Chapter 24- Hard To Get [E]
Patrick's luxurious private jet was grand and spacious as everybody sat in large cushioned chairs while being served refreshments and meals by the stewardesses.
Julien's gaze left a trail of fire on her skin as he watched her greedily. The heat in the plane and his searing silver eyes became too unbearable, and she peeled off her light cardigan, leaving her only in her white sleeveless cotton knee length dress.
Annie smiled recalling her dream last night, in a similar white dress. When she saw it in her closet as she was packing she knew she had to wear it. Remembering the feeling of being pregnant, stroking her unborn child made heart swell with happiness.
Unconsciously she placed her hand on her abdomen and raises her eyes to Julien instinctively. He quickly looked away from her, a secret smile outlying his strong lips. Annie blushed and trailed her gaze about her father's private plane just incase someone was watching her interactions with Julien.
Everyone was either softly socializing, reading, or napping luckily. Nobody caught him winking, smirking or watching her like a predator to its prey since they've been inflight. Julien was diagonally across from her seat on the other side of the plane. It was hard not to keep looking his way. All she wanted to do is reach out and grasp his hand and pull him next to her. But the distance although short, felt like it was too far.
Annie sighed and leaned her head back looking out the window. The sky was blue and clear, and in a few hours they would arrive to the beautiful beaches of Maui.
She had to agree with her father, it was a much needed getaway. The fatigue eventually caught up, slowly anchoring her down gradually throughout the day since collapsing in Julien's arms in the hospital. Although her strength was slowly returning, it was hard to control what her body craved which was rest.
Annie couldn't wait to enjoy what Maui had to offer. Her father had a beautiful, spacious penthouse in Wailea, where they would be staying. It was a favorite vacation spot for the family and they visited several times a year. The only thing she wasn't looking forward to was celebrating her birthday with them all, especially since witnessing the lack of attention and importance they all seemed to shrug off.
Annie was lounging on the beach in a black bikini sunbathing, alongside her was Cici and Phaedra. The sun's rays were strong and bright as they watched the men play volleyball.
Julien's body glistened with sweat as he served the ball. His six-pack bulged and flexed beneath lightly tanned skin. Packed with thick sinew muscle, he was a very masculine man, attractive, strong, fierce. Shrouding his body like a halo, his aura alone screamed dominance, adding to the graceful power of his movements.
Annie couldn't keep her eyes off him. Her large Chanel sunglasses hooded her eyes as she took in admiring his tanned, well toned body. Julien wore navy blue swimming shorts and Ray Ban bronze aviator sunglasses. His hair was slicked back and covered with a white baseball cap. Seeing him shed the suits and show off his slicked glistening body sent warm pleasure through her body.
Annie couldn't be sure, but she could have sworn Julien watched her all throughout the game. His attention seemed riveted on the game but from behind his sunglasses, Annie knew without a doubt he was scorching her body with those beautiful silver-gray eyes.
In the background the sound of the waves crashed down upon the seashore and retracted back, repeating itself. The light blue sea was only a few hundred feet away from where they lounged. The sand was golden and reflected the sun's harsh rays.
It was so hot and humid, sweat developed on Annie's skin. She decided to head into the ocean's cool waters. Standing, she turned to Cici and Phaedra who were listening to their iPods. Cici followed her movements and pulled the speakers out of her ears.
"Where you going Annie?"
"I'm going to take a dip, you two care to join me?" Pointing to the water. Phaedra took out her ear phones as well listening to the conversation. "It's getting so uncomfortable, I'm going to go for a swim." She explained switching her gaze to Phaedra.
"I'm fine for now, maybe later?" Phaedra responded reluctantly, looking embarrassed. Somehow Annie knew Phaedra was going to decline her offer. Ever since her release from the hospital she's been rather reserved. Annie wondered if something was wrong. It seemed as though she was preoccupied with her own thoughts.
"I'll catch up to you in a bit, you go in, but be careful." Cici warned, worry evident in her tone, watching the ocean's waves. They looked strong enough to knock down a grown man. Annie nodded and padded her way in the hot sand. She passed the volleyball game, walking around it toward the sea.
"Hey! Where you going doll face!?!" Her Uncle Brett called out stopping the game, the ball in his arms. Annie pointed to the ocean as she walked, smiling at him.
Annie felt the tingles erupt, feeling his gaze on her skin. Julien lowered his sunglasses, perching them on his nose and shamelessly raked his gaze up and down her body. Annie glanced his way and he winked, giving her a sexy smirk that made her skin tingly.
Catching a movement in her peripheral vision, she glanced sideways. Her uncle was running in her direction with mischief evident in his eyes. Annie quickly backed away as he advanced.
"What are you doing?" She asked loudly.
Brett lifted her in his arms and pulled her up and over his shoulder, clamping his arm behind her thighs. Annie screamed in surprise. "Put me down NOW!"
Brett laughed and walked calmly into the ocean. Annie pounded his back and tried pulling up.
Their family members were all laughing as they witnessed the show. Julien's smile grew, showing his white teeth.
Cici came running towards them laughing with happiness. Zach, Brett's son ran along side her, his wild blond beach hair was flowing around his face. Sheila and Sonny walked hand in hand soaking their toes along the edge of the water.
Wading further into the ocean, Brett finally let go of her and threw her up in the air and made a loud splash when she hit the warm water. Shocked, is how she felt, feeling the water engulfing around her, drowning her screams and protests.
The water wasn't deep, it came to waist- level when Annie finally managed to stand soaking wet. Although it was her intent to get into the water, being tossed was not part of her plan. She glared icicles at Brett watching him hold his middle and bent over from the force of his laughter.
Annie took the opportunity and jumped on him, holding his head in a death lock under her weight while his head was bent toward the water and submerged him completely under it. She continued weighing him down for about ten seconds as he thrashed around trying to get her off him.
"Take that!" She says triumphantly, and she started toward the shore.
She could hear her Uncle sputter and curse and smiled internally, revenge is a bitch.
Laughter and water splashing continued as Annie treaded out of the ocean's aggressive waves. Grasping her long hair she pulled it to the side and twisted it squeezing and releasing the water soaked into it. Julien met her at the shore, his smoldering gaze once again hungrily watching her every movement.
"Are you all right?" He asked in a husky voice. Her beauty shone bright under the sunlight defining her features. That sexy bikini she wore made his mouth water. All he wanted to do was touch her near naked, perfectly sculpted body. She was tantalizing, irresistible, and completely delicious.
She nodded, "Fine." Flushing from embarrassment at the spectacle they must have made.
"I want you." He whispered for her ears only. Annie gave him a sideways glance. Julien's lust filled eyes searched her face and then he roamed down to her large protruding beasts, flat stomach, and then her shapely thighs. "I want to kiss you senseless right now...everywhere."
Desire flared within her. Annie bit her bottom lip, catching Julien's attention to her mouth.
"Stop doing that love, it's going to be my undoing soon..." Stopping in front of the lounge chairs they were sunbathing in earlier, Annie reached for a towel wrapping it around herself.
Annie couldn't take it anymore, she needed him to touch her, his words addicting and melted her clenched core.
"Meet me in the shower room in a few minutes." She told him boldly and walked off into the building.
Her heart thumped in anticipation.
Not waiting for his reaction, Annie needed to escape quickly. Feeling devious and naughty she quickly found a private shower stall.
Keeping the door ajar, Annie turned the knobs and the shower head spurted warm water. The shower's walls were high and low enough allowing the person occupying them privacy. Soaking her hair and body, ridding them of the sea salt, she closed her eyes keeping her head under the stream.
The sound of the door locking made Annie open her eyes. She wasn't surprised to see Julien standing there watching her, leaning against the shower wall. He discarded his hat and glasses before he came to meet her, leaving him in his swim trunks.
Pulling away he approached her.
Julien stopped, mere inches apart, chests rising in sync. He kept his arms restrained to his sides, not making any further moves. He was magnificent, beautiful and hard. The carved rigid muscles of his chest stood out. She wanted to trace them with her fingertips just to get a feel of their harness.
He was so sexy...Annie's heart turned over, it pounded in her chest as excitement spurted through her.
Her gaze met his as she saw an answering spark of hunger and desire within their depths. They've never been intimate with barely any clothes on and it sent a shiver of anticipation through her. Placing her hand tentatively against Julien's chest she heard him take a sharp intake of breath.
The suspense was slowly killing him, her touch simply unraveled his self control. Pulling her head up to meet his kiss, Julien began his assault on her lips. Annie groaned in response and opened her lips allowing him entrance.
Julien snaked his large hands around her waist, aggressively pulling her up against him while walking her backwards against the wall. He lifted one of her bare legs around his waist and then the other, holding her by her thighs, while kissing her aggressively and deeply.
Pleasure was pooling within her as Julien's hands caressed her bare skin. He started trailing kisses along her jaw, throat, chest, leaving a trail of fire. Annie felt the strain of Julien's building erection against her.
Squeezing her bottom, and bringing her closer against him, Julien hauled Annie up and away from the wall, kissing her again. Her hands clutched his hair and neck, holding on to him. He turned them and it was now him against the wall, sliding down to the floor, Annie still in his arms.
Julien sat as Annie straddled him, her center pressed fully on to his twitching member. He broke the kiss once again and kissed the tops of her breasts. Her nìpples erect against her bikini top. Julien started to peel the strap from her shoulder until Annie stiffened.
Julien instantly felt it. He lifted his head and searched her face.
"Julien we need to stop before this gets too far." Ducking her head in discomfort.
They weren't married and never in her wildest dreams did she think she would ever be so intimate with somebody outside of marriage. She even surprised herself for allowing him to do what they've done so far, going against almost everything she believed in.
Julien nudged her chin up to his face and kissed her softly. "I can't get enough of you...I'll stop for now."
Annie frowned at his hidden double meaning.
"What do you mean for now?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.
"You are mine and I will stop at nothing until you are mine—heart, body and soul..." A promise in his declaration.
Annie's eyes widened and she tried retracting herself from his grasp, but he held her firmly on his lap. His revelation frightened her.
"Let me go, Julien. This is wrong, we can't-we've done too much already." Shaking her head in denial. If he thought she'd surrender her body—her virginity like others before her may have allowed him outside of marriage, he was sorely mistaken. "I never imagined I'd be doing this with anybody but my-" She stopped herself before she confessed her expectations.
If he wanted, needed her that badly than it would have to come from him. First love than a marriage proposal. She wanted what she saw in her dreams to come true so badly, but certain things must happen before in order for that course, that destiny can be obtained. Her hormones were controlling her and she couldn't let that happen anymore.
Mind over matter, she reminded herself.
"-husband." He finished for her. Annie's heart rate sped up and she tried once again to get up, pushing against his hard chest. He stopped her futile attempts and clutched her wrists.
"Calm down, love." He said in a soothing, tender tone. His grip on her wrists eased but he didn't let her go.
Annie's head bowed in defeat.
"I'm not like the other woman you've been with, I can't give you what you want. I will not give myself to you, that is reserved for my husband, who ever he may be." Shaking her head.
"Then marry me."
Annie's head jerked upwards, starring at him in astonishment. She could not believe what she was hearing pass his lips. Marry me? Was he serious? He wanted her body so he proposed marriage finding it the easiest solution to get what he wanted? Yet, his tone was serious as she searched his eyes. Releasing her wrists, Julien gathered her flush against his chest, embracing her.
"I was planning to wait, but did you honestly believe, after my pursuit of you that I was going to let you go so easily because of the lack of séx?" Julien sighed loudly, shaking his head. "I believe I've made my intentions clear and I am a man of my word. I respect you too much to disrespect you so. I've wanted you from the moment I first laid eyes on you. I knew you would someday be my wife." Annie gulped down the lump she felt form in her throat. "I was waiting to speak to your father but now you've left me no choice." He finished.
"What!? No....!" She exclaimed in terror. It was too soon.
Cupping the back of her head, Julien silenced her with a long passionate kiss that Annie couldn't help but respond to. After a minute Julien released his grip giving her space.
"What makes you so confident I'll even agree to your proposal?" She asks.
Julien's declaration caught her off guard, not expecting to skip this far and fast. Her feelings for him were growing and in such a short span of time she knew herself well...she was falling for him fast.
"I'm a determined man. I know." Taking a strand of her hair and pulling it behind her ear.
"And I'm a very stubborn woman." With that said, Annie stood and left the shower stall.
The arrogance and cockiness oozed out of him, I'm a determined man. I know, Annie scoffed shaking her head angrily. He obviously doesn't know how hard she can be.
What angered her the most was his confidence. He was so sure of himself, pompous and egotistic...Although deep down she loved the way he executes his determination, but the way he made her sound, easy to sway, bruised her ego.
She wasn't the easy type. She wasn't the type that was desperate for a man to pop the question with a snap of his finger and fall for his charm. She needed more. It just wasn't enough. She deserved more. Annie had high standards just like everybody else and she so desperately wanted to share her life with someone to love and who could love her in return.
Julien never confessed he loved her, mine was the term he always used.
But there was something dark and sexy about him that you couldn't say no to. She loved his possessive side. Her heart melted at his words: "...I've wanted you from the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew you would someday be my wife..."
Annie's stomach did a somersault.
It was the sweetest thing and at the same time the scariest confession she has ever heard. It sounded as if he wouldn't stop, by any means to have her, as if he were obsessed. Annie wondered to what ends he would go if she fought him.
What would he resort to, to get her...?
Please show your support! Thanks for reading!
Thanks Shaz
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