Chapter 34: A united together
A massive blast sent trees flying as we see Vali and Issei fighting each other as the two strike blows at each other. Issei, filled with anger that Vali may take away breast from women battles Vali with everything he has.
He land some powerful blows at Vali while Vali himself tries his best to blocks his attacks but he catches his attacks. Their battles continue while Y/n watches this with a sigh.
Y/n: (thought) The only reason he is all powered up is because he fights for breast. I swear I sometimes hate him.
He make his way over just as Vali lands a blow at Issei that sent him back but he was caught by Y/n and then pushed away while he tells him.
Y/n: How's about you ease off your power level will you. Keep this up and there will be nothing left.
Issei: You just don't understand! That guy was gonna make all the girls chest small! We can't let that happen!
Vali: I will what?
Y/n: What about humanity and everything besides chest.
Issei: Y-Yeah and those as well.
Y/n just sighs only for Issei to be punched and be sent back while Y/n leaps back and then he land on his feet.
Y/n: Thanks for that, that gut really needs to get punched in the face.
Vali: What about you? What do you fight for?
Y/n: I fight just to make sure this war will not start. War will harm a lot of innocent people.
Vali: And yet you are a dark slayer. A dark warrior fighting for the innocent? That is something to laugh about.
Y/n: I'll be the one to laugh about after I defeat you.
After he changed to his second armor he dashes towards Vali and the two being to brawl. The two landed quick blows and punches at each other while the trees around them breaks away.
Then the two clash their fist which cost a shockwave as the two hold there for a bit and then Vali blast him, sending him back as he crash through trees but he grabs hold onto the ground until he breaks out of the forest and into the football field.
The battle was getting more intense and everyone is begin to lose theie strength. Y/n looks over and notice everyone is beginning to lose their ground as they begin to get defeated one way one.
He then spotted Rias standing her ground as she created spells to block incoming attacks. Y/n noticed a massive attacks and he try to get to her only for the Rias spells break and she gets hit.
Y/n: Rias!
He rush over to her only to be tackled by Vali. He slammed his head onto the ground as he pinned him down. Y/n can hear his friends screams which begins to engage him while Vali throws his fist back and goes for the blow.
But Y/n immediately catches his fist with a dark orb around his body as he then kicked Vali into the air and then he appear behind him, grab the back of his head and then he slammed him onto the ground.
Vali is surprised by this while Y/n gets up with red eyes glowing and a dark orb around him as he hunched forward like a zombie.
Then he turn to the Khaos Brigades army. The army noticed him and all begin to shoot beams of magic at him which creates a huge explosion.
Rias and the rest look over in concerned but they are shocked to see Y/n unharmed. Then he summon his sword and immediately he swing his sword at the Khaos Bridge army.
Immediately all were cut down with a singal slash as their bodies fell. This shocks everyone however Azazel is impress while Y/n turn to Vali and then he grabbed him by the head and lifted him up.
Vali stare at Y/n who has pure rage and darkness as he lifted his fist up and was about to end him when he suddenly stop himself.
He pushed away Vali and stumble backwards as he grab his head and shakes it. The dark orb fates away as Y/n cleared his mind and looks up at Vali.
Vali: You could have end me.
Y/n: Yeah....I could.....but......I don't want to go deeper to my darkness.
Vali: Too bad.
???: Yo Vali!
Then a man landed behind him as he came up to Vali and tells him.
???: Looks like the battle isn't going well with us. Seems like we have to pull back.
Vali:.......Very well then. This is not the end Dark Slayer. Until we meet again.
Soon the two disappear along with some of Khaos Brigades forces. Once they are all gone everyone begins to cheer of their victory while Issei came out and noticed the battle is won and Vali is gone.
Issei: Oh come on! I wanted to beat the living crap for threatening to take away the beauty of boobs.
Koneko: Grow up creep.
Then Y/n collapse onto his knees and begins to cough. Soon everyone noticed as Y/n turned back to his human form and cough out blood.
Rias: Y/n!
Rias rushes over and kneel down next to him as he continues to cough until he stops.
Y/n: I-I'm okay. I'm okay. What about you?
She doesn't say nothing but smile and hugged him. He smiled as well and hugged her back. Eric and Michael sees this and looks around to see everyone is gathered.
Eric: (smile) Look at this. Angels, Fallen Angels and devil's now working together in battle and in the end.....we won.
Michael: (smile) Agree. This wouldn't have happen if weren't for Y/n's speech.
Soon Rias and Y/n walked over to Michael and Eric as Michael tells Y/n.
Michael: (smile) I wish to thank you for your hard work. We are united because of you.
Y/n: Yeah your welcome, just please leave me out of any political stuff okay?
Eric: (light chuckle) We promise you'll not be apart of that.
Y/n: Good.
Eydis: I guess the battle is won?
Then Eydis, Roberto and Gasper came over with Gasper rushing over to Y/n while Y/n kneel down to him and ask him.
Y/n: (smile) You okay?
Gasper: Yeah I'm doing okay.
Eydis: (smile) Gasper was amazing! You should've seen him!
Roberto: (smile) I have to admit, he's a lot better then Issei.
Issei: Hey!
Gasper: I-I don't know by amazing. I was scared most of the time.
Then Y/n place his hand onto Gasper head as he pet his head while he tells him with a smile.
Y/n: (smile) Hey you save Eydis, Koneko and Roberto. If anything, I'll say you did amazing.
Gasper is surprised and can't help but cry while Y/n just smiled. Then he looks over to see Irina and Xenovia talking as Irina apologies for Xenovia about the disrespect while Xenovia accepts it. Then Y/n have a thought and then turn to Michael.
Y/n: Michael your encharge of the whole Angels up in heaven right?
Michael: Yes i am.
Y/n: I like to make a request. Disbite Xenovia and Asia being a devil while Raynare, Kalawarner and Mittelt are Fallen Angels. I want you to not only allow them to prey to God but also be allowed to visit Heaven.
Michael: (surprised) Really?
Xenovia: (surprised) Wait?! You'll do that?!
Asia: (surprised) Y/n! I don't know what to say.
Y/n: Don't say anything. You were born with faith with God snd even is God is dead, it isn't right for any of you to not allow to prey. Since we are now together wouldn't it make sense to have a few Fallen angels or devil's to prey?
Michael: I suppose that won't hurt. Besides if that is your request then I'll allow that.
Irina: That's amazing! That means we can see each other again
Irina hugged Xenovia as the two smiled. Then Miss Michael approaches which he turn to her. Then Miss Michael lifted her hand to him and then she tells him.
Miss Michael: I was wrong about you. Maybe you are a hero after all.
Y/n: No your right. I'm no hero but I'm someone who wants to protect lives.
He take Miss Michael's hand and shakes it while Miss Michael blushed all of a sudden which isn't like her.
Serafall: (smile) Yay we won! Let's party!
Sona: No parties. We need to get this school rebuild as soon as possible.
Rias: Agree. We got a lot of work to do.
Issei: Oh come on!
Y/n: Come on pervert, let's clean up!
Issei sighs and they all begin to clean up the destruction and make sure everything is where it was.
(Next day)
Y/n is home and we see him laying on the couch getting patched up by Loremaster and soon she was done as he sat up.
Loremaster: Just for the record I'm not a medic.
Y/n: Noted. Man that battle was hell.
Loremaster: I can tell. I also detected some power that is raising. Did you lose control somehow?
Y/n: Almost but I regain my senses. Damn it.
He looks at his hand and he thought he saw some dark orbs around his hand but he shake his head and sees nothing.
Loremaster: Still good to see your not dead.
Then Loremaster gets up to his lap and then she kissed him. Y/n soon kissed her back as the two made out for a moment and then stop to catch some breath.
Loremaster: (smirk) Otherwise I use a cloning machine to clone you.
Y/n: Do you have that?
Loremaster: Kinda. Still working on the glitches.
Y/n: (smirk) Well you might need to cause I'll never die.
Loremaster: (giggle) Your an idiot.
Y/n: (smirk) And your a smartass.
Then the two made out once more as they collapse onto the couch as they continue making out for hours as their moans and groans can be heard.
We then spotted Lucifer on top of the steps watching this as she then put her phone onto her ear and then tells the person on the other line.
Lucifer: (smirk) I'll see you and the rest tomorrow night for our "special gift". I know he will like it.
To be continued............................................................
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