Chapter 26- The Heart Wants What It Wants [E]

Annie's pulse quickened with anxiety and turmoil after listening to her mother declare Julien loved her.

It's too soon, she thought. Could he really love her? Is that why he was going against all the odds?

"Come on, lets dance again." Cici begged as she clasped Annie's wrists. "It's our last night here. Pleeeeease!"

Annie let out a frustrating sigh and agreed reluctantly, knowing Cici would not leave her in peace. Glancing over her shoulder, she sent her mother an apologetic smile, barely starting their conversation when Cici interrupted them.

Charlotte waved them off, "Go enjoy yourselves girls!" Sitting back in the booth, Charlotte began speaking to Kate who was giving Annie a knowing smile.  Just before fully turning Annie caught Kate starring at her out of the corner of her eye, knowing exactly who they were going to talk about.

Annie internally felt defeated and insecure, and she despised the feeling. It was his fault. Ever since Julien crashed into her life, it's been an overwhelming roller coaster ride. Where she once was the pilot, she now was the co-pilot. He took over her life, breaking down her walls with determination one by one.

Nobody had ever been so successful. Many have tried to catch her eye, she would give them the attention she would give a little child, but never one such as Julien has ever attempted to conquer her heart. Annie realized as Cici led her passed the cluttered bodies, she allowed Julien the power, relinquishing everything into his hands.

It was by free will.

She let him because she needed him. He was the missing piece of her puzzle. And it scared her. Where nothing in life intimidated her, this recollection terrified her.

Cici dragged Annie back to the center of the illuminated dance floor. The DJ played Madonna's  song Celebration, and Cici smiled and swayed her hips to the beat.

"Come on! Dance!"

Annie started dancing, forgetting her worries for a few minutes.

"I knew he liked you!" Cici exclaimed, making a full turn, hands over her head. "I loved the way he kissed your hands Angie! He's totally into you..." She continued.

She was not ready to admit anything, nor discuss her relationship. Annie just shook her head in denial, feeling her frustration and anger begin to rise. Cici could only laugh in her face.

Out of nowhere a disheveled man, looking slightly drunk, with dark blond hair dressed in black slacks and a unbuttoned dress shirt stepped in between them, grabbing Cici's waist and roughly pulling her up against his body. Cici yelped in surprise, trying to push the drunk man off of her but without success. She was much smaller than the obviously well built man and the pushing against his chest made no difference. 

At first Annie thought Cici was dancing with him, not making out her facial expression due to the darkness of the club, but when she turned she witnessed how close their bodies were and the drunk man forcing Cici to dance against him.  Annie felt a surge of anger rush through her and stopped, tapping his shoulder.

She beckoned him forward with a evil smile. He smirked happily, coming towards her after releasing Cici.  Her sister staggered back clutching her chest in fear. 

The drunk made to grab her waist. Annie took the opportunity, griped his wrist with incredible strength and agility and pulled it behind his back roughly, making his groan loudly in pain.

Annie then kicked his leg, forcing him to kneel as he let out a screech of protest. Before he fell forward, she grabbed hold of his hair jerking his head back.

"Get the fùck off of her you piece of shìt!" Annie said it close to his ear. She let go and pushed him violently towards the floor, face first and reached for Cici gripping her close to her side.

The crowd stopped and witnessed the commotion. The only sound was the pulsing beat of the music.

"You bitch!" The man screamed, rising in his disheveled state. He reeked of alcohol and swayed to the left, nearly falling again. Finally he stood and made an attempt at swinging his fist trying to attack them.  Annie was spoiling for a fight and never backed down as she took two small steps to approach him.

Cici screamed, "Annie Noooo!" Frantically clutching Annie's arm with a death grip, begging her not to do anything more.

But Annie ignored her. The drunk man swung his fist up again meaning to do physical harm, and she expertly dodged his aim. The music in the background stopped and gasps filled the room as the tension notched up to a whole new level.

Annie waited patiently, bracing herself and bidding her time, cranking her neck right than left and wished she was not wearing heels at that very moment wanting nothing but to pound her frustrations into the man-handling lunatic that dared touch her sister.

He punched the air around him in frustration. He looked like an utter fool. The drunk stopped and rubbed his eyes, coming to his dull senses and startled the crowd when he let out hoarse scream like some mad man.

He charged at Annie and Cici holding his fist back, ready and determined to not miss his target.

He didn't get very far when Julien appeared in front of them. He calmly caught the drunks fist in his palm halting his attempt. Julien's grip increased as he administered so much pressure, the bones beneath his skin could be heard cracking. The drunk yelled out in pain and seconds later Julien released allowing him to cradle his now deformed hand to his chest as he moaned in pain.

The bouncers came forward and dragged the drunk away, kicking and screaming profanities.  Every pair of eyes in the club watched them go until they were out of sight. Julien turned to Annie and Cici in concern.

"Are you both all right? Are you hurt?"

"We're fine." Annie nodded.

Cici looked shaken up and pale managing to nod.   Julien escorted them to the booth and sat them down. Patrick had anger etched on his features as his gaze followed the direction of the drunks withdrawal from the club.

"What happened?" Patrick asked them, their family's hovered around them worriedly.

Annie retold her father the events of the last few minutes and watched pride over take his features.

"Good girl." He directed at Annie, nodding in approval. Turning to Julien he shook his hand, thanking him for intervening.

"Yes, thank you." Cici said finally finding her voice.

Julien smiled politely in response.

His gaze captured Annie's. He asks her to dance as the DJ resumed blasting new music that was more subdued and mellow to Sway by Michael Bulé. Annie glanced at her father uneasily, noting he was still close enough to have heard Julien's request.

Patrick shifted to the side, his actions voicing his approval and ushered them towards the dance floor with his arm. "Have a good time." Was all he said.

Julien offered his hand for Annie to take in silent invitation. She gulped nervously not sure all of a sudden. All eyes were strained on her expectantly.

Cici nudged her in the ribs. "Go."  She whispered.

Annie slowly stood, laying her hand in his as he led her onto the dance floor.

Julien's cologne wafted to her nose, his own special sweet spicy scent. He twirled in his arms and began to sway to the smooth music.

"What happened? What did you and my father talk about?" Annie asked worriedly, searching his sharp features for any clues. She couldn't help herself, curiosity got the best of her. Julien looked down at her, a small smile highlighting his face.

He bent his head toward her ear and whispered, "You."

Tightening his grip, he bent her back and up again to the semi-fast paced beat.

Annie frowned, hating when people were cryptic. Her impatience was nearly boiling over. He was being vague, prolonging the answer.  She inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm herself down. 

If he was teasing, she was in no mood and decided to withdraw her hands from him and turn away. His hands gripped hers strongly making it rather difficult to move without causing a scene.

His silver eyes gleamed brightly as he witnessed her anger grow with every breath she took. Julien's body pressed up against hers, "You are not going anywhere..." A clear warning in his eyes.

Their eyes clashed.

"Let me go damn it!" Annie hissed, her eyes scanning the crowd for her family members or his. Thankfully Julien had maneuvered them clear across the other side.

"Calm down, Duchess. I informed your father about you and I."

Annie stopped breathing, speechless. Shock and than anger skidded across her face. Ever calculating, sleek, smooth and calm, he said it so calmly like he had no other care in the world.

"You what?!? How could you?" She flustered in disbelief, finding nothing else to say. 

Julien ignored her rant. "It's the only way. I told you, you are mine, and I always get what I want."

He was too confident for his own good. 

"How dare you!"  Annie anger shifted into overdrive as she lifted her hand to slap the cool expression off his face but Julien caught her wrist, roughly pulling her arm down against her side.

"You need to wait until I finish, then react the way you like, but not here..." He said, inches to her face. His calm facade stayed plastered in place.  Keeping hold of her wrist, he pulls her behind him. 

"Where are we going!?!"

"Somewhere private." Julien replied as he lead her down a secluded hallway and opened a door that read 'VIP Room'.

The room was small, a sofa against the wall, a table to the right with two chairs, and floral paintings across the deep red colored walls.  Closing the door swiftly, Julien turned and caught Annie in an unexpected kiss. Placing his hands firmly around her waist, Julien passionately kissed away the shock and anger Annie felt as she melted into him, kissing back with as much need temporarily forgetting her dilemma.

It was difficult to avoid the sexual tension between them. They couldn't stop the desperation they felt for one another. The lust that ignited inside of them was burning like an inferno.

Julien walked backwards, never breaking the kiss until he felt the sofa behind his knees, plopping down and tugging Annie's body, straddling him. Her short dress hitched up her thighs.

"This shouldn't be happening..." Annie rushed out panting.

"Be damned the consequences." Julien replied, cupping the back of her head and continuing their kiss. Annie wrapped her arms around Julien's neck and scooted closer on his lap, making her dress pull up further, just below her butt.

Julien caressed her silky thighs, working his way up and squeezed her butt, making Annie squirm as her core met his arousal. Julien groaned in pleasure, peppering kisses along her jaw and neck. The perfume she wore tickled his senses as she breathed heavily, her chest rising and falling.

Knowing he had to stop his passionate assault on her before her family noticed they were missing, Julien rested his forehead against hers as he caught his breath. He stared back at her, eyes blazing with desire.

"I asked your fathers permission to pursue you...I voiced my intense interest and my feelings for you."

Annie straightened her posture. She stayed silent, listening. Julien's hands run down her back, caressing her. 

"I made sure to omit the personal experiences you and I have shared, of course." A mischievous expression crossed his features at her horrified expression. He continued saying, "He seemed surprised but accepting, as if he knew it was coming, which I thought a bit strange but I didn't question it. I also informed him of my future plans of making you my wife..."

Annie's eye widened and her arms loosened around his neck. Her beautiful face contorted in bewilderment, her pouty, soft pink lips slightly opened.

Patrick and Julien's conversation **flashback**

Julien sat across of Patrick at the bar after he asked to speak with him privately. Patrick's stare was curious yet polite as he waited for Julien to start. Julien glanced back at the booth where their family's occupied and spotted Annie watching him and her father like a hawk.

Victor joined them and stood as he waited expectantly for his son to talk. Julien asked him to be present for his meeting with Patrick but never said what for.

His father gave him a nod of encouragement. Julien decided to tell Patrick everything once and for all. 

"I am very interested in your daughter Angelica. And I want your blessing to court her properly." Julien paused for a moment and tried reading Patrick's stoic, unreadable, guarded expression plastered on his face. "Some day I'd like to make her my wife as well, if she is willing to accept me." He continued boldly. "I love her and I cannot imagine my life without her." Julien declared his true feelings out loud finally.

Patrick's eyebrows rose in surprise at the last parts of his declaration.

His wife...

He loves her...

It was a bit sudden and unexpected but at the same time, it was expected. He knew that someday Annie was going to leave him too but not so soon. Patrick didn't realize he was holding his breath until he let it out and exhaled heavily. Watching the young man in front of him stare back defiantly reminded Patrick of himself. Confident, strong, bold, knowing what he wants.

Victor appears surprised but pleased with his announcement.

He briefly wondered when all of this happened as he stroked his chin, regarding Julien.

Was it when she fell into his lap? Or the hospital? At work?

Might as well know from the direct source rather than wonder. "When did this all happen? And how does she feel?" He asked him out loud.

"It was the first time I saw her, when the accident occurred, and then I felt as if fate kept bringing us together. There were times when I couldn't wait to see her next."

At least Patrick was open to want to understand what was between instead of a flat negative answer.

"We have a connection...I believe she feels the same as I do, although she has never voiced it." He wanted to add; actions speak louder then words, but held his tongue. What he and Annie did behind closed doors and the passionate kisses they shared was for them only.

"I see. So you're telling me your intentions are honorable? You are in love with my daughter and wish her hand in marriage, before a proper courtship?" Patrick had to know, he respected honesty and loyalty and he has seen nothing foul from him so far. He was a well respected businessman and Julien and his family have high moral standards. He considered Victor one of his most trusted friends and now it looks like they may become even closer in the near future. 

"Yes." Julien replied simply looking him straight in the eye. "I love her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her by my side."

Patrick had to admit, he has never been approached like this before and never seen anyone this determined. He's certainly confident. The look in his eyes was a true reflection of his honesty.

He wanted to feel angry and protective but he remembered Annie's words " need to let us go and live our own lives..."

His children were all grown up and adults now. Patrick did not want to over play being a father again and forced himself to let go and accept the reality for what it was.

Sonny, Cici and now Angelica—Patrick's heart swelled in his chest. He felt an intense sadness at the realization.

"You are the only person I will say this to, but Annie is my favorite out of all my children...and I expect the best for her. She's all grown up now and I trust her decisions. If she accepts and desires you as the man for her then I have no arguments....And you both have my blessing." Was all he said, glancing at Victor.

"It would be a great honor for us. This union will bring us closer together than we already are." Victor declared with a smile.

Julien felt relief at what he heard. In all honesty, he didn't expect Patrick to be so understanding and supportive. Patrick held out his hand and Julien shook it firmly, as a promise to do good by his daughter.

"Thank you." Said Julien.

**End flashback**

Annie finally found her voice after feeling like her heart dropped and goosebumps erupted all along her skin. It felt like the wind was knocked out of her, suddenly feeling drained.

"Why are you doing this...?" Shaking her head in denial, not bothering to ask what her father told him, imagining it not going well. This is not what they agreed to weeks ago.

"The heart wants what it wants." He said simply while caressing her face.

Annie closed her eyes, The heart wants what it wants.

That could only


Thank you for reading. I hope it was all to your liking.

Love is in the air...subtle hints, but never voiced out loud. Next chapter will have some understanding and acceptance. Annie's surprise birthday party starts soon. A few chapters from now, an intense climax happens, its earth shattering, mind blowing, and life changing.

Hint: It ends just as slowly as it began....stay tuned.

Thanks to those very small number of voters, I thank you kindly for your continuous support.


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