Chapter 4: The past of the fallen Priestess

At what looks like an underground like base we see the fallen angels within a large room with the head falling angel have gotten world that Asia had escape which angers the head fallen angel as he throws his sword at the wall in frustration which the sword stabbed into the wall while he doesn't turn to his fallen angels as he tells them.

???: Find Asia and going her to me alive. Kill anyone who gets in our way. We must not allow our plan to fail.

Kalawarner: Yes sir.

Mittelt: We get it done.

Dohnaseek: Do not worry, we will find her soon.

The trio head out to find Asia while we see Raynare as he turn and was about to leave when the head Fallen angel ask her.

???: Where do you think your going?

Raynare turns to him face him as he turns to her and walk up to her as Raynare tells him.

Raynare: I-I'm joining the rest to find Asia?

???: You fail to kill the red dragon emperor so why do I allow you to go out there and find Asia knowing that you have failed me once.

Raynare: S-Sir allow me to redeem myself by finding Asia for you. I will proof to you, please.

He glare at her, thinking he should kill her right here and now since no one isn't around but instead he turns away from her and tells her.

???: If you fail me again Raynare. Then your life will be immediately be taking once you come back.

Raynare nodes as she swallow her fear away and then turn and walk out of the room, leaving the head fallen angel be as he stand in the empty room alone and waiting for one of hid fallen angels to return with Asia by their hands.


It was a nice morning Saturday as we see Asia at Y/n's mansion so he can keep her safe whike also having a roof over her heard as we can see her at the living room being introduced by many of demons girls that show to be very nice to her while we see Y/n at the kitchen as Lucifer walks up to him and tells him.

Lucifer: She seems to be friendly with the others?

Y/n: (smile) Looks like it. You don't mind Asia staying here for a bit?

Lucifer: As long there is no holy stuff in the house then sure, I don't mind. You think Freed or any of those Fallen Angels might go after her?

Y/n: Maybe but I'll keep her safe.

Lucifer nodes while Asia enters the kitchen to see Y/n and once in the kitchen Y/n ask her.

Y/n: (smile) So what do you think?

Asia: (smile) They are really nice people. I never suspected demons to be soo nice and caring.

Y/n: (smirk) Don't blame you. Say this is Lucifer, our greatest cook and someone you don't want to mess with.

Asia: (surprised) Lucifer. You mean the one that defied God and fell from grace?!

Lucifer: (sigh) Yeah I am and also it was more of a argument then defieding the gods will. I swear remember about it makes me piss off.

Asia: Oh I'm sorry.

Lucifer: No your alright. Glad to have you here and glad to meet everyone else in this house. You see Y/n was the one who took us in to his mansion and in return for taking care of us, we help him as best we can.

Y/n: (smirk) What can I say. I'm a nice guy and always help others.

Asia: (smile) That's really nice of you to do that. I knew you are a nice person.

Y/n: (smirk) I'm always nice to people and help them around. Say Asia, let's heaf out and I can show you more around turn that now your no longer serves to those Fallen Angels or that psychopath like priest.

Asia: (smile) Sure thing. It be fun.

Y/n: (smile) Cool. Let's roll.

The two head out and once Y/n's shuts the door we see Modeus, Ceberus and Justice watch them leave in the living room and once they were gone the Ceberus 1,2,3 said.

Ceberus 1,2,3: Asia is very nice!

Justice: (smirk) Yeah. She's not a type of girl who hadn't done anything bad.

Modeus: She's also very sweet. But not as sweet as I am towards darling.

Justice: You really do have some issues Modeus.

Modeus: Says to the girl who handcuffs darling on the bed on Sunday night.

Justice: (smirk) Oh yeah heheheh~ What a great night.


We see Asia and Y/n arrive at the mall as we see them at the cafe as Y/n is eating his hamburger that he gotten as he eats it and looks over to see Asia looking at the burger which he ask her.

Y/n: You okay Asia?

Asia: Oh I'm fine it's just....I never have a hamburger before.

Y/n: (surprised) Seriously? Damn hamburgers was awesomely delicious. It's like a sandwich, just grab it on both hands and take a bite.

Asia: Oh okay.

She picks up the hamburger and then takes a small bit and eats it.

Y/n: (smile) Well, is it good?

Asia: (smile) It's very delicious.

Y/n: (smile) Glad you like it. We can come back here someday and try out something else.

Asia: (smile) Sounds great. So Y/n how did you met with the demon girls at your mansion?

Y/n: That's a long story but in short I've encountered Lucifer at the street while I encouraged Modeus trying to make love to every guy and Justice just appear one day in front of my doorstop and she let herself in. There is a fee more but they're either doing their jobs or doing other stuff.

Asia: (smile) Sounds interesting.

Y/n: (smile) Yep, they are like a family to me and I take care of them no matter what. I'll do anything to make them happy and safe.

Asia: (smile) That's so grateful for you.

Y/n: Yeah but I also get involve with their shenanigans that I have to get them out of situations.

Asia: Like what kind?

Y/n: Um let's see. One time Justice dress up as a police officer and try to play as an actor with Modeus with her......let's just say 15 minutes later they were arrested for police impersonation.

Asia: Oh my.

Y/n: Yeah and this one time Modeus made a love potion that she accidentally spilled to the others. Let's just say it's a good thing no one doesn't remember what they did and still don't till this day.

Asia: (giggle) I see.

Y/n: (smile) Still disbite eveyething I still love them. I mean my life wouldn't even more fun with them around.

Asia: (smile) I agree, they are really nice.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah they are.

Once they pay for the meal they make their way out and soon enter a arcade where they play some arcade like games. One arcade game involves a claw machine which Asia sees a cute stuff mouse so Y/n insert a coin in and force of getting the claw to grab the stuff mouse. He gets it on the first try and once the stuff mouse slide into the hole, he hands it to Asia who takes it and hugs it.

Asia: (smile) Thanks Y/n. It's really cute.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Asia.

She then hugs Y/n which surprised him but he smiled and hugs her while Asia's heart skip a beat as she blushed to hugging Y/n. Once that they leave the mall and make their way to the park where they sat down at the fountain as the two talk more until Y/n ask Asia a question.

Y/n: Say Asia I wanna know about your past. How cone your working with Freed and those Fallen Angels?

Asia: Well you see I did something many years back taht was the greatest sin in my life.

Y/n: And what would that be?

Asia: You see, many years back I was abandoned by my parents in front of the church and the head church took me in. They later soon found out that i was given amazing healing powers so they took me to an Elite church where I use my powers to heal wounds and making others better. Things were going well until one night I stumble apon a injured man which I healed turns out he was a devil and when everyone found out, they called me a witch and I was banished.

Y/n: Damn I'm truly sorry about that. Still disbite that man being a devil, you were only trying to help.

Asia: I know but I felt like I did a terrible job and I'm deeply ashamed on my actions. God is probably look down on me as a witch.

Y/n: Your not a witch Asia. You never were. Those jackasses doesn't understand about anything and how kind your really are. If anything I'll find those guys and beat the shit out of them for banishing a girl who only wants to help others even if they are devil or angel. If you wish to help everything you can then your no witch to me, it shows how really kind you are and you not caring what race he or she is as long you make them better.

He stood up and looks at Asia with a smile as he gose on to tell her.

Y/n: (smile) You have a good heart Asia, a heart to help others no matter what and with that I respect that. You've done everything in your power to protect those your heal and now someone will protect you and that someone would be me. No matter what Asia, I'll be the one that will protect you.

Asia: (surprised) Y/n.

???: Well how adorable of you to say that.

They look over to see Raynare in the middle of the fountain as she looks at them while Y/n leaps onto the fountain and said with a smirk.

Y/n: (smirk) So your the women that stabbed Issei on you bothe first date.

Raynare: (smirk) And your the one that is protecting him and now your protecting Asia.

Y/n: (smirk) If you wish to kill her then goof luck with that. I'll make sure your hands won't lay a hand on her.

Raynare: (smirk) Your mistaken. You see, I'm here to kidnapped Asia and bring her to our leader.

Y/n: Why?

Raynare: (smirk) Because our leader wants her sacred gear and promised her that we can all go to heaven once again.

Y/n: (smirk) You think he'll just let you guys come with him? If anything he just gonna back stab you all and have the power to himself. I've seen this before and I can tell he will-

Suddenly a holy spear stabs through Y/n's stomach as Asia is worried that is he critical hurt while Raynare smirks but was shocked when Y/n casually pulls out the spear from his stomach and once that his open wound immediately gets healed while he smirks and tells Raynare.

Y/n: (smirk) Ow that hurts....if I actually hurts. Honestly you gonna have a better way to hurt me because that was nothing?

Raynare: (smirk) You sure about that?

Then the spear start to flash and suddenly it blows up, sending Y/n flying amd crashing onto the pillar and onto the water.

Y/n: Ow. That hurts a bit.

He slowly gets up and then summons his sword to block Raynare's strike as the two clash blade at each other while Asia watched in worry and hopes that Y/n will win.

Raynare is surprised how skilled he is as she gone in defence and blocking Y/n's strikes and then he kicks he'd back and then pulls out his Pistol and fired at Raynare but she dodges and then throws her spear at him but he dodges it and then charge towards her and swings a kick at her but she grab his foot and then slammed him onto the water follow by Raynare place her foot onto hid back.

She summons another spear and try to land a strike at her but Y/n summons his spear and opens a void below him and he sucks in while Raynare stabs the floor and sees that he is gone.

She looks around for him and then a void opens above her and then Y/n fell and crash on top of her as Raynare was on the ground as Y/n place his foot onto her while he has his sword at her as he give her a smirk as he tells her.

Y/n: (smirk) Looks like you have to go back to the drawing board because your kidnapped plan has failed.

Raynare growl at Y/n and try to reach over to grab her spear that was near her and she was close when suddenly they hear Asia scream and they look over to see Asia being grabbed by a male fallen angel as he looks up at Y/n ans Raynare.

Y/n: Asia!

He charges towards the man but suddenly he reach out his hand and created a massive blast tagt sent Y/n flying and he crash onto thr ground while Raynare stood up and called out.

Raynare: (surprised) The one! You came!

Y/n: (thought) So he's the guy that Loremaster told me about.

The one: Raynare you have failed me for the last time. I am very much disappointed of you.

Raynare: What?! B-But I've found Asia for you! Please, give me another chance!

The One: Enough!

He created a string wind from his wings that blows Raynare back and she fell onto thr ground whike the one summons his spear and tells Raynare.

The one: Your failure will no longer be needed in my ranks Raynare. For your failures, you will die.

He throws his spear towards Raynare while she froze there and can't believe this is how she will die. But then Y/n came in front of her and hits the spear away from Raynare with his sword while she was surprised by this as she looks at Y/n as he looks at the one and tells him.

Y/n: Let Asia go you dick head. Whatever your plans with her that will never happen. I will make sure she is protected at all cost.

The one: You are a fool. Once I have her sacred gear I will be more powerful then anything in this world. Once that I will take revenge apon the gods and be thr rulers 9f heaven once and for all!

Raynare: (shocked) What?! But you said that you can take us to heaven once you have her scared gear?

The one: I lied. From the very beginning. I only needed you to achieve my goal and have no one stop me and my plans. As soon I have my sacred gear I will kill your fallen angel friends and use my new power to take over Heaven. Heaven will be mine to rule!

Raynare: (anger) How dare you lie to us!

The one: Enough talk, time to make my leave. Goodbye Y/n.

Y/n: No! Asia!

He rushes to save Asia but the two disappeared within seconds as he looks around and see that Asia is gone. Then he hears crying behind him and turns to see Raynare crying after she was not only being betrayed but also lied to. She cries but stopped when Y/n walks up to her and she look up at him. She knows he wishes to kill her so she lower her heard and ready to be killed. But nothing happened so she look up and see Y/n reaching out a hand towards her which surprised her as Y/n look at her and tell her.

Y/n: (smile) Come on Raynare. We're not gonna sit here a cry about it. Time to find this asshole and stop him.

Raynare is surprised by how he immediately wants to work with her. With no choice she wipes the tears away and takes Y/n's hand and he helps her up.

Raynare: After eveyething I did you willing to work with me after all the things I did.

Y/n: None od us ain't perfect Raynare. But I believe in second chances and that means I know you can chance, I don't care you are a Fallen angel anyone can change for the better.

Raynare is surprised by this as the two make their leave to the park while Raynare ask him.

Raynare: But how can we face down The one and his army? We're outnumber.

Y/n: (smirk) Not exactly. I know one house hold that be will help us of stopping The one and rescuing Asia from him.

And so they head off to ask for help with a house hold that Y/n knows off so they can make a plan and rescue Asia while stopping The one's plans before he can succeed.

To be continued.....................................

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