Chapter 1
The boy who had blonde hair walked down the hallways of his school; books tight in his arms. He just looked down and followed his mind where the direction of his classroom is.
You see, it's his 2nd Period. And after that it's the 3rd, which means it's Recessional. Then after that, his Library Period.
At least he have a peaceful time to himself.
The blonde walked inside the classroom, seeing 2 or 3 students already in there. He went to his own chair, which is near at the door so if it's already dismissal time he could just walk out immediately. He doesn't like attracting anyone's attention.
He sat down and placed his bag beside his chair, while the books were placed on top of his desk.
He rested his chin on the plum of his hand, waiting for the other students and the teacher to arrive.
Ugh, maybe after this I could head straight towards the Library without Marco and Milo around he thought, sighing.
Marco and Milo are the ones who bullies him. They've been bullied him since 7th Grade. And he hated the fact that no one noticed it.
He's despondent, distressed, and apprehensive right now to deal with this such things and to tell his parents. He's this kind of boy who doesn't tell things. He doesn't want to be involved to situations he didn't want to be in.
By now, several students already arrived, including the teacher. Surprisingly, Ms. Sanchez, the teacher arrived early than anyone expected.
The 15 year old blonde sighed again, feeling his paranoia and anxiety kicking in. He took deep breathes until he calmed down.
He really hope he won't be having a 'meeting' with Marco and Milo.
Minutes later, all of the students arrived, after the second bell rang.
"Good morning class." Ms. Sanchez smiled at the students.
"Good morning, Ms. Sanchez," The students greeted back, some of it joyfully, some monotonic.
"We have a new student today and he'll be joining our class!" The teacher exclaimed as the class cheered sarcastically. The teacher then rolled her eyes. "Oh shush, please be real for once. You can come in now!"
She called out as a boy, a brunet one, stepped in the classroom. The blonde boy looked at him for a moment before turning back to his book, that he calls his diary.
The boy caught his gaze, and it stayed still since.
"Please introduce yourself." The boy nodded at the teacher's command as he stood in front of the class.
He cleared his throat nervously. "Uhm, h-hi! I'm Dipper Pines, and I'm 15 years old."
Dipper looked at the floor, not knowing what to say more and felt his social anxiety rushing in as he turned his gaze at the teacher nervously. She smiled at him and nodded.
"Dipper, can you kindly sit next to Bill Cipher there." The brunet looked at the crowd of sitting students until the boy raised his arm, still focused on his diary.
"Uh thanks." Dipper walked towards the vacant chair next to the blonde who seemed to be ignoring him.
"Okay class, now we would be discussing about, Constellations."
Dipper and Bill's head perked up when the teacher said "Constellations". Dipper noticed this and turned to look at Bill who packed his book on his bag.
"You like Constellations?" the brunet's question caught the blonde's attention.
"Correction: I love Constellations." Bill corrected the boy who smiled at him. The blonde blushed slightly before turning away. Why am I even blushing?!
"Constellations are group of stars that made different forms of Zodiac etc. For example, the Big Dipper A.K.A Ursa Major, Triangulum. . . ."
The teacher went on and on, but neither of the two boys are listening. Sometime, Bill would glance up to his left to see Dipper staring at him, making the two of them blush wildly and to look down with a goofy smile on their faces. But, Bill says in his mind otherwise Ugh! I hate this stupid feeling! I wish it could just go away!
"Okay now! I want to pair you guys up for a project! Your seatmates will be your partners!"
Bill tensed up, knowing he's in the edge of the row's line and the only student or his partner is on his left side.
Meaning, he would pair up with Dipper.
The brunet tensed up as well, but his flustered smile never faltered.
". . . Bill! You would be paired with your seatmate, Dipper." The teacher smiled at them before walking up in front of the class to explain their project.
The blonde gazed at the brunet who's grinning at him.
"So, let's take our project to your house!" Dipper still had that smile. The other 15 year old was hesitant but he spoke up for the first time in this chapter. "U-Uh sure, no problem."
Dipper smiled warmly that made Bill cast a small smile, another blush forming.
"This project would be easy and I want it done by Wednesday!" The teacher said.
Bill nodded, noting that they have two days to finish the project.
"The project is simple: Stargazing! You and your partner will find your Constellation at night!"
The blonde narrowed his eyebrows in bafflement, raising his hand. The teacher nodded as Bill stood up, feeling the brunet's gaze beside him.
"W-What do you mean by our Constellation?"
Ms. Sanchez smile, waving her hand, signaling Bill to sit down.
"That's very easy dear. Well, your Zodiac. If not then, kind of Constellation that defines you."
The class made an ohhh'd sound. But Dipper is still confused. Bill noticed this and leaned towards him to explain.
"She meant by our Zodiac, you know: Gemini, Pisces, Aries, Aquarius, Virgo, etc. If you don't want your Zodiac, choose what defines you. Or in the other words, the Constellation that describes you."
Dipper finally get it as he whispered his choice of Constellation. "The Big Dipper."
The blonde smiled as the brunet looked at him with a smile.
"Really? Mine's Triangulum," Bill said proudly. "And goodluck finding yours at night."
Dipper looked at him confusingly. "Why?"
"Who knows what kind of Constellation would be out tonight." Bill shrugged as the two of them turned their gaze back at the teacher who is now seating on the teacher's table. The blonde narrowed his eyes again.
"That's it?"
"What's 'it'?" Dipper asks. Bill turned to him, saying. "You know, we're just going to stargaze, and that's it?"
Dipper blushed madly, but the blonde didn't seemed to notice. "W-Well, what do you wanna do?"
"You know record everything! I mean wrote it down on how the Constellation held its place, how it shines, and what are we doing!" Bill explained, looking at his partner with a 'duh look'.
"Oh," Dipper muttered, blushing more Stupid thoughts.
"Wait, what do you want to do during that?" Bill inquires, raising his eyebrow once again. Dipper blanched and thought a way through this and stuttered it out.
"W-Well, you know, talk about things? U-Uhm, me and you to know each other better?"
"Wait, Dipper--" The said boy tensed when he heard Bill say his name for the first time "--are you asking me on a. . . date?"
The brunet's eyes widened, as he blushed, but not same as Bill's whose cheeks are a dark shade of red.
"Uh, n-no?" Dipper said as he avoid eye contact with Bill, who looked disappointed.
"Oh, okay then."
"Okay class you may go." The teacher said serenely, as students walked out of the room. Bill grabbed his bag as well as his books and was about to walk towards the door when someone grabbed his hand.
I hope it's not Milo or Marco.
"Bill wait!" The aforementioned blonde looked at his new project partner.
The brunet blushed slightly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I was wondering, if you could give me a tour here?"
The 15 year old blonde was taken aback and stuttered. "S-Sure. But c-can you let go of my hand now?"
The both of them blushed, realizing that they're holding hands near the classroom's door.
Ms. Sanchez who's still there cleared her throat, smirking.
Immediately, they cut the hold of hands as they both blushed darkly.
Ms. Sanchez chuckled, saying. "Does the two of you need something?"
"W-Well I-I--" Dipper's stuttering cut off by Bill who questioned. "Yes I do. Ms. Sanchez about the project--" The blonde walked towards the teacher with Dipper behind him "Is that all? I'm not being arrogant here but, are we going to record about it or something?"
The woman smiled and shook her head. "No need. Well if you want to, then go ahead. Like I said, it's an easy project and just for fun and to bond with your classmate."
"When did you tell us that it would be fun and for bonding?" Dipper asked, processing his own words before continuing. "I mean, I didn't- we didn't heard you say those words."
Bill nodded in agreement as the teacher's smirk.
"I did. But it seems you two have a little cute statement," She teased, giggling. This made the boys' faces flushed again.
"U-Uh thanks miss, b-bye." The two ran out of the classroom, hearing a faint giggle from it.
Dipper's blush fades away, but Bill's had a little tint of pink in his tan cheeks. He then looked back at the brunet, who's staring at him again, that made his blush come back. He cleared his throat, tightening his books in his arms.
"So, are you still up for the tour?"
Yellow! So this is the first chapter of this short story. Also, I said I would publish this at Friday (March 23, 2018) buttttt my parents declared NO-PHONE-FOR-TWO-DAYS Policy.
So yeah. Sorry 'bout that.
Thanks for reading this tho!
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