Doctor Who part 1#
Hello ;) This is your author speaking. I'm a big fan of the Hillywood show. I stumbled on it on YouTube a while ago, and now I'm hooked. I'm a big fan of Doctor who so when I saw their parody I had to make a story about it. This is the first chapter of the first story. As I wrote before I don't know how Hilly or Hannah react to things so their reaction on things may not be accurate, sorry for that. I won't keep you long so as a good man always says, Allons-y!!
Hailey stood on a crate in the middle of her room. A paint brush in her hand. She had took the opportunity to repaint her room. It had been red for a while now and now she was making it light blue with white flowers. She had always been a creative person, she got that from her aunt. She and her mom had moved to London 10 years back. She was 19 at the moment. Her American accent had made place for a thick English one, not that she minded of course. The only thing she missed about America were her cousins, Hilly and Hannah. They were much older than each other but they were like sisters. They had a popular YouTube channel, the Hillywood show with Hailey as their biggest fan. She watched all the videos and even helped them with some. She never appeared in them because she couldn't stay long but she helped them with all she got. She even made some if the wigs like the Jack Sparrow wig and the Caesar wigs.
"Phones! You funny little humans, you never go anywhere without them-" She quickly placed her paint brush back into the bucked and answered her phone.
"Hello, with Hailey" She smiled and whipped her hands at her apron.
"Sissy!!!" She heard someone scream from the other side of the phone. Her eyes widen.
"Hilly? Oh my gosh is that really you?" She gasped and jumped of the crate.
"Yes it's me!!!" She laughed and sat on her bed.
"Its been long since the last time I heard you, how are you??" Her accent very noticeable.
"Were doing great, still English I see?" Hailey snickered.
"Yeah hard not to, what do ya need?" She could hear Hilly laugh on the other side.
"You know me to well sis, we are going to make a new video and we need your help" Hailey raised an eyebrow. They normally didn't need her help, she always popped up somewhere and just helped. She was never asked to help.
"What do ya need me for?"
"We need you to play the eleventh doctor" She could just tell Hilly was smirking. Hailey was a huge fan of Doctor who. She had watched every episode at least ten times and had various Doctor who stuff.
"Really??" Hailey jumped up and nearly knocked over the paint.
"Yes really and because we knew you were a fan we thought you would like it. You don't have to, we can always find someone t-"
"Don't you dare, I'll be your eleventh doctor" Hailey cut her off by shouting.
"Great, when can you get here?" Hilly asked her still laughing by Hailey's sudden outburst.
"Tomorrow??" She said more like a question as she looked at the door hearing her mother come home.
"Tomorrow? you know you have to get tickets and stuff right?" Hilly said at the same time Hailey heard her mother shout. "I'm home!!"
"Oh I already got tickets ,I was planning to drop in tomorrow" Hailey said twisting a string of her brown hair in between her fingers. Busted...
"Great Hannah will probably pick you up, I'm busy with the wigs" Hilly snickered as she finally stopped laughing.
"Do you need me to bring anything?" Hailey glanced around her room. "Sonic screwdriver, wig, TARDIS stuff, clothing, K-9?" She had watched doctor who from the moment she arrived in London. She had been collecting stuff since then.
"Ummm no I think we got all- wait you have a K-9?" Hilly gasped. Hailey had told her about her collection but K-9 *whistles* wow.
"Yeah should I bring him?" Hailey smiled looking at the K-9 prop at the end of her room.
"YES!!!" Hailey laughed at her cousins enthusiasm.
"Alright ill text Hannah when I land"
"Alright see you tomorrow Hailey"
"Bye" Hailey ended her call and took her brush out of the paint. Better get this done.
After a long and not to mention boring air plane flight Hailey stepped out of the airport into the parking lot. She had already found her bags and texted Hannah. As set a foot out of the hall she immediately heard and saw Hannah.
"Hailey!!!!" Hannah shouted as she attacked her niece in a hug. "You have grown so much!!" Well that's a lie, the last time they had seen her she was maybe 1 cm shorter. She was wearing braces back then but now they were gone. Her teeth were now a brilliant white and straight.
"Yeah sure" Hailey muttered as she let go off her niece. "Great to see you again"
"Your accent" Hannah laughed as Hailey glared at her. Last time she was here her accent wasn't as thick as now, it seems like it gets worse every time she leaves.
"Hahah very funny, where's Hilly?" She had thought both her cousins would be here.
"I thought she had told you, she's pulling on her costume right now."
"Oh so that's what she meant by wigs" Hailey breathed. Hannah laughed and took one of her bags.
"Come on, you need to get in costume too" Hailey blinked but followed her to the car.
"Already?" Hannah opened the car door and placed her bag in it, she did the same with her other.
"Yeah, we are going to make pictures of everyone and we need to see if your costume fits." Hailey nodded and went to the passage side and opened the door. After fastening her seat belt they drove off.
Hannah unlocked the front door and allowed them both inside. "-We'll see how it goes" They heard Hilly say. Hannah rolled her eyes and closed the back door.
"Hilly I'm back with our English cousin!!!" Hailey snickered and placed your bags next to the wall. It was just one backpack, a small suitcase and a box. She never was one for much things. The backpack contained her important stuff like her phone, walled and screwdriver. Her suitcase contained her clothing and K-9 was in the box.
"Hailey!!!!" She heard before Hilly as the 10th Doctor appeared and hugged her.
"Hilly" Hailey quickly hugged her back careful not to mess up Hilly's wig. As they pulled away, Hailey took the time to look at her cousin. A brown wig, eyebrows, tie, glasses, a brown suit and converse. She smiled, great look. "You look so Doctor!!" She smiled as she carefully touched the wig.
"Wait till you see yours" Hilly laughed as she took her cousins hand and pulled her to her room. Once inside Hailey saw countless of wigs, costumes and props. Hannah left her side and walked to the other end of the room.
"Wow" She breathed looking around. Hilly smiled and grabbed the head with the 11th wig on it.
"This is yours" Hilly said as she walked back to Hailey. Hailey gasped and touched it. Brown and floppy.
"Amazing" It felt so real. "Is this really mine?" Hilly nodded and took it of the head.
"I hope it fits, we also have the costume done" Hannah walked back to them with a costume in her arms. A pair of brown tight shoes, white blouse, a brown tweed jacked and of course a bowtie.
"Oooh the bowtie" Hailey gently took the bowtie. "It's so cool" Hannah and Hilly both bursted out laughing.
"You're such a fan!" Hilly laughed as Hilly frowned but smiled before she remembered something.
"Do you wanna see K-9?" Both Hilly and Hannah stopped laughing and nodded. Hailey placed the wig back down and walked back to her bags with her cousins following her. She crouched down by the box and opened it. She gently lifted it and out rolled K-9. Hilly gasped and crouched down next to it.
"It's so cute!!!" Hannah nodded and turned to Hailey who stood again.
"Do you want something to eat? We will leave soon but I think you need some food before you faint. You can put your costume on after it." Hailey nodded and followed Hannah to the kitchen leaving Hilly with K-9.
"And done" Hilly cheered as she combed back Hailey's wig for the last time. She turned around and looked into the mirror. Wow... she looked exactly like the 11th Doctor, which was very funny because Hilly stood behind her as the 10th Doctor.
"It looks so cool" Hailey happily said as moved closer to examine herself into the mirror. The wig fitted just right so her 'hair' was hanging in front of her right eye. She had even used lenses so her usual blue/grey eyes were now green/grey. Her costume was already on and it looked amazing. They even had made her eyebrows a bit less.
"We need to leave!!" They heard Hannah shout. When Hannah had made her some food she had told her about what they were going to do. Today they were going to a recreation centre to film the shots with 'Rose Tyler' and the Doctor after Doomsday. Hailey had to come with them to help them with the shots and to see if her costume stayed the way it was.
Hailey stood up and walked with Hilly to the front door. Hannah was standing next to the car were they could see two people already in the car.
"Finally, come on we are gonna be late" She huffed and took her seat on the driver's seat. Hilly signed and moved to the passenger seat. Hailey smiled at them before moving to the last door and took a seat.
As she closed the door she noticed the two people staring at her, both smiling. Hailey smiled back and fastened her seat belt before turning to them.
"Girls meet our niece, Hailey" Hilly introduced them as Hannah drove away.
"Another H, it has to be in the family" said the girl with red hair. They all laughed.
"Hailey this is Britney" Hilly gestured to the girl with blonde hair and black eye liner on her cheeks. "And Mindy."(Couldnt hear what she was called correctly) She did the same thing to the girl with red hair. "Britney plays Rose Tyler and Mindy is our camera girl for our behind the scenes video. If you haven't noticed Hailey is gonna play the Eleventh Doctor" Britney laughed and touched Hailey's floppy hair piece.
"No I hadn't noticed" Hailey laughed before they all turned their attention to the road. After a couple of minutes Hailey noticed that Hilly took out her camera and started filming. She pointed the camera at Britney.
"This is the lovely Britney Turner" Britney smiled and mouthed 'hello'. Hilly then turned the camera to Mindy. "And the equally loving Mindy" Mindy laughed.
"Your filming a vlog." She laughed. Hilly then turned the camera to Hailey. "And our niece, Hailey" Hailey waved and smiled at the camera. Hilly laughed to and pointed the camera back to herself.
"Were in a car, were going to location." Hilly smiled as Mindy laughed.
"Were going to a rec. Centre" Hannah finished.
"Rec. Centre AKA were filming in a basketball room. (Sorry don't know what she is saying) Britney snickered. "Because we needed it to be al white and squared." She turned the camera off as Hannah stopped the car and they've got out.
After a couple of minutes they had put on the lights and camera. They only needed the white wall at the end of the room. Hilly had repeated Britney's make up so it looked like she had been crying. Hailey was helping Hannah put everything up. Her whole costume fitted well and it still looked great. Nothing had fallen off and her 'hair' was still very floppy. Hailey turned back to the beginning of the room to see Hilly sitting against the wall making another video. Britney was doing some sort of dance for her with her shoes. Hailey laughed before turning back to help Hannah.
"So do you like it?" Hannah asked her. Hailey nodded.
"It's really fun, thnx for letting me be here" Hannah laughed and hugged her niece. Hailey was always so happy. She was very easy going but was always very thankful.
Soon they had filmed Britney's lines and Hilly's ones. It looked so funny with the Doctors voice and with Hilly's acting. Hailey mostly stayed close to Hannah but she was wrapping everything up right now so Hailey walked over to Mindy who was busy with the camera
"Hey Hailey, say hi to the camera" Hailey smiled and waved at the camera.
"Hi camera" Mindy's eyes widen and quickly closed the camera.
"Your English?" Hailey smiled as she realised that this was the first time talking to them.
"Yes, I arrived two hours ago" Mindy smiled and placed her camera back into her bag.
"Wow, never knew they had a English niece. I didn't even knew they had a niece" Hailey gasped and pretended to look angry as she turned to Hannah who walked past.
"You never told them about me?" Hannah laughed.
"Oh don't get your hear all spiky, we talked about you just not that often." Hailey nodded and absently patted her wig down.
"It's not spiky..." Hailey muttered as Hannah laughed and walked off.
"Were just done with shooting doomsday" Hilly said into the camera as they drove to the next location. "It went really well, but down fast and that's good cause we are always running behind."She turned the camera to Hannah who was driving. "Isn't that right?"
Hannah smiled. "That's right" Hilly turned the camera to Britney.
"And Britney is so good" "I'm not sad anymore" Britney smiled. They had whipped of her black cheeks so she looked more normal. Not sad anymore!! "She's not sad anymore" Hilly laughed and turned the camera to the little mirror in the front. "That's about it, see you tonight"
She closed the camera and turned to us. "It really went great" We nodded. "Does everything fit?" She asked Hailey who nodded.
"Nothing had fallen of and its not to tight" She shrugged with a smile. "And the bowtie" She straightened it, "Still cool" Hilly laughed and turned back to the road.
After they had dropped of Mindy and Britney they went back to their home and remover their costumes. It took a while but they managed, they still kept their wigs on though. Hannah had cooked them dinner in the time it took so when they were done they ate before they dressed back into their costumes. A tire full process but it would be a disaster if they managed to get a stain on it. Hilly and Hailey stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom fiddling with their wigs. Both wigs looked exactly the same as last time. Both had left their jacked off. Hailey was putting the finishing touches to her make-up. Hilly took out her camera and started filming.
"So were back in costume" The only reason Hailey was back in costume was that Hilly wanted to finish the last things on it after they finished shooting the scene. Hailey could now place on her own wig and her make up so they could start faster. "We're shooting Donna's meeting when she looks as the Doctor." Hilly said as she turned the camera around so it was facing her and Hailey.
Hailey waved at the camera as she placed her brush back down.
"She sees him through the window. Our hair is still holding up, good thing because it's got 6 days left" Hilly smiled toothy at the camera. "That's me, soooo" She smiled before she turned the camera back of and turned to Hailey. "It looks really great" She moved to shape the wig a bit. "I'll finish your costume in a min, then you're ready for your scenes tomorrow" Hailey nodded and grabbed their coats. She handed Hilly hers and pulled on her own. "Thnx" Hailey smiled. "No prob" They then moved closer to each other so Hilly could help Hailey with her bowtie ad Hailey with Hilly's tie.
Now they stood outside in front of the window. Hilly was getting ready for the scene where she was 'seeing' Donna. They had just cleaned the window and now they were ready. Hailey had taken the camera so she was filming Hilly now.
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