Chapter 2 (Part 1)
". . . And this is my next period, the Library, a peaceful haven." Bill finished their 'tour' as he stepped in front of the Library's door, looking at Dipper.
"Wait, this is your next period? Ha! Same for the Pines here!" Dipper pointed at himself happily, smiling wide. The blonde giggled making the brunet blush at him.
"Ooo~ someone's got a boyfriend~"
Bill blanched and whimpered hearing the familiar voice. Dipper looked at him and held his hand, asking. "H-Hey, what's wrong?"
The brunet heard the voice, but he chose Bill over his curiosity.
"Aww~ and his boyfriend cares for him~"
"Okay, who's there?!" Dipper yelled making Bill yelp. The brunet mumbled a 'sorry' before looking at a hallway where the voices are.
Standing there, were red headed boys. Milo and Marco. The twins who bullied Bill.
"What do you want with Bill?" Dipper asked, anger explicit in his eyes. The 15 year old brunet held the blond who whimpered when he saw Milo looked at him with a smirk.
"Oh, I was hoping we could talk to him~" Marco cooed, face inching the blonde's who hid his face to Dipper's chest. The said brunet growled and shielded Bill.
"Get our of our sights," Dipper said furiously as he helped Bill towards the Library leaving the twins.
"Hey, can you tell me who are they and why are they like that to you?" Dipper questioned, sitting next to Bill who took his diary out.
The blonde bit his lip, hesitating before saying. "Well, they are my... bullies. They've been bullying me since 7th grade. They bullied me since, because I'm friendless, a loner, useless--" Bill sighed opening his book to a recent page, signaling Dipper that it's private "--this is one of the reasons why I wanted to die now and then."
"No!" Dipper yelled, slamming his hands on the table.
"Shhh!" The librarian shushed the two boys, walking away with a cart full of books.
"Sorry," Dipper mumbled, sitting down and looking back at Bill. "I mean, don't say that to yourself."
Bill scoffed, rolling his eyes while writing down the date on the book before protesting. "They always say that, especially in books where the main character is depressed,"
Dipper gave him a worried look before sighing, letting the situation slide. Bill glanced up at him for a moment before turning back to write.
September 10, 2018
There this new kid here, and it seems I got his interest. Other than that, he just saved me- well rescued? Or took me away? I dunno what word should I use but when Milo and Marco were there, he snapped at them and he took me to the Library. Like, a life saver.
I know it's not much but, I think my fear for those twins.... faltered a bit when I'm with him.
Oh I forgot, he's name is Dipper Pines, he's 16 and a great guy. He's so cute, handsome and charming. I even blushed earlier because of him. . .
Bill gasped and scratched the last two sentences out.
"Bill, you okay?" The said blond flinched and looked at Dipper, shocked, before stuttering, again.
"O-Oh me? I-I'm f-fine!" Bill gave him a small smile which Dipper returned as he turned back to the book he's reading. The blonde sighed quietly, looking at his diary. He blushed and hid his face with his hands. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked to see Dipper smiling at him.
"Hey are you really okay?" The brunet asked, concern in his eyes. Bill nodded, closing the yellow colored book a bit so Dipper won't see what's written in it. The said student chuckled. "I'm not going to read it you know?"
Bill just nodded as he closed it, sliding it aside I'm good at ignoring people, I want to ignore him before he came into my stupid life! B-But, I ca-can't? Bill thought about something else, something he's interested in so he could get this 'thing' out of his head. He looked over at the brunet who's still staring at him.
He then blurted out. "Why are you always staring at me?!"
Dipper flinched at that and went wide eyed as he says. "I'm s-sorry, it's just you look so adorable when you spaced out,"
Bill looked at him immediately, blushing like crazy. The brunet realized his mistake as he stuttered, again. "U-Uhm, B-Bill I didn--"
The blonde suddenly stood, grabbed his bag and study books, and running out of the door after saying. "I-I'll see you l-later, D-Dipper."
The brunet gasped slightly, slinging his bag on his shoulder, yelling. "Bill wait!"
With that, he ran out of the Library, to find Bill.
"Oh, Billy here forgot something," someone- no, Milo said, picking Bill's yellow diary that he forgot to pack.
"Let's see his dark secrets behind this." His twin, Marco grinned, chuckling after. Milo looked at him with a smirk.
"How about let's visit the intercom?"
The red headed twins went to the intercom, seeing a girl with black long hair.
"Hey Diana," Milo greeted.
The black haired girl turned to look at them, smiling.
"Hey guys! What brings you here?"
The twins smirked at each other, walking up to the girl who's packing something in her bag.
"Oh, we want to announce something, about a party," Milo lied. His older brother, 2 minutes older than him, glanced at him before whispering. "Nice lie bro,"
He just nodded, smirk never fading. Diana, who's the same age as them smiled.
"Sure! It's all yours! I'm going home early due to some things." The black haired girl walked out of the room with her bag, leaving the twins.
"Good thing, we're friends who's in charge here," Marco remarked, flicking a switch to the microphone and the intercom.
"Agreed brother, agreed."
Meanwhile, Dipper found Bill up in the roof of the school, peering down the edge.
"Bill!" the brunet yelled, running towards the blonde. He immediately pulled him away from the edge and in the muddle of the roof. Bill was shocked, as he stared at him.
Dipper has genuine concern in his eyes as he cupped his hand on the other's tan cheek.
"Are you okay?" he repeated from earlier as the blonde just looked down at the concrete floor. Dipper sighed before hugging him. Bill gasped and pushed him away gently. He glared at him and asked. "Why are you like this to me? We just met, Dipper. We just met,"
The brunet was taken aback but held the other student's shoulders.
"You caught my interest earlier. I already heard rumors about you," Dipper answered when Bill pushed him away from him, snapping at him. "You were with me the whole time!! How could you possibly talk to anyone when you're with me?! And what kind of rumors?!"
"Bill calm down!"
"No I won't! I don't want anyone to know about me!" By now Bill has tears in his eyes. He can't hold it back anymore, he just want to let it out. To the one who he'd just met.
"I was nothing when I was a kid! My biological parents abused me! Used like stupid trash! Until police came and took me in the orphanage! I immediately got adopted! I was adopted 9 years ago. And my adoptive parents are the best. They cared and loved me. Even I'm not actually their biological son.
My past haunts me, 'till now. I was scared that, no one would care anymore to the f-fact the--" Bill sniffed, wiping his watery eyes "--I'm useless and nothing."
"Bill, you're not. Yes, we just met today but, if we could to get to know each other later at your house. I could help you, I want to be here for you," Dipper admitted, cupping Bill's wet face with his hands. The blonde sobbed, wiping his eyes, and asking. "But why?"
The brunet smiled sweetly, inching his face towards the blonde, before whispering. "You just caught my interest Bill. And I want to be here for you, always,"
Dipper pulled back, caressed Bill's right cheek, and continued. "Like I said earlier, you're so adorable, your smile warms me in the inside. I felt like, I want to be here for you, and never let you go. You're handsome in my eyes, especially cute. See? I fell in love with you,"
"S-So, we're g-gay?" Bill asked looking at Dipper's brown eyes with his yellow ones. The other nodded and chuckled that made Bill smile. "I-I never told my past to anyone, besides my adoptive parents. Well, until you."
Bill smiled slightly at him. Dipper still caresses his cheek as the other boy asks again. "Also, is it l-love at first sight?"
Dipper looked at him lovingly before chuckling again.
"Yeah, maybe," he answered. Bill immediately pulled him into a hug.
"Thank you," Bill whispered, hugging Dipper tightly. The brunet smiled and hugged him back. It was much easier due to Dipper being taller than him. The brunet nuzzled his face on Bill's blonde locks. They pulled away with a smile in their faces.
"So, how do you feel about me?" Dipper asks. Bill shrugged, answering. "Well, I like you. You just 'saved' me from Milo and Marco. You made me blush earlier at Science class. . ." Bill started spacing out again making Dipper chuckle. He looked at him and blushed at his own words.
"W-Well, how about, let's just talk about t-the p-project." Bill changed the subject pulling away. Dipper smiled and nodded. "I'll just have to call my dad to tell him that you're coming over."
Again, the brunet just nodded as he helped Bill with his bag. Bill zipped his bag open to find his phone, but something caught his eyes. . . .
He forgot about his diary. . .
And left it on the Library. . .
Bill paled that Dipper soon noticed. The blonde immediately zipped his bag closed and yelled, panicking. "My diary!"
The brunet's eyes widened and informed. "It's in the Library, we could get it now if you wan--"
He was cut off when Bill ran downstairs from the roof. He automatically followed him as he caught up with him.
"Your past is in that diary, is it?" Dipper asked, running with Bill as the blonde yelled. "Ya think?! Of course it is!! Oh god what if Milo and Marco--"
The both of them stopped running when they saw students near the speaker. . .
That connected to the intercom. . .
Bill grabbed his hair, panickingly. "Oh man, oh man, oh man! What if Milo and Marco went to the interco--"
Once again, he was cut off, when he heard the familiar words, of a familiar date, of a familiar actual happenings, from a familiar book.
". . . . I was abused by my abusive parents and thankfully the police arrested them. . ."
"No, No, NO!!" Bill sunk to his knees, then pulling it towards his chest as Dipper hugged him, and says sweet things to him, not knowing what to do.
". . . I was taken into an orphanage and was immediately adopted to my best parents ever. . ."
Bill sobbed and rocked back and forth, horrid images flew into his mind. . . .
Images of what his once parents do to him.
Abused, Physical and mentally abused. . .
"D-Dipper, help me, pl-please," Bill choked out, covering his ears, hearing more about his past. He didn't want anyone to know. Knowing he would be bullied more.
But, it's just Milo and Marco. Others are not like them. They're kind to him. But, he thought the world is cruel, and let his anxiety and paranoia take over.
". . . Oh I forgot, he's name is Dipper Pines, he's 16 and a great guy. He's so cute, handsome and charming. I even blushed earlier because of him. . . "
The brunet went wide eyed as he looked at Bill and noticed that he was blushing dark. He heard Bill whimpered and he had enough.
Dipper took in action as he sprinted towards the crowd, asking/yelling. "Where's the intercom?!"
The students caught his attention as they pointed to the left hallway. He immediately ran towards the direction and reached the room.
He slammed the door open seeing those red headed twins from earlier.
"WHY ARE DOING THIS TO BILL?!" He yelled angrily, his fists clenching as he ran towards the two yanking the blonde's diary out of their hands.
The both of them scoffed as Milo answered. "Simple, he's weak, useless, nothing, a little piece of a s--"
Dipper cut him off by swinging a punch to his cheek, a punch that knock him out. He growled and turned to Marco, punching him as well, harder. He got the twins knocked out, ran out of the room, and back at Bill who is still sobbing on the floor with other students helping him.
"Bill, I'm here now," Dipper said softly as he kneeled down next to him. The blonde lifted his face slowly, Dipper notices that his eyes are red. The brunet smiled weakly, before placing a kiss on his forehead that made others to squeal.
The both of them didn't noticed it. Dipper gave the yellow book to Bill who's eyes went wide.
"Y-You g-got it b-back?" The crying blonde asks as the brunet nodded happily, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you."
Dipper just smiled and held him tight before offering. "How about let's get you home early,"
Bill nodded and stood with the help of Dipper and the other students who's still there, concerned for their fellow student.
As they made their way home Dipper comforted Bill along the way.
"I will make sure that you won't suffer ever again," Dipper declared, tightening his arm around Bill's waist.
"Once again, thanks Dipper," Bill repeated, looking at the brunet's eyes. Dipper chuckled, bending down to nuzzle his face on the crook of Bill's neck. That made the blonde giggle as they reached his house. He sighed and walked up to the front door, opening it. They went inside ad was greeted by Bill's mom.
She smiled at them, but at the same time confuse as she inquires. "Bill? Hun, why are you home early?"
The said boy flinched slightly as the brunet beside him took the lead.
"Well, Mrs. Cipher, I think we should talk about something about Bill's situation here. Is that okay with you, sweetie?" Dipper asked, looking down at Bill who blushed by the nickname the other gave to him. "Also, we have a little project. Mind if I could stay here for the night?"
Bill's mom smiled when Dipper called Bill "sweetie" and was happy that she knew her son found him. She cleared her throat and nodded at him. The brunet smile politely as the blonde went up to his room.
Mrs. Cipher and Dipper went to the Cipher household's living room to discuss things. From Bill being bullied and to what just happened earlier. Bill's parents already knew what past Bill had, and was helping him since.
But, someone already did, and that made the blonde's mom happy.
"Honey, I'm home!!"
Someone slammed the door shut, as a golden browned haired man walked in the living room, shocked seeing someone over. Dipper smiled at him as the man sat next to his dark brown haired wife.
"Is Bill here, isn't he?" The man, who Dipper assumed as Bill's adoptive dad, asked. Dipper nodded.
"Y-Yes sir." Mr. Cipher looked at him and smiled. "You can call me dad, from now on," He said, as Dipper grinned and the woman giggled a bit. "It's because of him being bullied, is it?"
"You knew?" His wife asked. He nodded and chuckled sheepishly, saying. "You know how close he is to me,"
His wife scoffed before chuckling, agreeing with him.
"I guess you're right, hun."
"Can you please tell me what happened to Bill. . . uh--" Bill's dad paused as the brunet said his name. "It's Dipper si- dad,"
Mr. Cipher smiled at him and thought I knew Bill would find his lover~*chuckles*
Dipper once again, explained everything to Bill's dad. The whole time, Bill was hiding behind the door frame, listening every single of it, blushing when he heard Dipper called his dad. . . well dad.
He sighed and just went up to his room. He lied down on his bed.
I just want all of this done he thought. He bit his lip, deciding if he could cut himself.
His negative never fading away. . .
Until now. . .
He shook his head No, Dipper is here with me, and thankfully, he would never leave me. Thanks Dipper. If you hadn't came to my life, I would be a goner. He thanked the brunet mentally, a tear slip from his eyes as he chuckled.
He really owed Dipper, big time. He sighed once again, before adjusting himself so he would be under his bed sheets, now drifting off to sleep.
But not after hearing his door opened and closed, a faint whisper was still audible to him.
"Goodnight Bill, I love you."
Okay! I think I made Dipper here the 'dom' one if you know what I mean. But other than that, I planned that the story had to be depressed and all, I was planning on killing Bill in the end-- please dont kill me --but my Billdip mind says otherwise.
I dont want to make a Billdip story that has a sad ending, or any ending that doesn't includes Dip or Bill being together (well if I'll make a sequel which the end. . . . ended them being together [forever] then yes).
If I'm making a sad ending, it's not going to be a Billdip story ^^
Also, there's part 2 of this, but I dunno if it's short or not.
I didn't edited some parts of this btw, sorry it just this chapter is long.
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