Chapter 7: What a great week (Lemon)

It's a nice morning at the back garden of Y/n's mansion as we see Manlina kneeling down and looking at a flower that has been growing for months. She stare at it even more as a sweet came down from her face as she continues to stare at it a bit and then can't take it anymore and let out a frustration sigh and calls out.

Manlina: Oh come on you stupid flower! Grow already! (Sigh) I don't get it, I have been waiting for months and yet this stupid flower doesn't want to open. I don't understand why humans are so interested about these things.

Asia: Is there anything bathing you Manlina?

She turns to see Asia as she walk up to her and kneel down next to her as she tells her.

Manlina: (little blush) Well....I wanna try impress Y/n by growing this flower that I got from the store and I did what the back says. Dig a hole, put the seed in, buried the seed, pour some water and wait for like...a couple of months. It has been growing but it's like it has been years and it still hasn't grown yet.

Asia: (smile) I see. Well I believe it's almost done, you just need to wait a bit longer.

Manlina: (sigh) I suppose so. Oh hey, aren't you in school today?

Asia: (smile) It's Saturday so we don't go to school.

Manlina: Oh right. Man humans have these weird stuff that I never understand.

Asia: (smile) You will learn soon enough. Say I wanna ask you something?

Manlina: Yeah, what's up?

Asia: I wanna know how you met Y/n and the others?

Manlina: Oh that. Well I met him a while back when I was jumped by these assholes who wants to take advantage out of me. I beat them up but before they overwhelmed me, Y/n came out of nowhere and aided me. At first I didn't know I should trust him or not but after the fight he walk off. I was a bit surprised so I followed him back to his place and next thing I know, I live with him and the others.

Asia: At least he was there to help you at least.

Manlina: Guess so.

Asia: (smile) Well I wish you luck.

She then stood up and make her leave while Manlina turns to her and ask.

Manlina: Where are you going?

Asia: (smile) Getting ready to go out with Y/n. He's gonna meet me at this nice cafe and I wanna wear something nice.

Manlina: Oh well good luck I guess.

Asia heads inside to get changed while Manlina feels a bit jealous a blushes as she stood up and head back inside to watch some TV.


We see Y/n and Asia at the nice cafe enjoying themselves as they chat to each other while Asia wears nice clothes which Y/n was amazed and find it very pretty for Asia when he first saw it.

Asia: (smile) Say Y/n try this, it's really sweet.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing.

He did try it and she was right, it was very sweet and delicious and after he swallow it he smiled and tells Asia.

Y/n: (smile) That's very sweet. You really have a sweet tooth.

Asia: (giggle) Guess you can say that.

Y/n: So how dose it feel like of being a devil?

Asia: To be honest kinda hard to get used to. When ever i prey for god, I feel like needles are stabbing through my head.

Y/n: That sounds painful.

Asia: I know. I guess I need to get used of being a devil, until then no preying for me tonight.

Y/n: Yeah.

Asia: (smile) But I'm glad of being one. Now I don't have to worry about hanging around my new friends including you.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah that's right.

Asia: Say Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Asia: Your sacred gear? Can you tell me more about it and how did you get it?

Y/n: Well you see....the sacred gear has been passed on to generations within my family. The first used actually took part of the angel and devil war, he was the second commander to his master and slay many angels throughout the war.

Asia: (shocked) That's awful.

Y/n: I know. This continued until he found out about mankind. You see, disbite his violent actions he had a code to never harm those that are weak such as humanity. So when he sees that what his maser was doing to the humans, he had no choice but to betray him and defended humanity from both the angels and devils. After a war my ancestor disappeared but his scared gear passed on to his family and soon, I was given this scared gear.

Asia: (surprised) Wow.

Y/n: Since then we use the scared gear to defend the weak and destroy those who harm humanity. I believe my ancestor wants to redeem himself for his actions and wants us to do the same, even if we don't know his history or do know it. All it matters is that I need to redeem my ancestor for all and things he did in the past.

Asia: (smile) And your doing a good job of doing it right?

Y/n: Yeah I am but I sometimes feel that anywhere I go....they see me as a evil being and never understand that I am protecting them from true evil threats.

Asia: (smile) And you are. Never listen to what they are saying because no matter what your still a good person within you. Never forget that.

Y/n: (small smile) Guess so. You know, disbite you being a devil know, your always a angel in my eyes.

Asia: (little blush) Th-Thank you.

???: (smile) See you two are having a great chat. Mind I join?

Then Akeno approach their seat as she sat down next to Y/n while she too was wearing nice clothes as she glance at Y/n and ask him.

Akeno: (smirk) You like it Y/n? Don't you think it makes me beautiful?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah looks nice on you.

Akeno: (smirk) I'm glad for that.

Asia is a bit jealous but shakes off the jealousy and ask Akane.

Asia: So what brings you here Akeno?

Akeno: (smirk) Figured I head to the mall to grab some clothes. You two wanna join?

Asia: (smile) That sounds fun. Sure we can come.

Y/n: (smile) Why not. I wanna see they have any cool jackets so I can be more badass.

Akeno: (smirk) Don't you think your badass enough?

Y/n: (smirk) True but can't hurt to be ten times more badass while in battle right?

Akeno: (smirk) True.

She giggled which Asia is jealous a bit more as they finish up their drinks and the trio head out to the mall.


We see the trio at the mall as they are in the clothes shop and trying out new clothes while Y/n is seen at the jacket section and looking for a new jacket to wear as he scan through the many jackets and can't pick out which one.

Y/n: Crap, I can't pick which one to choose. They are all too good.

Issei: Y/n? What are you doing here?

He looked over to see Issei as he walk up to him as Y/n ask him.

Y/n: I should be asking the same question. What brings you here?

Issei: (sigh) My mum. She wants me to pick out new clothes since I've know.

Y/n: Yeah. I see what you mean.

Issei: What's even worse is that I have to spent the night with my parents watching some boring movies while my friends are gonna watch the special episode that's gonna have two super hot girls made out and there's gonna be a orgy party  with a lot of girls and-

Y/n: Okay hold it there cowboy. I think I get what you mean and no wonder you parents wants you to stay at there place.

Issei: Yeah it sucks. What about you?

Y/n: With Asia and Akeno, they are trying out some clothes while I'm looking about a bit.

Issei: (shocked) Seriously?! Your with Asia and Akeno! Lucky.

???: There you are Issei.

Then a older women walks up to Issei and whne she noticed Y/n she ask him.

???: Who's this boy? Is he a friend of yours?

Issei: Yeah he's a student from my school. Mom, this is Y/n and Y/n, this is my mom.

Miki: (smile) Well aren't you a handsome boy. Hi, my name Miki Hyoudou it's very nice to meet you.

Y/n: (smile) Same here Miss Hyoudou. I'm just hanging out with Asia and Akeno who is trying out new clothes.

Miki: (smile) How wonderful. Issei told me a lot about you and how you ruined his show in the girls locker room.

Issei: Mom!

Y/n: (giggle) Well I'm still keeping an eye on him and his friends that's for sure.

Miki: (smile) How sweet of you. I bet you gotten a lot of girls fallen for you at school.

Y/n: (smile) You have no idea.

Miki: (smile) Well we better go now but come by at our place and visit.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Enjoy your week you two.

Miki: (smile) We will.

And then they head off as Issei feels like he's gonna die tonight while Y/n let's out a chuckle and then returns back to Asia ans Akeno and see how they are doing.

(Short while later)

We see Y/n and Asia taking a walk near the docks as Akeno heads back home by herself while the two walk near the docks as Asia ask Y/n.

Asia: Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah, what's up?

Asia: I was wondering and I wanna know what type of girl you like.

Y/n: Huh?

Asia: I mean you like girls with bigger breast, girls that are pretty and cute or girls that sound sexxy.

Y/n: Well I really don't mind what type of girl I pick. If anything I pick a girl that is perfect in every way. Sometimes I don't understand who guys want theie girlfriends to be either sexxy or cute, I like the way what they are.

Asia: Really? So your okay with me even know I'm not as sexxy or as attractive as the others girls?

Y/n: (smile) Asia your perfect no matter what. You don't have to show that your either of those things because your perfect the way you are. Besides you have a cute personality so that counts for something but no matter what, your perfect the way you are.

Asia smiled in joy as Y/n smiles back as he wrap his arm around Asia and they walk back home together as Asia feels her heart beat even more while her cheeks blushed as she is glad to meet Y/n and she will do her best to pleased him no matter what.


Night came and we see Y/n in the bathroom as we see him taking a shower before he gose to bed. He lend his head up to the shower as it spread all over his face as he remembered what Eric have told him about Abbsy and how he is back.

He sigh to himself as he lower his head to the ground as he knows this will not be a easy fight but when the time comes, he will face him again.

After a while he turns off the shower and climb out of it as he warps a towel around him and opens his bathroom and step into the living room and immediately sees Modeus there only wearing a bra and underwear while sitting at the front of his bed as she look at him with lust in her eyes as she lick her lips and tells him.

Modeus: Darling~ I feel kinda horny seeing only having a towel around you. Especially your wet body.

Y/n: (sigh) Seems like the night is the night huh?

Modeus: (giggle) You know it darling~.

She then move up towards him and then lend up close to him, her breast being pressed onto his chest while she gently touch his cheek with her hand and lend her head close to Y/n and tells him with a smirk.

Modeus: (smirk) Let's do this. Let's have some "fun."

Y/n: (chuckle) Your one crazy girl....but I can't resist it.

(Lemon start)

Then the two kissed on the lips as they stick their tongues in their months as they make out as Modeus shares some sexxy moans while she leap up and wrap her legs around Y/n's waist while Y/n grabs her ass which made he'd mean even more as they make out even more as the two share some moans as they move their heads left and right as they continue.

Then Y/n starts kissing her neck which made her gasp and let out some moans as Y/n continues kissing her neck.

Modeus: (moaning) Oh darling that's the spot~ah!

Then they collapse onto the bed as Modeus lend her head up as Y/n continues kissing her neck which making her moan even more and a bit louder. Soon he stopped and sat up and took off her towel and throws it aside, allowing Modeus to see his muscles which made her really turned on.

Y/n: (smirk) Guess I learn that one from you Modeus.

Modeus: Just shut up and made love to me!

Y/n lend down and the two made out even more as the two share some moans as they roll around the bed as they continue to make out. Soon Modeus took off her bra and underwear which she is now naked.

Then we see Y/n sat up fork his bed while Modeus is giving Y/n a blow job as she sucks his dick while Y/n moaned and hold tightly onto the bed as Modeus let's out some moans as she licks her tongue around Y/n's dick as Y/n let's put a few gasp and calls out.

Y/n: Shit there it comes.

After a few quick gasp he let's out a moan followed by his cum erupted out from his dick and into Modeus mouth as she drink all the cum and remove her mouth from Y/n's dick as she looks up at Y/n and had a smirk and then sat onto his waist, allow his dick to go into Modeus vigina as she start going up and down while letting out some moans.

She grabs Y/n's shoulders while Y/n wraps his arms around Modeus's waist as the two share some moans as Modeus gose a bit faster which cost them to moan even louder.

Y/n: (moaning) It's coming! Of fuck there it comes!

Modeus: (moaning) That's right darling! Don't stop! Don't stop!

Then they let it out as they let out a moan once Y/n released it. Then we see Modeus laying on the the bed with her back facing against the ceiling while she stick her ass out as Y/n sticks his dick into her and start thrusting it in and out while Modeus let's out some moans as Y/n slaps her ass which made her turn on.

Modeus: (moaning) That feels good darling~!

Yn gose faster and to more Modeus more pleasured, he grabbed her breast which she let out a moan as he continues thrusting his dick into her ass and soon he van feel it.

Y/n: There it comes! Get ready

Modeus: Anything for you darling! ANYTHING FOR YOU~!

Soon the two let out a loud moan once Y/n released it and now they were extremely tired as they lay onto the bed as they breath heavily while Y/n pulls over the blanket over them.

(Lemon ends)

They are laying there and breathing heavily as Modeus grab his arm and cuddle him while Y/n smiles and ask.

Y/n: (smile) Feel pleasured?

Modeus: (smirk) Very much so my love. Next time, I might bring more then one into our fun.

Y/n: (smirk) Whatever you say Modeus.

She nuzzled Y/n's arms and let out a yawn and shut her eyes and went to sleep. Y/n smiled and lend over and kiss Modeus on the head while he shut off the lights and he look up at the ceiling until he slowly fast asleep as the two have a good night sleep.

To be continued........................................

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