Used to be apart of us
Floaro Garden~
"Woah!" Y/N looked at what used to be a dead field of flowers to ones filled with life.
"I never seen this place look like this before." Y/N said as Adaman looked at you to explain a bit further by what you meant.
"What do you mean?"
"Well before the flowers looked dead and all dried up the last time I came across these parts and looking at this place again these flowers bloom to life." You explained to Adaman as he understood every word you said.
"Ok then whatever or whoever is waiting for you at that patch of flowers is waiting for you go for it I'll stay behind just to keep an eye out for any danger." Adaman said as you agreed trusting him in being your guard.
"Ok Adaman this shouldn't take long in case my dream was only a dream." You smiled at Adaman and made your way to the patch of flowers. Adaman looked at you with longing eyes seeing as how beautiful you look when you walked towards the flowers.
"Beautiful." Adaman said making sure you didn't hear him. It was a breath taking scenery just watching you from afar.
"Too bad Irida couldn't see this." Adaman smirked to himself thinking about how Irida would feel when she finds out you and Adaman were together doing a mission.
'Can't wait to see her jealous face.' Adaman thought. While he was in his own little world he suddenly heard his name being called by you as he snapped out of his daydream and hurriedly made his way to you.
"Look Adaman it's Shaymin the pokemon I saw in my dreams! Shaymin does exist then!" Y/N said as she scratched Shaymin's chin.
Adaman looked at Shaymin in awe since this is the first time he sees a pokemon considered rare among these part in the region and only could be heard by stories from the elders back in his home.
"Heh I'm glad I get to see this adorable creature with my own eyes." Adaman smiled at the Shaymin as he slowly approaches the green hedgehog just to not scare Shaymin away.
Shaymin let Adaman pet it's back smiling by how they are being respectful to it despite it's existence in being a rare pokemon you can't find.
"Say Shaymin do you want to come along with me? Doing research on you would be amazing especially since we are working on building between us humans and pokemon so that way we can understand each other better. So what do you say?" Y/N asked Shaymin.
Before anyone could say anything all of a sudden a smoke bomb landed onto them as soon as the bomb hit the ground the smoke already started coming out. By then the three of you started coughing covering both mouth and nose from inhaling the smoke. Shaymin was trying it's best in not inhaling the smoke but unfortunately for it's small size being near to the ground of smoke Shaymin inhaled a lot of smoke causing it to be sick.
"Shaymin!" You cried out as you quickly look for Shaymin on the ground despite the smoke blinding your vision a bit. You then found Shaymin as Adaman dragged you out of the smoke area just so you all can breath in the clean air again.
"Are you two alright?!" Adaman asked worriedly.
"I'm fine but I don't think Shaymin isn't!" Y/N said looking at the poor pokemon already looking sick.
"The better question is who did it?!" Y/N said angrily as she looked around for any sign of a person. She would assume the possible outcome of what she had dreamt but something didn't add up to the smoke bomb so it could only mean one thing.
"Clover." Adaman said as he looked at the girl who stood in front of you. Of course it had to be the infamous bandits also known as they call themselves "The Miss Fortune Sisters" and so far it was Clover.
"You go that right now hand over Shaymin and no one gets hurt." Clover threatened as she summoned out her Abomasnow.
"No way we won't hand over Shaymin to you plus you made Shaymin sick with your smoke bomb!" Y/N yelled at the sister holding onto Shaymin close to her but not to tight for the poor thing to feel any more pain.
"It doesn't matter what matters is that it belongs to me!" Clover shouted trying to intimidate her foes.
"If it's a battle you want it's a battle you'll get!" Y/N yelled as she sent out her ace pokemon to fight off Clover's Abomasnow.
After a few minutes passed by as Adaman watched you fight off Clover. He started feeling a bit guilty to what led Clover to where she is now. As soon as you defeated Clover she then went on saying how the Galaxy Team treat you like someone special. She then glared at Adaman as she used the smoke bomb to disappear right there and so.
"Adaman let's hurry and go back to Jubilife Shaymin needs urgent care right now!" Y/N said panicking as you make sure you gathered all your things before taking out your flute to call Lord Wyrdeer.
As soon as Lord Wyrdeer arrived both Y/N and Adaman got onto him. Making sure Shaymin is secured in place before riding off to the campsite with Adaman holding onto your waist tightly as Wyrdeer started to run.
It didn't take long to get to the campsite and as soon as you made it and got off Wyrdeer thanking the Lord afterwards before rushing to Laventon about the emergency.
"Y/N Adaman what happened?!" Professor Laventon rushed over to the both of you making sure you both were alright.
"We're fine professor but Shaymin here needs medical attention we'll explain everything to you once Shaymin isn't in any life threatening danger right now." Y/N said worriedly as she still carried the sick hedgehog in her arms.
"Ok then I'll have the guards escort you to the village safely." Laventon said while heading to inform a few guards to take you and Adaman to Jubilife as soon as possible.
Jubilife Village~
"Shaymin should be alright as long as Shaymin rests long enough it should be alright within the next couple of days." Pesselle calmly said as her Crogunk cried out in agreement.
"That's a relief." Y/N said while looking over at Shaymin who is asleep trying to recover from the terrible event it went through.
Before you could have gone into your deeper thought about the situation you suddenly remember about Adaman. As soon as you looked over at Adaman you noticed how much he was deep in thought in his own little worlds. His brows were scrunched his hands balled up into fists feeling upset about something.
"Adaman?" You called for his name as he snapped back into reality as soon as he heard you call his name.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm good."
"Then what's on your mind?"
"Adaman it's clear to me you have something on your mind right now."
"Ok I'll tell you but first we need to go somewhere private to tell you." Adaman said as you nodded thinking that this is something personal to Adaman.
"Well we can go to my old cabin for now and talk about it. I'll let my pokemon guard the outer part of it so that way no one will evasdropping on our conversation." You told him as Adaman nodded as you thanked Pesselle once again for taking care of Shaymin letting her know that you will come back to check up on Shaymin later in the day.
As soon as the both of you walked out of the Galaxy Hall some of the villagers glanced at you before looking away in hopes you wouldn't leave off an awkward atmosphere due to how much you went through with no support. Of course you neither Adaman spared no attention to anyone as you both went inside of your old cabin. You sent out only three of your pokemon from your party and instructed them to keep on eye out Incase if anyone tries to listen in on you and Adaman.
"Never thought I'd comeback here again." You muttered to yourself as you and Adaman settled down in the old cabin while you got out some snacks and prepared some tea just while your at it. In exchange for him telling you what he has in mind it's best that you do something for him in return.
As soon as the two of you sat on each opposite side of the table with the snacks and drink Adaman spoke.
"I'm pretty sure you know that Clover once was a member of the Diamond Clan correct?" Adaman said as you nodded waiting for him to continue on with the story.
"I'm pretty sure you want to know why and how she is who she is right now?"
"Well I'll tell you the full story then." Adaman said as he begins to recall the moments about Clover.
After Lady Lilligant's Warden has retired from his duties it was up to the clan leader to decided who will fill in the spot as Warden for Lady Lilligant.
"Is there anyone in mind you think will be best suited for Lady Lilligant?" Mai asked.
"Honestly Mai I don't know who so far I'm only tied down to two people who I think would suit best for Lady Lilligant." Adaman huffed feeling so stressed about the decision making process.
"And those two people are?" Mai looked over at Adaman to find out who those two people are.
"Well it's Arezu and Clover." Adaman said as Mai raised an eyebrow.
"Well both exceed in filling up the spot as Warden you know and both really look forward to taking over to serve Lady Lilligant." Adaman said as he looked over at Mai for any solution she may have for him.
"That's a tough choice to make hm." Mai hummed whilst Adaman waited for an answer from her.
"Soooo any idea in how to settle this?" Adaman asked as Mai looked at Adaman still isn't sure in who would take over the role of Warden either.
"This decision isn't easy as it looks should we have a meeting with the other Wardens?" Mai recommended.
"As in discussing more about both girls before making our decision?" Adaman questioned.
Now he wasn't sure how good this will go but since he would rather get this over with instead of killing more precious time than he needed at this point. He looks over at my and nodded in agreement of talking this over with the other Wardens.
Mai, Iscan, Melli, and Sabi all gathered at the Mirelands where Lilligant's domain to discuss about who will take over the role of being Warden for Lady Lilligant.
"I don't know Adaman these two do have potential and oh who am I kidding you know I can't decide in hopes of not upsetting the other." Iscan said looking down at his feet. The kind man wasn't a big fan of picking sides and always stayed neutral in hopes he won't upset anyone and he will be at fault for any problems in the later future.
"While The Great Melli is above all than these two why don't we flip a coin to decide." Melli says as he took out a coin and was about to throw it in the air before Adaman took the coin away from his hand.
"Not going to happen Melli as much as the idea alone would've worked it feels childish and unfair so no." Adaman said as Melli pouted after being denied by Adaman.
"Any thoughts on this Sabi?" Mai asked the young bubbly clairvoyant.
"While this choice isn't easy I see that the person we choose will be perfect for Lady Lilligant or is it lead by fate?" Sabi said leaving all Wardens including Adaman speechless. While Sabi is responsible for Lord Braviary it doesn't mean her inner childish antics can be saved for another time.
"This is ridiculous! The Great Melli has no time for any fun and games from you Sabi and the fact by how you've become a Warden is beyond me to why our previous Diamond Clan leader chose you in the first place." Melli huffed in annoyance at Sabi.
"You mean you never have any time for fun Melli awe that's sad if only you had fun once in a while I bet you'll smile more!" Sabi said as Melli could already feel a migraine already forming.
"What are you talking about I smile whenever Adaman praises my work or when Lord Electrode is happy about my duties." Melli said.
"That's only work related purposes not having fun plus you'll get grey hair sooner from working so much and you'll probably get wrinkles before you hit your 30's or 40's. Probably saw that in the near future or just a hunch you know?" Sabi giggled as Melli looked offended by Sabi's prediction of either those happening.
"Why you little-"
"We're getting off topic here can we stick to that first?" Adaman said as Melli stopped talking just because Adaman said so.
While all the Warden's were all discussing once again about who the Warden should be they failed to notice that Clover was watching them.
"Heh I shouldn't worry sooner or later they'll realize that I'm much better suited than Arezu." Clover said with confidence thinking that she has already won.
In truth Arezu and Clover were more like rivals and hardly got along. In fact it was just Clover's jealousy over Arezu after all I mean who wouldn't adore Arezu's lovely red hair and eyes not to mention how her skills of cutting hair. Such a talent like that would win over anyone's attention. Clover didn't like Arezu she hated her for having good looks, good skills and good with everyone else in the Diamond Clan.
As Clover was walking back to the Diamond Settlement where the clan was located she saw all the diamond folk circling around Arezu. Clover's curiosity got the best of her to see what her rival was up to and why everyone was huddled over her.
"You'll make a fine Warden."
"Best of luck in hopes Adaman chooses you."
"Arezu you fit the role of Warden just the way you are."
"You serving Lady Lilligant is amazing."
"Good luck dear."
Hearing praise after another praise each person told Arezu made Clover's blood boil as her this increases her jealousy even more. If Adaman and the other Wardens here about this she wouldn't get the role as Warden.
'I need to come up with something and fast.' Clover thought as she began to think of a solution to her problems right now then it hit her.
'If Arezu had to be present as a Warden than I have to make her disappear for good.' Clover thought as she started her plan. Even if it meant by getting rid of Arezu for good from ever showing her face again.
The next day Clover told one of diamond folk to let Arezu know that Adaman wanted to meet up with her near Scarlet Bog. Of course she had to send a message to one of the people in the clan know to let Arezu know about it. So far so good her plan was already put into action and made her way to meet up with Arezu.
'She wouldn't know what hit her.' Clover thought to herself as her mind was filled with imaginations that were insane for a crazy person to think about.
As soon as Arezu made her way to Scarlet Bog to meet up with Adaman from what she was told Clover was already waiting for her.
"Well well well if it ain't Arezu." Clover said.
"Clover what are you doing here?" Arezu questioned.
"Can't a girl take a walk around these parts of the Mirelands?"
"I didn't say you can't but either way I was supposed to meet up with Adaman by any chance you know where he is?"
"I do."
"Then can you tell me where he is?"
"I'll show you where he is alright."
Clover said as she guided Arezu near the cliff side of the Scarlet Bog where they can view the ground, rock, dark and poison type pokemon in their usual habitat as always knowing full well to not invade their home unless they are feeling threatened. Clover smirked as Arezu looked around to find Adaman.
"Clover I don't see him." Arezu said not noticing what Clover was about to do.
"Clo- ah!" Arezu screamed as Clover pushed her into the muddy pond.
The amount of water isn't enough to break her fall as she felt as if she broke her bones from the fall. Arezu tried standing up only to wince in pain due to the pain in her knees she probably has a sprained ankle as well. Whatever pain she had she is fully aware that she is unable to move at all.
Clover on the other hand just watched Arezu struggle to get up. While she was feeling a bit unsure about doing this the deed was done and all she could do now was play it off. Thinking to how Arezu met her fate and she so happened to find her dead body lying there. She could say that she probably being chased by a pokemon and fell down. As the endless made up stories Clover had in mind she heard footsteps running near.
Clover ran and hid behind a giant rock as fast as she could so no one could see her. Once she was hidden she saw Adaman and the other Wardens.
"She's over there!" Mai said as she pointed to where Arezu had fallen.
Looking at the situation an Alpha Skunkank has already noticed Arezu letting out a powerful cry as it came charging at Arezu.
"Go Leafeon!" Adaman yelled as Leafeon did what his owner told him and got into the battle with the help of Melli.
"Iscan Sabi take Arezu to our base and make sure she gets treated."
"Y-Yes Adaman."
"Aye aye captain!"
Iscan carefully and gently picked up Arezu as Arezu winced a bit feeling the pain run over her body. Sabi brought over Braviary to aid Arezu in carrying her since it would be best off to fly Arezu above than on foot and having to fight off wild pokemon on the way. Once Arezu was taken to the Diamond Base Adaman and Melli knew it was best to ditch the battle with the Alpha Skunkank since all they needed to do was stall it just so the others can take Arezu away.
"She's alright now Adaman Sabi, Iscan, and Lord Braviary are heading back to the base." Mai said.
"Good then."
"Honestly this battle was getting boring." Melli yawned as he and Adaman called back their pokemon from the battle with the Alpha Skunkank.
Before the Alpha Skunkank let out a powerful cry Mai threw 3 smoke bombs to throw Skunktank off and the three can get away from it. Once they made sure they made it to safety while making sure their pokemon were alright Clover let out a growl before leaving the area back to home base as fast as she could.
'If that snitch thinks she can make it out alive and tell everyone what I've done she has another think coming.' Clover thought
By the time Clover got back to camp she saw Iscan and Sabi talking with the elders. Of course she wanted to know what they were talking about but the chances of her becoming Warden is on the line now that Arezu is still alive and could tell anyone and everyone about what she had done at this point. The only thing she can hope is either Arezu forgot about Clover being there which would take a miracle for that happening or she comes up with a lie to cover up her crime.
"Will she be alright?" Adaman asked which snapped Clover from whatever she had in mind just now.
From what Clover heard Arezu will be resting for a month or 2 to heal up but overall she should be fine as long as she doesn't move too much. According to the elders they said that Arezu hadn't woke up once she was brought here. This was good for Clover since if Arezu was going to be out for who knows how long and Adaman needs to pick the Warden for Lady Lilligant soon it would be her. With Clover's mind set to be the Warden she thought that nothing could go wrong as long as Arezu didn't say anything about what happened at Scarlet Bog.
End of Flashback~
"So how did you find out she did it?" You asked Adaman as Adaman scratched at the back of his head.
"Sabi told me about it first before anything you know her being a clairvoyant and all." Adaman said which shouldn't be surprising at all to you but you almost did forget that Sabi can see the future despite being a child.
"So I needed Clover to admit to what she had done herself and I did but it didn't turn out good. She didn't take it too well when I was deciding her punishment for hurting a member of our own she let out all her anger out on me and before I could say anything Melli slapped her as he claims "disrespecting our leader" then calling her names that shouldn't be said but that alone is what made Clover leave for good." Adaman had a sour face remembering that day. The day Clover left the clan and chose to be a bandit and cause problems to everyone else in Hisui.
"Hey it's not your fault." Y/N stood up and walked over to Adaman and gave him a hug from the back.
At this point Adaman just broke down in tears and let everything out.
"To tell you the truth Y/N I don't know if I'm being a good leader or not while I'm the total opposite of Irida at least she knows how to handle her people unlike me and she's a few years younger than me too. I let one of my people down and look how that turned out if I wasn't taking my job too seriously instead of rushing things Clover wouldn't have chosen the route she's in now." Adaman sobbed even harder as Y/N hugged him even more but also making sure she isn't squeezing him to death.
"Sshhh it's ok Adaman let it all out you are not at fault for her choices." You whispered as Adaman sobbed.
Of course you noticed how Adaman was chilled but with the mix of rushing things as a leader in which you grow concerned if Adaman ever thought about what he wanted in the first place and only thought briefly to what his people need. Whatever the case may be you were positive on helping him grow. After all it's not bad in learning at whatever age you are in life and you could always make room for it if you try.
Y/N wasn't sure how long they stayed in this position but Adaman fell asleep in an uncomfortable position in which it took all of Y/N strength to drag him into her bed and let him rest. She removed his jacket first before setting him down to the floor where her bed was then removed his hair tie letting his gorgeous blue and blonde mix hair fall. Once you lay him on the bed you went to grab a wet cloth and wipe his face in which is smeared from the make up he wore at the corners of his eyes. While the task was a bit difficult in trying to not wake him up you couldn't help but gaze upon his face without the makeup.
Once you were done putting Adaman to bed you decided to check in with Pesselle to see how Shaymin was doing so far. As soon as you headed out the door to greet your 3 pokemon in who you assigned them to keep eye out from anyone from going near your home.
Already gave each a rice cake for doing their jobs letting them know that Adaman was asleep and you'll be back after checking on Shaymin.
Seeing Adaman having a breakdown was something you never expected to see but you weren't surprised by how he vented out to you of all people. It almost made you forget about your own struggles when it came to pleasing people but your situation was different. You were only forced to do your job just to survive and look where you are right now.
Stressed to the bone and broken from the lack of being treated like a human being you are. However, you are better than that and you know it seeing as how cruel they've been to you deep down you know you wouldn't stoop down to their level.
While you were in your own little world you've failed to notice anyone having their eyes on you as you entered Galaxy Hall.
"Tch it's a shame to how she chooses to be a step ahead of me and pamper the poor Diamond Leader fool for being pressured boo hoo.~" Volo said mockingly as he glanced at your cabin feeling his jealousy once again.
Adaman sleeping in your cabin and on your bed in which Volo slept in himself and he should be there having your attention and care not him.
"I deserve her heart I brought her here and I can't let anyone else have her." Volo said as he looked down once more before he left riding his Togekiss coming up with ways to get you.
'I'll get you soon Y/N don't you worry.'
A/N while this chapter may or may not feel like it has something to do with Volo I just wanted to write something that included the bandits.
It feels like they are just added to the game in some parts and you could only battle them repeatedly when you find them in any location throughout Hisui. Personally I do want to know why they ended up where they are now and what history they had with each of their homes and how they got together and formed as what they call The Misfortune Sisters.
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