Chapter 37: The first mission team up

We see Asia walking by the park in the middle of the night. Things seem normal at first when Asia was hit by strong wind follow by something came in front of her which was a massive monster.

The monster let's out a roar while Asia scream while she turn around and make a run. The monster stare at her and was about to do something when a can suddenly hits him on the head and he turn to see Y/n.

Y/n: (smirk) Hey ugly.  If this is your attempt to get a girl, maybe not look like an ugly slime fuck.

The monster roared and goes to attack him when suddenly its arm gets cut off by Alpha. The monster stare at her snd was about to do something when his head gets cut off by Delta. Soon the rest of the Shadoe Garden came out and begin to cut down the monster while Asia watched them.

Soon the monster was nothing but mud as Y/n stood in front of his team.

???: (smirk) So this is your new house hold huh?

Then Rias came out of the forest with a smirk. Then Kiba, Akemo, Xenovia, Issei and Koneko came out as they approach him and his Shadow Garden.

Alpha: Indeed. We are the Shadow Garden and Y/n is our Shadow Lord.

Xenovia: (surprised) That was incredible. That monster didn't stand a chance.

Akemi: (giggle) Oh Y/n, you gonna make me jealous seeing you hanging out with attractive girls.

Y/n: (smirk) So any ideas what was that monster?

Rias: Well that monster have been going only taking women's underwear.

Beta: If I have to take a guess, it must be someone who create it. This monster isn't as powerful and it seem to be mindless.

Alpha: Beta is right.

Gamma: So there is a pervert creating monsters that onky takes women's underwear.

Then the Shadow Garden all stare at Issei which he panic and tells them.

Issei: (panic) Wait! I didn't do nothing! Honest!

Rias: For once Issei is innocent. Our plan was to lower the monster to an open area for us to ambush it but it seems you did it for us.

Y/n: Huh sorry for that.

Rias: (smirk) Nah that's fine.

Y/n: Still your not the only one that knows about this creature. In fact.....we might know who is making it. Epsilon.

Epsilon: For what I can gather, someone is using holy spells to bring these creatures to life. No wonder it doesn't seem to harm anyone unless they are provoked. But this person also must be using dark magic as well. I pinned down to one person, someone by the name The Legendary Sage.

Xenovia: I heard about him. He was a former priest of a church years ago. Not sure what happen to him.

Rias: In that case I think it's time to pay him a little visit.

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah and teach this guy a lesson.

Rias: Let's not try to harm him. We might need to call Miss Michael so she can bring him to heaven.

Y/n: Okay. Alright Shadow Garden, let's move!

(Sometime later)

They arrive at a ruined holy temple where the Legendary sage is hiding. They enter and take the stairs down and soon they arrive what seems like a laboratory for underwear.

They then spotted him at the far back on his knees and sorting out the stolen underwear into a suitcase.

Y/n: (whisper) That must be him.

Rias: (whisper) Indeed.

Y/n: (whisper) Okay then. Zeta, Epsilon, Gemma, stay outside and guard the exit.

They agree and once they left Y/n was the first to walk towards the man and once close his aim his pistol at the back of head which he stopped immediately.

Y/n: (smirk) Going somewhere fella?

Legendary Sage: What? Who are yo-

Y/n: (smirk) The guy who isn't a creepy guy stealing women's underwear for your sick collection. I mean, I thought Issei is a creep but your even more of a creep.

Issei: I heard that!

Legendary Sage: (gets up) You seem to not underwear what I am doing here. I wish to achieve. I can't help but see them and feel them. Ever since I accidentally touch one melon, I became obsessed. I wish to understand the glory of underwear by performing a spell that let's me to become a god of underwear.

Y/n: Jeez you really are a creep.

Koneko: No kidding.

Issei: Wait! I know what it feels like seeing underwear. Looking at an underwear is glorious! Having one at your hands is heaven.

Legendary sage: Your like me! Now watch as I perform a spell that grants me knowledges of the underwear.

Y/n: Yeah I have a enough of this.

He pushes him away and then takes out a lighter, lights it and toss it into the case with begins to burn.

Legendary Sage: Nnnnnoooooo!!!! You fool! Look what you have done! Underwears are glorious! Your nothing but pure evil. Evil I say... EVI-

Then Y/n punches him in the face, knocking him out.

Y/n: Man what a weirdo.

Akeno: (smile) Well that was sure easy.

Delta: Aaaww but I didn't get to kill anyone.

Y/n: Sorry about that but I'll make it to you by having Lucifer to make you lots of meat.

Delta: (smile) Yay!

Rias: (smile) How's about we come with. We like to get along with your house hold.

Y/n: (smile) Sure, just let me pick up this guy and we head out.

They all left with Y/n carrying the Legendary sage. Issei was left in the room as he stare at the case on fire as he then mutters out.

Issei: He really is pure evil.


After Miss Michael takes Legendary Sage away, the occult result club were at Y/n's house where Lucifer make some dinner while everyone gets along.

We see Alpha sipping hee tea when Rias came over to greet her.

Rias: (smile) Nice to meet you Alpha. I hope your glad to be with Y/n.

Alpha: (smile) Indeed. He's such a great leader and we sure love him. It's no wonder you and the other girls love him.

Rias: (smirk) Yeah, he's very attractive. You know it's interesting to meet an elf. I believe I've never seen an elf before.

Alpha: (smile) I can understand why. Elvis normally hide away from humans or devil's.

Rias: (smile) Understandable.

We then see Gamma and Akeno getting along as the two let out soft laughs.

Akeno: (smile) I must say you look beautiful. Tell me, do you flirt with Y/n?

Gamma: (smile) Indeed and he knows how to be attractive. So Queen Huh. Tell me, do you and Rias have something going on or is that just a title.

Akeno: (giggle) Perhaps it's both.

Gamma: (smile) Oh my.

Then we see Asia and Beta near the door as the two have a friendly chat.

Asia: (smile) Your very sweet and kind Beta.

Beta: (smile) Thanks and your very cute. Say, Y/n told me you have a cute familiar as well, can I see him?

Asia: Oh sure.

She the summon Rassei and when he appear Beta takes him and hugs him.

Beta: (smile) Aaawww your such a cutie pie~! Is this what all familiars are like?

Asia: (smile) Well not all familiars. Rassei is sometimes a trouble maker. Whenever I summon him in front of Issei, he seems to attack him.

Beta: (smile) What about Kiba and Y/n?

Asia: (smile) I think he's gone combinable with Y/n the most. Since I've stayed with him, Rassei seem to grow to like him.

Beta: (smile) That's cute.

Then we go to the kitchen to see Koneko eating and then glance over to see Delta eating away an entire pile of meat that Lucifer made.

Zeta: (smile) I can tell your not a dog girl aren't ya?

Then Zeta came up to Koneko while she turn to her and just reply.

Koneko: I'm more of a cat.

Zeta: (smirk) Can't blame you. Delta is such an annoying mut.

Delta: Your so mean Zeta!

Zeta: (smirk) Just speaking out the truth. Is that a problem?

Delta growls but goes back to eating. Koneko doesn't say much however Zeta does sense something off about Koneko but she leaves her be.

Then we see Eta and Epsilon talking with Kiba and Xenovia near the living room.

Kiba: (smile) So what things do you make for the shadoe Garden Eta?

Eta: You know some tools and gear for the team.

Epsilon: Yeah that's how we cut this suits. The suits we wear is pretty special. Ever heard of Slime bodysuits? No matter how powerful the enemies are, our suit repairs itself meaning our suit will never be torn off.

Xenovia: (surprised) Huh that is interesting.

Epsilon: Yeah however there have been some....issues.

Kiba: Like what?

Then they heard something fell and look down to see two Slime balls on the floor. They look over to see her chest dripping but seconds later the slime balls return to her chest and they see they are not actually her breast.

There was some silence until the two said in an awkward tone.

Kiba and Xenovia: Oh.....I see.

Epsilon: Tell this to anyone and you both are dead.

Kiba and Xenovia: Right.

We see Y/n on top of the staircase watching this and then Azazel sat down next to him and a him.

Azazel: (smile) So liking this.

Y/n: (smirk) Yep. Looks like the Khaos Brigade are better watch out cause the Shadow Garden are going to strike when they at least suspect.

Azazel: (smirk) Yeah. Cheers.

The two tap glass and takes a drink as they enjoy the rest of the party.

(Next day)

It was the next day and we see Y/n getting out of bed. He yawns and heads to the bathroom to get himself washed and teeth clean.

With a towel around him, he make his way to his closest and opens it to get his cloths. He looks at his closest for a second and scream in fright to sees Uriel in his closest.

Y/n: What the fuck are you doing here!?

Uriel: Morning Y/n. We came here to check on you.

Y/n: We?

???: That being us.

He turn only to see Sandalphon sitting at his desk with her laptop on the table as she turn to him.

Sandalphon: We came over since we heard about your Shadow Garden so we came here just to check up.

Y/n: And you came here without announced?

???: Oh please everyone goes into your hours without announcement.

He looks over to see Gabriel, Metatron and Raphael there near his bed.

Y/n: So you just came here to check up or what?

Sariel: Indeed Y/n.

He turn to see Sariel right in front of him with her massive breast close to him as Sariel tells him.

Sariel: Disbite your darkness, you use your darkness for goof which brings me such joy to see someone using such evil for good. Your truly the most kindness person yet.

She pull him over and breadt hugged him while at the same time his towel fell which Sariel immediately let's go so he can pick up his towel but they were immediately surprised to see his large packet.

They were blushing while Y/n just sighs and turns to Uriel.

Y/n: Hey Uriel can you pass me my clothes, I'm gonna get change in the bathroom, thanks.

Once he have his clothing he enters the bathroom to get changed all awhile they all stood there with amazement for what they seen.

To be continued.........................................

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