not see the issue in my enactment of appropriate intervention. If not for me, Monty could have severely damaged Bonnie." The animatronic's voice was firm, his resolve fully firm that he done no wrong, but it's a different story for you.

What happened earlier... was definitely not an enactment of due justice.

"You want to know what's the issue? The issue is your judgement!" You paused momentarily, nearly letting out words that could get out of hand. So, you stopped yourself before you said something that you'll end up regretting, not an ounce should you let your emotions get to you this much. "Look, you should have listened to Monty at least, you can't just put all the blame to him."

"I was listening to him, every word." The animatronic then crossed his arms, his metallic casing scratching against the other, but not enough to damage his paint job, nor cause any damage to his casing. "The reason why I was like that is to call out his crude behavior and display of aggression, which goes against his protocols. It is my job to keep them in order, is it not?"

"It is but—"

"Then there should be no other agenda to continue this discussion." The animatronic wanted to end this conversation even though it was only beginning, he was feeling emotions that his sentient side enables him of.

What is annoyance? Frustration? Anger? Disappointment? He couldn't tell, but they were very much unfavorable.

"What has gotten into you—you're behaving like a child!" you couldn't help but speak out alongside an exasperated sigh, how could he be this childish?

"Pardon me, but I am not acting like a toddler." He corrected, and this time, he became more vocal with his insights. "Monty was getting past his boundaries; he was insistent on showing aggression towards fellow animatronics. It is so unruly of me to call him out on his unacceptable behavior? Should I have not intervened to begin with? To let him dismantle Bonnie?"

"That's the exact problem--!" you took a sharp intake of breath, your fingers pinching the bridge of your nose as an attempt to suppress the groan of annoyance before you made it known. "You've been so focused on Monty's actions that you're no longer considering the root of the problem. Bonnie said it himself, didn't he? That he caused Monty to act like that? That he provoked him?!" laying down each of the aforementioned terms, you needed to enlighten him of this bias he's insinuating.

It was obvious that he's leaning towards Bonnie's side, like usual since his return.

"Bonnie didn't mean it—"

"Then think about it, what if Monty didn't mean it as well? I get it, you're robots, incapable of feeling emotions but for some—miracle! You do, you understand how these emotions work—and you're aware that its affecting Monty. Especially, when he is angered." You tried to explain as kind as you could without feeling the urge to just hit the sentient being for his denialism.

"What Bonnie mentioned was a fact. It is indeed true that the speculation of his decommissioning surrounds the assumption of Monty's rampage, but that does not justify his actions." It was the animatronic's turn to narrow his gaze, his electrifying blue eyes seemed to give off this cold aura that almost made you shudder in his gaze if not for your firm resolve. "You on the other hand, you seemed dead set on defending Monty. I'm starting to believe that you're deliberately defaming Bonnie's character to me." His assumption was crude yet deceitful, an assumption he disliked in thought.

"... What are you insinuating—Freddy, are you suspecting—"

"I dare not, and I can assure you that my trust in you is absolute, but that does not excuse your behavior and tone towards me. We both are aware of the unspoken discord between Bonnie and Monty, the fissure that time has yet to heal. Bonnie is trying his best, but how come you are insistent to impart to me the notion that Bonnie is the one in the wrong?" he sounded offended and annoyed, he didn't even hide it in his tone, he didn't even made an effort to conceal it from you.

Indeed, he was annoyed, disappointed, and so much more.

"Bonnie deliberately brought up his own decommissioning, and it provoked Monty. He wouldn't have snapped if only Bonnie would stop mentioning that incident—"

"And what if it was true?" Freddy's words made you pause from your own statement, your fuming (E/C) eyes meeting his electric blue ones intently. "What if it was factual after all? That it was Monty who was behind Bonnie's decommissioning to begin with? What if Monty really intended on tearing Bonnie out of the picture—" He then stretched a hand forward to his vanity mirror, his blunt claws grasping the magnetic photo of himself and Bonnie, and removing it from the collage of only two photos, now only one. "... what if he wanted Bonnie gone, so that he could keep the lights shining onto himself?"

You watched his actions intently, eyes narrowing, teeth gritting—you really don't know why you couldn't get through this very complicated animatronic. How could he think that? Monty has been part of this band for so long, it's been like two years or so? "Are you implying that—"

"Yes." Freddy deadpanned, his expression stoic and firm, he wasn't holding back, no, you had to hear his thoughts. "I suspect that Monty really did cause Bonnie's decommissioning those years ago."

Silence filled the room; it was like thunder cracked and left ringing silence in its wake. It was enough to get you to snap.

"How could you think that?! Monty won't do such a thing—"

"What do you know?" the animatronic's voice was firm as it could ever be, eyes narrowed in disapproval. "You were not yet part of the security staff when the event occurred, you were not yet recruited when the incidents took place, and you were not yet here when the decommissioning took place. So please, enlighten me, Officer (Y/N), what do you know?" his voice pierced through the silence, it was sharp and cruel, like a slap to the face when he made those points oh, so clear. His voice was so cold, it was eerie, it was too familiar to you.

Somehow, you opened your mouth for a moment, but closed it afterwards. He was right, what do you know? You know nothing.

But if you didn't know Monty, you'd probably believe that it was Monty's work. However, you know the guy, you heard his story, his sentiments—

"I don't believe Monty would do such a thing..." you replied after a long moment of silence, you didn't want to believe Freddy at all—no, you were not believing anything he's imploring.

That's right, he's just biased because Bonnie is his best friend, he'll protect the guy no matter what. The lingering rumors and assumptions just adds fuel to the fire, it made Monty a monster in his gaze.

"Officer (Y/N), I need to kindly ask you to resume in your nightly tasks, it will do you no good to ponder further and waste time." The animatronic stepped aside, leaving space for you to walk forth towards the door. His hand clenched, bending and deforming the magnetic photo in his hand. He didn't meet your gaze directly, and for once in his life, he couldn't...

Meet your gaze...

It felt so familiar to him, the expression and feeling of disappointment towards you—did it happen before? Was there a scenario where he had such a discussion with you here, in his very greenroom?

This is... all too familiar.

You could only give him a gaze of extreme disappointment. "I always looked up to you to be a model of reason... but... I guess this is the very flaw of humans to begin with..." you pursed your lips and walked forward, no longer were you meeting his gaze, but you stopped when you stood right beside him. "This is... what makes humans pathetic, they let their emotions get in the way of reason... this will be your flaw as well. I hope you realize this before it's too late."

You left his greenroom without another word, leaving him standing there, thinking.

The gap between you and Freddy was increasing; and this is only just the beginning.

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