Chapter 17- Hide than seek [E]
Finally he caught her alone.
Time stood still as they gazed at each other.
Julien's entire body ached to touch her, to hold her, to take her into his arms and comfort her. If she only knew how she effected him on a daily basis needing her with a desperation that felt unnatural.
His gaze never strayed from her as avoided his eyes. The exhaustion was present on her features, the hunched position in which she stood reflected how tired and worn out she appeared. The determined facade she always wore was not present now that they were alone.
"What are you doing in here, it's professional personnel only." She demanded irritably, narrowing her eyes. Finding it difficult to stand she leans her body back against the shelves and lifted a hand to her temples to massage the ache that started to form.
"Duchess what is it? What is wrong?" Julien asked cautiously, as he approached her closely. She didn't look up as she placed the supplies on the shelf by her shoulders, lifting her clenched palms and fisting them up against her temples.
Closing the last few feet separating them, Julien touched her elbow. She flinched under his touch. Grabbing both her arms he pulls her away from the shelf she was leaning against and brought her closer to his chest.
"Let me go!" She fought him as she pushed against his chest with her fists. "Stop it!" Continuing to struggle but with no success. He was incredibly strong and Annie was fatigued to a point she truly didn't have the fight in her.
"Calm down! I'm not going to do anything, Let me hold you, that's all I ask, duchess..." He pleaded. Rubbing his hands up and down her back when she finally ceased struggling. She felt right when he held her, she melted his worries, the tension leaving his body.
Annie knew she ought to move, to run away but her body wasn't able and deep down she didn't want to anymore. She was sick and tired of fighting her feelings and herself. It was a daily struggle that was anchoring her down.
If this was bliss then she would take it sagging completely against him, desperately needing his strength and comfort. Her head was still pounding but his warmth somehow relieved some of her pain. Julien mended all the broken pieces inside her with his simple touch.
"I don't want to fight you anymore..." She whispered defeatedly.
"Then don't." Julien wrapped his arms around her waist and upper back, while her face was in the crook of his neck. The smell of his cologne lingered on his neck as she inhaled the delicious scent.
I could stay like this forever, she thought.
Just the two of them.
Julien kissed the top of her head tightening his hold. She wanted to bury herself inside of him as she snuggled even closer. Annie's legs felt like jelly and were about to give out if it weren't for Julien's grip. He noticed right away, scooping her up bridal style and carried her to the counter in the middle of the supply room.
Surprised with his gesture by sweeping her off her feet, she had no choice but to lay her head on his shoulder and circle her arms around his neck no thanks to the sudden sure to sleep. Before she knew it, the lightheadedness and the raging headache forced her heavy lidded eyes to close at their own free will.
Blinking several times to clear her vision, Annie flickered her gaze around slowly, taking in her surroundings in confusion. She knew she had been asleep, waking from her much needed slumber. She couldn't go against what her mind and body wanted as it shut down. Trying to move, she immediately noticed she was laying in a hospital bed and an IV was sticking out of her arm.
"Duchess? Love...?" She turned toward her left, toward the voice.
Julien was sitting in a chair beside the bed. Annie never noticed the beard forming on his jaw from several days of growth until now, giving him a raw sexy look. He was holding her left hand in his as he squeezed it reassuringly.
"You collapsed from exhaustion in my arms...Mark ruled out exhaustion and dehydration, hence the IV." Nodding his head to the IV bag hanging on it's hook.
They both stared deeply into one another's eyes, focused, absorbing, reading the silence between them without words. The air surrounding them changed. A resigned acceptance floated in and out of every breath they took. A new chapter was written in their lives. The ice was melting, the walls she's built around herself slowly cracked, just from this one man's intrusion into her life.
He gave her a look of adoration as it shined from his eyes. Julien brought up his free hand to cup her cheek while still holding her other firmly around his fingers. Annie turned her face into his large hand closing her eyes at the warmth. Her face felt cold against his welcoming and gentle touch.
If it was the effect of the pleasure she felt from his touch or the exhaustion bringing her down once again into unconsciousness, she knew not, as her eyes succumbed to the darkness once again.
Annie woke up once again in the hospital bed. To her left Julien was slumped on the chair asleep still holding his hand in hers. Remembering what happened earlier, she tried sitting up, slipping her hand from Julien's. She blinked several times not believing the situation, it felt like a dream, but the reality was right in front of her.
He jolted, straightening up and looking toward her. A smile instantly lit up his ruggedly handsome face. Annie flushed from embarrassment. He stood and helped her sit upright, pulling the pillows up behind her.
"What happened...what time is it?" She asked hoarsely, her throat felt dry and raw struggling to speak.
"You're physically exhausted and dehydrated, they hooked you up to an IV and you've passed out more than once since. It's a little past ten in the evening." Julien explained perching next to her on the bed. He grabbed the cup of water placed to her bedside and handed it to her. After drinking the contents she tried placing it on the table but Julien caught her hand taking the cup from her.
"Thank you." Looking away in embarrassment.
He sat facing her on the bed pulling her chin up, forcing her to look at him. The look of adoration still shone from his eyes. She thought it was previously all conjured up from her imagination, a dream, but it was real, as real and truer than anything she had ever felt. But his eyes were searching hers for something in desperation.
Julien took her hands in his and kissed her knuckles tenderly while scooting closer to her side. Annie followed his every movement, his strong determined lips kissing her hands with his hypnotic gray-silver gaze never leaving her face.
"Don't shut me out. I'm not going anywhere, I will always be around. There is no running away or avoiding me anymore." He declared sternly. "I know you feel the connection between us, and I'm not about to ignore what I feel or let you intentions are true." He spoke in all seriousness and authority, his dark eyebrows raised.
Annie released a deep breath not realizing she was holding it. His touch made her stomach clench. The warmth emitting from him warmed her cold body.
His declaration left her breathless, cared for even...loved.
Annie's eyes That was a strong emotion that Annie felt like she wasn't ready for yet. She was emotionally unstable. So many emotions were running through her all at once, especially the fear of getting hurt or being taken advantage of.
But Julien was right, the connection between them can't be denied. She was suffering the consequences of her actions this week, playing hide and seek with her true emotions. He couldn't read her mind she knew that, it was her responsibility to relay what she expects. This was an opportunity to start her own life, just as she's been wanting. Time is what she needed with him, taking time to know him on a personal level. He may very well be the one for her, but only time will tell.
"You can't have anyone suspect there is something between us...yet," She started rather shyly. "I like my privacy." He nodded and kept silent allowing her to continue with her demands. He would do anything humanly possible in order to gain her trust and confidence.
"I have certain beliefs and expectations that I abide by and I expect you to honor them. What I am about to agree to with you is the greatest taboo against my family's traditions, but I am willing to take the risk..." She said in a defiant confident tone.
"I'm well aware of those strict traditions, inappropriate behavior, they veto intimacy before marriage, family is much the same way..." He shrugged, surprising Annie. "I respect you too much to disrespect you. I will honor anything you wish. And I will be as conspicuous as possible." Bringing his hand to his chest emphasizing his words.
Annie was relieved to hear his words, they gave her a sense of reassurance. She'd woken up revived however briefly she slept. But she realized it was not from feeling physically tired, it was because of Julien. He made her feel alive and made her hope, feeling it blossom like a flower. If she did this with him, formed a relationship, there would be no going back. Annie found she welcomed the change. It's what she'd been secretly waiting for.
The door to the room she was in started to open and both Annie and Julien shared a look and quickly came apart. Julien stood tall and confident as Annie leaned back against the pillows behind her. Mark came in, a smile lighting up his face when he saw her. She smiled back in welcome.
"How are you feeling?" Mark asked her, looking between Julien and Annie.
"Fine." Annie replied softly, watching as he approached her bed side.
"Good, good I'm glad, you had us worried you are extremely dehydrated and you've been exceptionally stressed obviously or you wouldn't have passed out. Your body went into shock and shut you down." He told her pointing to his head emphasizing his words. "I need you to take it easy for the next few weeks. Keep hydrated, eat regularly and get plenty of rest. Don't over exert yourself, or it may happen again... Doctor's orders." He winked at her. "You should have known better and prevented this."
Annie nodded knowing already what the cause was. She smiled to herself. Now that she and Julien cleared up the built up tension and expressed their feelings she felt peaceful already. The damage she's done to herself while stressing about avoiding him suddenly washed away.
Glancing at Julien, his expression didn't waiver, as he crossed his arms against his chest, conducting himself professionally.
Looking back at Mark, he seemed uncertain studying her intently. "Okay, I get it, I understand, I'll take better care of myself, promise." She reassured him. Remembering Phaedra's dilemma, she shifted in the hospital bed. "How is Phaedra doing?" She asked.
"She's doing alright. Her tests showed she's extremely iron deficient, dehydrated and she's suffering from a hard case of premenstrual syndrome. Since this is the first time it's happened to her I'm ruling out Menorrhagia. She too needs plenty of rest."
Annie nodded, relieved.
"Good, I'm glad she's fine. Can I go home now?" She asked her hopes high, wanting to go home and take a shower and sleep some more. Feeling self conscious Annie wondered how she looked, realizing her hair wasn't in the bun, but cascading around her.
"Yes. I didn't call your parents. Knowing you'd be upset that I worried them, but you need to have someone drive you home..." Mark informed her reluctantly.
"I can drive her home..." Julien spoke up finally looking towards her. "My driver is here and my parents are with Phaedra...Kash can drive your car home and you can come with me.." He offered quickly awaiting her answer.
"That sounds good to me." Annie agreed, thankful. She was suddenly eager to leave, pulling the covers off of her.
"Whoa there, take it easy! I mean it Annie, watch yourself. You can go, but don't exert yourself." Mark warned. "I'll call to check up on you..."
"Okay, relax will you? I'll take better care of myself." Annie reassured him holding out her arm waiting for him to take the IV out.
Kash took the keys from her smiling devilishly. "I love your car by the way, I've been wanting to try her out when I first saw her in the parking garage. Is it a stick or automatic?" Kash asked excitedly.
Julien's arm was around her waist as they walked slowly into the hospital's parking garage toward their awaiting cars. Annie's head was propped up against his shoulder as her eyes opened and closed slowly trying to fight off another bout of sleepiness.
Annie smiled at his enthusiasm. Boys will be boys, she thought shaking her head in amusement glancing up at Julien with half lidded eyes. She was a little wobbly on her legs and refused the use of a wheel chair no matter how much Mark and Julien tried persuading her. She was still very weak and felt like a truck ran her over, but she would never admit that to them.
"It's a automatic and it's very fast so be careful!" She grumbled in a sleepy voice. Julien kissed the top of her head and bought her closer to him. Annie felt like butterflies erupted in her stomach with his continuous attention. Her hand tightened on his chest, liking the feeling of being in his arms. He was so strong, very masculine and a man in every sense of the word.
Julien took out his keys from his pocket turning his Porsche's alarm off, opening the passenger door for Annie. He helped her into the seat and buckled her seatbelt for her. While Julien's adjusted her seat as far back as it can go, her head rolled back against the headrest.
"How is that, are you comfortable?" He asks, bending down to her eye level searching her face for an answer.
"Yes, it's perfect, thank you." She replied giving him a smile.
Julien leaned closer to her face, looking down at her lips wanting to taste and feel her so badly. He knew it was too soon, and he didn't know if she would ever let him. He just might get a ladylike slap for it too.
He closed his eyes reigning in his need for her and kissed her nose instead. Being in her presence was enough for him, that she accepted him into her life gave him a renewed sense hope for the future. He knew from here on out he would never let her go.
Julien closed the door as he situated himself in the drivers side. Kash honked twice indicating he was leaving ahead of them motioning with his hand. Julien nodded, glancing back to Annie who was half asleep. "Hey sleeping beauty..." Caressing her cheek. He loved the feel of her soft flawless skin, finding the contact gave him a sense of peace.
"Hmm...?" Looking up at Julien "Something wrong?" Rubbing her eyes. Sitting up straight in her seat she noticed Kash already left with her car.
"No, no, everything is fine. I need you awake love, lay back and rest but don't sleep, you're a very heavy sleeper. Or I'll have to carry you again into your house infront of your family. We wouldn't want that now would we...?" Winking at her and maneuvering his sports car out of the garage.
"No." She shook her head flushing from her head down to her toes.
Laying back in her seat she rested her head back and turned to her window watching cars pass by. The sound of soft classical music was playing in the background. Julien's hand crossed the arm rest in between their seats and wrapped her hand in his.
Annie was startled and looked down to her lap where her hands rested. Enclosed around her hands was Julien's large right hand. He gently squeezed her fingers as she looked up. Their hands fit perfectly together as if made for each other. Annie wrapped her other hand over his tightening her hold, welcoming the comfort and intimacy he offered. She felt cared for and protected by this man. Fighting off her feelings for him was one thing she greatly regretted.
They reached her house and pulled to the front of the drive way. Annie spotted her car parked next to their garages. Kash came out when he saw them and closed the door, on his cellular phone talking. He leaned back against her car as he turned the cars alarm on continuing his conversation.
Annie turned back to Julien, he was silently watching her, disappointment marred his features as well as reluctance. He knew they wouldn't be able to be together for much longer, needing to put their fake facades in front of everyone.
Annie felt the same way. A sense of hopelessness and loss tore through her. She was sad they had to part. She finally allowed herself to open up to this powerful man and now they had to look over their shoulders in order to keep their secret.
"Thank you for driving me home and helping me at the hospital.." Still clasping his hand in hers. Although it was dark outside she was thankful his windows were tinted dark enough where no one would be able to witness how close their faces were to each other.
"I will always be here for you, always. I've found you and I vow to never let you go." Julien declared. His tone was possessive and demanding, filled with authority. He twisted in his seat further and caressed her cheek with his free hand. Leaning into his touch, she believed every word he said. Something deep down inside her knew he was sincere and that he wouldn't betray her.
Annie leaned closer to him and placed a soft kiss to his cheek. Julien turned slightly as if wanting to lean in for a kiss to her lips and pulled her head firmly against his forehead which were now touching.
Closing his eyes tightly, he angled his head unable to hold himself back from the need to taste her sweet lips. She was torturing him, threatening his control. He knew the gesture was innocent but the temptation was too great to pass as he closed the couple inches separating their lips.
"Julien." She whispered against his lips. "We can't..." Touching his cheek gently.
Groaning in defeat, Julien pulled slightly back to look at her. Her delicate touch had stopped him from ravishing her mouth with abandon. She looked away abruptly, a blush tinting her cheeks, "I have to go..." She turned and opened the door quickly.
He hoped he hadn't pushed her away again with his constant bombardment. Finding it difficult to control himself with her, he felt like a teenager eager for a kiss. Raking his hand through his hair, frustrated with himself, he watched her take the keys from Kash, thanking him, making her way into her home looking back at him one last time before gently closing the door.
Hoped you like them finally opening up to each other.
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