Doctor Who part 2#
The next couple of days Hilly and Hannah showed Hailey the city. She hadn't been here in so long that much had changed. They went shopping in stores, ate ice cream, got groceries. Hilly helped Hailey with the choreography and with the next couple of scenes they were going to shoot. She had to shoot 3 scenes. The Stonehenge that they were building in the warehouse. The crack in the bedroom scene where she was going to be dressed as the raggedy Doctor and a quick shot next to a old red car with a cow boy hat on. They even got two people to dress up as Amy and Rory and some of the aliens the eleventh encountered like the smilers and The silence. So to say it quickly Hailey was thrilled!!!!
Today they were going to 'Bad wolf bay' to shoot the scene with Rose and the 10th Doctor. Hailey was going too as the 11th Doctor for a quick shot with the red car they had there. So she had her costume and wig on and her cowboy hat with her. Well now she was just standing in her tank top and sweatpants as they had just placed their wigs on again. She sat on one off the stools at the end of the kitchen as Hilly walked in with her wig and her camera, making a vlog. "-And today is day 2 of filming the Doctor who parody." Hilly opened the fridge unknown that Hailey was sitting right behind her. She waved at the camera and brought a finger to her lips. "We are heading out to Santiago." Hilly turned around and jumped into the air as she saw Hailey sitting there with her wig on and a large smile on her face. "Jesus, Hailey!!"
"Sorry but we are not going to Santiago, were going to Dana point beach AKA bad wolf bay." She smirked and ate the last bit of her sandwich. Hilly smiled before she turned back to her camera. "We're gonna drive in, shoot and then drive back which is going to be a bit tiring in all the make-up" She turned the camera again and mentioned to Hailey and herself. "As you can see" She turned back to the fridge. "Because there is no place to put on our make-up, were going to a beach called Stras beach and we actually shot Harry Potter there" Hailey got up and walked with her plate to the sink to wash it off. "And if you're wondering what I'm doing right now. I'm making myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cause I don't know if we have time to stop for lunch because were gonna drive straight trough."
"I'm gonna get into the suit" She said with a little jump. Hilly laughed and turned back to her sandwich.
"Have fun!" She called her as Hailey entered the guest room to get her costume on. She loved her costume so much. From the brown shoes till the wig.
Now they all sat in the car. Hilly, Britney and Hailey all dressed up as their characters. Hailey had left her jacked off because they had to drive for a long time and she wasn't going to get all sweaty. Hilly kept making short videos as Hannah drove. Halfway through Hilly made a small song about a lonely time lord and the sleeping photographer. Hailey took the time to cal her mum and to talk to Britney. It was very funny because they had very different accents and it just sounded very wrong. Finally the sign of Dana point beach appeared above the road. Hannah parked the car and they all got out. Hannah grabbed her stuff and went with Britney back to the car to fix her make-up. Hailey noticed that Hilly was making another video. Hilly was now too dressed up as the Doctor which was weird because they were going to a beach in a suit. Hailey's scene was shot at the last one so she still hadn't put on her jacked.
"Hey so were heading down to the beach right now, hopefully people don't think I'm weirdo because I'm in a suit going out to a beach." Hilly explained to the camera as Mandy walked past her. "Ugh what a weirdo" Hilly pulled a face as she watched Mandy walk away. Hannah, Hailey and Britney laughed.
"That is not a good friend" She muttered before she turned off her camera again. They took their stuff with them as they walked down to the beach. One thing was for certain, tight brown shoes or converse don't go well with sand. At the end of the shoot both hers and Hilly's shoes were absolutely ruined but as Hailey told her. 'Now they are really sandshoes'
Hilly turned her camera back on. "Never wear converse on the beach, because I have sand in my shoes." It had been one heck of a day. They had to shoot when the waves kept crashing into the shore. Hailey had the task to shout if there was a wave that came to close. Her scene was at the end so she had the time. She saved their shoes multiple times today. "My hair is blown and beautiful but we just finished shooting here. It's really cold now, it was nice but now it's really cold." She laughed. "Definitely worth the drive we hope you guys like it" She lowered her camera to her shoes. "These are definitely sandshoes"
"Told ya" Hailey shouted from the side. Hannah was helping her fix her wig for the next scene. Her first scene!!!
"I know!!" She shouted back. "They have got ruined" Hanna patted Hailey's shoulder signalling that she was done. She nodded and rubbed her hands together trying to get warm. Hilly moved closer to Hannah with her camera. "Good job Hannah." Hannah smiled. "She did so good today."
"I did but I'm gonna kill surfers if they keep getting in my shot." She nodded as she shut the camera stand.
"she's all chilly now" Hilly patted Hannah's red beanie. "Were really in England"
Hannah sniffed. "I need my tea" She said with an English accent. Hilly laughed as Hailey hit Hannah in her side.
"Oi, we don't always drink tea." She sniffed. "But it is cold though." Hilly smiled and turned the camera as she gave Hailey an side way hug.
"Were now gonna shoot Hailey's scene" She cheered. "Then were gonna get pizza before we go back."
"Now let's do your shot." Hannah said as she turned to Hilly and Hailey as they tried to wipe there shoes clean. Hailey nodded eagerly and stood up again. It was her first scene and she was ready for it. They walked a bit further of the beach to see the red car. She placed her hat on her head and smiled. "That's it"
"Alright" Cheered Hannah as they had placed all their lamps on the right position. "Let's do this" Hailey hopped on it and turned back to Hannah to see her getting the camera ready. Hilly walked up to her with the photos of the official scene. ( Hailey had to lay exactly like the eleventh Doctor.
"Alright a bit to the left" Hailey shuffled more to the left. "Now lean backwards." She leaned backwards. "Hands on your belly." She placed her hands on her belly. "Head a bit lower" She lowered her head. "Great now hold still." She didn't nod because she had to be still. The music started playing and she stayed like that. The music stopped again and she looked up. "And done!!" Hailey smiled and hopped of the car again. "Let's get back to the car." Hailey and Hilly groaned. They couldn't sit still that long. Hannah laughed and picked up the camera. "But first pizza!!" We cheered and walked with her to the car.
"Look at these hard workers" They heard as they walked back to the car. Hilly had apparently opened her camera again was filming. "Rose Tyler like her shoes" She said in an American accent. We walked all the way back to the car which was exhausting. "I hope this kind of shows you guys how hard we work to get to places." Hilly said as we were nearly at the top of the hill. "We don't have an helicopter." Hailey said trying to catch her breath. "We are walking" Hannah finished. They laughed.
When they sat back in the car with their full bellies they first emptied their shoes. Hilly's pile was the largest but she had to walk in the sand nearly the entire time so it was fair.
Halfway back and Hilly and Hailey had taken of their wigs and costumes. Hailey was back in her sweatpants and hoodie. Hilly had made a short video before she pulled of her wig but she was girly again! YAY.
Third day was finally there. Surprisely Hailey had gotten quite a bit of sleep. She had even took a small nap in the car. Today was Dalek day. They were at the warehouse were the TARDIS interiors was. Stonehenge was moved outside because it was done and it looked amazing. The guys who made it were surprised how light she was. They had all picked her up and gasped when they could pick her up easily. She was just a small girl nothing to do about it.
Her costume was still of because she wanted to make something. Well more like bake something. When they went shopping the other day Hailey had bought the ingredients. She had just finished it when Hannah had popped in to warn her that Hilly was coming. She had gasped at her cake and made tons of pictures. Now she stood in the 'TARDIS' with her cake so when Hilly comes in she could see it. She had helped Eric with the TARDIS. He looked strange but he was very sweet.
Soon Hilly appeared in the doorway with Max's (I don't know the guys name) hands covering her eyes. "Close the door, make her open the door." They closed the door and stepped back. Hailey grinned as she stood hidden behind the console with her cake. She heard a gasp behind her signalling that Hilly had walked in. "Ohhhh it's so perfect" She heard. Hailey took this as her signal and walked over to Hilly. "Tatatada"
"Ohhhh it's so cute!!" ( "It's so cute, I don't wanna touch anything" She chirped happily as she eyes the TARDIS and the adipose cake. She moved to hug Eric before she moved and side hugged Hailey. "Thank you so much"
Because Hilly insisted she didn't wanted to eat her cake they placed it into the nearby fridge. It could easily stay eatable for a week so no worries.
Hailey and Hilly then left Hannah and the crew to go to their home put their costumes on. Hannah though Hilly took them with her but she didn't so now they had to go back to put it on.
Hilly and Hailey stood in front of the mirror finishing their looks. Both completely in their costumes. "It's the third day of filming the Doctor who parody. Its April twenty.... seventh and today were shooting with the..." She turned to Hailey who was tugging at her bowtie.
"The Daleks" Hailey whispered looking scared.
"So yeah super exited. See you guys at the warehouse, where we also meet the Daleks" She held up her thump and gasped.
Hailey laughed and opened the door. "Come on, we're already late." Hilly nodded and followed her out.
After a car ride with not more than 2 text they reached the warehouse. Hilly immediately ran to the Daleks to film them as Hailey went to get K-9 out of the box. She grabbed the remote control and turned it on. His ears turned around as she pressed one of the buttons. Awesome. She even had a small microphone that she had attached to her bowtie so it wouldn't ruin her wig. So as she says something it sounds like the voice of K-9. She used the joystick to move him into the room where everyone was gathered. Hilly was helping Hannah with the cameras as they were gonna shoot. "Mistress Hannah where do you need me to stay?" Hailey asked with the voice of K-9 as she rolled him closer.
"Ohhh Hilly look!!" Hannah shouted as she moved away from the camera. Hilly looked up to and gasped.
"Hailey, he is so cool!!" She ran closer to K-9 and petted him. Hailey walked over to Hannah and stood next to her.
"Thank you mistress Hilly" She said in K-9's voice again. Hilly chirped and petted him again.
"Over there is fine" Hannah mentioned in between the daleks. Hailey nodded and used the remote again to move K-9 to the spot. Hilly joined them next to the camera. "Why don't we turn the music on and you say it together" Hannah said turning to the man with an headset on. Hailey soon understood that he had to be the man who was controlling one of the Daleks. "just shout it man" He nodded and turned his headset on. Hannah turned to Mindy who was filming. "Can you film me with a dalek?" Mindy laughed and nodded.
"Yeah of course" Hannah laughed and walked in front of the dalek.
"It's so cute."She laughed but as the dalek started to move she quickly stopped him before he could wreck the board or K-9.
They had soon shot the scenes. Hilly had nearly wrecked the board but everything turned out fine and they had gotten quite a few funny moments of Hailey dancing terribly at the music. They had moved the daleks into the TARDIS. It had been tiring but it worked! Hannah was directing the Daleks about how they needed to be standing as Mindy, Hilly and Hailey tried to get the camera for the next shot in the right angle. Hannah soon joined them and fixed the camera. Hannah and Mindy held the camera as Hilly stood in front of it as Hailey stood at the side waiting for her queue. This would be the end of the video so the eleventh Doctor had already 'joined' them. "Au I hit my funny bone" Hilly wined as she pulled her arm away. Hailey smirked at her cousins before Hannah turned on the camera. "And rolling" Hilly turned on her sonic and lip synced with the voice. It really sounded a lot like David Tenant. It went something like this.
Hilly as the tenth Doctor appeared on the screen. "Is this working? Ohh here we go hello" She waved and sat back into the pilot chair. She placed her sonic back into her jacked pocked. She placed her feet up. "HOW DID YOU SURVIVE THE TIMEWARP??" Asked the left Dalek. Hilly turned to him. "By dancing, on the front line" Then Hailey walked in all dressed up as the eleventh Doctor. "You know these things actually fit." She hopped a bit up and down as Hilly looked at her a small smile on her lips. "Ohh hello." She waved at the camera before looking at Hilly "Move a bit will ya" She walked over to the chair and plopped next to Hilly who was just in time to move to the side. Hailey placed her feet up next to Hilly's one. Her shoes were also converse. Hilly looked offended as Hailey made herself comfy. "THE Doctor WILL LEAVE" said the left dalek again. "The Doctor will not" "Which one?" They said at the same time. Two boxes appeared in the upper left corner. Hailey looked up and nudged Hilly. "Look a wibley box" Hailey said pointing at it. Hilly smiled "Ohh would you look at that better go explore that" She placed her feet back on the floor and shoved Hailey's shoes off too. "Oi!" Hailey huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh yeah and by the way don't forget to subscribe" Hailey on the background was pushing the dalek eyestalk out of her face which just kept coming back. "SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE YOU WILL OBAY" Hilly scratched the back of her head as Hailey tugged at her bowtie. "OR YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED" Hailey and Hilly looked at each other frightened. "EXTERMINATED!!" They both turned to the dalek next to each other and grabbed the eyestalk. "Oh wait hold on a minute, shut your eyestalk!!" Shouted Hailey trying to hold both eyestalks as Hilly moved forwards. "So sorry about that, no but really if you like to save this planet you should subscribe" She moved backwards causing Hailey to tip over the seat. "Well, unless you don't want to" She continued not even paying attention to Hailey as she jumped up again doing a karate move on the daleks, which did not work. "Well if you want to miss out all the new videos, Well unless you want my opinion which is, I really thing you should." Hailey turned away from the daleks after giving them the 'I'm watching you' sign. She looked at Hilly before jumping over the seat and plopping next to her again causing Hilly to roll her eyes. "Mine to..." She turned to Hilly. "what are we talking about?" Hilly looked at her for a moment before looking at the camera again. "Anyway moustache bye bye" She took her screwdriver out of her pocked with Hailey quickly doing the same. Hilly placed her feet back on the ground. "No wait no bye bye." She pointed her screwdriver at the camera with Hailey copying her again. "Allons-y" She shouted as Hailey shouted "Geronimo!!" at the same time before the camera switched off again.
That was the finishing result. It took them 3 takes. At the first one Hailey poked her eye at the Dalek eyestalk and at the second one Hilly used air quotes when she said bye bye. It was hard to keep concentrating but in the end it worked.
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