His Angel-3

Happy reading 🙂🙂

She prayed for him to stay silent. She had her fingers crossed as she tried to focus on editing. But she knew she getting nowhere with this. And staying quiet was not Mr. Mark Lee's cup of tea.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" he asked.

That was the question she had been dreading for.

"You said something?" she asked.

"Shreya" he sounded a little mad.

"Don't forget that there are cameras here" she said with her eyes focused on the monitor.

"They're off" he sighed "now, answer my question" he said.

"I've just been busy. And so have you" she shrugged, gliding the mouse as she worked her fingers on the keyboard.

"I had enough time to make a conversation with you. And five months is no joke" he stated.

"Okay, so what now?" she asked.

"Don't do that" he said.

"You can't tell me that" she said.

"Is this how this is going to go?" he asked.

"Think about it. And you'll understand" she said.

"I have. And things can go right" he said.

"Mark, not right now please" she sighed.

"Then what else must we talk about?" he asked.

"This" she smiled "explain this picture" she showed the picture of him drowning the tank.

The picture was beautiful. The way he looked up reaching out for help, but there was nothing. No hand that reached out to him. To pull him back up. His feet that had stopped kicking to push himself back up. There was a beam of light at the top. The light that enhanced the picture. The editing was done splendidly by the editors.

"This. This is me being crushed. Being pushed to the bottom of the ocean. I try to reach out, but almost give up. The light there, represents my family, the members, our fans. They give me hope. Hope to strive and survive even though I'm drowning" he smiled as he explained.

"What is your album concept? What is it about? Why Drown?" she asked.

She looked so impatient and curious as she waited for him to explain. To tell her everything. To why he wanted to do this. Mark smiled watching his lady love lose her patience bit by bit.

"So.. ummm" he started off.

"Im here. I'm listening" she smiled, with her palms rested against her cheeks like a kid.

Why was she so cute and adorable? She was so cute that it hurt. He smiled wide, running his fingers through her hair.

"So, umm it's like. Umm. It's a dark concept. Nothing like how I'm in front of everyone. This is me. THE RAW ME. And it's just me being hated and rejected and not being treated the way I deserve to be. All alone. Crying out desperately for help. But then, I see the light and I come up. Finding my way up and out. Well, the coming up part is the concept for my next album. It's healing. It's the continuity. Oops, I just spoiled my next album to you" he laughed.

"Have you thought of a name for it?" she asked.

"No" he shook his head "I still have time" he smiled.

"Woah! That's sad and amazing! Wait! Am I making sense?" she looked confused.

"Thank you! Well, that's everybody's reaction to my concept" he smiled with a shrug.

"Now that I am done editing, I'll take my leave. I got some business to take care of. Take care" she smiled, getting up and walked to the door.

"Bye?" he said.

She knew where the 127 members would be practising and walked there with fast strides. She walked in without knocking and the boys stopped instantly with the music still going on.

"Johnny hyung, we need to talk" she said "I'd appreciate it if everyone else can leave. I apologise" she said, bowing a little.

The other members quietly left seeing how mad she was. If Johnny didn't have a single scratch on him by the time they were done, it was going to be a surprise.

"What is it about?" he asked.

"Dee. I mean, Eunji" she replied.

"I don't want to" he said, picking up his water bottle.

"But, I need to. Why do you treat her that way? What did she even do to you?" she snapped.

"I'd like you keep quiet since you know nothing" he said, trying to control his rage.

"I-" she started off, but stopped.

"Tell me then" she said, crossing her arms. She was going to act like she didn't know. Like she knew nothing.

"She was my friend. Our neighbour back in Chicago" he said.

"I know there's more" she cocked her brow.

"Well, we were very good friends and I don't know how to put this. She just left. Without a word after her parent's divorce. I know a sensitive topic like that is hard to talk about, but why couldn't she talk about it to me? Why bottle it all up inside?" he spoke frustrated. Well, he did have a point.

"Okay, but you could be mistaken. It doesn't have to be her. She may not be the one you're thinking she is" she said.


"Nonsense" he hissed "I'd recognise her anywhere. Her silver chain. The one she's wearing. She's been wearing it since she was ten. And the mole on the waterline of her right eye. That, that's the big thing. These can't be a coincidence. And she looks nothing different from before. Well, maybe a little mature" he said.

"So, you're treating her like this just because she left without saying a word? Just because of this?" she almost screamed.

"To make her talk" was his reply.

"What?!" she looked confused.

"Has she ever spoken to you about anything? Complained or nagged about anything?" he asked to which she stood still. She hadn't.

"No right?" he laughed "she never does. I want her to get angry. To have her lash out. To cry. Not keep quiet" he said.

"You can just talk to her. This really makes no sense" she sighed, massaging her temples.

"I don't think I can do that" he said.

"Hurting her is not going to solve it. You better apologise. Oh, I wouldn't regret knocking you on the head" she scowled.

"If you don't apologise to her, I.. I don't know" she stuttered and with that, she was out of the room.

Dee was busy typing her resignation letter and that was when Mark entered. She looked up at him with a blank stare and hushed him as there was baby Chaeyoung sleeping on her lap.

"What are you typing?" he asked "and why's all your stuff packed?" he asked again, looking around her cabin.

"My nine year contract's over. So, yep gotta hand in my resignation and pack my stuff" she smiled.

"You can't leave" he pouted.

"Oh, yes I am! And I need that long vacay" she laughed.

"Your contract isn't over yet" he smiled.

"Excuse me, it is" she said in a matter of fact tone.

"You signed it yourself" he smiled "remember the file I bought you last week to get a signature. It was that" he smiled wider.

"Minhyung Lee! What have you done? And why didn't I read it properly?" she was losing it. She had to keep quiet for the kid on her lap. Her only way to leave was closed shut.

"Ain't letting you go" he smiled, throwing an arm over her shoulder "don't give up just because of hyung" he said.

"There is something called as the breaking point. And I've gone way beyond that" she said with her lips pursed.

"You told me thousands of times to not give up when I was this itty bitty close to losing my sanity. I'm sure you'd have told it to others around you. So, apply that principle to yourself. I don't want you to leave" he smiled.

"Mark Lee, act your age please. It scares me when you talk adult" she sighed.

"You've come this far. No one has stuck this far with us. And you're one of the few female managers in the industry that manage a boy group. And I know it's not an easy job being the only female manager for all of NCT. So, good job" he patted her head.

"Not the head" she hissed.

"It is totally okay for the older peers to be pampered and adored by the younger ones" he smiled, pulling her cheek.

"Mark, tell me what you want. You're scaring me" she backed a little.

"When is Shreya's birthday?" he asked.

That made her smile "I'm disappointed that you haven't found out yet" she clicked her tongue.

"Eunji nuna" he pouted.

"Alright. June 13th" she laughed.

"Ten days after yours. I'll remember that" he smiled.

"You can say it's a day before Taeil hyung's birthday" she blew out a raspberry.

"That's a good one too" he laughed "she does sleep a lot" he smiled looking down at Chaeyoung.

"Ear muffs. They're the life saviour now" she said.

"I still got time then. I thought it'd have been over" he smiled.

"Mark, go get her. Get your girl. Just don't let her go" she said.

"I'm not going to. She's my Angel" he smiled.

"Good luck! I'm rooting for you both!" she smiled.

"Thank you!" he pulled her cheek and ran out of her cabin before she could even react.

"This boy!" she shook her head and then managed to bring out a chuckle.

Was this what love did to people? Was this the effect of falling in love? The sudden change, but it was a good change. The excitement. The happiness. The energy. The positivity about every single thing.

Shreya walked down the road to Dee's house. She was already hungry and even more since it was pizza. She carried a box of rice cakes that would be the perfect dessert. She made her way to the first floor and punched in the password before opening the door. The house was small, but perfect for a person to live.

"Hi! You're just in time" she heard Dee from the kitchen.

"Smells so good! I didn't know you were baking it" she smiled.

"I prefer baking it rather than buying from the store" Dee smiled.

"Let's eat. And I bought some rice cakes" she smiled.

"Perfect" Dee smiled "apple juice or orange juice?" she asked.

"Apple" Shreya smiled.

By that time they were done Dee was already drunk on her beer. They were on the terrace, munching on rice cakes every now and then.

"I heard from Mark that you almost resigned" Shreya said.

"The boy told you? Almost! Almost! But he fooled me into signing them again! I was this close.." she sighed.

"Why did you want to resign?" Shreya asked.

"Because I am so done with that place. I am so done with my own friend hating on me. He doesn't even recognise me. I am so done with everything" she spoke in her drunk tone, getting off the bench.

"He knows you" Shreya couldn't say it out.

"My parents fell in love and got married. But their egos got the best of them. So, they got divorced. They were so selfish that they didn't think about us. They couldn't think about four year old Jieun! She was a baby! I wanted them together, but nope. So, I left. And divorce isn't something that you can just talk about casually with everyone. Jieun was ready to live with the two of them separately. She was with mom most times and with dad during the summers. I have not been a good sister to her. I moved to India and things were way beyond description. People made fun of me for my name and it was the same when I moved here too. I have a Korean name but an Indian face, zero Korean traces. Both my lands don't accept me! Amazing isn't it? And I haven't spoken to my parents since I left and they haven't tried either. Again, amazing right?" she laughed.

"I am an engineering graduate. And an MBA graduate. I could've been happy with another job. A better job. Not living away from my grandparents even though we live in the same city. But still, I chose this job. Because I wanted to do it. Because I love it! But for what? To be cursed at by the saesangs on the phone and I'm person and not being treated the way I need to be" she laughed again, shaking her head.

"Dee.." Shreya called out.

"And Shreya! Go get your man!" she grinned.

She sounded calm. She didn't cry. Nor was she having an outburst. She was smiling. Could drunk people be calm too?

"I wanna yeet myself off the roof" she laughed climbing up on the parapet wall, wobbling a little trying to balance.

"Dee, no!" Shreya lurched forward.

"You can yeet yourself off the roof later. Now, get me some food" they heard another voice.

They turned around to see Jieun aka Mayi who stood there tired in her hospital scrubs. She was a first year medical resident.

"Hi!" Dee slurred as she was pulled off the parapet by her sister "there's pizza" she smiled.

"Imma take the beer too" Jieun said "I have two hours before I get back to the hospital" she sighed.

"Hi Shreya! Long time" she smiled.

"Yeah, long time" Shreya smiled back.

"Aren't you supposed to be home? From since when did you start drinking?" Dee asked.

"Got a night shift. And I started ever since I became a resident" she replied "and don't look at me like that, it's only one bottle" she said.

"Take your time, Jieun-ie, take your time" Dee slurred, patting her sister's head. And then laid her head on her shoulder.

"Don't you dare call yourself a bad sister. You tried to persuade them in your way, it just didn't work. It was a struggle with them and I regret not coming with you. It's okay to be selfish. I love you okay" she sighed, taking a bite of her pizza.

"Love you too" Dee sighed.

Jieun was done in no time. She picked up a few rice cakes on a tissue and pulled her hair into a bun.

"Gotta go. Thanks guys! Thanks for the rice cakes Shreya! We really need to catch up sometime. And oh, tell me when you get Mark oppa" she winked.

"Oh, wow! Oh, okay. Bye" Shreya nodded still processing Jieun's words.

"Bye Jieun-ie" Dee smiled, waving at her sister who was already at the stairs.

All Shreya could think of was what Dee and Jieun had said. She was going to make this work. She had been putting this off for long enough. She had been putting herself and her feelings back and that was enough.

She walked to the meeting room where all the videographers had been called. It was for their half year work review and it took long. After she was done, she went down to the cafeteria to get herself a coffee and tea for Mark since he wasn't a coffee fan and some cakes. She knew he would be in practice now, since Dee had already given her his schedule sheet. She made her way to the room on the first floor and entered to see him practising alone.

"Isn't it time you get off?" she smiled, closing the door behind her.

"Hi" he smiled at her.

The smile that was going to be the death of her. The smile that he smiled when he was only with her.

"To the terrace, now!" she commanded, walking out of the room.

He just stood there watching her. She indeed was full of surprises. By the time he reached, she was already up there sitting on one of the benches as she watched the evening sky.

"Why did you call me here?" he asked.

"This" she smiled, holding up the snack bag.

"Thanks. I really needed that" he smiled, taking the tea.

"This is pleasant" she sighed, sipping her coffee.

"Was this your way of asking me out?" he smirked, poking her cheek.

"Is it wrong for me to ask you to have some coffee with me?" she asked a little irritated.

"Okay ma'am, okay. And here I am drinking tea and eating cake with you. And I get to watch the sunset with my favourite woman" he smiled.

"Can I.. can I rest my head on your shoulder?" she asked, hesitating a little.

"It's all yours. Come on" he smiled, patting his shoulder.

She happily laid her head on his shoulder as he scooted a little closer. She encased his palm in hers and smiled looking down at it. Mark bent a little to kiss her head.

"I like this. It's pleasant" she breathed out, her eyes set on the sunset.

He almost choked on a sob. She felt the same way he did. He understood that she was scared of how things were going to work out from where they were. But he was going to make it work. They were going to make it work.

Mark got busier as the release date for his album was nearing. The date got delayed by three and a half months due to reasons that couldn't be disclosed. He was disappointed, but still carried on with the activities. The pre recording of the interviews. Checking if everything with the physical album dispatch was going right. This was not his first solo release, but he always made sure things were going well. At times like these he preferred to be left alone, but he didn't forget to text his lady love.

All Shreya prayed for was her birthday with Mark. She had never wished for anything for her birthday. This was the first time and the only thing she wanted. To spend time with him, even if it was for an hour.

Days later it was her birthday and wishes poured from every person she knew. It was her day off and all she did was sulk in bed since the person whom she was expecting hadn't wished her. Even Dee's chicken biriyani and kheer and gajar ka halwa couldn't cheer her up. Not even a little. Minah walked into her room a while later with a parcel.

"It's is for you" she sighed, placing the parcel on her table as she watched her friend stare out the window.

Minah walked out and closed her door a little loud, just to pull Shreya out of her little bubble. And it worked. Shreya turned around to look at the brown parcel on her table and got up with a sigh to get it. Her eyes widened the moment she opened it. There was an icy blue dress and crystal studs. There was a note in between.

Happiest birthday to the prettiest woman.
Get ready. We have a date.

Her heart fluttered at the note. He did not forget her birthday. That made her scream a happy scream and jump up and down. Minah smiled from outside and texted Dee that Shreya was alright.

A birthday date with Mark. Her wish came true. She got ready as soon as she could. She got a text from Mark the moment she had stepped out of her apartment building.

"Walk a little further down the road and you'll find my car" the message read.

She walked down the road for a good five minutes until she found a black car that was parked. The only car on the street. She walked towards it and knocked. She smiled when the window rolled down to reveal Mark.

"Get in" he smiled.

She got into the passenger seat "happy birthday beautiful!" he pulled her in for a hug and pecked her forehead.

"Hi!" she blushed.

"That blush is going to be the death of me" he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Let's go" he said and the engine roared to life.

They drove to a restaurant that was mostly picked by celebrities who needed at most privacy. Shreya looked at awe and disbelief at the interior of the hotel. It screamed beauty and money. It was going to be expensive and her hands got clammy.

"You okay?" he asked, feeling her palm damp under his.

"This place.." she stuttered.

"It's fine. Now come" he pulled her along after giving her palm a reassuring squeeze.

Minutes after they took their seats, the waiters walked in with drinks and minutes after that, the dishes for a five course meal kept appearing one by one with enough time in between for them to complete.

"Thank you for today" she smiled, finishing her dessert.

"Anything for you beautiful" he smiled.

"The view is so beautiful from up here" she looked in awe, walking to the huge glass window.

"Not as much as you" she heard him from behind.

His arms looped around her waist and she breathed out in a whoosh when she felt his chin  rest on her shoulder. They just stood there, holding on to each other as they watched the gleaming lights from below.

"Will you be my girlfriend and stay by my side? FOREVER" he stressed on the last word.

"Mark" she gasped, turning around to face him, still in his arms.

"I know we are not and cannot be a normal couple. But we still can make things work" he smiled, cupping her cheek.

"I want to. I want us to work" she whispered with a smile, cupping his cheek.

He pulled her right hand from his cheek and slipped on a diamond ring on her ring finger. She gaped at it while he smiled looking at her ring loaded finger. It was a small ring, but she knew it was expensive.

"This is my promise to you. That we will never break apart. And you're mine" he smiled, bending down to kiss her forehead.

His palms cupped her cheeks and his face inched closer to hers. He could hear loud rapid heartbeats that matched his and it made him smile. Her eyes shut tight and her lips pursed tight when she felt his breath fan her face. Mark pulled away with a smile after watching her shake a little in nervousness.

"Another day my Angel, another day" he smiled, patting her cheek.

She opened her eyes and could see that he was quite sad. She got on tiptoes, pulled his face down a little and pecked his cheek.

"What was that for?" he chuckled, holding his cheek.

"That was for giving me the best birthday gift. And... I had wanted to do this ever since I laid my eyes on you" she grinned.

"I love you!" she smiled.

"And I love you too!" with that he pulled her into his arms and twirled her.

"Shall we go? It's already late" he said.

"I thought we could hang out a little longer" she pouted.

"I want the same.. but" he sighed.

"It's alright. It's not like we can't see each other at all. Let's go" she smiled, looping her arm around his.

Two years later...

Things went well and it on the whole strengthened their bond. All the members were happy for Mark and Shreya and all they waited for was, for their wedding. Dee and Mayi were super for them and Dee made sure that no one found out about them. She had even paid out some of the media outlets to keep things private.

But that doesn't mean, you always succeed.
Secrets can't stay hidden forever.

It was just another busy summer afternoon and the 127 members along with the Dream members were practicing for a collaboration. That was when the Head Managers of both groups stormed in with angry faces. The others looked confused as to what had happened.

"What happened?" Dee stepped forward.

"Is this what you do?" Manager Lee snapped at her.

"Manager Lee!" an angry Johnny stepped forward.

"What do you mean?" she asked, confused.

"This" he showed articles and pictures of Mark and Shreya together.

She turned to look at Mark and he just looked away. Their faces weren't seen, but it was easy to identify Mark and not Shreya. She was happy they had their masks on. She slowly heaved a sigh of relief.

"I.. I" she stuttered.

"You were supposed to keep track of the member's activities. All the member's social media accounts have been deactivated. Are you even aware of the ruckus that's happening?" he snapped again and this time he glared at Mark's personal manager as well.

"This is.. it's not true. We can always release a statement saying it was fake. It's not the first time that something like this has happened" she sighed, massaging her temples.

"They want Mark out of SM" he said.

"Why aren't you ready to listen to me?" she snapped and the whole room went silent.

"I'm saying it's not true" she hissed.

"But nuna, it's true" Mark stepped forward.

"Mark" she glared at him.

Why was he like this? Couldn't he see that she was trying to take care of it? To fix it. To untangle the mess. It was not wrong to date. He was a grown man and was at the right age to settle down.

"I will leave the company" he said.

"Mark, no!" Taeyong gasped.

"I'm not ready to let you and the other members suffer for my selfishness hyung" he sighed.

"It is not selfishness. It is your happiness. It's not wrong to love. And we are happy only when you are and when you are here with us. Together" Renjun spoke up.

"You will not suffer for me" he spoke with absolute seriousness "anyways our contract period comes to an end next week" he sighed.

"If this is your decision, go ahead. We are with you in this" he heard Jisung.

"I will take care of this. Mark, I will get you out of here without a single problem. Just pack your bags" it was Dee who spoke now.

"Nobody gets to control and tell my little brother what to do" she snapped at Manager Lee and walked out.

Shreya who was in the editor's room sat shivering. The articles that kept getting posted. And each one was published with something added. The comments everywhere on social media made her blood boil.

Why was it wrong to try to lead a normal life?

Who were they to judge him?

Who were they to interfere in his personal life?

For God's sake, he was not the public's puppet.

Dee ran into the room and pulled away Shreya's phone. Shreya who was ready to throw hands attacked Dee, but she dodged.

"Shreya, calm down. Calm down" Dee whispered, hugging her tight.

"You're leaving. You and Mark are leaving this place. You're going to a place where you can live and be happy" she said, pulling away. She cupped  her cheek and patted her head.

"He's leaving?" Shreya asked.

"Yes" she nodded.

"I need to talk to him" Shreya said hysterically, reaching out for her phone.

"No! Not now! He wants to be alone now. Let him be. And you need to pack too. Go home now" she sighed, barely able to hold herself up.

Shreya typed in her resignation and with a heavy heart, handed it over to Dee. She walked out putting on a normal face.

The next night, she walked to the backside of the building with all her luggage to find Mark standing there with all of his stuff too. She walked further and stood quietly beside him. She felt him hold her hand and give it a tiny squeeze. She looked up to see him smiling at her. How was he like this? He had quit his dream job just for her. Just to be with her. All that he had worked for. For more than two decades. Her love for him grew to infinities. They were suddenly blinded by the headlights of a car.

"We need to get going!" a frantic Dee got out of the car and started to load their luggage into the trunk.

"I need to calm down" she breathed in and out repeatedly.

"Nuna.." Mark called out.

"Oh my.." she jumped in fright "yep?" she smiled.

"How are we going to go?" he asked.

"From Incheon" she replied "thank you" she smiled when he helped her load some of them.

"Now get in you both" she smiled and they all got in and drove off.

It was an hour drive from Seoul to Incheon port. The drive was dead silent and Dee continuously kept checking her phone. The car came to a halt at the port and the two of them looked confused.

"Nuna.." Mark called out confused.

"From this is where you'll be leaving" she replied, getting out of the car.

They walked a few minutes until they reached the concrete path that separated the land and the sea waters. Dee looked around and smiled when she spotted the boat Mark and Shreya would be taking.

"Coast clear. Quick" the message on Dee's phone said which made her heave a sigh of relief. It was from her informer.

"Okay. Now you both, listen to me. Get on this boat. In the next ten hours, you'll switch. And it's a ship that'll take you to Italy. It's going to take some days, but that's alright. Start living okay" she smiled.

"But nuna-" Mark started off.

"Nope. Nothing. Go! Now!" she commanded.

"Thank you so much Dee" Shreya smiled.

"Anything for you cuties" she smiled patting their cheeks.

"How much longer?" they heard the boat driver. He seemed annoyed.

"Go. It's getting late" she pushed them towards the boat.

"Bye nuna" Mark stepped forward, engulfing her in his embrace.

That was the first time he hugged her. He was her little brother. Her baby. The one whom she adored the most of all the younger ones. Letting him go after having him under her sight for twelve long years was hard. She patted his head and pulled away and motioned him towards the boat.

"Bye Dee" Shreya waved and they heard the engine roar to life.

"Eunji nuna, promise me you'll take care of everyone" Mark waved.

"I promise. Bye" she waved, heaving a sigh of relief as they got on the boat.

She waved with a huge smile as the boat moved away from port and there was no one to interrupt and cause a ruckus. She wanted to scream. Of happiness and stress.

Happy because she had sent them off without any trouble.

Stressed because of the future. Of what they had coming.

She didn't worry about Mark and Shreya. She knew they were going to be fine and they could have things have under control.

But here, they had a lot of work to do. There was going to be an uproar. They had to announce Mark's departure from the groups and if the groups were going to go on a hiatus. Especially 127.

Halt all the promotions?

Or go on a hiatus after the comeback?

Or wait till the album promotions are over and then announce Mark's departure?

Either ways, it was still going to be a problem. She knew that the members would never agree to have Mark's parts removed or to record and shoot again. And if they did keep Mark's parts, his absence in the promotions and public events were going to create suspicions.

They were in a tough spot. But what mattered the most was each other's happiness. Nothing mattered more than that. They were always together. And will be. Through thick and thin. She continued to wave at them as the thoughts kept flooding her mind.

"Huh?" she looked confused.

She squinted her eyes in the dark as Mark and Shreya pointed behind her and waved too. They didn't look scared. Their smiles as wide as ever as they waved back at her and then behind.

"I see you sent them off well" she heard a voice that almost gave her a panic attack.

"What in the holy fu-" she stopped as she recognised the voice, rubbing her chest. Her panic attack was at it's best.

So, it was Johnny they were waving at. The boat was out of their vicinity in seconds and she wanted to cry. By now she was kneeling at the concrete, breathing hard.

"Why wouldn't I? Why wouldn't I do my job well?" she spoke breathlessly, looking up at Johnny as he stood next to her, recovering a little, staring at the direction the boat left.

"Had to see it for myself. Couldn't trust you" he shrugged his shoulders.

Why was he doing this to her? She wanted to smack his face. But what was it going to get her? Nothing. And his face was something that was very important to him.

"Why don't you get yourself a new manager then?" she snapped, getting up and walked away leaving behind a baffled Johnny.

They did work well. Go hand in hand professionally. But off it, he troubled her to no end. Man had her whole existence on toes. She did bear him for a lot of reasons, but things were going out of hand. But she was going to stay. She had promised to.

"A few days. Just a few days" Mark sighed as he looked at the empty night sky.

Three years later...

Mark smiled as he watched the waves crash. He hummed happily as the salty breeze hit his face. He was happy, but he did miss everyone back in Korea. He missed his family, the members, singing, dancing and rapping. The stage, of course. But of all, it was the fans. It was a ruckus of course, but things were soon settled. It was impossible for him to have both his love life and professional life. He had to sacrifice either one.

He still participated in helping the groups with songwriting. Secretly of course. He and Shreya now lived in Ravenna. A city in Italy with a lot of history. He was a music teacher at an international school and Shreya worked as an editor at a broadcasting company. They were happy that many people didn't notice him, but the ones who did, didn't leak out his whereabouts. He was happy that they respected his privacy. The boys did visit whenever they were on a break and that made him happy.

"I see you enjoying the view too much" he heard his lady love from behind.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" he smiled, facing her.

"Thanks" he smiled again, taking the ice cream from her.

"Aren't you supposed to be sending in your drafts?" she asked.

Mark was also an author whose books were published under the pen name Lee Min.

"Can we just take a breather and stop talking about schedules?" he pouted.

"I thought you were supposed to be used to it" she smiled.

"Not anymore" he smiled.

"Deadline is a deadline" she said.

"I sent it in, alright? Like, right before we left" he said, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Why are you so cute?" she pulled his cheek, laughing.

"Happy birthday and happy anniversary" he smiled, walking towards her and cupped her cheek.

"Do I not get anything?" she asked.

"What do you want?" he asked, bringing her left hand that had her wedding band to his chest.

She looked down with a smile to see his wedding band.

"Movie, food, chocolates and a one on one concert" she grinned.

"Birthday girl's wish is my command" he smiled and bent down to peck her forehead.

"Good husband" she got on toptoes to peck his lips.

Taking her hand is his, they walked out of the beach with smiles on their faces. Who knew that life would turn out to be this way? That five years ago, they would find each other and live a life like this away from the glamorous, star-struck life.

"I love you, my angel" he smiled, looking down at her.

"This man is mine. Mine to love and cherish" she smiled up at him, tightening her fingers around his.





*plays "My First and Last" by NCT Dream in the background*



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