Chapter 6: The invitation
It was the night time as we see Y/n's mansion as everyone was in their rooms asleep apart of Y/n who was just brushing his teeth on his bathroom and soon he spit into the sink and then clean his face. While he dose so he suddenly hear what seems like a tap coming from his bathroom window which he look over to see a crow at his window while having a letter at it's mouth.
He apoorch the window and then opens it as he asked the crow.
Y/n: What brings you here?
The crow leave the letter in front of him and then fly off. Y/n find it odd but he shrugged and take the letter and open it and read through and let out a smirk.
Y/n: (smirk) Huh. Well then, tomorrow is gonna be interesting.
(Next day)
We see him and Issei in class as the students sat on their desk and talking among to each other as Issei yawns to himself as the teacher came into the classroom which everyone stop talking and turn to the teacher.
Male teacher: (smile) Alright students, today we have a new transfer student here. You may come in Miss.
Soon Asia came into the class room with all the students surprised by her innocent and adorable looks as she stepped in front of the class room and turn to the students and said.
Asia: (smile) Hello my name is Asia and its very nice to be your new student. I hope we can get along.
Male student 1: Holy shit! Cute girl!
Male student 2: She's so cute!
Male student 3: (smirk) I would like her to be my friend with that cute face.
Female student 1: (smile) Whoa what an adorable and innocent girl.
Y/n: (thought) Man I remember the first time I came to this more girls looked at me more then the guys.
Asia: (smile) I'm also currently staying at Y/n's place since I don't have a place to stay.
Students: (shocked) What!!!!!!!
Matsuda: (tears) Damn you Y/n!!!!!!
Motohama: (anger) How come you always get all the girls!!!!!?????
Y/n: (thought) And now they really want to kill me now.
(Short while later)
We see Y/n and the rest at the Occult research club and they were waiting for Rias ans Akeno to come. While they waited Y/n is seen reading the note that he had gotten which Issei ask him.
Issei: Say what's that?
Y/n: Oh its just a invite to this dinner with some old friends of mine.
Kiba: (smile) Really? You must have known them for a while.
Y/n: (smirk) You can say that. Let's just say I've worked with them for a while and haven't seen them for a while. Now it seems they are inviting me to have dinner with them.
Rias: How interesting. Mind if we come?
Then Rias and Akeno came into thr room as Akeno asked Y/n.
Akeno: (smile) It's interesting that you have old friends. You must tell us about them about them.
Y/n: (smirk) They live in this different world unlike this world's hell of heaven. It's actually called "Rhode world."
Rias: Huh I never heard that?
Y/n: It's like a different world. Unlike hell of heaven it's more like.....a fantasy like world filled with mythical creatures and monsters that many people read about in fiction like stories.
Issei: So wait dose that mean there is sexxy hot evle girls that I can have sex with?!
Koneko: Pervert.
Y/n: This world is very much peaceful and it's actually kinda like earth but in a way it feels like it isn't. They get into this world by using this crystal right here.
Then he shows the crystal which glow like a diamond as he gose on to explain.
Y/n: It can allow anyone to go to this world and back again. It's like a vacation to some who get their hands on these things.
Rias: Interesting, So are they in a household by any chance?
Y/n: Yeah. They are called Grand Knight order. Pretty powerful and it's leader by Artoria Pendragon, they go out to protect all life from evil. It's like a secret order of brave and honourable warriors that no one has never head off before.
Issei: (surprised) Wow they sound badass!
Rias: (smile) Indeed. Since we have nothing else to do shall we head there and check it out?
Y/n: (smirk) Sure thing.
He tossed the crystal onto thr ground in front of them which opened and they all enter through the portal and came out at the other side. Once they step out at the other side they were amazed to see that everything is like a fantasy like world and up ahead they see what looks like a huge castle like city which they were amazed by.
Akeno: (surprised) Whoa such a beaty!
Asia: (smile) It's like real like fantasy like world!
Issei: Don't see any hot elves around though.
Koneko: Maybe they smell you pervert and ran off.
Then they hear marching and they see a small group of knights lead by a purple Knight as they approach them.
Y/n: (smirk) I got this.
He apoorches them as he wave his arms to them and called out in a cheerful tone.
Y/n: (smile) Hello there, I see you knights are still around wearing your shiny armour as always.
???: Who you might be young boy?
Y/n: (smirk) Names Y/n L/n and I'm here about the dinner invite which I have right here.
He show him the letter which he looks surprised and then ask him.
???: (surprised) You're friends with sir Roberto? Knight of the death angels? Knight of the warden?
Y/n: (smirk) Yes indeed.
???: And Are they your....?
Y/n: (smirk) Friends of mine. They are devil but they are good. Well.....keep an eye on the brown hair one, he might make his way ti the girls changing rooms and peek through there.
Issei: (distance) I heard that!
Lancelot: Understood. Allow me to introduce myself, the names Sir Lancelot, at your service.
Y/n: (smirk) Cool. Now shall we meet up with the others?
Lancelot: Of course. Follow me.
(Sometime later)
They arrive at a massive mansion that was far bigger then Y/n's as the two twin doors open and three knights step out.
Y/n: (smile) Well Well Well if ain't the badass trio! Nice to see you three!
??? 1: (smile) Nice to see you as well Y/n! Been a while!
??? 2: (smile) Indeed. Its been a long time.
??? 3: See your still alive as always my rival.
Y/n: (smirk) I'll never die. Oh right this is my new friends. Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Kiba and Issei. They are devils from the Occult research club at Kouh academy.
Alice: (smile) Very nice to meet you. My name is Alice Zuberg, Third Knight of the organisation of the Grand Knight order.
Alex: The names Alex, Fifth Knight of organisation of the grand Knight order, the last Knight, the brothers of the wolf Knight and second Knight of the angel of death.
Eydis: (smile) And I'm Eydis Yuuki, Second Knight of the organisation of grand Knight order. At your services.
Rias: (smile) It's a pleasure. I must say we are surprised about thid world and your place. You must have worked ever well.
Alex: Indeed. We have worked quiet well and- Um please control the brown hair young man, if he doesn't to cut his head off from my older brother.
They turn to see Issei looking at the two girls as Y/n let out a sigh while he said.
Y/n: Oh for fuck sakes Issei.
Issei: (smirk) Say do you mind if you two will join my harem? I promise I will be great.
Eydis and Alice: Sorry but we're already gotten Married.
Issei: (shocked) What?! Aw man.
Y/n: (smirk) Nice try and good thing he's not here otherwise. He might burn you inro ashes.
Issei gets scared as they head inside as we cut to Eydis and Alice open the door to a room filled with large books along with a man reading one while drinking his wine as they step inside.
Y/n: (smirk) Well if ain't the book reading and wine drinker peerage! How is things Roberto!
Roberto: (small smile) Ah Sir Dark slayer I'm glad that you came. I also see you have brought some of your friends here as well.
Y/n: (smile) Yep. These are my friends from the Occult research club.
Rias: (smile) It's a pleasure. I am Rias Gremory.
Roberto: (smile) Nice to meet you. Been a while since we have new guests here in our world. Although I sense some devil like power within your group?
Y/n: They are devil but they're good. Trust me.
Roberto: (smile) Well a friend of Y/n is a friend of mine.
Eydis: (smile) Same here darling.
Alice: (smile) Me too.
The two girls kissed him on the cheeks while Issei gets jealous by this.
Issei: Damn it, why is it always the handsome guys have the good and pretty women!
Roberto: Is he always like this?
Y/n: (smirk) Trust me. He's a type of pervert that always wants a harem then anyone.
Roberto:.......So he's a full pervert like the three knights a while back Huh?
Y/n: Yes. Yes he is.
Then Roberto glare at Issei and suddenly changed into his Knight armor that surprised Rias and the rest.
Issei: (scared) Um why do I feel like he wants to kill me?
Y/n: (smirk) Oh yeah I forgot to mention. He really REALLY hates perverts. He even have a "training court" for people who dose dishonourable things such as disrespecting women.
Issei: (scared).....Eh?
Roberto: there anything else I should known before I put him in one of my special training?
Koneko: He flirt with your two wife's at the entrance of the mansion.
Issei: (scared) Koneko!
Next thing we see was Issei being dragged away as Issei screamed and begged for help as they watched him be dragged away.
Asia: Should we help him?
Y/n: (smirk) He got himself into this situation so he must pay the price.
Rias: (giggle) I agree. Such a naughty Issei.
Koneko: Agree.
We see them at the dinner room that looks fancy as they sat down. We see Issei breathing heavily while his body shakes a bit while Roberto is shown to be alright disbite the "training" he put him in.
Y/n: (smirk) Seems like you two had fun?
Issei: (breathing heavily) Shut the fuck up! How come he's not tired!
Y/n: (smile) He been training for a very long time. He actually enjoys it then anyone else.
Issei: I barely feel my bones.
Then the large doors open and four knights along with their leader step into the room with Rias and the rest looked amazed.
Alex: Lady Jeanne, Lady Mordred, Queen Artoria and King Eric, thank you for coming here to join us for dinner.
Eric: No worries my friend and thank you for inviting us brother. Ah! Sir Dark slayer I see you have come, glad you can join our families dinner.
Y/n: (smirk) No problem Eric, glad to be here.
They sat down and while they wait on the food Artoria asked Y/n.
Artoria: I see you have brought some new friends, sir slayer. Mind introducing them to us?
Y/n: (smile) They're from the Occult research club lead by Rias Gremory.
Rias: (smile) Very nice to meet you and an honour to be here.
Artoria: (smile) Rias Gremory. I've heard about your history, your family and your clan. I am quiet interesting about you devils world is quiet been a while since the great war.
Rias: (smile) We may have our differences but now we're in a stage of peace now. But there have been troubles that we have to deal with.
Issei: Yeah like this crazy fallen angel dude that kidnapped Asia and try to use hee scared gear to become powerful.
Jeanne: So then long blonde girl must be Asia then I'm I right?
Asia: Yeah that's me.
Jeanne: You poor girl, I heard from the report that you were ex-community with other churches and they label you as a heretic. But now meeting you your just an innocent girl who was wronged by everyone from the church. It must be sad.
Asia: Yes it was hard on me but now I'm living with Y/n and things have been great.
Jeanne: (smile) I'm very glad for that.
Roberto: (smile) You are a honorable person for keeping her happy Y/n.
Eric: (smile) Indeed. I am very glad for that.
Y/n: (smirk) What can I say. I won't stand against innocent and kind girls who are hurt by those who doesn't care about her feelings.
Eric: Agree.
Mordren: If anyone try to harm anyone I'll burn them to ashes! Ain't that right father.
Eric: (smile) Indeed my daughter. Now shall we talk about our allies after dinner? I wish to be friends with your house hold?
Rias: (smile) Of course. I will be welcome that we can be allies.
Eric: (smile) I'm glad for that.
Soon waiters came out as they set delicious foods onto the table and they dig in and it was really good as they enjoy their meal.
(Sometime later)
We see Rias group outside of the mansion at night as Rias and Eric had already sign theie allies and she even have a request which scared Issei.
Issei: (scared) W-Wait! You mean Roberto is gonna train me?
Rias: (smile) Since he is great trainer then maybe he'll might help you to master your scared gear.
Kiba: (smile) Seems like you two are gonna be training together.
Koneko: Good luck.
Issei believes his life sucks as Y/n smiled while Eric walk up to him and sinagl him to talk to him alone which he node and they walk a few step away form the rest as Eric tell him.
Eric: Listen we have heard reports of a new enemy that we were told. This demon faction are very strong, full hatred, brutally beast and unordinary monsters.
Y/n: (smirk) And you want me to take them on? No problem I'll make sure those fucks don't get a fighting chance to-
Eric: Your nemesis is also with them.
Y/n:......Nemesis? What the hell are you talking about?
Eric: Abbsy Warlord, the witch King of Sauron, The Warlord of Chaos, Slamandor the clan of shadow.
Y/n: That's Bullshit. I beat that shithead a while back and here I thought he's dead?
Eric: Well it seems now he's alive and they are looking for something and I believe they are trying to awakening something, something big. This makes me worry which is why we need more allies which is why we need you to help us before the end of Terra is near.
Y/n let out a sigh and then tossed the crystal that open the portal for Rias and the rest to go through which they do but notice a look on Y/n's face which worry some as they go through.
Then Y/n walk up to the portal but stop and tells Eric without turning to him.
Y/n: I'll.....get things ready and I needed some time to train as well. Call me when ever it's a good time to attack.
Eric: (Sigh) You should know that you're not alone right? We always counting on you and got your back no matter what.
Y/n: Guess so. Say Eric? I'm I a hero? A hero who has black armor who also shows fear to it's enemies and brutal kill them while showing no mercy to my enemies?
Eric: Maybe or maybe not. Sometimes being a hero is always about doing the right thing. Sacrificing everything for the lives of others and to protect those who can't defend themselves from those who are strong enough to kill those below them. What i heard from Asia I believe you are a hero in your own right Y/n L/n. It's not the armor that makes you a's your heart and soul.
Y/n: Guess so.....Well see you later Eric. Take care.
He then step into the portal and the portal closes in front of Eric as he smiles a bit and then head back inside to enjoy the rest of the night with his family.
To be continued.......................................
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