
Finan still looked at Osferth, who now sat down besides Uhtred and looked at young Uhtred! It took Edward a while to realise, which great success his sister achieved! Deep down Uhtred was proud of Æthelflæd, but his thoughts were with Stiorra and her well-being! Sihtric just thought about the lectures, Sigdeflaed would give him, when he would return home without Twyla! Sigdeflaed was against the idea, that Twyla travelled with the boys, but she couldn't deny her daughter any wish, so she didn't even said anything and just gave in and agreed! At some point young Uhtred addressed his father and somehow got his attention...

young Uhtred:"Is there any news from Stiorra or Twyla?...(*Uhtred shook his head*)...do you think Sigtryggr knows by now that Stiorra's your daughter?"
Finan:(*he shrugged his shoulders*)"I could bet you that Brida or Hæsten told him!...(*young Uhtred looked at him*)...yet I think he won't hurt Stiorra and Twyla!"
Osferth:"Just as Brida or Hæsten told Sigtryggr that Twyla is Sihtric's daughter?...(*Finan looked at Osferth*)...and why exactly do you think he won't hurt them?"
Sihtric:(*his gaze darkened*)"Because otherwise I'll make sure he never reaches Valhalla, let alone sees it!...(*Osferth swallowed*)...if he so much as touches my little one, I'll make sure his death is slow and agonising!"
Uhtred:"Knowing Brida, she couldn't keep her mouth shut and the devil in there now knows who Twyla and Stiorra belong to!...(*he sighed*)...we need a plan!"

Right before Edward could say his first word in this conversation, Aldhelm informed the group, about movements inside Winchester! Meanwhile: Sigtryggr took Edward's sons by their hands, kissed Twyla's forehead and then left King Alfred's library! Twyla was a bit perplexed about the kiss, but slightly smiled anyway! Moments later she also left King Alfred's library and went to look for Stiorra! She was sat in the garden, crying and thinking about her father and that she might never see him again! When Twyla sat down besides Stiorra, she slightly flinched but laid her head on Twyla's lap moments later! Meanwhile: Sigtryggr reached the ramparts and called out for Edward! Edward lifted his head, stood up and slowly walked towards Winchester's walls...

Edward:"Uhtred, look!...(*Uhtred lifted his head*)...Sigtryggr, what are you doing with my sons?!"
Sigtryggr:(*he grinned*)"Try to get you to negotiate!...(*Edward clenched his fists*)...so can we negotiate now or do you still want to burn down Winchester?"
Edward:"Before I do anything, you let my sons go!...(*Sigtryggr tilted his head*)...come down and let my sons go!"
Sigtryggr:(*he sighed*)"I'll come down, but only on the condition that none of your men kill me!...(*Edward nodded*)...good, because otherwise every one of my men would have orders to kill the hostages...including Stiorra and my beautiful Twyla!"
Sihtric:"Lord King, please do not do anything rash now! My daughter's life depends on it!...(*Edward turned his head*)...I want my little one back alive..."

Edward lowered his head and told his men to stand down their weapons! They did and after a while the gates opened and Sigtryggr appeared with Edward's two sons! Æthelstan and Ælfweard weren't afraid...they just wanted to hug their father! Edward sighed and turned his head once again, looking at Uhtred and Sihtric...he now would say something, for which the two of them will kill him! Sigtryggr sensed, that Edward wanted to say something, so he grinned and tilted his head...

Edward:"Give me my children or I will find yours and take their eyes!...(*Sihtric's and Uhtred's eyes widened*)...moreover, you will promise me that nothing will happen to the hostages!"
Sigtryggr:(*he looked at Æthelstan*)"I have no children, nor a wife!...(*Edward tilted his head*)...this is why I am stronger than you! And I decide what happens to the hostages, not you!"
Edward:"Give me my children!...(*he got angry*)...I command it!"
Sigtryggr:(*he chuckled*)"I will give you one of yours sons if you retreat!...(*Edward shot him a warning look*)...and you may chose which!"
Edward:"You are the devil, Sigtryggr!...(*he turned around*)...I warn you: do not hurt my sons or the other hostages!"
Sigtryggr:(*he rolled his eyes*)"Can't you choose one of your sons?...(*Edward stopped in his tracks*)...what a shame..."

Without turning around once more or even making the attempt to say another word, Edward continued his walk and disappeared into his tent! Sigtryggr then looked at the two boys and shrugged his shoulders...Twyla will kill him! Meanwhile: Twyla and Stiorra still sat in the garden and both were silent...Twyla didn't dare to say anything, because she didn't know, in which mood Stiorra was in! After a while Stiorra broke the silence and asked Twyla a few things about Sigtryggr...

Stiorra:"What's he like?...(*Twyla shot her a questioning look*)...I mean Sigtryggr, you fool!"
Twyla:(*she thought briefly*)"He is gentle, funny, sensitive and honest!...(*Stiorra lifted her head*)...I don't really feel like a hostage anymore..."
Stiorra:"Don't tell me you've fallen in love with him!?...(*Twyla lowered her head*)...Twy, he's holding us hostage here! You can't fall in love with him...that would be a disaster!"
Twyla:(*she sighed*)"I tried, Stiorra, but it didn't work!...(*Stiorra's eyes widened*)...I'm such an idiot..."
Stiorra:"It will pass, I'm sure of it!...(*Twyla looked at her*)...or don't you think?"
Twyla:(*she shrugged her shoulders*)"At the moment I don't know anything!...(*Stiorra sighed*)...right now I just want to see my father..."
Stiorra:(*she nodded*)"Yes, that would be nice!...(*tears rose in her eyes*)...I want to be embraced by my father and never let go!"

Twyla felt how tears filled her eyes and moments later, she was crying! Stiorra noticed and pulled her into a tight hug! They sat there like this for a few minutes, until suddenly two of Sigtryggr's men stood right in front of them and dragged them both onto their feet! Why were they so rough? Didn't Sigtryggr say, he wouldn't let anyone or anything hurt them? Twyla and Stiorra were forced to follow the men and before they knew it, they were dragged into the throne room! Sigtryggr and Hæsten stood in front of the throne and turned around, when they heard the doors close! Sigtryggr smiled when he saw Twyla, but when he saw how mad she was, his smile faded and he cleared his throat...

Sigtryggr:"You can let them go now, thank you men!...(*the men let go of Twyla and Stiorra*)...how are you, girls?"
Stiorra:(*she shot him a warning look*)"We were fine until 5 minutes ago!...(*Sigtryggr sighed*)...what's the point of all this?"
Hæsten:"This is to show you that you are still hostages!...(*Stiorra flinched*)...did you really think that we would let you run free here? Or did you really think that Sigtryggr meant it, that no one would hurt you here?"
Twyla:(*she sighed*)"I think that's what he said, but apparently it's not true!...(*she lowered her head*)...did you at least give Edward his sons back?"
Sigtryggr:"No, because he could not choose one of them!...(*Twyla lifted her head*)...I'm sorry, Twy..."
Twyla:(*she shook her head*)"I don't believe you, Sigtryggr!...(*his eyes widened*)...I don't believe you any more!"

Hæsten and Stiorra slightly smirked, hoping that Twyla and Sigtryggr would now finally give up on their ‚love'! Meanwhile: Uhtred, Sihtric, Finan and Osferth waited for Edward to make a decision...but he didn't! He was worried about his sons and Father Pyrlig tried to soothe him! Suddenly Uhtred came up with an idea and let's say none of his men was okay with that idea! Only Edward seemed to consider this idea and after a while of thinking he agreed! So Uhtred gave his sword and dagger, to Sihtric and then made his way over to the gates! Brida immediately called out for Sigtryggr and Hæsten and when they both appeared, Uhtred lifted his head and shot Sigtryggr a dirty look...

Uhtred:"We will not retreat, Sigtryggr!...(*Sigtryggr sighed*)...instead we make you this offer: send out both the children and I will walk into Winchester alone!"
Sigtryggr:(*he tilted his head*)"And why would I exchange gold for silver?...(*Uhtred rolled his eyes*)...can you give me a sensible answer to this question?"
Uhtred:"Because you will have the Saxons' greatest warrior!...(*Hæsten looked at Sigtryggr*)...and because you know that, in time, I would kill you as I have killed your friends and brothers!"
Sigtryggr:(*he looked at Hæsten*)"Is he lying?...(*Hæsten shook his head*)...perfect!"
Hæsten:"No!...(*he sighed*)...what his daughter said is true! We cannot conquer this place while he lives! Edward can make other heirs but...he cannot make another Uhtred!"
Sigtryggr:(*he chuckled*)"Then perhaps we should tear him to pieces!...(*Hæsten grinned*)...make the exchange!"

The gates opened, the boys came running out and Edward had already opened his arms to hug his sons! Finan, Sihtric, Osferth and young Uhtred shook their heads and began to worry about Uhtred! Meanwhile: Twyla and Stiorra were sat in the throne room with nothing to do! They didn't even look at each other, let alone talk to each other...it made Twyla crazy! Then suddenly the doors to the throne room opened and Uhtred entered the room! Stiorra instantly lifted her head and immediately jumped off her seat when she saw her father! A huge smile formed on his face and he immediately wrapped his arms around his daughter's waist, to hug her tight! Twyla still sat on her chair, smiling slightly but thinking about her own father in that moment...was he okay? Did he almost die because of worry? What was he thinking about right now? She sighed and decided to again look at Uhtred and Stiorra...it was a beautiful moment! When Uhtred detached from Stiorra, he still had his arms wide open waiting for Twyla to get the message! He was waiting for her to stand up and hug him! After a while she finally understood what he wanted from her, so she stood up, walked towards him and pulled him into a tight hug...

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