Epilogue [E]
Annie stoked her protruding belly as she held the ultrasound pictures while lounging on her bed in her light flowing white cotton dress. The baby kicked her in the ribs and she gasped in surprise. "Active little guy aren't you?" He began kicking and moving even more when he heard his mother's soothing voice.
The bathroom door opened revealing Julien newly showered with a towel draped low on his waist. The water drops ran along his broad chest as he held another towel drying his slicked back black hair. He smiled at her making the skin crinkle around his eyes. Her heart did a somersault as she smiled warmly at her sexy husband.
The last six months were the happiest time of her life. It was felt like a dream, a dream come true. Annie had to pinch herself sometimes just to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She couldn't believe how lucky she was. Everything she had ever dreamed of was unfolding right before her very eyes. She had a loving husband, and a child on the way, and it was more than she could ask for in life. She was grateful for all that she had. It was a blessing.
"Julien come here quickly, the baby is kicking up a storm inside me." He strode quickly towards their four poster bed and laid down beside her, leaning against the propped up pillows behind his wife.
Annie grasped his large hand and placed it where their son was pushing along her side. The baby kept pushing against her skin when Julien laid his hand against her belly. "That's wonderful, my little man is getting stronger." He said with love and pride in his eyes when he gazed back at her face.
"He is." She said quietly as she kept starring into his eyes, she cupped his cheek and stroked his hard angled features while leaning forward. Julien lifted his upper torso and captured her lips in a hot heated kiss. Annie opened her mouth to his invading tongue and twisted to her side to better angle her head. She wrapped her hands around his shoulders feeling the warmth radiating off his skin and the signature manly spiced smell emitting from his skin.
Julien placed one arm around her back and the other grasped the hem of her cotton dress inching it upwards. Annie pressed closer to his chest, legs tangled, lips locked in passion, their bodies were as close as they could be when all they wanted was to be closer.
A strong painful kick to her ribs once more forced her to pull away from the kiss. She curls to her side and cringes from the impact. She held her breath until the baby stopped putting pressure along her rib cage.
"Duchess, what's wrong? Where does it hurt? Do you need to go to the hospital?" Julien started firing questions, the worry evident in his tone. His hands were hovering above her as if he was afraid to touch her not wanting to cause her more pain.
"No." She breathed out with clenched teeth, every muscle in her body was tense. "I'm fine, the baby kicked me really hard in the ribs." Taking deep breaths to regulate her breathing she closed her eyes and laid back once more. She felt Julien kiss her forehead and eyelids. He pulled the stray strands of hair from her face and stroked the silkiness of her cheek.
"The little bugger..." He murmured affectionately and bent forward to kiss her growing baby bump, rubbing his large hand over her belly gently as he lay his head against her chest. She giggled slightly when the baby nudged Julien's hand again. Annie opened her eyes and glanced down pulling her hands up to stroke Julien's hair lovingly.
"I love you both." Julien's voice vibrated along her protruding belly feeling the impact of his words down to her toes.
Like a whisper in the air, the sense of deja-vu opened a path into the back of her mind. Annie stiffened in surprise.
She was laying in bed in a white flowing knee high cotton summer dress. Her belly protruded infront of her. Pulling her hands up around herself she felt him kick and she giggled. A large tanned hand came up to stoke her belly as he kissed the baby. Annie stoked his hair as he laid his head against her chest. "I love you both...." He said.
Annie inhaled sharply.
The dreams she'd seen foreshadowed the future. They were the glimpse of hope that had kept her going for months even when the hope had vanished. It was a fascinating revelation as the understanding settled over her.
"We love you back." She whispered contentedly with a sigh.
"Did you decided on the name yet?" He asked lifting his head and plopping back against the pillows once more wrapping his arm around her. Annie laid her head on his shoulder and kissed his bare chest.
The corner of her mouth lifted. Julien had left the naming to her not wanting to interfere nor influence her decision. It had been something she has been thinking about since she became pregnant. She wanted to name her son something symbolic and very masculine.
"Yes, I decided on Zayn, it means beauty, grace and excellence."
"It's a very strong name and very beautiful. I'm sure he'll live up to it." Kissing her cheek. "Zayn..." It rolled off his tongue smoothly as he tested the name. "I cannot wait to meet him."
"Neither can I..." Annie agreed with a wide smile.
"Okay Annie you need to push, you're fully dilated. You need to keep breathing and push when I tell you." Dr. Tris Barrett advised sternly to Annie's exhausted face.
Julien was grasping her hand while Charlotte held her other. Annie refused to take the epidural. No matter how much the doctor and nurses recommended it–she declined.
But now, thirteen excruciating hours later, Annie regretted it. She had mentally prepared herself for the onslaught of the pain and had been doing quite well until she dilated to six centimeters. It felt like a knife with ragged edges was digging deep down in her pelvis and taking a turn at her back. Nothing and nobody could have prepared her for back breaking force of the contractions.
Luckily for her she dilated to ten centimeters within the same hour. But she was completely drained, her strength dwindled down as she felt her limbs lose all the strength she had from the countless hours of overcoming one contraction after the other.
The pain was overwhelming her senses and holding it in hour after hour was nearly killing her. She stayed strong, amazing the nurses and her attending Doctor. It was rare that a patient went through a vaginal delivery without any pain medication.
"I don't think I can." Annie whispered tiredly and laid her head back against the pile of pillows behind her.
"Yes, you can Duchess. He'll be out in no time and all this will seem like a blur. You can do it, love. Please keep trying. Do not give up."
Annie pulled her head forward as another intense wave of contractions started again. She clenched her teeth to keep from crying out but it was of no use. "Ahhhhh! Nooooo!"
"Annie! Now push!" The doctor shouts.
Charlotte dabbed her face with a wet cloth and whispered sweet encouraging words as Annie pushed as much as her strength allowed. Once the contraction subsided Annie collapsed back onto the pillows once again.
"That was good, Annie. We're going to try it again. When the next contraction builds up, I need you to push as hard as you can, I can see the crowing of the head."
"I'll try." Annie replied in a whisper, out of breath. Julien kissed her hand hard. She barely felt it, and almost came close to passing out.
"You're strong. I believe in you. Don't give up!" Julien said firmly while looking her directly in the eyes.
The strong burning intensity of his encouraging words is what kept her going. He never left her side, staying by her for the whole excruciating experience. He fed her his strength when she had none left. As much as she wanted to lash out at him and push him away due to her pain, Annie didn't have the heart.
The next tightening wave of contractions coursed through her abdomen and with all the strength she could muster; she held her breath, gripping Julien's hand and her mothers in a death grip.
And pushed.
Annie screamed in pain, twisting and turning her head in agony when she felt the walls of her vagina expand and her little boy slid right out of her.
"You did it! I knew you could. It's over, my love. It's over." Julien murmured against her forehead. Annie slumped back in exhaustion ready to succumb to sleep.
"Congratulations, on your little baby boy. Annie you did great!" The doctor praised.
The wailing of a crying baby forced her eyes open. Her heart swelled in her chest.
Zayn, my precious little boy.
"Mr. St. James, the cutting of the umbilical cord..." Dr. Barrett announced. Julien turned and took the offered surgical scissors and clamped the cord.
He glanced at the little bundle wrapped securely in a white blanket. Their son's head already had a matte of dark hair. His skin was pink. He looked perfectly content and sound asleep right after his birth. It brought a wide proud smile to his lips.
"Your son..." Dr. Barrett offered while placing Zayn in the crook of his arm. He felt as light as a feather. This small bundle of joy was the most precious person next to his mother owning a place in his heart immediately.
"Julien..." Annie called out in a weak voice. Julien turned and approached her bedside. "Give him to me." Holding out her arms.
"Zayn..." She said as she cradled her small bundle in her arms and kissed his little head, silently crying in happiness.
Four years later, In front of their home.
"I saw a fortune teller today while I was at the market." Annie revealed laying a hand on her flat abdomen watching their son riding his bicycle around the circular driveway chasing Raja. Julien's pet panther jumped playfully away from Zayn and started into a trot again as their little boy kept advancing close behind him.
Zayn had his fathe'rs black hair and Annie's deep blue eyes. He was a happy little boy who was spoiled with love and affection since the minute he was born.
"Oh, really? You know how I feel about them, love." Julien remarked with a grim expression, watching the sunset slowly makes its descent in the background.
Annie kissed his cheek in reassurance and Julien quickly shifted his face before she could pull back. Taking advantage, he captured her lips beneath his while his hand cupped her cheek and angled her face to better access her mouth. His fevered kisses always managed to make her feel lightheaded and floating above the ground. Julien's groan vibrated into her mouth and Annie moaned in response pulling him even closer.
"Ewww! Daddy, stop it!" Zayn called out and stopped to pull up his helmet back to frown at them. "Leave Mommy alone!" He inherited his fathers possessive side and it made Annie's heart burst with love.
She abruptly broke away to catch her breath and giggled in amusement. "I'm not hurting her, I love mommy. She is mine!" Julien replied back with a wicked glint in his eyes.
"No! No! No! She is mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!" Zayn's little face turning red with anger.
Annie laid her hands against Julien's chest. "Julien, stop making him angry. He is exactly like you, he won't stop." She mused with love shinning in her eyes. "Look at his adorable face!" She gushed.
"All right. I give up. How about a compromise? She is yours and mine. Do we have a deal?" Julien said masking his amusement with a serious expression and walked up to his son. He came down to his haunches in front of him with an extended hand.
Zayn looked at his father with narrowed eyes and scrutinized his face like a grown man searching for the truth. Annie's smile was so wide her cheeks began to ache, she was so happy. It was these precious moments she would cherish forever.
Their little son looked past his father's shoulder and caught his mother's gaze in question as if to ask, Should I believe him?
Annie clasped her hands against her chest and nodded reassuringly.
"Ok, deal." Shaking his father's hand firmly. Julien pulled his head back and laughed full heartedly.
"That's my boy, now go on, a few more minutes and we need to go inside, it's getting dark."
Julien loosened his tie slipping it off and shrugged his suit jacket, striding back to his wife's waiting profile.
"It's hard to believe he's only four years old with how he executes himself," He admired proudly. Annie nodded with understanding. Their son was wiser beyond his years. He acted like a little man and not a little boy most times. "Now what was this nonsense about a fortune teller?"
Annie had the urge to roll her eyes. "She didn't say anything bad, Julien. She informed me that this child I'm carrying will be a girl and that we will have another girl in the future as well."
"Only two more! I was expecting at least a dozen..." He said laughing out loud by the fascinating bewildered expression that crossed his wife's glowing face. "I'm only teasing my love. Two girls...Hmmmm? Well, I'm positive they will have your daring strength and charisma. And I'm sure they will be just as beautiful as you." He added with a thoughtful expression. "Jasmine and Camelia..." He murmured the names passed his lips.
Annie decided it was time to give Zayn a sibling and the both of them were hoping their next was a girl. If the psychic was correct than the fetus growing inside her for the last two months was a girl. They discussed names in the past that would suit girls and Julien declared his interest in the two names if they were ever blessed with daughters.
Knowing without asking, Annie figured because he loved the smell of jasmine and the abundance of flowering Camelia plants all around the grounds. Both beautiful flowers with a beautiful essence and Annie could not agree with him more. They were very appealing names that sounded as beautiful as they smelled and looked.
They turned, making there way over the pavement as it slowly became twilight behind them as the sky became streaked with crimson and purple and gold. "Zayn come now, it's time to go inside." Julien called out and they both watched as he pedaled his way into the garage to park his bike while Raja followed close by. With one arm around Annie's shoulders, hugging her to him, Julien escorted her inside their home with little Zayn running before them.
"Well my lady...my Duchess, did she predict how our story will end?"
She laughed. "It doesn't take a fortune teller to answer that question," she replied, "We'll live happily ever after."
Cici and Anthony have a grand wedding months after Annie's winter wonderland and reside in the same neighborhood as their families. They too have two children of their own, a boy and a girl; Max and Gloriana.
Sonny and Sheila had a little girl they named Violet. They're expecting another—a boy next month.
Phaedra and Duncan married a year after Annie and Julien. They were blessed with two twin boys—Pierre & Devon.
Uncle Brett finally searched far and wide and found the love of his life. He is now engaged to a beautiful woman who tolerates his childlike, jokester attitude in full stride.
Charlotte and Patrick are very proud grandparents. Their home is crowded once more with their children's children running around the hallways and creating havoc—making Patrick one happy/grumpy grandpa (careful what you wish for) the house doesn't seem so empty anymore!
Kate and Victor were the ever supportive in-laws, helping raise their grandchildren when they weren't traveling the world on a much needed getaway.
The good Dr. Mark marries a fellow Doctor—a gynecologist at the hospital. She kept him at arms length until she succumbed to his charming advances. They are expecting their first child.
The nasty Nathan Diam eventually gets arrested for the criminal offenses of his business dealing ways—He is currently residing in prison and paying his time of 20 years for extortion.
Right after the humiliating slap and threat she received from Annie, and with what little pride she had left, Caitlin turned in her resignation from the newspaper and moved to New York. The farthest state from California.
To my fellow readers and future ones:
This chapter is dedicated to every single one of you. Especially for those that are hopeless romantics and suckers for a happy ending! And above all else...for the power of love, may it prevail over all obstacles and endure the test of time.
I hope it's what you were all expecting. I felt like all the characters needed some closure in their lives so I added that as well.
You can now find me on INSTAGRAM for "His" series Updates, news, content, chapter sneak peeks, and more: @shaerzam
Go ahead and check out my other works:
His Yasmina
His Camelia
His Hope
A little Trivia:
• I wrote the accident and amnesia chapters before the previous chapters leading to that event. In fact, they were in the works way before Annie's birthday surprise. I got the idea and had to write the outline before I lost the inspiration.
• I was planning for Annie to hook up with Dr. Mark eventually. Instead I decided to create Caitlin–It added great fuel to the fire, I might add.
• The Dress chapter was written last minute before the accident. Having him buy the wedding dress secretly and then have it suspended and lost with his memories eventually worked out pretty well. I love suspense, it makes everything so much more fun to read!
• I hadn't intended for the auction to include Julien as the bidder. I was originally planning for Nathan to win it and make Julien increasingly jealous which would have eventually forced him to remember her but I ended up building it into a big twist. It played out better than I originally planned.
• Remember the chapter (Misery Loves Company) where Annie is at work, turns the corner and gets caught up in Julien's arms? Then she pulls away from him just before Caitlin and Julien's lips lock and unfortunately glances back? That entire chapter was included and written a couple days before the original auction chapter (Worth it) was going to be posted in its place. Talk about last minute. I needed to add more content about her pain and suffering before the big climax. I know it shocked many of you when his eyes were wide open watching Annie while he kissed Caitlin!
• The Epiphany chapter and the Auction date chapters are my favorites.
• I've learned that I'm very effective at writing about pain and misery, thanks to all of you for letting me know!
•I have a abundance of Camelia flowers in red, pink and white all around my property. I love that flower. I also have a beautiful Jasmine flower that blooms in white. Whenever you pass by you can smell its intoxicating essence.
• Annie's birthday is the same as mine. February 18th.
• Belly dancing is lots of fun, all of you should try it!
• My sister has the same fun personality as Cici!
• The Frozen and Aladdin Disney movies were big inspirations for the ideas that flowed throughout the story (you probably noticed 😊). I've been told I look a lot like Elsa, The Ice Queen!
Any curious questions for me? Concerns? Just let me know. I'll try to respond as soon as I can.
This book was a challenge more for me than anything. I realize it's not the best of writing out there but I'm glad I attempted it. It tested me, pushed me and I'm proud I completed it. It's sad that it's come to an end, I know, but I'm happy it's finished.
I may start another book in the future and when I do I'll post a message on here and let you know.
Last but not least...
Thank you for staying with me through all of it. Thank you for your encouraging words. Thank you for voting. Thank you for adding to your reading lists. And above all else thank you for reading.
My dream for this story is for it to reach the top 50 in the romance hot list. The only way is by voting, sharing and commenting. After all that you've read I truly hope it was worth one of these categories.
With my deepest heart felt thanks to all of you!
Until next time!
-Shaz 💖
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