Chapter 29-Surprise Part 2 [E]
The night was all so surreal. It felt too good to be true. It was one of the happiest days of her life. She couldn't have asked for a more magical evening.
Annie clasped her hands to her chest as she watched with wide eyes as the birthday cake came toward her slowly as the crowd sang the birthday song.
Julien snaked his arm around Annie's slender waist, bringing her closer to him as her cake came closer into view. The photographer took countless pictures, capturing the beauty of the night. The camera constantly flashing their movements, always hovering around, the cameraman must have took hundreds of pictures.
The birthday cake stopped mere inches before her. The candles sparkled brightly reflecting in Annie's eyes and making them glow.
"Make a wish!" The crowd that accumulated around them shouted.
Annie turned to Julien. He gave her a nod of encouragement. "Go ahead, make a wish." He whispered close to her ear just as he had done in Hawaii.
"Will you help me blow out the candles this time?" Annie asked him. Julien smiled and silently nodded.
Annie closed her eyes and made a wish. "I wish and hope—all that I desire comes true."
She and Julien bent down slightly to blow out her candles for the second time. Annie made sure to change her wish this time just in case her last wish wasn't granted. It meant the same to her nonetheless.
Her desire was for Julien to be by her side for as long as they lived and the future she dreamt about with their baby someday. Opening her eyes the audience around her applauded and clapped happily. Whistles pierced in the air while more birthday wishes were shouted.
"Happy Birthday, love." Julien said while pecking her cheek softly. Gold confetti fell down all around them enchanting the celebration.
"Thank you." She turned to him as he held her. Patrick cleared his throat from behind them making them separate. Annie flushed in embarrassment.
"Hey now, I know I'm interrupting but I needed to wish my daughter a very Happy Birthday!" Swooping down and holding Annie to his chest in a fierce hug. It meant the world to her that her father was so lenient and accepting. She expected him to frown down upon her but she saw only acceptance in his eyes.
"I love you daddy." Annie whispered while she gazed at Julien who stepped in behind her father. Julien held her stare, waiting patiently as Patrick moved back and her mother came forward to embrace her.
"I love you so much sweetheart! Happy Birthday!" Charlotte gushed holding her tight.
"Love you. . .too." Annie said while looking Julien directly in the eyes as she said those three words.
Annie was aware of what she just did, feeling bold and confident. Admitting that she loved him made her feel at peace even though she never heard him utter those words to her yet. Julien had been the first one insinuating many things in their relationship. Being the first to confess her feelings out loud was a big advancement on her part—after all, she had been the one holding back all this time.
Julien's eyes narrowed, his gaze never wavering, the meaning of her words slowly sinking passed his skin and into his blood. Her gaze boring heavily into his, the message clearly was for him...Love you too.
Her announcement was completely unexpected, masking his features to cover up his surprise, Julien felt his heart constrict with happiness. He didn't have the outright chance declare his love. In the private room, in the club, when they were all alone, he had hoped she understood his declaration.
Charlotte released her daughter and turned to the cake as a piece was served to her with a fork. Annie was forced to break their connecting gazes. But not before she caught his lips saying "...I love you more..."
Annie's heart thumped quickly. She felt light headed from the rush of emotion and overwhelming joy she could not translate into words. Her heart was ready to burst from the flow of blood pumping rapidly in excitement.
"Open up sweetie, it tradition to take the first bite." Lifting the fork up to Annie's lips, she opened them slightly and moaned in delight. The outside layer was non-dairy whipped cream, the inside made of marble with sliced fruit laying softly in the center with more cream.
Charlotte dipped her finger into the whipped layer and marked Annie's nose with a bit of cream. Caught off guard, Annie blushed sheepishly and frowned at her mother while everybody laughed at her expression.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart! I couldn't help myself. Here's a napkin." She said while laughing. Grabbing it and wiping her nose, she turned away from the cameras flashing and found Julien smirking at her, merriment filled his eyes.
"Come. I'll escort you to the powder room where you'll be able to clean up." Intertwining their fingers together, Julien lead her out to the hallway. Before reaching the powder room, he pulled her against him and softly kissed her inviting lips, barely containing his need.
Annie kissed him back with a fierce passion, their lips moving in synch. Their bond was undeniable, the passion and lust barely contained. Cupping her bottom, Julien pulled her closer, dominating the kiss as Annie gave him what he desperately needed as he tasted and nipped her luscious lips. Wrapping her hands around his neck, Annie lovingly stroked his hair as he trailed kisses along her jaw and neck. He felt her pulse race under her skin and smiled inwardly.
A soft sigh left her lips and her eyes were half closed as she enjoyed Julien's torturous kisses. Feeling like she'd been drugged, she leaned into him more as he held her weight for her, holding her upright.
"Don't ever distance yourself from me again." He commanded against her neck. Pulling back, his lust filled gaze leveled with hers.
"I won't." She promised.
Julien smirked and licked the remaining cream from her nose. Annie giggled in response. Capturing her giggles with a swift kiss again, she smiled against his lips.
"I love you. I believe I always have, from the moment I first laid eyes on you." He said simply pecking her lips again. The sincerity of his declaration made Annie realize she had loved him from the start too. She could have fooled herself but she knew.
It was the fear that held her back. The uncertainty, the onslaught of emotions disorienting her, making her run away from the reality and the vulnerability of having one hold your heart in their hands and trust they won't use and destroy everything your made up of.
Annie stared deeply in his bright silver eyes and saw the love and adoration shinning from them.
"I love you too." She said back, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. After everything she had put him through, he kept pushing and fighting for her affection.
And he won.
Julien released her, patting her bottom, giving her his sexy signature smirk.
"Go on, I'll be waiting for you..." He said.
Annie nodded and reluctantly left him pushing open the doors to the powder room. Cleaning up, she found Julien waiting exactly where she left him. He smiled upon seeing her and linked their fingers together leading her back to the party.
When they entered the music was blasting away by the DJ, the dance floor full of people swaying to the beat.
They approached a fortune tellers tent. The gypsy's costume was very detailed consisting of a peasants blouse with puffy sleeves with a cape draped over her shoulders made of bright colors. A full skirt made of many layers came to mid-calf. Around her waist was a long scarf tied on the side and hangs long. Her jewelry was gold, big hoop earrings and lots of long strand necklaces hung from her ears and neck. Both arms were filled with bangle bracelets as her fingers held chunky rings with fake gems.
The shorter woman nods in their direction. Julien nodded back politely, and Annie smiled in return.
"Care to have your fortunes read?" She asked in a raspy voice.
Her tone sent shivers up Annie's spine.
The woman's black hair was swept up in a bun, with specks of grey starting to grow underneath the scarf wrapped around her head. Her lips were colored a blood red and her eyes were heavily lined with black liner.
Annie had this uncertain, uneasy feeling. A creeped out feeling which instantly made her uncomfortable. Julien turned to her in question and she could only shrug reluctantly, her eyebrows drawn together.
"Hey Annie! Come here! There's somebody I would like you to meet." Her uncle Brett hailed from across the room.
Annie glanced his way than back at Julien.
"Have your fortune read and I'll come back, give me a few minutes to see what my Uncle wants.." She said, partially relieved to avoid the woman yet hating to leave his side.
Julien nodded, not seeming to mind and let her go. She kissed his cheek before she eagerly made her way across the room.
"Sir?" The gypsy lady inquired, holding the curtain back to allow him access. The small tent was lined with artifacts with a small table in the middle with two chairs. A crystal ball was laid simply above the covered black table.
"Please sit down." Pointing to one of the chairs.
After settling in, Julien clasps his hands in his lap and crosses his legs waiting patiently for the old lady to prepare herself. Julien did not believe in these things but decided to go along with the set-up. It was for fun after all.
The gypsy's hands hovered above the crystal ball as she chanted in a foreign language.
"What is your first name and date of birth?" She asked him.
"Julien, born August the 21st." He answered in a clipped tone, glancing down at his watch and feeling foolish.
When he raises his eyes, the gypsy's black emotionless gaze bore into his. Her thick eyebrows arched questiongly as she surveyed him silently. Lowering her gaze back at her crystal ball, the old woman stared intently into it as if it held all the answers.
"You are strong." She began. "You have a powerful aura that surrounds you—the confidence of a King–a leader." Than she paused, as if seeking more answers from the crystal ball.
Julien arched an eyebrow, not seeming moved by the information.
"The woman you held by your side is strong willed–a fighter, a true beauty inside and out...and she is your kindred. You both are destined soul mates." She continued now wrapping her slim fingers around her crystal ball. "Soul mates finding one another is quite rare. She was meant for you and no other. It was written the minute you were born."
Julien narrowed his eyes. This woman was describing what he naturally already knew. But he kept silent allowing her to continue.
"However... the powerful connection you both feel will be severed. It will be out of your control. For it is fated." She said in a monotone voice looking directly into his eyes. Julien shifted in his seat, irritated and angered by the absurdity of what he just heard.
"Your love will be threatened and destroyed by natural causes. However, it will be from your own doing. For you will break her heart. Cherish and shower her with your love. You don't have much time! This is the ultimate test of true love." She concluded in a harsh whisper, her glazed over stare never wavering. She looked to be in a state-like trance as she chanted her words, looking right through him.
Julien stood abruptly knocking his chair back.
"What is this nonsense you speak of?" He demanded angrily. Now that he's finally broken down Annie's walls and finally accepted him, moving forward together was the only course he was determined to make happen. He wasn't about to let some silly fortune teller's silly words ruin it.
"You are a determined man, you will find a way back to her. Heed my warning well, do not succumb to the weakness. Open your eyes and remember who you are..." She advised his retreating back. "Heed my words well young man..."
Sending the woman one last menacing glare over his shoulder, Julien flipped the curtain out of his way. Searching the crowd, he witnessed Annie dancing to slow music, with Mark the chief of staff from the hospital.
Jealousy coursed through his veins, making him clench his fists tightly, ultimately adding to the effect the old lady's words already provoked...
When Annie finished with her Uncle she was ready to head back to the fortune tellers tent when someone caught her elbow. Turning, she looked up to see Mark smiling at her.
"Hey there. Care to dance?" He asked with hoped filled eyes. Annie reluctantly glanced back at the tent than back to Mark. The music had changed to a slow dance just before he asked.
"Sure." She said simply, not wanting to refuse him but feeling stacks of guilt because she knew Julien was waiting for her.
Mark swept her in his arms and they started to dance. "You never told me you were seeing anyone." He said seeming disappointed.
Annie sighed, it was inevitable. He, like most of the guests, witnessed her with Julien since the evening started.
The disco ball above the ceiling trailed over the countless dancers shinning it's reflective light into Annie's eyes when she looked up and than away from Mark's penetrating gaze.
"I didn't realize I needed your permission..." Annie trailed, not knowing what to tell him. She knew he was interested in her, disliking the thought of hurting his feelings.
Mark released a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just thought...never mind." Shaking his head. "Is he good to you?" He asked instead.
Annie smiled slightly, "Yes, he is. I'm surprised you had the chance to get away from the hospital and come tonight." Deciding to divert the subject.
"Are you kidding! I wouldn't miss this party for the world. My favorite nurse's birthday is today." Smiling wide as he swept her back and up again to the music. "Happy Birthday, by the way, I didn't get a chance earlier." His features lightened up when he smiled but his eyes held a note of sadness.
The smile never reached his eyes.
"As always a charmer." Annie laughed.
Mark was a good man. He'll find someone. That charm of his worked miracles, she mused.
"Thank you, and thank you for coming, it means a lot."
Mark nodded as he drew her closer, his cheek resting against her hair.
"I know it's not right to mix business with pleasure but since I'm here, I was wondering if you would be able to fill in for one of the nurses this coming weekend? It's for Saturday, a late shift starting at noon until midnight."
Annie felt his breath against her hair as he spoke.
"I don't have anything planned, so I don't see why not. Count me in." Annie agreed.
Mark squeezed her hands gratefully. "Thank you. I'll add you to the schedule tomorrow then. Make sure you don't come in exhausted though." He admonished a smile lacing his words.
"Ha, ha. That's not funny." Pulling her head back to glare at him. Mark only chuckled, shaking his head.
"May I cut in?" Julien's voiced out loud, a hint of anger along the edge of his words.
Mark and Annie came apart quickly as they were met with a pair of fierce silver-gray eyes. Mark nodded reluctantly and gave Annie a small smile. Annie's heart rate sped up, alarmed at Julien's tone. She hoped he wasn't angry with her.
The ferocious expression on his face made him look cold, dangerous and intimidating. Embracing her to his chest Julien continued the dance, but his posture remained rigid and stiff.
"Julien, I'm sorry for not returning, Mark asked me to dance when I was making my way back to you, I felt bad refusing. I was hoping the dance would have concluded before you finished. Don't be angry..." Annie soothed in a comforting tone as she stroked the hair at the nape of his neck.
"It's alright, love. I was a little angry seeing another man touch you. You're mine and only mine." He stated the last part aggressively, crushing her to his chest as if she'd disappear.
He could not, would not, tell her what that delusional woman said.
For it troubled him. If he informed Annie of what she'd foreseen about their destiny, it would create another uncomfortable hurtle in their relationship.
It was the last thing they needed.
Annie laid her head against his taut muscled chest and closed her eyes as they slowly swayed back and forth. He felt tense, his muscles bunching, coiled up. She understood how dominating he could be concluding it was the jealousy talking.
"You're right, I am yours..." Annie says, feeling Julien's muscles slowly relax and unwind right after she uttered the words she knew would make him feel better.
May it be true or false, Julien knew not, but something inside of him sensed the gypsy woman's odd foreshadowing held some possibility—a small glimpse of the unforeseen future.
It was foolish to consider what she said but Julien sensed it was no act. Fortune tellers were meant to predict positive outcomes, new beginnings, hope, but never something so negative. She was being paid to entertain for the evening not discourage the guests.
He wished he never entered her tent. The love of his life was in his arms today but what about tomorrow or the day after that...
Anything was possible.
Thanks for reading! I hope it was entertaining...
Thank you to the dedicated voters, you honestly keep me going, without you I wouldn't have thought anybody was enjoying the story.
Getting close to the big climax...stay tuned!
Thanks Shaz.
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