Chapter 38: A vacation to the underworld
We see Y/n in the living room on the call with Azazel. It sounded interesting as he tells Azazel he'll be down there and after he hung up he turn to see Lucifer and the rest od the girls standing behind him which Lucifer was the first to ask.
Lucifer: So what's going on?
Y/n: (smile) Well Azazel call me to tell me about Rias qms hee house hold are going down to the underworld as a vacation. I figure I can join them.
Lucifer: Huh sounds fun. I don't recall being down there for years.
Manlina: A vacation to the underworld......don't see why not.
Raynare: I never been to the underworld before. I heard it's an awful place to be.
Y/n: Not really. I've been there a few times and it's pretty good. So, you girls wanna head down there?
Lucifer: Sure. Besides I know someone who might let us stay.
Kalawarner: Who?
Lucifer: Um....Well I'll tell you when we get there. But we should get ready.
Y/n: Right. I'll tell the Shadow Garden and we'll head down.
They get excited as they pack everything they needed for the vacation and after they were done Y/n opens a portal to the underworld and they all go through as they make their way to the underworld.
They arrive at a massive city which are the territory of the Gremory family. It was an amazing and large territory with many exciting things to do as Y/n and the girls walk through the streets and soon arrive at their location.
They arrive at a gaint mansion with goat like statues as the group walk through the gate.
Y/n: Looks like your friend loves goats.
Lucifer: Yes....a bit too much.
Y/n: Is that bad?
Lucifer: You'll see when you meet her.
They approach the door then knock the door. Seconds later a butler opens the door and greets them inside. They enter the main lobby and look around.
????: Lucifer! It has been a long time!
Then a woman came down the steps and rush over and hugs Lucifer.
Lucifer: Greetings Baphomet. How are you?
Baphomet: (smile) Good. I haven't heard from you for some time now. How come you never visit me?
Lucifer: I've been busy.
Baphomet: (smile) Well I'm just glad you all are here. I'll have my butler show you all to your rooms where all of you will be staying.
She clap her hand and more butlers came and guide them to their rooms. After they set theie stuff into their rooms we see Lucifer and Y/n at the living room with Baphomet as Y/n introduce himself.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks for letting us stay here. My name is-
Baphomet: (giggle) No need to introduce yourself, I know who you are.
Y/n: Really? How?
Baphomet: (smile) Well everyone here knows you. The one they united angels, fallen angels and devil's, a dark slayer that was once evil now becomes a protector and the greatest warrior of all time. Your famous here.
Y/n: (surprised) Huh. I'm famous here, cool.
Baphomet: (smile) So what plans are you all gonna do?
Lucifer: I think qome exploring then meet up with Rias and and her group.
Baphomet: That's nice. Oh ah Luci, can you do me one favour?
Lucifer: What is it?
Then a butler came up next to Baphomet with a briefcase which he opens to reveal money. Then Baphomet'q face turn perverted as she ask Lucifer.
Baphomet: Can you tranform into a goat for me? I'll give you a lot of money.
Y/n: Um why is she acting like Issei all of a sudden?
Lucifer: (sigh) I guess this is a good time to tell you a little know fact about Baphomet. She has a thing......with furries. Her favourite are goats.
Y/n: Huh that would explain those statues outside.
Lucifer then smirk a bit then she snap hee finger and turn Y/n into a goat.
Y/n: What the hell!
Baphomet: (smirk) Even better!
Then she launch towards Y/n and cuddle him. Y/n glance at Lucifer while she had a devilish smirk as the butler hands her the case filled with money.
Y/n just smirks at her while Baphomet and Y/n begin to make out.
(Sometime later)
We find Y/n back to his human form and has meet up with Rias and the others at the spar bath that is located on a nice veiw of a cliff. Y/n is in the warm bath as he really enjoys it.
Y/n: God this feels so good.
???: (smirk) You can say that again.
Then he noticed he is with Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko and Xenovia. Then he ask them.
Y/n: Where's Issei and the rest?
Issei: Down here?
He swam over and looks down to see the guys qt another spar bath down below.
Y/n: Yo Issei! How are things down there!?
Issei: Shut up man! Can we swap, please.
Y/n: (smirk).......Nah.
He then move out of view which angers Issei while Azazel and Kiba laugh.
Rias: (giggle) I'm glad we can relax for a moment and enjoy our time here.
Y/n: Yeah. Especially in your families territory. I mean damn Rias, you didn't tell me your family owns qn entire country.
Rias: (giggle) Guess I didn't.
Asia: (smile) It sure is a nice place. Good thing we came here without any harm.
Y/n: Without any harm? What do you mean?
Akeno: Well there was trouble on a train ride here and let's just say we were jumped into a training by Tannin.
Y/n: Who?
Akeno: A purple dragon and a former dragon king.
Y/n: (shocked) Wow, wow, wow, wow! Wow! You guys fought a dragon!?
Rias: Well more like a test of our power but yes.
Y/n: Still cool.
Rias: Tomorrow we'll be doing some training to improve our power and team work.
Y/n: Sounds good.
Asia: What about you? Any plans for you?
Y/n: Probably some sight seeing then check out this base Alpha have placed for the Shadow Garden. It be a temporary base but she told me there will be a gathering in a few days.
Rias: That's good to hear.
Y/n looks over at Koneko who hasn't been talking so he swam over ans sat next to her.
Y/n: (smile) You good Koneko? You haven't talked much.
Koneko: I'm fine.
Y/n can tell something is bothering her. Not wanted to piss her off he swam back then Xenovia came over and tells Y/n.
Xenovia: You noticed something is up with Koneko?
Y/n: Yeah I know she isn't much as a talking type but I can tell something is bothering her.
Xenovia: Yeah and she taking her training too seriously recently. Ever since we came here, she try to fight Tannin all her own only to be beaten down.
Y/n: (surprised) Seriously?! She usually wait for orders or wait for a right moment to strike.
Xenovia: Agree.
Y/n: (sigh) This is like Kiba all over again.
He looks over at Koneko and is concerned for her.
After his spar bath he decided to explore the mountains so he gets up to a highest point where he sees the entire Gremory territory.
He takes a quick picture with his phone and looks at the veiw. Suddenly something crash behind him and he turns to see a gaint pueple dragon.
???: Ah you must be the dark slayer that I heard about.
Y/n: Yes? I'm gonna take a guess and say your Tannin?
Tannin: Indeed I am. I must say it is an honour to meet you in person. Your tale has been spread across the underworld.
Y/n: Yeah Baphomet told me how famous I am.
Azazel: So you met her. She is quite a interesting person.
Then Azazel came over ams stood next to him which Y/n ask him.
Y/n: You met hee before?
Azazel: A few times. She loves to talk about goats.
Y/n: Yeah she does. She even wanted Lucifer to turn into a goat.
Azazel: (chuckle) So what are your plans for today?
Y/n: Probably do some exploring and do some shopping. Heard they have some good shops. Not to mention good restaurants.
Azazel: (smirk) The foods are really good. Say, whenever you have time, you should meet up with Rias and the others will her home. Her parents would like to see you.
Y/n: (smirk) Bet Rias told them about my arrival. Anyways I should get back. See you tomorrow man.
Azazel: (smile) Same to you.
Tannin: Enjoy your time here Y/n.
Y/n node then he walks away. Once he was gone Tannin then ask Azazel.
Tannin: He seem powerful but you sure about it?
Azazel: (smirk) Have some faith my friend.
Then he pulls out a black crystal ball as he hold it out and stare at it.
Azazel: (smirk) When the time comes......he'll wield this power. I know he will over come it.
Then red eyes reveal itself within the crystal ball as the being inside stare back at Azazel as he smirks.
In an alleyway we see a woman with long black hair and cat like ears on the roof looking at the veiw of the city. Then Bikou came up behind hee then ask her.
Bikou: What are you doing up here?
???: (smirk) I'm just looking at the veiw. It sure is nice. You think my sister is here?
Bikou: That's what I've heard. If Rias ans her hour hold is here then she might be with them.
???: (smirk) How exciting.
She turns back to the veiw as she looks at the veiw for a moment as she then said.
???: (smirk) I can't wait to see my sister after all these years. Koneko........I can't wait to see you again.
To be continued.................................................
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