Chapter 5-Silence [E]
Meanwhile, outside Patrick's study, Cici and Angelica both had their heads plastered against the study's wide double doors.
"You hear anything?" Cici asked Angelica.
"Shut up Cici, they'll hear us and we'll get caught eavesdropping on the conversation." Glaring at her nosey sister.
"What the hell are the two of you doing?" A voice demanded.
They both yelped in surprise and jumped back from the door. They turn to face their older brother Michael and Sheila, his fiancée, holding hands. Sheila's head was tilted to the side watching them oddly with a amused smile, while Michael stood there, tall dark with slicked black hair and dark eyes, a mischievous smirk betraying his stern tone. They were both preoccupied trying to listen in that they didn't even hear them approach.
"N-Nothing." Stuttered Cici looking red faced and uncomfortable.
"Yeah right." replied Michael. "What's going on in there that's got you two so wound up and obviously curious enough you had to eavesdrop?"
"What are you doing here?" Cici asked him, completely avoiding his question.
Annie shifted from one foot to the other. Her facial expression didn't betray an emotion. She knew they would get caught, but Cici had to know what's going on and decided to try and listen in. This is so childish, she thought.
"We're here for mom's family dinner, I had to pick up Sheila from her mother's house. And for your information, I live here too smart ass."
Annie sighed and walked away leaving them to bicker in front of their father's study. She went across the way, down the hall to the formal living room. Opening the door slightly and letting herself in, she closed the door and sagged against it. After a moment, she made her way to one of the large sofas and laid down.
Cici, Michael, and Shelia passed the door to the formal living room. They continued down the hall into the family room which also opened up to the kitchen. They kept talking, their voices fading away into the distance.
Finally peace, she thought sighing.
After today's events she was exhausted thanks to the hours of shopping, and most especially the small accident. She couldn't keep her hands steady after they passed the gates of their home. If it wasn't for the guards around the grounds spotting them and helping unpack the car with their valuable bags, she wouldn't have been able to focus on the task herself.
Cici had nudged her in the ribs and pointed to the BMW in the driveway that didn't belong to them but to Anthony. She didn't even notice it when she parked her car, she was too preoccupied with thoughts of him...
Annie eventually dozed off on the sofa, waking up suddenly with a jolt, hearing yelling coming from the foyer. Getting up dazed, she hurriedly opened the door and made her way down the hall towards the voices of her father and Cici.
"You are never marrying him, not in this lifetime!" Their father boomed loudly.
Cici gazed at him with tear filled eyes that were trailing down her face. Her lower lip trembling with unspoken tears.
"Why?" She whispered.
"We are your parents! Don't you think we have the right to know this was happening! You know better than this!" He continued to shout. "You're in love with that boy?" Pointing a finger towards the front door. "Do you even really know him? This long distance relationship doesn't count, it's only a preview of who he is to you and you to him!"
"Dad, calm down, think about your blood pressure!" Michael reasoned.
Sheila had a pained expression and couldn't believe what she's witnessed. She remembered when Patrick and Charlotte came to her parent's house and asked for her hand for Michael. It was a lovely day thinking back.
**flashback, 3 months ago...**
"Michael and his parents came in holding a large bouquet of red roses in a elegant vase and boxes of sweets; baklava of various assortments and fine European chocolates. And the most precious item was in the smallest box in a velvet case.
It was a pleasant meeting. Her parents knew they were in-love after a years courtship. They both didn't hide anything from their families. And both sides were happy about the couple.
As customs date back, they first asked her parents for her hand in marriage to their son. Her parents were elated with the news and looked to Sheila waiting for her answer.
She blushed a bright pink and had to look away shyly. She felt uncomfortable with the unwanted attention.
Suddenly, Michael came down on his knee while she was seated next to her mother on the sofa. He looked handsome in his tailored black suit and blue pristine shirt and tie. His black eyes bore into hers. Her eyes widened as large as saucers when she realized what he was going to do.
"Will you do me the honor of accepting to be my partner and wife for the rest of eternity?" He had asked in front of everybody.
Her mother was silently crying with happiness at the witness of Sonny's proposal, dabbing her eyes with a tissue. Sheila hated looking away from Michael but she needed to see the acceptance in their eyes before giving her answer.
She quickly looked to her father who was proudly beaming. Her eyes seeking acceptance—her father nods in approval. She glanced at Patrick and Charlotte—Charlotte clasped her hands together to her chest in hope. They both had wide smiles, quietly nodding.
Looking back at Michael, she witnessed him bringing out the velvet box and opened it revealing a very large princess cut 4-carat diamond ring. She gasped in awe.
He removed the ring and held it in his large hand. He took her left hand and held the ring above her ring finger, hovering just at the tip of her fingertip, waiting. She had a bundle of emotions running through her as she started to tear up.
"YES!" She said exclaiming.
He quickly pushed the ring on her finger and kissed her hand. She wrapped her hands around his neck, hugging him tight as he held her. He pulled her off the couch in his arms and twirled her around and around. Laughter erupted in the room. Happiness was a small word to describe what she and Sonny were feeling that day...
**end of flashback**
Charlotte laid a calming hand on Patrick's shoulders. His head was bowed from the anger and disappointment he felt. He tried to reign his temper but he barely concealed it when Jonathan and Clara asked for his daughter's hand in marriage to their son.
They claimed that they were in-love and a perfect match for each other so why prolong the union? Ha! he thought, why indeed? Thankfully Charlotte intervened a bit surprised herself with the news but stayed calm for the duration of the conversation.
"W-what did y-you say to them?" Cici asked brokenly, sobbing quietly.
Charlotte spoke up, Patrick not able to find his voice. "We told them we need time to think, and that we would have to ask you if you accept the proposal, what could we have said otherwise? It was a big surprise for me and your father. You didn't even warn us about this or even inform us that the both of you were in this stage of your relationship."
Annie walked over to Cici and put her arm around her giving her some support and comfort. Cici laid her head on her shoulder silently crying, her body shaking silently from her sobs and anguish. "Shhh, it'll be okay." She whispered in her ear.
Their mother looked at both of them, then at Micahel and Shelia sadly shaking her head. She was torn between her daughter and husband. Their guests left ten minutes before, thankfully not seeing the outcome of their visit.
"Sir, Madame, dinner will be served when you are ready." Oliver said gravely, a bit hesitant regarding the current situation.
Charlotte nodded, "We'll be there in a few minutes, thank you Oliver." He left them quietly.
"Let's clear our heads and try to calm down. We are never going to come to a conclusion standing here and yelling at each other. I expect everybody to go and wash up and come back down for dinner in five minutes. I will hear nothing otherwise." Charlotte informed them in a stern voice.
Annie led Cici up the stairs while Micahle and Sheila followed silently. Charlotte continued to rub her husband's back soothingly, murmuring calming words to him and he eventually moved from his rooted spot towards their bedroom.
In Cici's room, Annie led her to the bathroom and started splashing water on her red puffy face. She kept sobbing quietly. Annie took a towel and handed it to her.
"Why did this have to happen to me? This is supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life and it all blows up in my face." Cici wailed staring at the mirror, patting her face with the towel.
"You need to calm down. It's not the end of the world. Dad needs time to come to terms with the idea. Don't give up. He'll see reason eventually with a little persuasion from you, me, mom. I'm not trying to make this worse but you never gave them a heads up...Dad just needs some space to think." Annie reasoned.
"He didn't lose it when Michael got engaged..." She whispered sadly.
Annie shook her head at Cici's weak attempt to make their father look like he was singling her out.
"Michael's was different. He and Sheila were exclusive. Mom and dad knew everything about them. He wasn't secretive. Besides it's different when it's your daughter than your son. Parents feel a stronger attachment and tend to be more overprotective towards females. It's a natural instinct to want to protect and shield them than males." Annie answered, rubbing Cici's arms trying to calm her nerves.
Cici looked at her in the mirror. Doubt etched across her features.
"Cici, you know dad, he's crazy protective of us. Don't you remember how Sheila's parents kept checking in when we all would go out as a group? They were seeing each other for over two years. You and Anthony have barely seen each other and suddenly you want to get engaged? I don't get why you're so upset with dad's reaction."
"I don't care. I don't want to eat, let alone see him, I don't have an appetite after what happened."
"So you'd rather have a loser of a father that doesn't care what his kids do and kicks you out of the house by the time you finish high school? Dad isn't like that! He cares way too much. You didn't say anything, you never shared you two were even serious! Besides how'd you expect him to behave, regardless of how he is?"
Annie shook her head again. Cici's eyes were red rimmed and her nose had turned into a shade of pink from crying so hard. It was pointless trying to convince her sister. Despite her carefree attitude she was very stubborn.
"If we don't go and have dinner, Mom will drag you down there and you'll end up making the situation worse. I know you're hurting and a thousand things are going through your head right now, but please try to be civil. Put yourself in his shoes." Annie urged. "He's upset, it's hard to know when one of your kids are leaving you to start a new life with someone else. Plus, dad has separation issues, it will take time."
Cici was starring unseeingly in the mirror, silent.
"Come on, I need to go to my room and wash up than we'll go down together."
Everybody met in the dinning room.
No one seemed to want to start a conversation. Patrick sat at the head of the table, solemn in his own thoughts, a deep frown etched upon his face. Charlotte was to his left, looking around the table unhappily. Michael and Sheila sat to Patrick's right while Annie and Cici sat next to their mother, Cici at the end. Her head was bowed, keeping her eyes glued to her dinner plate. The table was decorated with a variety of dishes, filet minion, steamed vegetables, seasoned rice, baked potatoes, bruschetta, chipotle shrimp and Ceaser salad.
Everybody helped themselves, piling their plates to whatever caught their eye. "This all looks so delicious! Winnie is amazing." Shelia said, breaking the silence, directing her comment towards Charlotte.
"She is my dear. We are very fortunate to have her with us. I hope you enjoy it, Bon appetite." Charlotte replied with a sad smile.
Annie looked to the corner of her eye. Cici barely ate, moving food around with her fork. Everything tasted bland, she couldn't savor a flavor with the few bites she's had. She was too upset still and had no appetite.
Their father was eating but he was chewing so hard the muscle in his jaw was evident, outlined under his skin.
Dinner ended on an awkward note. Charlotte kept silent seeming bummed her dinner didn't go as planned. Patrick hadn't uttered a word starring straight ahead as he ate. Sonny and Sheila glancing at each other uncomfortably. Annie wished she could just disappear, and Cici thinking how she could have done things differently...
This is only the beginning.
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Thanks, Shaz
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