"No Barney, I will not let him go to Saint Vincent's!" The little six year old boy flinched slightly as he hides behind the doorway as he watches his mother pace up and down in the living room in front of the huge windows overlooking the backyard. "I will not let Jane go there; I don't care what you and rest of the Founders think! He is my son! Not yours!" The boy bites his bottom lip as he continues to watch his mother rant and rave against whoever it is on the other side of the phone line.
His mother sighs deeply as the person called Barney on the other side tells her something of great importance. She rubs her forehead, something she only does when she knows that she isn't going to win the argument. Jane has seen her do this many a time whenever one of his sister got into an argument with her and in the end his sister would always be the victor.
He is right, when he mother speaks again she sounds tired but not fully defeated. "Look Barney, Lady Elisabeth was very clear in the instructions she gave me twelve months ago. She said and I quote; 'Jane is not to return until he is ready to understand what happened and why his parents made the decision they made that resulted in him being separated from them.' And his memories of them and that day are sealed so there it's no use forcing him to understand now; he is only six years old for God sake! He can only return once his memories return will return on their own." There was some more talking but nothing registered, Jane was too shocked to absorb anymore.
"Okay, Barney. I will let him go to Saint Vincent's, my only requirement is that he only gets to go if his memories start to return when he is about to start high school." There was a confirmation from the other side and Jane watched his mother gently place the phone back into its cradle before slumping on a chair, holding her head in her hands.
She looked up as her husband came up behind her and squeezes her shoulders. "It's going to be okay love. It's going to be okay." He shushed her as she starts to sob quietly, Jane who was still standing hiding near the doorstep, he felt bad that this Barney person made his mommy cry. Then and there he vowed to himself that is going to find out what his mommy was talking about, who was this Lady Elisabeth and why can't Jane return? Was he a bad boy, and was that why he was punished? Was that why all the other kids at school didn't want to play with him, did they know that he was a bad boy?
All those thoughts made it hard for Jane to fall asleep later that night. When he finally did around 4 am, he had an odd dream about a beautiful red haired woman in a shimmering green gown. Jane was usually very reserved around strangers but this woman was different, she made him feel wanted and loved. He only frowned as she addressed him with a different name. "Oh my poor little Ainsley," she coos as she wrapped her arms around his little frame. "All alone in this harsh world. But not for long little one, soon you will be surrounded by those who love you."
Over the years as Jane grew older, he had more and more of these kinds of dreams. Dreams in which the red haired woman introduced herself as Lady Elisabeth and that she is his real mother. And whenever he asked her why she wasn't here with him, she told him that he was in danger and this way he would be save until he was ready to face this unspeakable danger.
Jane also notices that he is different from everybody else in their little town. Not only because he was stronger than your average person but more because he could pick up things others couldn't. He could see clear as day at night, he could pick up thoughts of people around him if he concentrated hard enough and he could make people do stuff with the right words. Although those were small innocent things, his mother Elina would throw a fit whenever she found out he had used his powers. One time she was so angry with him that she had bound his powers for three days while she made him do things like he did with the kids at school who bothered him.
Let's just say that was a lesson that thought him to use those powers in moderation. With those powers came the memories. Memories of places and faces he never heard of and never seen before in his life. When he told his mother about these things, she agreed that it was time for him to know the truth and that he could find the truth at Saint Vincent Academy.
So when the envelope came with a letter telling him that he was accepted to attend Saint Vincent Academy (he had taken the admission test and passed it), Jane was over the moon, this would make looking for answers a whole lot easier. They were expecting him half August on campus grounds since he will be living at the dorms and there is a lot of paperwork involved to get him situated.
After a teary goodbye form his sisters, a firm handshake of the man he had called dad his whole life and the car packed with all his belongings he and Elina set off to Saint Vincent to get everything done before the start of the term.
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