Chapter 40: A fancy devil party
We see all the guests at the ballroom enjoying the gathering party. Drinks and food are taking by the high ranking devil's and other race as they all enjoy the peaceful party.
On the balcony looking down at the guests we see Y/n wearing a black amd red suit as he looks down of all the guests.
Y/n: (thought) Man this is really boring. Don't give me wrong the food is fantastic but I have realise parties like this ain't suitable for someone like me. Well, just stay here till the party is over.
???: So your Y/n L/n aren't you?
He turn to see a old man along with his female bodyguard which he reply.
Y/n: Yeah, that's me. You must be?
Odin: My name is Odin, the norse god.
Y/n: Pleasure to meet you. So here to join the party?
???: It is a very important meeting to see the other devil's and maintain the peace.
Odin: This is my bodyguard Rossweisse, also known as the Valkyrie whose age is equal to the number of years without a bodyguard."
Rossweisee: Please sir don't mention that.
Odin: (chuckle) But its true. You hadn't had a boyfriend for years.
Rossweisse gets personal and a bit upset so Y/n turn to Odin then ask him.
Y/n: (smirk) Well i don't see you with your girlfriend.
Odin: What?!
Y/n: (smirk) Don't mind me. I'm just pointing out that the great King of Norse God's came here and start mocking his bodyguard about her singal life all awhile he has no one with you. So, whose the funny guy now?
Odin gets offended but didn't want to make a sense he walks away. Once gone Y/n begins to walk away as well when Rossweisse calls out to him.
Rossweisse: H-Hey!
Y/n: Yeah?
Rossweisse: Why did you do that? I'm just a simple bodyguard so I don't understand why you would-
Y/n: Cause it not cool. Plus I can tell he says that to you a lot right?
Rossweisse: Y-Yes. Its embarrassing.
Y/n: Then he's an asshole.
Rossweisse:.....You don't seem to be afraid when you talk back to him.
Y/n: (smirk) Just because he is a god, doesn't mean his power or important title scares me.
Rossweisse is a bit surprise and before he left he tells her.
Y/n: Also, I don't see why guys don't want to date you. I find you attractive.
This made Rossweisse blush as he gives her a smirk then walks away. She stood there for a moment with her chest beating.
Rossweisse: (thought) No other guy never told me how attractive I am. Can this be a possible sigh?
Y/n walks down the steps and soon meet sup Rias wearing a red dress as he came up and came up next to her.
Y/n: (smirk) Nice dress Rias.
Rias: (smile) Thank you. How is Koneko doing?
Y/n: Good. She is around somewhere.
Rias: That's good to her.
Y/n: I also know about her being a Nekomata.
Rias: Oh you did?
Y/n: Yep. She also told me about her past and what her sister did.
Rias: (smile) At least you were there to help her.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Not gonna lie...she is cute with cat ears and tail.
Rias let's out a giggle then a hand wrapped around Y/n's arm as Gamma came up next to her also wearing a dress.
Gamma: (smile) I'm please that I find you. How are things?
Y/n: All good Gamma. How are the rest of the girls doing?
Gamma: Delta and Zeta are outside being look out so not only none will not try to break in....and not have Delta eat all the food. Alpha, Beta are at the ballroom talking to the guests and Epsilon and Eta are patrolling the halls.
Y/n: Sounds good.
Rias: (smile) Agree. At least we can be safe.
Gamma: (smile) Indeed. Say Y/n, do you want to join me at the dance floor?
Rias: (smirk) Or me.
Rias wrap her arm at his other arm as the two girls wanted to dance with him. Y/n was about to decide when a young woman came over, grab Y/n and pull him to the dance floor.
It surprise the two and soon they were gone. Y/n is seen dancing with the girl and that's when she recognise her.
Y/n: Ravel?
Ravel: (blush) Greetings Y/n. Been a long time since we last seen each other.
Y/n: I'll say. How is your brother?
Ravel: He's been depress ever since the Rating game.
Y/n: Right. I suppose it's because of me isn't it?
Ravel: Yeah. He even has nightmares about you.
Y/n: Damn, sorry for doing that to your brother.
Ravel: It's alright. Besides he got what it is coming to him. Even his peerages talk about you and wanted to meet you.
Y/n: (surprised) Wait what?
Ravel: Yeah. It turns out aftee the rating game, Riser closes himself off from everyone and that's when his peerage began talking about you. Saying how cool you were, how powerful you truly were and even how sexxy you are. They couldn't stop talking about you.
Y/n: (thought) That would explain the mail I have been getting.
Y/n: Well maybe i can come back someday and patch things up with him.
Ravel: You'll do that?
Y/n: What happens in the past stays in the past. Can't change it, just accept it.
Ravel is a bit surprise and blushes a bit which Y/n notice and ask her.
Y/n: (smirk) You find me attractive don't ya?
Ravel: (blush) Shut up idiot!
Y/n just chuckle which made her blush more. Things are calm when suddenly all that is interrupted when a twin doors open and everyone turn to a man which Odin calls out.
Odin: You arrogant fool?!
Loki: Greetings, I am the Norse God Loki.
Sirzechs: Lord Loki, you may be a Norse God of mischief, but that gives you no right to cause problems here.
Loki: Seeing Odin, our great All-Father mingling with lesser mythologies cause me to suffer indescribable torment, Sirzechs.
Odin: Leave Loki, if you return to Valhalla immediately, I'll forgive you for this public affront.
Loki: Really? And who will stop me?
Then the Shadow Garden suddenly appear around him then Y/n came up next to Loki with sword in hand.
Y/n: (smirk) We are buddy. Listen here and listen good, this is a nice party and we are all enjoying it. Now has about you turn around and leave.
Loki: (smirk) So your the Dark slayer. Tales of you has been heard throughout Valhalla.
Y/n: (smirk) Thanks and hope heard about you. The Norse God being defeated by a groups of super hero's- Oh wait, sorry, I was talking about Marvel's Loke although you two are familiar. Do you play as him?
Loki: You will regret your mocking of me once Ragnarok arrives.
Y/n: (smirk) Is that a threat? If it is then we have to kick you out.
Loki: (smirk) Then may I introduce to my son.
Then suddenly a portal opens and massive wolf like creature crashes down which cost the Shadoe Garden to split off as the wolf creature growls at them.
Y/n: That's your son? I know Issei may have some weird stuff but don't tell me you made love to a wolf?
Loki: Fenrir, teach him a lesson.
Fenrir launches towards Y/n shich he dodges all awhile the whole place begin to rumble and things start to fall. Large ruble was about to crush Asia only for Akeno to shoot lighting, saving her.
Y/n avoided Fenrir bites when Akeno got it's attention by shooting lighting at him. He then turns to her and then launches towards her.
Y/n: Oh no you don't!
He quickly pulls out his spear and opene a portal in front of Fenrir which he goes through. We cut to him outside as he crashes to the ground then we cut to inside the ballroom as Y/n closes the portal.
Y/n: Now he's an outside dog.
Akeno: (smile) Thanks Y/n.
He nodes then turns to Loki and points his spear at him.
Y/n: Okay man, give you one final warning. Leave now or I'll kick your ass.
Loki: Very well then....but Ragnarok will be awaken soon.
He then opens a portal behind him and he goes through. Once gone a man came over to Akeno and ask her if she is okay only to not respond.
She walks over to Y/n while the man turn and walk off which Y/n ask her.
Y/n: Whose that guy?
Akeno: My father.
Y/n: Oh......right.
Then the rest of the Shadow Garden came over to check on their leader while Azazel came up to them.
Azazel: Looks we have may have a problem in our hands.
Y/n: Yeah. Looks like we have to go other there and stop him?
Azazel: Seems about right. Y/n follow me.
Y/n: Sure.
(Somtime later)
The two are seen deep within what looks like a chamber and when they arrive at the bottom Azazel opens the door and Y/n sees a crystal ball sat in the middle of the room.
Y/n walks over and stare at it. He sees it to be completely black which he stare at it for a bit more then ask.
Y/n: So what is this thing?
Azazel: This contains an ancient being. We don't know where it comes from but we do know what it is capable of. We called it "The wrath of darkness."
Y/n: Interesting name. Mind telling me what it does?
Azazel: Legends say that this being is pure of darkness and will possess anyone who tries to release it. Those who do get possess would immediately go insane due to how powerful the being is. Only those who are fully strong with the darkness can be able to take control of it.
Then Azazel looks up at Y/n as he turns to the crystal ball and had a feeling that the being is staring back at him as Azazel finish it off saying.
Azazel: That is why I believe you are capable of wielding the being and use his defeat Loki.
To be continued.........................................
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