Chapter 33: Gasper's true sacred gear unleashed
We open to a dark room somewhere within the occult research club and hear some noises at the other side. Seconds later a wall suddenly burst through with Roberto sent crashing through and then he land hard onto the ground.
He groan a little as he slowly gets up and looks at the hole and sees a singal glow and then multiple of glows which he move out of the way.
Three Nilrens enter the room and continue to shoot Roberto but he immediately summons his armor and rushes towards them and ran two away while he grabs one by the face and slammed her onto the ground.
He turn around as two Nilrens launches towards him but he draws out his sword and swings his sword at them. Their heads drop to the ground along with their bodies, Roberto looks at their bodies and then hears Eydis calling for Roberto.
He rushes to aid them while we cut to Eydis, Koneko and Gasper being pushed back by a lot of Nilrens. They were near a window so Eydis can see the battle is going on at the school.
Gasper: Look out!
Eydis turns back and immediately dodges a shot which she respond by drawing our her battle axe and tells Koneko and Gasper.
Eydis: Go! I'll hold them off as long as possible.
Koneko: Right.
Gasper: Please be okay?
Eydis: (smirk) Don't worry. If they wish to get you, they have to get through me.
Koneko and Gasper turn and run while Nilrens try to go after then but Eydis slice one and then another one. Yhe rest step back while Eydis rush at them and begin to battle them.
She cuts a few down with her battle axe as she charges forward. One try to blast her with a magic attack but Eydis blocks it with her battle axe and then she rush at her and ram her through a wall.
Eydis does a leap and a slide as she looks up to see Nilrens ready to blast her while Eydis ready her battle axe as they they were about to fire at her when suddenly a dark blast goes through the wall and kill the Nilrens in front of her.
Soon Roberto came out of the hole he made and turn to see Eydis which she groans ans said.
Eydis: Oh come on I could've handle them!
Roberto: Where is Koneko and Gasper?
Eydis: Somewhere. This place is pretty big for a club house.
Roberto: Let's focus on the situation in hand.
Eydis: Yeah.
They then hear a explosion and turn to the window and approaches the window to see the battle is getting even more intense now which Eydis ask Roberto.
Eydis: You think this is a start of a war?
Roberto: ......Let's hope not.
Then they hear Gasper's scream so thry rush over ans soon find the two in Gasper's room and begin surrounded by Nilrens. The two rush over and cut them down however more begins to show up behind them. One of them fire a blast that hits Koneko as the shot slammed her into the wall.
Gasper: Koneko!
Eydis immediately closes the door however it will not hold them for long. Roberto approaches Koneko and check her wounds.
Roberto: I'll heal you up. Eydis cover the door. Until they burst through, hold them back as long as possible.
Eydis: Right!
Gasper: (scared) I-I don't know if I can do this. I'm scared.
Eydis: Don't be scared Gasper. Your power is the only way to help us right now. Don't let Y/n down.
Gasper look at Eydis and knows he can't let Y/n down. He turn to Koneko injured with Roberto healing her and to the door that the Nilrens is about to break in.
Eydis swap her battle axe to both her sword and shield. She slammed her sword against her shield several times while the twin doors continue to bang.
Until the door blows open and Eydis launches to attack them but then she immediately stop when she realise something. The Nilrens has stopped moving and they have this glow around them.
Eydis: Okay this is weird.
They look over to see Gasper having a similar glow but he is shown to be moving which Roberto realised.
Roberto: Looks like you use your sacred gear to free those Nilrens. Nice work.
Gapser: I did?
Eydis: (smile) Yep you did. They are like statues but not.
Koneko: Good work.
She groan a little while Roberto continues to hear her whole Eydis knocks out the Nilrens one by one. Once the last Nilrens is out cold Gasper stops and takes a deep breath.
Eydis: So now what?
Roberto: We'll wait here until further orders.
Eydis: Are you kidding me?! There is a battle out there! We should help them!
Roberto: I think the reason they came here is because of Gasper. You saw his power, imagine what they can do if they get their hands on him. Our best bet is to stay here and wait until either the battle is won or Eric give us the order.
Eydis:.....(sigh) Okay, okay. Let's hope they be alright.
We see Y/n fighting off the Nilrens with his sword and blasting them away. A few rush at him but he swing his sword and cuts them down.
He then slammed his hand to the ground and shoot out beams that kills any Khaos Brigades within the sky. He stood up straight and looks around to see the battle going on when Issei came down within his red dragon Emperor armor and said.
Issei: You good man?
Y/n: Yeah I'm good. You?
Issei: Same, Same. Just never took part of a battle in my life.
Y/n: You'll get use to it.
Then red glows as they see Rias and Akeno helping out Miss Michael and the rest in the sky. Issei try to see their under wear when Y/n hits him at the back of the head and tells him.
Y/n: Focus dumbass. No time for being a pervert.
Issei: Hey if I die after seeing an underwear it will be worth it.
Y/n: Then that means the ladies will celebrate your death.
Issei was about to argue back when suddenly he got a chill up his spine.
Y/n: Hey what's wrong?
Issei: I....I don't know. I feel afraid but why?
Y/n looks around and then he looks up and sees it.
Y/n: I think I know. Look.
Issei looks up and to his shock he sees White dragon Emperor flying above them with blow clear like wings. Then he lands down in front of them. He slowly stood up and stare at them and then he turn to Y/n.
???: Hello Dark slayer, been a while.
Y/n: I'm gonna take a wild guess and say your that dude that was in front of house correct?
He was right as he shows his face while he let's out a small chuckle and said.
Vail: Indeed I am. You can call me Vail, a pleasure to meet you.
Issei: So he has the same sacred gear as mine?!
Y/n: Looks like it.
Vail: It will be interesting facing the two of you. The great red dragon Emperor and the Great dark slayer.
Issei: Okay asshole time to show you what happens when you mess with us!
Y/n: Be carful Issei.
Vail: (smirk) We'll see about that.
His helmet appears back on and he dashes over towards the two with quick speed and punches the two back. Issei was sent flying while Y/n slides backwards until he stop.
He slowly gets up and the pull out his spear and open a portal and jump through. He then appear behind Vail and goes to swing his spear when Vail draws out his wings and blows Y/n back.
He land on his feet and looks up as Vail was immediately in front of him and he goes to strike at Y/n but he blocks it. He then swap his spear to his axe and does a 360 and lands a strike at Vail.
Then he summons his pistol on his other hand and fire a shot at Vail which cost his body to not move. Then Y/n grabs him by the head and toss him away which he crash through a gym.
Make his way to the gym and walks through a hole he made only to be blasted out and sent flying. He soon roll onto the ground but he quickly gets up as Vail steps out of the hole.
Vail: You have a interesting gear of weapons. But it's my turn.
He appears in front of Y/n so the two throw back their fists and theie fist immediately clash to each other which cost a blast that sent the trees blowing back and everyone nearly sent back a bit.
Rias noticed it and looks over to see Y/n fighting Vail as the two begin to throws fists at each other. They were incredibly fast with tehie punches so much so it's almost like they are just standing and look at each other.
Y/n gets punched a few times and so does Vail and then Y/n grabs him by the head and headbutted his helmet. He then grabbed him and tossed him away but he use his wings and look down at Y/n.
Then with a sonic boom he dives down towards Y/n so he quickly gets ready and just before Vail would land a blow at him Issei came out of nowhere and strikes at Vail.
Vail flies back but stops himself and turns to the two share a nod and turn to Vail. The two then rush towards Vail and the two begin to fight him.
Both Issei and Y/n fight together as they land some blows at Vail and letting out everything they got. Then Vail blast them back which sent them sliding back.
Vail: You have shown to have great power but you can never defeat me. You have to unleash your power in order to have a chance.
Y/n turns to Issei and knows he won't be strong enough to defeat him so he was about to tell Issei to help out the others when he heard.
???: Hey Issei!
They turn and see Azazel as he call out to Issei and tells him.
Azazel: Vail has a special power that he can change anything that he wishes. Even by changing people's appearance, meaning he may shrink any big boobs and make them smaller.
Y/n:................ I'm sorry but is that really necessary to make a-
Then a massive blast shook the ground beneath them as Issei is now letting out his power and then he turn to Y/n.
Issei: Come on! We can't let him take away the bugs brast of all women! We have to defeat him!
Y/n and Vail: Wait what?
Issei: I may not have a harem now but soon I will but I will not allow you take away what makes ladies sexxy! That being their boobies! I WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU!!!!!
Issei gets even more powered up while Y/n is dumbstruck while Vail disbite being his enemy ask Y/n.
Vail: Is he a creep who only cares about women's chest?
Y/n: Unfortunately yes, yes indeed.
To be continued............................................................
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