Chapter 23- Dream Catcher [E]
Annie's iPhone chirp notifying a message. She was in her office and turned in her chair to grab her phone to her left. An unknown number flashed on the screen with a message. Annie frowned and read the message:
You are simply irresistible.
I can't wait for the next time we're together.
It was Julien. Her heart skipped a beat at his words.
A smile curved her full mouth and a sigh slipped past her lips as she leaned back in her office chair. Annie stared at the message and re-read it. It was unexpected and yet expected at the same time.
Knowing he was going to contact her and he did made her heart swell. Annie dreamt of Julien all last night. Recalling different dreams, scattered and erratic ones that felt so real that she wished they came true....
She was sitting in her room waiting nervously all dressed up in a wedding dress as the door opened revealing her mother in the door way smiling at her. Behind her was a tall man in a tuxedo, tall, dark, with jet black hair. She couldn't see his face since his back was faced her. She sensed he was her groom and Annie knew without a doubt it was Julien. Although she never saw his face, she felt it was him. "It's time..." Her mother said holding out her hand for her to take. Anticipation and excitement raced through her as she stood slowly and walked to the door.
Annie's office phone rang loudly a few times before she came out of her trance. Shaking her head she pressed the speaker.
"Yes Joe."
"Miss T, your dad's secretary informed me your father is requesting you in the conference room in about an hour for a meeting." Annie stared at her office door. It was rather odd for her father to call a meeting in the middle of the day without prior warning.
"Did she say what it was for?" She replied.
"Nope. All I know is your siblings were called in for the meeting as well."
"Okay, thank you."
"Did you need anything? You feeling okay? I can get you a bite to eat, you haven't had anything in the last few hours."
Since she's been back in the office, Joe has been a constant mother hen. Always checking on her and making sure she was hydrated and ate regularly. She was sure her father was keeping tabs on her through Joe.
"I'm fine Joe, please stop worrying." Although she still felt rather full still she knew if she refused anything to eat he would keep bothering her. "I'll have a Caesar salad with grilled shrimp and salmon, if it'll make you and my father feel better." Sighing in defeat.
"Coming right up Miss T. You know we love you, we just need you to get better." He said sweetly not denying her last statement.
"Thanks Joe." Annie leaned back once again and looked at her cell phone. Her face flushed thinking back to her dreams of Julien.
Her other dream felt different, far and yet so real...
Annie was laying in bed dressed in a white flowing knee-high cotton summer dress. Her sweeping belly protruding before her. Placing the flat of her hands over herself she felt a kick and she giggled in response. A large tanned hand came up to stroke and kiss her belly. Annie shifted and ran her fingers through his hair as he laid his head against her chest. "I love you both...." He said.
Again, she never saw the man's face but knowing deep down in her core it was Julien. If it was a revelation, a sign, an inner desire she knew not. But sometimes dreams were symbolic, expressions of a dreamer's deepest fears or desires. Or it may have been a glimpse of a shadow into the unforeseen future.
Annie's belly clenched as she felt the effect of her dream.
A baby.
She had felt so loved and safe. When Annie woke this morning, she had the strongest urge to cry when she reluctantly felt her flat abdomen. And now, recalling the vivid memory, all she wanted to do is cry for the loss of that tremendous feeling of another life inside of her.
Oh had she wished it were all real. It made the connection—the bond she had with Julien seem all the more real. The pull that enter-whined them together felt unbreakable and genuine, and for once in her life the dream of her wedding day and of being pregnant, cocooned in love, gave her peace, and a sense of genuine happiness.
Annie covered her face with her hands trying to get a grip of her overactive emotions. It felt so real. It was hard to comprehend it was all an illusion, a conjuring of her subconscious.
Taking a deep breath, Annie glanced back at Julien's message, thinking about how to reply. All she wanted to do is find him and have him hold her whispering sweet nothings to her. She needed him so badly it almost hurt.
Julien could give her that life. The pair of them together could create a life that was the result of their union and love.
Gripping her phone tighter she wanted to call him and beg him to come to her. But she couldn't, she reasoned. What they shared so far was private, they could not be exclusive yet. It's what she had wanted from the beginning but now something's changed.
This revelation, the dreams, opened a new pathway that she never thought existed for her.
I'll be looking forward to it...
A. T.
Annie sent the reply and placed her phone down with shaking hands. Standing up she made her way to the sofa in the corner of her office and laid down feeling lightheaded. She slipped off her pumps and tucked her legs, as she closed her eyes. It felt like the entire room was spinning uncontrollably. Upon opening them again, the room suddenly stopped spinning. She flung an arm against her eyes and forced them shut as she succumbed into unconsciousness and dreamt of her new life and family all over again.
Cici and Sonny waited in the conference room amongst Victor, Julien, Duncan and their father. Their Uncle Brett stopped by earlier and met everyone and decided to stay for the family/friends meeting.
However, they were still waiting on Annie.
Cici drummed her fingers against the polished mahogany's expansive table. Uncle Brett winked at her as he looked bored as well. She was impatient and very curious as to what this meeting was for, and why the St. James' were present.
Victor and Patrick were discussing politics when Joe, Annie's assistant popped in his head and smiled sheepishly. The room fell silent and all eyes turned to him. He cleared his throat and closed the door behind him, walking toward the seated company.
"Good afternoon. Mr. Taverron I wanted to inform you that Annie is running a little late..." He told them nervously.
Patrick stood and concern marred his features. "Is she alright?" He asked.
Joe looked at everyone reluctantly and pulled his collar trying to loosen his anxiety. "Uhhh, yes she's fine. She just took a nap and overslept. She's freshening up and is on her way..." He explained, embarrassed to discuss this in front of everyone.
"Sleeping on the job, tsk, tsk." Sonny admonished in a teasing voice. Patrick frowned in his direction and gave him a silent warning with his eyes.
"How has her day been? Any other signs of exhaustion?" He asked oblivious of the attention surrounding them listening in.
"No, Sir. She's been eating and drinking well. Her work load has been pretty light. I informed her of the meeting and set out to grab her a snack and when I got back I found her laying down asleep." He explains.
He gripped the edge of the table he was seated on with the others. Julien's eyes and ears alert, listening to the passing conversation. His worry spiked to new heights. His first instincts was to seek her out and make sure she was alright. It took all his will power to stay seated. The muscle in his cheek pulsed with impatience as he clenched his teeth grinding them together.
It killed him to just sit and wait. His anger was barely contained under his unreadable mask. He looked up and noticed Brett staring at him intently, trying to decipher his reaction. The man's eyebrows rose and his eyes narrowed, like he knew something about his and Annie's relationship. But it was impossible. He must have been suspicious when Julien's body language changed abruptly.
"Very well. We'll be waiting for her." Patrick replied nodding, sitting back down.
"Patrick she's fine and as fit as a horse." Brett spoke up assuring him. "We stayed up late playing poker and she was probably catching up from the lack of sleep." Smiling apologetically. "You guys need to stop babying her. She's a big girl."
"It can't be helped. It's in our nature to worry for our children..."
"I know that. But Annie's a tough cookie. And she hates it when she gets too much attention." Brett reasoned. He looked at Julien as he spoke to Patrick.
Looks like someone's smitten with my niece, he thought to himself, hiding a smile.
Annie burst into the room and closed it loudly. "Oops! That shut too fast!" She said to no one in particular. Turning she stopped in her tracks and stiffened when she noticed fourteen pairs of eyes staring back at her. Everybody in the room laughed at her comment and she flushed in embarrassment. "Hello everyone." Greeting them uncomfortably.
What surprised her the most was the man of her dreams was present with his father and Duncan. Julien's intense gaze seared her skin as he scanned her body up and down, his eyebrows drawing sharply together as he studied her worriedly. She smiled reassuringly up at him.
Annie wished it was the two of them alone. It felt agonizing to be apart. Needing his touch and comfort was all she could think of right now.
She didn't realize she had stopped breathing until he sat back. The effect he had on her was startling and intense. It didn't ease either, but grew everyday that she was around him.
"Come in sweetheart and have a seat." Her father said gesturing to a chair next to her Uncle Brett who was seated close to the opposite side to where Julien sat.
Once she occupied the empty seat her Uncle Brett leaned in close, "Got enough beauty sleep doll face?" He whispered in her face while smirking. She rolled her eyes at him and glanced down the expansive table at Julien. As if sensing her stare his eyes instantly captured hers.
"Let's begin. I called all of you today to inform you about this weekend..." Everybody waited silently when Patrick paused. "As we speak T-enterprises private jet is being prepared for a quick getaway to Hawaii-." Everybody started firing off questions and talking all at once. Patrick held up his hands, silencing them.
"Victor and I thought it would be a good idea for both our families to get away for a little bit, from the drama and recent stress we've had to endure." Victor looked around and nodded in agreement. "And at the same time, we'll celebrate Annie's birthday since it will be overtaken by the bridal shower party. It'll be good for everyone, so go home, pack and be ready to leave by 10:00am." He concluded smiling.
Nobody moved a muscle. The room stayed silent as if not believing what they heard.
"Is this a joke?" Asked Cici with attitude. She was in no mood to be punked.
Annie's eyes enlarged. She didn't want to celebrate her birthday, and didn't like the fact it was planned along with their quick getaway. Besides she was surprised her parents planned to celebrate before the date of birth. It was known as bad luck to celebrate a birthday before it passes.
Her father shook his head. "No, not a joke. We'll be back Sunday evening. I've been working you kids hard and you all need a break."
"Your sister and mother need this as well." Victor explained to Julien and Duncan's faces of disbelief. Annie felt a pang of disappointment, it was for relaxation purposes not for her, and her alone.
"Well I dunna know about you mate, but I canna say no to a holiday no matter how short." Duncan told Julien slapping him on the back.
Julien nodded and glanced at his duchess who was listening to Cici and her Uncle.
Sensing his stare, their eyes met.
Annie closed her laptop shoving it in her briefcase. She stayed behind to finish paperwork while her family left to go home and get ready for their supposed trip. They were quite eager and giddy with excitement at this unexpected yet pleasant surprise.
Unfortunately when her father finished telling them about the trip the St. James' shuffled out first. Just before Julien left, his stance was stiff as if reluctant to leave, but with no other choice before them he turned and left the conference room. Annie wished it could be different, she yearned for his touch desperately.
A light knock against her office door indicated a visitor. Annie closed her briefcase. She gave Joe the weekend off and sent him home early which he greatly appreciated.
When she opened the door, to her surprise she came face to face with the last person she expected, Julien. A smile lit her face immediately and joy suffused her as she grabbed his hand and pulled him in eagerly.
He had a serious look on his attractive face as she lead him in closing the door behind him. Annie frowned wondering what was wrong. Julien's back was turned, his attention diverted to her office.
Annie glanced down at her light peach short skirt and satin white, long sleeve blouse. She hoped she looked okay, doubting her appearance. She was never one to care what people thought of her but when it came to Julien's attention she admitted it was important what he thought.
A shiver of unease crept up her spine. Her negative thoughts quickly flooding her brain. If a person knew how powerful the brain was, nobody would ever dare think a negative thought again; it was a saying one of her professors from university would always say.
Before Annie could react, Julien turned and quickly snatched her towards him and into his arms, holding her. He stroked her hair as he cradled her head against his neck. His strong arms tightened around her waist and back, securely encompassing her in his strength.
Annie felt relief spread within her.
He still wanted her.
Excitement pounded through her as she sagged against him. Tilting her head back to look at his face, her breath caught in her throat at the look of devotion in his eyes. It warmed her soul; it healed and filled the hollowness within her.
Leaning forward, she meant to place a chaste kiss, but Julien held her head in place as his lips pressed firmly against hers, hard. Her mouth opened to his invasion, welcoming him with a sigh.
The kiss became more frantic, desperate. Annie felt his muscles clench underneath his shirt, feeling the control as he fought his need to do more but held back. A surge of passion rose up between them as Julien explored her body with his hands, his hold tight around her.
It was torture to be separated. Annie poured all her need for him in the kiss they shared. In the end they had to separate in order to catch their breath.
"I missed you..." Annie declared, her forehead up against his. Annie wrapped her hands behind his neck and stroked his hair fondly.
"As I, you.." Julien replied with a smile and pecked her lips gently. He growled when she leaned her head back away from his greedy lips as he attempted to deepen the kiss once more.
"Are you feeling well?" He asked with concern. Annie smiled and nodded.
"Yes, just peachy now that you're with me." She replied back feeling flirtatious. Annie fought with herself about telling him about her dream. It was too soon in their relationship for such intimate details to be exchanged.
But all in good time...
A big thanks to those that have voted and commented. It makes my day! Thank you again.
Another chapter, a little more intense...and as usual more to come...
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