Chapter 9: The lost property
It was the middle of the night and we see Y/n, Issei, Kiba and Koneko walking through the forest outside of Kuoh. They are searching for something very weird which is in the area they were in. Y/n was leading the group as he looks around the woods, searching this weird power but there was nothing, nothing let.
Issei yawns to himself due to the fact it's the middle of the night and it's the weekend so he ask Y/n.
Issei: So remind me again why we are out here in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night?
Y/n: I've picked up some strange magic somewhere in this area. It's hard to say but it seems someone or something must have open a portal. Either way we're here to investigate this strange force and find out what it is.
Issei: Yeah but why do I have to come? You guys seemed to be alright without me.
Kiba: (smile) Oh come on Issei this ain't so bad. Besides Rias requested you to go with us for the search remember?
Issei: But it's weekends, I should be in bed sleeping until my mum woke me up.
Koneko: Lazy.
Y/n: Hhmm this is weird. I can feel it however I can't see ut.
The four stop and search around and they couldn't find it anywhere.
Issei: Maybe there's nothing and your just imagine it?
Issei: What?
Kiba: No there is something here but I don't see it as well.
Koneko: (looks up) Found it.
They turn to Koneko to see hee looking up so they look up and see what seems like a black portal above them as they stare at it for a bit.
Kiba: What is that?
Y/n: No idea but judging how it's a unknown portal and it's black, it means whatever is at the other side can't be good.
Issei: Like a monster might jumo out of the portal and attack us?
Kiba: Maybe but we should get ready.
Koneko: I'm always ready.
They continue to stare at the portal for a bit when suddenly something came out of the portal. Something fell and within seconds it crashed on top of Y/n with a thud.
Kiba: Y/n are you okay!?
Issei: Thank hell that didn't landed on me.
Y/n groan a bit and see what landed on him. To everyone's surprise it was a young girl with small angel like wings and pink hair while wearing what seemed like armor on her body.
She then slowly moves a bit and gets up and her face met Y/n's as the two stare at each other.
Y/n: Um hi there?
Issei: Wait it's a super cute girl!? Damn it now I really want her to land on me!
Koneko: Be quiet pervert.
Then the portal above them closes and once that the young girl stare at Y/n and then touches his left cheek which felt kinda nice and then she spoke.
???: Hello my new master.
Y/n: Huh?
She then slowly stands up while Y/n also gets up as the the girl stare at him with no emotions and then continue to say.
Ikaros: My name is Ikaros and I will grant you any wishes you want. You are my master.
The four were a bit surprised while also confused as well and wonder if she is for real or not.
(Next day)
At Y/n's mansion we see Roboerto arrived at Y/n's House and we see the two at the living room with Ikaros as Roboerto bends down to Ikaros and suspect her for a bit.
Y/n: Well?
Roboerto: Hhmmm she's very different to the other angels. Her magic power is strong but yet she lacks any emotions. Still you have stumble apon something interesting Y/n.
Y/n: She also called me Master and said she can grant any wishes I want.
Roboerto: I see, well let give that a try. Ikaros i wish to have a golden pen.
Roboerto: Um do you hear me? I said I would like a golden pe-
Ikaros: My apology but I can only grant wishes to master Y/n.
Roboerto: I see. Well Y/n it's your turn then.
Y/n: Okay. Ikaros I wish for a bar of chocolate.
Ikaros: As you wish my master.
She then snap her fingers and seconds later a bar od chocolate appear on Y/n's hand which amazed him while Roboerto find this interesting.
Roboerto: Try another wish but make it impossible.
Y/n: Right let me think..............Ikaros I wish for all the trash at the beach of Kouh to be gone.
Ikaros: As you wish master.
She snap her fingers once more and everything seemed to be normal until Justice came into the mansion and tells Y/n.
Justice: Yo you never believe what happened at the beach. I was watching the criminals cleaning up the trash at the beach when suddenly all the trash disappeared!
Y/n: (surprised) Whoa?!
Roboerto: It seems that Ikaros has an ability to grant a wish to her master which is you Y/n.
Y/n: Huh sweet.
Justice: So it was that angel girl? Huh neat.
She then walk upstairs while Y/n looks at Ikaros and then ask Roboerto.
Y/n: So what is she? I can tell she's no normal angel right?
Roboerto: No she's a very interesting type of angel but I don't know what.
Y/n: Say Ikaros, what are you?
Ikaros: My name is Ikaros and I can want my masters wishes without any fail.
Y/n: So you don't know much about your past or where you came from Huh?
Ikaros: Correct.
Roboerto: Well I'll see what I can find but for now I think you should test her wishes around, making sure they are for real.
Y/n: Alright then I'll give her a test then and see what else she can do.
(Short while later)
We see Y/n and Ikaros at the park where there are a few people at the park. To make sure no one sees that Ikaros I'd a angel, Y/n put on a jacket on Ikaros to hide her angel wings while also cover up her almost naked body and they search around.
Y/n: (thought) Okay I don't want to go overboard with the wishes. Maybe I can use the wishes to help others.....but what?
He looked around and then spotted an couple arguing about something so he asked Ikaros.
Y/n: Hey Ikaros I wish to make those two stop fighting and get along like a good family.
Ikaros: As you wish master.
Seconds later the couple stop fighting and they completely forgot why they were fighting and it felt like they were day dreaming. They shrugged and go back to dating.
Y/n: Huh nice. Okay let's see.
He spotted two kids bullying one boy at the park so he ask Ikaros.
Y/n: I wish for those two kids to walk away and leave that boy be.
Ikaros: As you wish master.
And just like that the two bullies stopped and walked away without a word. Y/n smirks to himself and tells Ikaros.
Y/n: (smile) Nice job, your pretty good at this.
Then there was growl that was coming from Ikaros stomach as Ikaros touches her belly while Y/n smiled and tells her.
Y/n: (smile) Looks like someone is hungry. Come on, let's grab something to eat.
Ikaros: Okay.
Soon we see Ikaros sitting at the bench while Y/n is getting some hot dogs at the food cart and soon he return and handed Ikaros one which she takes and Y/n sat beside her and takes a bite of the hot dog. Ikaros watch him eat and looks at the hot dog and takes a bite as well.
She was surprised her good it is while Y/n smiled a bit and asked Ikaros.
Y/n: (smile) Your not a type to show emotions Huh?
Ikaros: No, forgive me master.
Y/n: (chuckle) No need to apologise. Besides the lack of emotions you are still cute in my opinion.
Ikaros: Cute. What is that?
Y/n: (smile) It's a nice word to say to someone who looks attractive or looks good.
Ikaros: Oh I see. Then you are cute as well.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. So Ikaros do you remember anything about your past or how you ended up here?
Ikaros: No I do not know. I have no memory about anything accept my orders.
Y/n: Your orders?
Ikaros: Correct, and that is to serve whoever I first see and you are the first that I've seen.
Y/n: I see. And if anyone else tries to ask you a wish?
Ikaros: I will refuse. Only my master is allowed to grant any wish they want.
Y/n: I see. Well let's see we can grant even more wishes.
Ikaros: Yes master, what are you thinking?
Then a smirk appears on Y/n's face as he have an funny idea.
Y/n: (smirk) Follow me.
We see the two standing in front of Issei's House as they hide behind the bushes and watched as Issei closes the blinds so he can have his "private time" to himself.
Y/n: (smirk) Oh this one is gonna be good. Ikaros I I for have Issei's porn, hentei and anything that is sexual all gone within a week.
Ikaros: As you wish master.
She snap her fingers and at first there was nothing but after what seems like a minute in the half there was a scream coning from Issei's room.
Y/n was holding his laughter as he tells Ikaros.
Y/n: (holding his laughter) Okay I wish for Issei's Kamen rider piny DvD be in the living room DvD player.
Ikaros did so and it wasn't long for Issei's father to turn on the TV and immediately an episode of Kamen rider pinky is played.
Y/n: (holding his laughter) Okay last one, I wish (chuckle) I wish for Issei to be completely naked once he made it down stairs.
Ikaros did so and once Issei came down and enter tne living room his parents see him naked and screamed wished made Issei scream as well while Y/n make theie leave before he'll expose themselves to Issei and to his parents.
Y/n was burst into laughter as we see the two walking back home while Y/n continues to laugh as he have been laughing for a while.
Y/n: Oh god that was funny as hell! Bet his parents ain't gonna have anything in his room for the rest of his life.
He continues to laugh while Ikaros stare at him a bit while he slowly stop laughing and let's out a sigh as he turn to Ikaros.
Ikaros: Were you not pleased master?
Y/n: Huh of course I am, what makes you say that?
Ikaros: Because you were screaming like you were not pleased. Did I do something wrong?
Y/n: Oh no you did good and that wasn't screaming , it was laughter.
Ikaros: Laughter?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah like someone made a funny joke or someone did something stupid. You know stuff that makes you laugh.
Ikaros: So is that joy or sadness?
Y/n: (smile) Joy. Still you did well Ikaros, you and I are gonna bring hell to all perverts.
Ikaros: Yes master.
Soon the two return back home and waiting at the front entrance was Roboerto. Y/n let's Ikaros inside the house while he spoke with Roboerto outside.
Roboerto: So you use her wishes to mess with Issei?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah.
Roboerto: (small smirk) I should join in on the fun next time.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing! So any information you find out about Ikaros and that black portal?
Roboerto: Sort off. According to the books I've managed to find, apparently Ikaros is from a different dimension.
Y/n: (surprised) Seriously? So she's not from Heaven?
Roboerto: No she is from heaven but this heaven. The black hole you and the others saw is a gate way to another dimension. It seems whoever they are must be string to open a portal to another dimension.
Y/n: So you think Ikaros isn't the only one that is pulled to this dimension,
Roboerto: I think I have a sneaky feeling yes. If they were the case then who knows how many of her is out there.
Y/n: Still what do they want?
Roboerto: No idea. I'm trying my best to research that myself but still we must be careful for any more like Ikaros to come by here. All we know they might be hostel to us.
Y/n: So be careful of weird angels in front of my door, got it.
Roboerto: Okay then. Well I better go now but I'll update you once I found something.
Y/n: Right, thanks for the help Roboerto.
Roboerto: Anytime.
Once that he make his leave and Y/n walks inside and looks around for Ikaros until he finds her sitting on the couch. He walks up to her and realised she fallen asleep. Y/n sees this and smiled and then sat beside her and watch her sleep.
Y/n: (thought) You did well today Ikaros. You deserve some rest.
Then hee head landed on Y/n's shoulder but she continues to sleep. Y/n smiled a bit and let her sleep on his shoulder as the two relaxed and enjoy the rest of the day together.
At the mountains fall away we see flying creatures flying through the mountains with theie sharp teeths and sharp claws. Down below was a huge army of monstee warriors marching through the mountains while at the far back we see a few monstee warriors pushing a throne across the mountain while we see theie leader sitting on his throne while he holds his helmet on his lap and then puts it on his head and two red eyes glow as he spoke.
???: Soon Dark slayer........I will have my revenge and I will kill you......Once and for all.
To be continued....................................
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