(Amani) chapter 2
Chapter 2
I must've fallen asleep without realizing it because when I checked my phone the time was now 10:50pm. I made a move to get up when I realized a blanket was covering me making my head race as to how it got there. Did I forget that I fell asleep with it or something? I didn't know what to think, but maybe I did because of how tired I was; I mean hours of staring at a screen already sleep deprived a bit would do that to you.
I guess I could step outside for a bit and get some fresh air, I thought to myself as I went to the front door going out of it. I thought back to the entry I read earlier, going back inside to grab a knife not because I was scared or anything, but because I wanted to have something to protect myself with just in case anything went wrong. I grabbed my new butcher's knife from the block of knives as I proceeded outside in my half top tank top that made my boobs extra perky and my shorts that I used to practice in when I was a cheerleader in high school that barely covered my asscheeks now as a 23 year old adult.
I noticed It was pretty cozy outside as I was admiring how the bright full moon shone on the woods illuminating its whole being perfectly. Feeling adventurous I went down the steps and walked towards the pathway leading into the woods making sure not to go too far.
I went to the very edge of the pathway peeping through the dense greenery to make sure I didn't see anything unusual as I proceeded. Even though I didn't like scary things, this was anything but. I felt an unknown sense of comfort as I went deeper and deeper admiring the illuminated landscape.
I was about 10 minutes in on the walking trail when I got the feeling of being watched as I heard leaves rustling on the side of me causing me to grip the knife in my hand tighter in case I needed to defend myself from whatever was in the bushes.
It was coming closer and I was ready to attack it, but what emerged had me lowering my guard a little. It was a cute little white rabbit and the way its nose twitched was simply adorable. As I squatted down I had the feeling I was being watched even more and turned around from where I felt it most , but nothing was there. I put my knife down for a second as I held my hand out to show it I meant no harm as its ears twitched while slowly proceeding to hop towards my hand.
When it came close enough I picked it up gently and held it in my arms. The way its fur felt beneath my hand was pure bliss as I continued to stroke its fluffy coat. I smiled to myself remembering when I had my pet bunny, Creampuff when I was a teenager. She had pure white fur much like this bunny, but she had brown eyes instead of red ones.
Startled, I let out a deafening scream when the rabbit suddenly bit me on my knuckle, making me drop it as it scurried away. I was sure everything in the forest had heard me as I turned around and began walking back up the path to my house deciding that was enough adventure for one day. It didn't hurt enough to draw blood, but when I screamed, it was from pure shock alone. I guess at the end of the day it's still a wild animal, I don't know why I expected more.
Getting the feeling that I'm being watched again, I turn around only to find nothing there. It felt like eyes were burning through my soul and I knew something was there; I just didn't know what. So, every now and then I turn around hoping to find something, but to no avail. I was extremely creeped out and even more so when I heard a twig snap in the distance. I spared no time in getting the hell out of there as I ran away.
To my utter belief I heard something running behind me like ACTUALLY running behind me as its feet thudded on the walking trail; and whatever it was it sounded huge. I could hear all of its four paws chasing me as they padded the earth and whatever it was it was getting closer. God I hope it wasn't a bear.
As the wind whipped though my long curly dark hair piercing my lungs I made the stupid mistake of looking back. Upon seeing what was chasing me almost a good thirty feet away a terrified shriek left my throat. Why couldn't it be a bear?!
It was an enormous intimidating ass wolf with big ass teeth, a big snout and head to match; not to mention how tall and muscular it was. What the actual fucking Twilight am I even looking at!? Actually scratch that because it's at least twice as big as the wolves in twilight; they couldn't even hold a candle to it.
I felt my vision blurring with tears because I was so fucking scared. I quickly turned around; and of all things I lost my balance as I fell hard on my hands and knees into the doggystyle position with my ass up as I felt the slight breeze on my asscheeks. I quickly turned to look back at that thing as it gradually slowed to a halt in front of me and sat in front of me looking down at my ass with its icy blue eyes and sleek black fur coat. I felt......violated.
I instantly got out of that provocative position slowly turning over awkwardly now on the back of my hands with my knees facing up slightly trembling. I looked at it looking at me up and down as if it was sizing me up to eat me or something. I was trying to feel for my knife on the ground without tearing my eyes away from the beast in front of me as it cocked its head to the side and let out a weird noise as if to say, You silly girl.
My knife was nowhere to be found as realization struck me and when It struck, it struck hard as I attempted to get up to run away realizing I had left my knife behind. But was stopped by an ear piercing growl of warning the second I made a move to get up and I immediately got back into my current position with my hands propping me up backwards. The tiny rocks would surely leave an indent into the palms of my hands but I was too terrified to care.
I was so scared It felt like my bladder was about to burst as I closed my legs tightly wondering why the fuck I came out here. I started straight up bawling my eyes out like a spoiled child who was disappointed because they didn't get what they wanted for Christmas.
I couldn't believe I went into these goddamn forsaken woods. OF MY OWN FREE WILL, AND AT NIGHT of all times! What on God's green earth was I thinking? Actually I wasn't, because if I was I wouldn't be out here.
I flinched as it made a move and thought that it was going to bite my head off, but to my surprise it got into a lying position and laid its head beside my trembling body. I stiffened because I already had an encounter with a wild animal biting me tonight after showing itself friendly and I did not need another. If this thing bites me there won't be anything left of me because I wasn't even half the size of its head.
It nudged my side with its head as it let out a whine like a dog indicating it wanted me to pet it. I decided to test that theory and be brave as I shakily raised my hand off the ground to pet it. Please don't bite me. Please don't bite me. Please don't bite me. I thought to myself as I shakily put a hand on the side of its head feeling the surprisingly soft fur as it sighed and leaned into my hand.
It was even softer than the rabbit's fur and I loved it. Now that I think about it, it was actually kind of cute like a puppy. I lightly laughed to myself, calming down a bit as it looked at me in the process. I don't know if it was nerves or what but I wasn't afraid anymore at least not as much. It whined as it turned over with its huge tongue out like a cute little puppy and my heart instantly melted.
"You're so fluffy and cute." I said as if it could understand me. I felt oddly safe enough to get up which was odd because when I had tried to make a move to get up earlier it decided that it wasn't having it. I got out of that uncomfortable position, and as I proceeded to stand It let out a whine.
"I have to go home now because it's late." I told it not knowing why I decided to do so, to which It replied by turning its head away and rolling over to get up. It looked at me and bowed its head and front legs like it was telling me to get on. I cocked my eyebrow up and it moved its head towards me nudging me to the side of its body that was lowered telling me to get on which I skeptically did not wanting to risk angering it. It was very patient with me because it took me forever and a day to get on its back; because I didn't want to hurt it by gripping its fur too hard.
It raised up with me on its back and walked up the path, and I could roll around in Its fur all day because it was literally the softest thing ever. It laid down on its back, closing my eyes, gripping the sides lightly so I didn't fall off letting It lead the way. It stopped at the edge of the path which was about 40 feet from my house and laid down on the ground so I could get off. I kicked my right leg over hopping down successfully and its eyes immediately went to my bruised knees. It got up and lowered its head in front of me and licked my knees in one swoop causing a gasp to escape my mouth as it raised its head back up proudly.
I looked down at my wet knees and they were already feeling much better which freaked me out because the stinging was completely gone as well as the redness. I looked at my stinging hands testing a theory deciding to be brave once more. I held them out as well and once again it lowered its head and licked my hands and it instantly went away like magic or something. What the hell kind of sorcery is this? I thought to myself in disbelief.
I didn't believe in mythical creatures or anything, but this wolf was definitely proving me wrong. It looked like it was smiling with its mouth hanging open before it disappeared and went back to its resting face as it nudged my side pushing me towards the house. I cocked an eyebrow as it continued nudging me towards my house leaving no room for questioning its intent as its piercing blue eyes dared me to resist. It gave me one last gentle nudge to my house before I started walking towards my front door by myself not looking back until I was at my door.
As expected it was still watching me looking oddly majestic as I felt Its Icy blue eyes bore into my back as I turned back around and opened my door locking it behind me as I watched it through the window turn and go back into the woods.
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