Chapter 25-He's In Love [E]
"Annie's been distant, unreadable lately." Uncle Brett observed, sitting on the couch looking toward the hallway.
Cici frowned at him, her fine eyebrows furrowed, glancing in the same direction. Brett was right, Annie had been quiet and reserved, not speaking unless spoken to, avoiding everybody. It was their last day in Hawaii and they had a planned to go to a nightclub to do some dancing, and celebrate Annie's mock "Birthday."
"It doesn't seem like she's in the mood to celebrate tonight." Cici replied sighing. "I wonder what's wrong..."
"I don't think she's still mad at me for throwing her in the ocean." He mused. He wondered if it had to do with that man, Julien. So far he's witnessed both, Annie and Julien, stealing glances at each other. A few blushes from his niece and a little smirk from the brooding man, had shown him something was going on between them. Brett wasn't about to go public with his speculation, keeping his thoughts to himself.
"Well whatever it is, you know Annie, she won't confide in me what's bothering her." Cici said, folding her legs underneath her, slanting her body closer to Brett.
"Yeah, I know. But you hadn't noticed anything off about her? Something different?" Brett asked in a low voice. Most of their party was on the beach enjoying the last few hours of the Hawaiian sun and others were inside having lunch in the next room.
Cici frowned, not knowing if she should voice her thoughts about what she's seen...Annie's attraction toward Julien St. James. She wondered if Brett suspected anything. "Why do I feel like you're insinuating something? What do you know that I don't?" Cici narrowed her eyes at him, as she asked innocently. If he knew something, she was going to try to coarse it out of him.
Brett frowned, pursing his lips together, "No, I was just curious."
Cici held back her frustration by biting her lip. Laughter could be heard coming from the patio door.
Phaedra entered the living room in her sun hat and a yellow dress. "Hi!" she greeted them cheerfully and took a seat on the adjoining love seat. Both Brett and Cici replied back with tight smiles. "So are we still on for tonight?" She whispered, leaning her body forward.
"I think so..." Cici replied unenthusiastically. Brett offered a brief smile and slight nod of his head.
"Excuse me ladies, I'm going to grab a bite to eat." Standing up, Brett escaped the room, not wanting to contribute to their conversation. Cici glared at his retreating back until he disappeared into the kitchen.
Annie avoided Julien like she was trying to avoid the plague. She was not wanting to acknowledge him in any way. She knew that ignoring him would not make him go away, but she didn't know what else to do.
Sitting in the bedroom she shared with Cici, Annie stayed cooped up and out of sight, not feeling like socializing with anyone. Hating the way she felt, angry and lost, it burdened her how she left things with Julien.
Maybe she was too harsh. The tipping point was when he told her he was going to her father. He wasn't being rational. Their relationship status was moving too fast for her liking. Annie wanted time and Julien wanted to rush things.
Annie sighed in frustration for the thousandth time that day. Rubbing her temples as if it would make her headache disappear, Annie looked up as the door to the bedroom opened.
Cici breezed in and plopped down on the bed, sinking her face into the pillow, she seemed irritated from the look on her face, making Annie frown. "What's wrong with you?"
Cici turned her face toward Annie curling to her side. "Oh, nothing. I can't wait to get back home is all."
"Ditto." Annie answered back, curling to her side as well, facing Cici. "I have a killer headache..." Closing her eyes.
"It's because you're probably thinking too much, what's going on with you?" Maybe she would be willing to covey her thoughts since they were all alone.
"I hate my life, that's what's wrong." Annie answered in frustration.
"Care to elaborate? You've been in here since yesterday." Cici tried again.
"I'm tired. I don't want to celebrate my stupid birthday with anybody!"
"Well you don't have a choice. I know it sucks not celebrating on your day, it's not like it could have been helped." Cici looked from beneath her lashes at Annie. She looked so grumpy.
Cici fiddled with her large diamond engagement ring on her finger thinking how Annie was going to flip on Wednesday when she realizes her planned surprise birthday party. "Just suck it up and go with the flow, it's just another day..." Cici knew her words weren't going to help her feel any better, they sounded detached and uncaring, but it was just a detour. She'll soon realize the trouble they went to for her party and all they've been saying to her was just a cover up.
"I'm just not going tonight, like you said, it's just another being there is not going to make a damn difference." Annie muttered bitterly.
"Noooo, you're going." She ordered. "Take a couple pain killers, shower, put on a sexy dress, plaster a fake smile on your pretty face, and it'll be over before you know it." Cici stood up and pulled Annie away from the bed toward the bathroom that connected to their room.
The club they went to was upscale, only the rich and famous attended. It was elegant yet it had the vibe of a regular nightclub. It was loud. Rainbow strobe lights flickered on and off, men and women danced to pop music as others laughed, drank and socialized.
The Taverron's and St. James' were shown to two large private booths that outlined the spacious dance floor. Annie stayed close to Cici avoiding Julien's intense burning stare.
She felt the need to keep pulling down her mid-thigh, body fitting dress. The dress she chose was a off the shoulder, gold and silver beaded dress. It was incredibly sexy and yet elegant at the same time. The stares she kept receiving from men and women made her increasingly self-conscious, regretting her choice immediately.
It was either what she was wearing or a black sequined dress she brought along with her to the trip. She did not feel like wearing black, her mood was already down, the color would just depress her more.
"People are staring..." Annie whispered to her as soon as they were seated. Cici looked around and found half the nightclubs inhabitants eyed their every move.
"So? Let them stare...they can look but can't touch." Cici shrugged with a grin. "You look beautiful Annie embrace the moment. What we have today, will not last forever...." She preached.
"Strong words sister dearest..." Annie replied, looking amongst the table. Sheila, Sonny, Phaedra, Zach, Duncan and Julien sat at their table. Their parents and Brett took their place in the next booth, ordering drinks from the waitress that had recently approached their table.
Duncan and Phaedra were having a whispered conversation, their heads bent close together. Phaedra smiled shyly at something Duncan said and looked away from him. The smoldering look Duncan was giving Phaedra spoke volumes.
Witnessing the small interaction in front of her brought a smile to Annie's face. They liked each other and something was secretly brewing between them.
Phaedra never once hinted she was interested in Duncan and vise versa. Both never showed their feelings or interest of each other before. Annie's intuition was right, detecting something off from Phaedra's behavior recently. She appeared to have Duncan on her mind. It appeared they were in love and have been for a very long time. They lived together, the close proximity under one roof was bound to unite the feelings they had for one another.
Phaedra was smart, caring and beautiful individual. Duncan was kind, sweet, charming and good looking. They appeared to be a perfect match.
Looking away Annie's eyes clashed with Julien's. All the turmoil she was feeling evaporated, as their eyes relayed their want and need of each other. The deep consuming passion hidden between them surfaced to the forefront. At that moment, a burst of bliss and contentment swelled up in each of these two lovers.
This need between them was dangerous in a way, but rules were meant to be broken. Annie was the first to glance away, blushing, as warmth bubbled in her chest making her heart race.
The waitress approached their table, taking down beverage orders. As soon as she left, Cici scooted out of the booth pulling Annie out with her.
"What are you doing?" Annie demanded loudly against the blast of the loud speakers, pulling down her tight dress. Suddenly the DJ switched the tune to Selena Gomez, the birthday song. Annie stood still as Cici tugged her toward the dance floor.
"Come dance with me!" Cici shouted with a broad smile. She turned to the booth, gesturing for everybody to join them. Phaedra scooted out of the booth excitedly meeting them halfway.
"I can't!" Annie argued and failing miserably as she allowed Cici to pull her to the middle of the dance floor.
"YES YOU CAN! Live it up!" Cici started to sing along as she started dancing.
Tell 'em that is my birthday
Tell 'em that is my birthday
Tell 'em that is my birthday
When I party like that
Every nights my birthday
They don't know, so it's okay
Tell 'em that is my birthday
When I party like that
Jazz it up, jazz it up....
Happy as can be, falling into me
How do you do, calling me the queen, baking cream
Blow your dreams, Blow your dreams, Blow your dreams away with me..
Blow your dreams, Blow your dreams, Blow your dreams away with me..
A soon as the first verse started Annie soon got in the mood and finally let loose with Cici and Phaedra. Zach joined them as they laughed and sang along.
The dance floor parted, making a circle around them as they jumped and danced to the beat. People were clapping and smiling at them getting into their spirit.
Blow your dreams, Blow your dreams, Blow your dreams away with me...! They screamed at the top of their lungs. The song was soon over and the people that accumulated parted to make a path. Annie, Cici and Phaedra were laughing happily, Zach close behind as they made their way back to the booth.
"Wow, look at the crowd we attracted!" Phaedra announced.
"That was such a rush!" Cici exclaimed.
Annie agreed with them both, sitting down, not realizing she just sat next to Julien until she met his silver-gray eyes. Struggling to stay composed, she felt him clasp her hand from beneath the table and sparks instantly fly between them. His touch seared into her skin, recalling how he felt against her bare skin, the wicked way he made her feel. How perfect his skin was against hers, how right and true it was. There was no escaping him.
An emotion flashes in his eyes, but he covers it up with a wolffish smile.
Julien focuses on her lips and back up to her eyes. If he could eat her up then and there, he would have. She looked incredibly sexy in that short dress. It took incredible restraint to hold himself back when all he yearned to do was to take her face in his hands and kiss those luscious, irresistible pink lips. A intense yearning desire to conquer her, to hold her, to feel her and savor the touch of her and know what it was like without having to fight himself and hold back.
Julien knew she was angry with him, they didn't part on good terms. Getting her alone was difficult especially when she stayed sheltered in her room since their encounter. Reluctantly he broke eye contact but kept holding her hand beneath the table, every molecule of his body branding her to him for the rest of his life.
Her cheeks react immediately turning as red as a rose, but quickly she shifts as the side of her eyes catches a spark and turns fully toward it. A cake with candle sparklers was inching closer to her and her family started chanting, "Happy Birthday to you..."
Annie's mouth parted as she took in her surroundings.
The waitress holding the cake stopped in front of her as she watched in awe how the entire club stopped and sang along. Julien squeezed her hand and winked while he sang happy birthday to her. Annie smiled and turned to the cake that was placed in front of her now.
When everybody stopped singing, they started shouting "Make a wish!"
Annie blushed and squeezed Julien's hand nervously.
"Make a wish duchess...they are all waiting." Julien whispered close to her ear. Annie closed her eyes not wanting to see her family's curious stares at the familiarity in which Julien talked to her and instead made a wish.
"I wish my most recent and favorable dreams come true..." Her wedding and the baby, she added silently in her head.
Then she opened her eyes, blowing the candles out. The nightclub cheered in response as they applauded, throwing congratulations and best wishes her way. Annie blushed profusely, embarrassed and delighted at the warm wishes she received from complete strangers.
"Duchess..." Annie turned to Julien's pointed gaze. "Happy Birthday. May this year bring you all your heart desires...forgive me." He said loud enough for her ears only. The intensity of his grey eyes captured her deep blue ones.
He brought her hand to his mouth kissing the back lovingly.
In front of their families, with his open gesture, Julien just opened another chapter in their legacy together. Questions would arise, expectations and rules would be set in place now. They were out in the open, exposed.
Feeling the heavy weight of their stares, Annie kept her gaze glued to Julien's face. "You're forgiven..." She whispered, realizing she could not stay angry with him for very long. Pleasure over took his features as he flashed her a white smile, kissing her knuckles one last time, releasing her hand.
Annie turned reluctantly and met her mother's gaze smiling happily. Patrick quirked an eyebrow but no displeasure was evident in his expression in result of the scene that passed between Annie and Julien.
Charlotte came forward and hugged Annie tight and kissed her cheeks. Receiving hugs and kisses from them all including the St. James' made her feel cherished and loved. Before coming to the club, Annie never would have thought she would end up enjoying the evening.
Cici gave her a knowing smile and nod, like she knew she was right about something. She had suspicions about Julien and it looks like she just received her answer. Thankfully nobody approached her about what they witnessed, nor commented. Annie was aware she would have to explain eventually.
After having cake, Annie witnessed Julien speaking to her father privately together at the bar. They seemed to be talking intently and her curiosity just jumped a notch along with her unease.
"What is it honey?"
Annie dragged her gaze to her mother. Charlotte gave her a smile in encouragement.
"What are they talking about?" Pointing to Julien and her father. Victor was spotted making his way in their direction.
"Honey we both know what they're...better yet, who they're talking he the one?" She asked bluntly as if she too figured something was between them.
"I...I think so." Annie confessed looking down, a sudden heavy weight lifting from her shoulders. Although she and Julien were not being secretive for that long, Annie admitted it felt good not having this forbidden relationship anymore.
"I see the way he watches you. His has strong feelings for you. It looks to me like he even loves you..."
Annie's eyes widened and she started to shake her head profusely.
"Angelica." Charlotte admonished. "Stop it. An outsider sees more then the person involved. Trust me when I tell you. He's. In. Love. With. You.
Thank you for reading and voting. And a special Thanks to those that have voted on previous chapters and the positive comment(s).
Nothing too big happened in this chapter, more drama coming up next.
Thanks, Shaz
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