Chapter 8- Meeting The Parents [E]

Evening time close to 7:00pm, on the sidewalk in front of both the St. James' and Taverrons' mansions...continued.

Thankfully, Patrick was occupied pulling out his cellular phone which was vibrating in his pocket.

He took it out, the caller ID showing: Charlotte.

"Excuse me a moment." Looking at Annie and Julien, both nodding their heads.

Patrick took a few steps away from them talking privately to his wife, his back to them. Annie looked at Raja, he was still watching her with hooded eyes. Julien stepped closer to her. She could feel the heat radiating off of him in waves.

He broke the silence, "It's a beautiful evening..."

Annie agreed with a simple "It is." Still not looking at him. She glanced up finally through her lashes.

He was watching her intently.

He wished he could whisk her away somewhere nobody would know about, all to himself. Julien wanted to say and do so much, but knew this was not the time nor the place. He wanted to talk to her privately, needing to know her interests, likes, dislikes, hopes, dreams, secrets...

The silence continued to stretch between them. He's never felt this connection before with anyone. They barely just met but the pull was evident and strong, it can't be denied for long, that much he knew. His control was not limitless and disliked waiting, and if he wanted something, he got it one way or another. His impatience was bound to erupt.

Disrupting his thoughts, "How do you like living in Californian so far?" She asked.

"I've lived in California before, I was younger, it was about 10 years ago. I have several businesses here that I'd check up on often when I went back to England, so I'm quite familiar with the area." Smirking at her. "We are here to stay since we're planning to open corporate offices, expanding the business. Our headquarters will officially be here in the city now."

"What kind of businesses do you have?" Asking him, her interest piqued by what he revealed while wondering why she'd never heard of the St. James' before.

"We build and own a Hotel empire around the world. My father opened his first hotel in England and now it's spread throughout Europe. We've expanded into the east side of the U.S., in several states such as New York, Florida, Chicago." He paused as if reluctant to continue, "I also personally own a night club."

Annie's eyebrows both rose at the news of the night club.

Julien chuckled at her reaction explaining, "I opened it a long time ago, it's not your typical club with loud music and booze. It has a calm and relaxing atmosphere. I also own a local newspaper." He finished.

Annie was surprised to hear everything he had told her. This was better then anything she would have found from the internet.

"Where is the official headquarters located?"

"Duncan, my father and I have been scouting for the past week for a suitable location, but nothing has stood out yet. They have been either too small, too big or the location was not right."

She glanced towards her father as he was talking to her mother. As if sensing her stare, he looked over his shoulder and smiled and gave her a quick wink. She smiled in response. He then quickly glanced toward Julien then continued talking. She shivered from the growing chill in the air.

Julien noticed the goosebumps on her arms. "Would you and your father care to come in?" Gesturing toward his house. "I would love to introduce you both to my family..."

Before Annie could answer him, her father concluded his conversation walking back towards them.

"Sorry for the interruption but it was my wife. Julien, I would like to formally invite you and your family to dinner at our home tomorrow, if you all don't have anything planned. I just finished talking to my wife and we both insist that you join us."

Annie's eyes widened, shifting her attention to Julien, expectantly waiting for his reply. Julien looked to Patrick and smiled graciously. "It would be my pleasure to accept such an invitation. No, I don't have anything planned, but I don't know about my father and mother..." He trailed off.

Annie was elated he accepted.

"Wonderful. Are your parents available at this moment? I would like to officially meet them and personally invite them myself, or I could contact them by phone if they are not available." Patrick continued.

"As I was asking Annie here if you'd both like to come in? I know they would be delighted to meet their neighbors, I informed them about the accident that happened and they had wanted to contact you and introduce themselves personally. But they have been tremendously busy this past week with moving unfortunately."

"Of course. If we're not disturbing their evening..." Patrick trailed.

"Trust me they would welcome the company as would I." He replied looking towards Annie.

Annie heard the implicated message in his words, especially when he pointedly looked at her while saying the last part, as would I. She blushed, again thankful the shadows hid her face. He had such an effect on her she couldn't believe how she reacted to him.

Oblivious of what Julien emphasized toward her, Patrick asked, "Alright. Annie dear is that okay with you? We can visit for a bit and be on our way."

"Yes, dad whatever you want I'm fine with." She bit the inside of her cheek trying to contain her smile. This is exactly what she wanted. It was the chance she had been waiting for and learn more about the St. James'.

Julien led them up the path to his large home, Raja obediently following behind them. Annie was nervous meeting the family. Her father walked confidently beside her on the left and Julien to her right. His arm was brushing the side of hers as they walked. She could have sworn he was doing it on purpose, he was already very close to her. She looked his way and he was fixedly looking straight ahead, a slight smirk etched on his handsome face.

He was doing it on purpose, she realized.

Julien opened the grand entrance to their home. He allowed them to enter first while he held the door open. They were welcomed with chandeliers that hung from the ceilings, a large grandfather clock, and tapestries hanging from the walls.

A woman was crossing the foyer as they entered. She did a double take when she saw them and stopped in her tracks. She looked to be middle aged in her early fifties, she was elegant and graceful, with shoulder length brown hair with honey-blonde highlights. Her skin was flawless and her figure was solid and well toned. She redirected herself and came straight towards them.

"Hello there, my name is Kate and you are?"

"Oh, mother, this is Patrick Taverron and his daughter Angelica." Julien supplied closing the door and coming to stand next to Annie. "They are the neighbors I was telling you about."

Raja took his leave of the current company walking by Annie.

She didn't have a British accent like her son, Annie noticed.

Patrick brought his arm and held out his hand for her. She quickly shook it with a warm smile. "I've heard so much about you all! It's nice to finally meet you!" She exclaimed joyfully.

Patrick greeted her kindly, a little surprised with her enthusiasm. She looked to the side tilting her body enable to get a good look at Annie standing slightly behind her father.

She scooted forward to greet Kate.

Kate smiled warmly at her and was taking an eye full of the vision in front of her. What a beauty, Kate thought. The tall young lady was quite the vision. Beautiful was too little a word. She noticed how her son hovered close to her and smiled inwardly.

"Hello there, I'm Kate." holding out her hand. Annie moved forward and shook the lady's hand.

"My name is Annie, It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. St. James." Annie replied. "Welcome to the neighborhood."

"Thank you my darling, it's nice to have finally settled in, and please call me Kate." Kate couldn't help but keep starring at the young beauty's eyes.

Annie stared back confidently.

Kate shook her head trying to break the hypnotic trance she was under. "I'm sorry! How rude of me, I was starring, I couldn't help myself, you are the most beautiful human being I have ever seen. It's like I was under your spell!" Kate joked while laughing and covered her mouth in embarrassment.

Patrick and Julien laughed along with her.

Annie forced herself to smile, she hated when people brought up her beauty, feeling extremely uncomfortable, but didn't show it. She felt a hand at the base of her back and looked to the side, it was Julien.

He nodded at her as if understanding her discomfort.

"Please come this way to the living Room..." A maid was passing the foyer, "Oh, Sarah, please let Mr. St. James know we are in the living room when he comes down and that we have guests." Kate ordered, Sarah nodded as Kate started turning to walk away once again.

Julien led her all the while his hand on her lower back, holding her close to his side. It sent warm tingles running up and down her back. His hold was intimate and reassuring at the same time.  All Annie wanted to do was lean back in his warm embrace and pretend they were alone.  Deep down in her gut, she felt rather than knew his actions were genuine and true. 

Kate and Patrick were in front of them, they didn't witness the contact between the two. Annie allowed him to touch her, keeping her hands clasped in front of her. It's like she's known him for a long time. She felt safe and comfortable with him even though she shouldn't allow such intimacy, they barley knew one another.

Although no one saw how close they were to each other, if they were witnessed, gossip and rumors would spread, ruining her reputation. A girl had nothing but her pride and virtue in their world–the world of the elite. Coming from a Italian-Lebanese family, ethics and traditions were important.

Julien released her when they entered the room. Patrick and Annie sat on a large elegant sofa. The room wasn't large, but intimate and cozy with a fireplace and a large bay window. Julien and Kate sat on the opposite side, a coffee table between them.

Julien leaned back against the cushions making himself comfortable while staring ahead of him and smiling at Annie.

"My husband will be down shortly, he just received an important phone call just before you entered."

"That's quite all right. We aren't staying long, I just wanted to relay our invitation to dinner at our home tomorrow, as I've told Julien, it's to welcome you to the neighborhood and It'll allow our families to get to know each other." Patrick stated looking down at his watch as he concluded. "We didn't plan to come in unexpectantely but we ran into Julien outside. My wife and daughters have already met him and what's the other fellows name.....?"

"Duncan," Annie answered.

She stole a glance at Julien who was watching her with hooded eyes. Annie kept a serious facade on her face, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing how he made her feel.

"...Yes, Duncan, I thought it only right to formally introduce myself and personally invite you to be our guests in our home for the day."

Kate clapped her hands together, beaming at him, "That sounds lovely, we would love to come, we have nothing planned!"

"Wonderful. My wife will be delighted to hear the news. She contacted me earlier while we were on our walk. She was a bit worried we took too long and I told her we bumped into Julien on our way back home. She insisted we welcome you over for dinner and I quickly agreed."

"That is so thoughtful of the both of you, we would be honored." She replied, grinning at her son Julien while squeezing his knee lovingly. He smiled back at her until all of their attention went to the door.

The living room opened revealing an older man. He was tall, gray hair slicked back, and was wearing slacks and a dress shirt. He was medium build. Kate rose upon seeing her husband and stood by gussied looping her arm around his.

"Darling these are our neighbors who live across the street, the Taverrons. Let me introduce you to Patrick and Annie."

Pleasantries were exchanged and they all seated themselves once again. Victor their father looked to be a serious man but kind and pleasant. He and Patrick hit it off right away talking about business and people they both mutually know.

Julien kept stealing glances at Annie. She started to feel self conscious. Her hands were clasped in her lap as she listened to her father and Victor, trying to ignore Julien. He was eventually included into the conversation averting his attention from her for the mean time.

Kate stood up and declared, "Well, Annie and I will let you men talk and we'll take our leave, I want to introduce her to Phaedra, our daughter."

Annie was surprised and her eyebrows rose, she hadn't realized they had a daughter, but gladly stood needing the breathing space. The men pause their conversation as Kate took Annie's hand and led her out the living room door.

Julien's stare bore into her skin as his smoldering eyes followed her until she left his sight. She could have sworn he looked a little disappointed as she exited with his mother.

Kate led her down the corridor and the halls, up the stairs. "I heard about the accident that happened because of Raja, I hope nobody was hurt during the collision?" Kate asked as she led the way.

"No, we were all fine. My rear bumper had a slight dent. We were a little surprised thats all." Annie replied.

Their house was beautiful and open with high ceilings, dark mahogany, beige walls, chandelier sconces lining the walls, as Annie scanned her surroundings passing by impressive paintings. 

"That's good to hear darling. Even though Duncan and Julien retold us the events of that day I needed to ask nonetheless." Kate confirmed.

"Is Duncan here, I haven't seen him yet." asked Annie.

"Yes, I believe he's currently napping in his room." She informed her as they approached a room.

Kate knocked three times. Footsteps could be heard coming from the other side.  The door opened revealing a tall Brunette with long layered hair, and green eyes identical to her mother's. She had a little nose and full red lips, with high cheekbones. She looked to be Annie's age.

"Hi darling, this is Annie Taverron, the young lady that had the run-in with Raja the other day. She's here with her father and I thought I would introduce the both of you."

The girl smiled politely and eyed Annie. She looked her up and down, her eyes widening. "Wow, you're gorgeous!" It was the first thing that came out of Phaedra's mouth. Kate chuckled softly and Annie smiled back. "I'm Phaedra, it's nice to meet you!" She came closer to Annie catching her by surprise when she pulled her in for a hug. Annie hugged her back awkwardly, not expecting the gesture.

"Nice to meet you too!" Annie said with a laugh.

She had a feeling they would be great friends right away. Phaedra pulled her inside her room and both started chatting right away. Kate made her leave, saying she wanted to prepare some refreshments.

Annie learned that Phaedra loved reading, shopping and was the director of marketing for her father's businesses. She loved the sun and was gushing about how the weather was so much better in California than England. Annie in return revealed some minor things about herself. It seemed as if they have known each other for a long time with the informal way they talked.

During their conversation Annie had to excuse herself needing to use the bathroom.

Once she finished and exited the bathroom, closing the door, she turned and collided with a hard chest. She was caught off guard and would have fallen back if not for the hands that grabbed on to her arms and pulled her back. She looked up, her breath caught in her throat when she saw who it was...
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