Chapter 8: The Dark warriors first familiar

We see Y/n at Kuoh academy as he takes a nice walk around the school. The air feels nice and the weather today was nice as he continued walking by when he realised there were no other students around which is weird for him as he stop and look around.

There were no students anywhere which is odd as he wonder where the students have went since its still break.

Y/n: (thought) Huh maybe I'm the only one out while the rest are inside or something?

He thinks of possibilities until he heard some cheering in the distances so he decided to follow and see what is going on. He made it to where the cheering is coming from and sees a group of students around the fance that has a tennis court which he wonders what makes them all so hyped up about.

So he squeeze through the crowd, moving by and soon he reach to the front of the crowd and sees what got everyone so hyped up about. He see Akeno and Rias having a tennis ball match again Sona and Tsubaki as they hit the ball with their rackets while they each leap up into the air to hit the ball.

Their underwear were shown which cost the guys to cheer even more while Y/n just sigh to himself as he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) That would explain a lot. Still wonder why they are having a tennis ball match?

He looks over and spotted Issei watching the "match" so HD make his way over to Issei and called out to Issei so he can ask what's going on.

Y/n: Yo Issei what's going on here?

Issei: (pervert giggle)

Y/n: Issei hello? Issei! Issei! (Sigh) Guess I have no choice.

He pulls out his phone and opens a airhorn app and puts it over his ear and press a button which made a huge airhorn noise that made Issei yell while he stumble to the side a bit.

Issei: Ow! What the hell was that for man! You nearly deafening me!

Y/n: Your fault for not listening to me. Anyways now I got your attention can you tell me what is going on here?

Issei: Oh well Rias wants to go to the familiar would to get me and Asia a new Familiar.

Y/n: A familiar? You mean like creatures that have to obey to their masters no matter what?

Issei: Yep that's right. Unfortunately Sona and her group was planning to go there as well so they have this tennis ball match to see who can go to the familiar world.

Y/n: Sounds interesting. Who do you think will win?

Issei: (smirk) Who cares. At least I can see their breast bounce and their underwear, I really don't care.

He turn back to "the match" which Y/n sighs and then blasted a airhorn at Issei's ear.

Issei: Stop that!

Y/n: As long you don't act as a pervert then maybe I'll stop. Say how long have they been going on?

Issei: An hour I guess?

Y/n: long till their rackets break?

(Short while later)

We see the group at the occult research club as Koneko holds out two busted tennis rackets while Y/n says in surprised.

Y/n: (surprised) Whoa those rackets are one tough sons of bitchs. Oh well, rest in peace you beautiful rackets.

Asia: It's ashame it was a tie.

Rias: Indeed so we decided to have a dodgeball match instead tonight.

Y/n: (smirk) A dodgeball match?! My favourite sport, mine I join you guys?

Rias: (smile) I don't see why not. I also believe Issei told you about the familiar world. You wish to come with us there as well?

Y/n: Hhhhmmm I don't know. Loremaster did tell me about the familiar world which contain some interesting creatures.

Asia: (smile) It be great to have one. I hoping to get a cute and fun familiar.

Issei: (smirk) I wish to get a sexxy familiar with the biggest tits ever!

Koneko: That will never happen pervert.

Y/n: You know what, screw it sure I'll join. Maybe I can find a familiar that suits my style.

Rias: (smile) Glad to hear that. Now then, let's head to the gym and start training.


We see them at the gym as they start their warm up training before Sona and her group would come. They train hard for this match as we see Rias help Y/n by grabbing his feet to the ground while Y/n do some push ups. While Koneko and Issei work together to do some training and Akeno and Asia did the same as well and Kiba stretches his body.

Rias: (smirk) Look at you go. Looks like thid ain't the first time you've done this?

Y/n: (smirk) You kidding this is nothing. I can probably do this all day.

Rias: (smirk) I can tell. So I heard from Akeno that you and Asia have a great time.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it was a nice time. They pick out some nice clothes to wear and we gone our separate ways.

Rias: (smirk) Guess your lucky. Say maybe we both can hang out know just you and me.

Y/n: (smile) Sure that sounds be nice.

Tne two continue to talk while the two share some laughter while Issei is jealous by this. Soon Sona and her peerage arrived to the gym  and both sides were ready for the match. Then Sona noticed Y/n among Rias team and ask her.

Sona: So you have Y/n to your team.

Rias: (smirk) That's right.

Sona: Well I wouldn't be surprised since he has been with your peerage for a long while. Still I have heard a lot about you Y/n and I must say it's a honor.

Y/n: (smirk) Honor is all mine Sona. This will be a great match and don't worry going hard on me, because I won't do the same to you.

Sona is surprised by his words and find them to be quite hot while the other girls in her peerage have their eyes on as they find him very attractive.

Reya: Damn the other girls were not kidding. He's soo hot!

Ruruko: Agree. Look at him, he's like a model.

Tomoe: I wonder how strong he is?

Issei: (thought) Oh come on! Why do girls always have their eyes on Y/n!? This sucks!

Sona: Still enough chat, let's begin.

Rias: (smile) I agree. Let's start.

Dodgeballs appear in the middle of the gym and once that they rush towards them with some of each side grabbing them and start throwing at them.

Rias team throws back at them while dodging the incoming balls while Sona and her peerage do the same as well. Y/n dodges the incoming balls and even catching them and throws them back at them which they get hit which surprised them.

He then dodge a ball which he sees Genshirou as he smirks at him while he says to Y/n.

Genshirou: (smirk) So your the dark warrior I've heard about. Well i hope you ready to get beaten.

Y/n: (smirk) Bring it on, I'm ready for it.

Genshirou throws the ball towards Y/n which he immediately catches the ball and throws it back at Genshirou which hits him in the face and he fell onto thr ground.

Sona: (thought) Wow that was fast.

Issei: Ow!

Then Issei fell onto the ground while grabbing his pervert part which Y/n realised what happened so he dragged Issei away and pkace him onto he bench next to Koneko who was out a while ago.

Issei: Right in the ball's.

Y/n: (chuckle) Hey don't you worry, you're not the only one who gets hit in the balls while playing dodgeball.

Issei: Sh-Shut up man, it really hurts.

Y/n: Fine, Fine I was only joking. Hey Asia, need soke assistance here!

Asia: Coming!

She rush up to them and she start healing Issei while Y/h looks over to see the match going a bit extreme with balls smashing through windows, breaking them as they continue a bit.

At last the match ended with Rias teams win while Sona and her peerage were defeated as we see both sides together as Sona tells Rias.

Sona: Well then it seems you have won Rias. Guess we can go to the familiar world next time.

Rias: (smile) Still it was a nice one. Maybe we can do this next time.

Sona: Guess so but if we do have our match next time, who ever wins will hang out with Y/n.

Y/n: Huh?

Rias: (smile) Sure I accept that. Until then see you later.

Sona: Same.

And so she and her peerage left as Rias and the rest watch them go while Y/n says.

Y/n: I can feel a sense of a rivalry going on here.

Kiba: (smile) Both Rias and Sona have been rivals ever since they were little. Since the two are very smart and shown to be strong devils, they sometimes have contests to see who is better.

Y/n: That's interesting to know about.

Rias: (smile) Yeah but for now let's go to the familiar world.


They teleported to the familiar world which looks kinda creepy to Asia and Issei as they stand in the forest even though there is isn't leafs anywhere while the sky is red, giving off a red light on them.

Y/n: Huh this feels like a horror movie scene......I like it.

Akeno: (smile) This is the place where devils get their familiars. It's not as bad if you get used to it.

Issei: You gonna be kidding me, this place gives me the creeps.

Y/n: (smirk) Looks like someone is scared.

Issei: No I'm not!

???: Hello there!

Then they all look up and see a man standing on a tree branch while he looks down at them.

Y/n: Whose this guys?

Zatouji: (smirk) The names Zetpuji aka the Familiar master! I'll help you find you a perfect familiar no sweet.

Akeno: (smile) He helps those who is seeking a familiar and even maintains other familiars in this world.

Y/n: Huh that's cool I guess.

Zatouji: Say you there! What is your name?

Y/n: Names Y/n L/n, I'm a half human and half Nephilim.

Zatouji was shocked when he heard Nephilin that he nearly feel off the tree.

Zatouji: (shocked) A Nephilim you say? I've never met someone who is a Nephilim.

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah I get that a lot.

Zatouji: (smile) Still welcome to the familiar world! So what familiar do you seek, a strong one, a fast one, a smart one?

Y/n: (smile) Probably something that suits my style.

Asia: (smile) I wish to have a fun and cute familiar.

Issei: (smirk) I want one with a sexxy body and have huge breast.

Zatouji: (smile) I'll be happy to find them....accept that last part.

Issei: Aww.

And so they head off to find their familiars. Soon they come across a nice looking lake as they apoorch it and stare at it.

Zatouji: This lake has a beautiful and strong familiar.

Issei: Heck Yeah maybe this one is gonna rise up and take me away so we can have sweet love.

Y/n: Well be ready to get your dreams crushed.

Koneko: Look something is coming out of the lake.

They look over to see some bubbles and soon a beautiful women came out of the lake as she came out not facing them while Issei gets really excited. Then his dreams shattered when she turn around and she was more like a man with huge muscles as he roars like a man.

Y/n: Hahahahahahahahahaha! Holy crap! Hahahahahahahahah! Whoa, (chuckle) Your really are unlucky aren't you Issei.

Issei: (shocked) You gonna be kidding me! He looks like he can break me in half if he hugs me!

Zatouji: Sorry about this one is female.

Issei feels even more disappointed while Y/n laughs once more. Soon after they continue their walk and soon Katsuki stop which made everyone else stop.

Y/n: What's going on?

Zatouji: Take a look up there.

They did see and they see a blue dragon sitting on top of a tree branch as it looks around.

Asia: (smile) Aww its so cute!

Zatouji: That's a spirt dragon. You might get this one before he flies off.

Akeno: (smile) Say Issei maybe this one will be your familiar since your scared gear is based on a dragon.

Issei: (smirk) Yeah you got a point. Alright then, dragon...I choice-!

Suddenly Asia scream which made Y/n, Kiba, Issei and Zatouji turn and see green slime raining on the girls as they gasp in surprised.

Kiba: Look out, it's green slime!

Then the green slime got onto Kiba's eyes while the girls clothes start to burn due to the green slime.

Y/n: Are those things burning off their clothes?!

Issei: Wow this is most awesome thing I have ever seen.

Y/n: Are you serious Issei.

Rias: Help!

Then the slime start to tie up their arms so they won't use their powers.

Rias: My hands are stuck, I can't do anything!

Akeno: Same as well, how are we gonna get out of this one.

Y/n: I got this!

Issei: No wait!

Y/n: What?

Issei: At least let me remember them a bit for some pervert time.

Y/n: Are you serious?!

Zatouji: These slimes can only burn off clothes and that's all they can do. They are very much useless familiars.

Y/n: Whoa that sucks.

Issei: And cool! I found my familiar, I want the green slime things!


Suddenly flames came out of nowhere and burn off the green slime which devastate Issei as the green slime turned into ashes as Issei fell onto his knees.

Issei: Lucky slime no! Alright who did that!

Suddenly something landed on Y/n's shoulder and they all look and see a very cool looking birds with one half of his body was blue with a cold weather on it and the othe really red with heat on it.

Rias: (surprised) Wow look at that bird.

Akeno: (surprised) I've never seen a bird like that one before.

Koneko: Cool.

Asia: (smile) And beautiful!

Zatouji: That's a element Phoenix. A very powerful and very rare familiar. Some say it can onky choose it's master if his master is strong and once he has chosen his master, he'll give absolutely loyalty to him.

Y/n: So dose this mean it choose me?

Zatouji: (smile) It seems like it! Your one very lucky person to have this familiar.

Y/n looks at the Element Phoenix and he dose suit his style, plus he likes badass birds so he smirks to himself and said.

Y/n: (smirk) Then I'll accept it. For now on, this familiars name will be "Striker!"

Striker hawks while the rest are pleased by this. Then the spirit dragon came onto Asia's shoulder by surprised which they turn to see this.

Zatouji: (smile) Huh well it seems the spirit dragon has also chosen his master as well.

Kiba: So he chose Asia.

Asia: (smile) Hi there, aren't you cute.

Then he land onto her arms as she start to pet him while she smiled. Now both Y/n and Asia have gotten their familiars as they head back to real world but not before Issei saying goodbye to his lucky slime and maybe one day he can find more and he'll make them as his familiar but unfortunately for him.......there wasn't no more green slime and now all of them are now extinct.

To be continued..........................................

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