Chapter 32: The assault begins

Night came at Kouh Academy and the meeting of the Devils, Angels and Fallen Angels were about to begin. We cut to the occult research club where we see Y/n dropping off Gasper with Koneko, Eydis and Roberto.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks for agreeing to keep an eye on the place as well as Gasper.

Roberto: (smile) It's no problem Y/n.

Eydis (smile) Yeah and besides that means I can spend more time with Gasper.

Gasper: You want to spend more time with me?

Eydis: (smile) Aawww of course! Your just so ccccutteee~!

Koneko: Let's hope this meeting is quick.

Y/n: Same. I'm not much a fan of politics and other crap. I'm just hoping this will be over and done with and I can go home. Well I suppose I'll be taking off now, catch you all later.

Koneko: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Hm?

Koneko: Take care.

He node and soon leaves them be. Soon he was making his way to the school but before he can enter someone said behind him.

???: Your late.

Miss Michael and her Seven Heavenly Virues appear behind them as he turn to them and tells her.

Y/n: Really? I was about to go in.

Miss Michael: This is serious Y/n. We can't have any screw ups in any way.

???: (smile) Now Miss Michael there is no need for that. Be nice to him.

Miss Michael just roll hee eyes as a blonde angel with massive breast came over and introduce herself.

Sariel: Apologies for our leader. Allow us to introduce ourselves, my name is Sariel, The Archangel of Kindness. This is Metatron, The Archangel of Charity.

Metatron: H-H-Hello.

Gabriel: I'm Gabreiel, Archangel of Chastity! Your maybe on our side but we have mo eye on you.

Y/n: Right.

Sandalphon: I'm Sandalphon, Archangel of Dilligence.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow nice arm you have there! Made it yourself?

Sandalphon: Indeed. I'm the tech of the group.

Raphael: I'm Raphael, the Archangel of Temperance! Donut?

She hands him a donut which he accepts and takes a bit. Then he noticed the last member looking like she needed to use the bathroom.

Y/n: Hey you alright? You need to go to the bathroom?

???: N-No. I can wait.

Y/n: Huh?

Sandalphon: That's Uriel, The Archangel of Patience.

Y/n: Make sense. Well its nice to know you all.

Sariel: (smile) Same to you. We heard about you and I must say it is very impressive. A dark slayer fighting for good, such a redemption. I love who bad people change to good, it makes my heart warm.

Sandalphon: Although they die in the end.

Y/n: Yeah well I'm gonna go and head inside. Good luck.

He then enters inside and once inside he let's out a sigh when Rias came over to him.

Rias: (smile) Your looking a bit nervous of a sudden?

Y/n: Sorta. I mean I was just a Bounty hunter and now this. How did this happen.

Rias: True but its a good thing. Your helping all race to work together into one to fight a bigger threat.

Y/n: Yeah true. Well let's get this meeting over and done with.

Rias: (smile) Agree. Maybe after this we'll have a little fun with the girls.

Y/n: (smirk) Rias you always find ways to make me excited.

Rias: (giggle) I know.

She kiss him on the cheek and the two make their way together to the second floor and into the meeting. Inside everyone was in with Sirechs, Michael, Serafall and Azazel.

Everyone else is here from both Sona's group and Rias group and to his surprise sees Irina with Michael however it doesn't seem that she isn't talking to Xenovia due to her leaving the Angels. Then Azazel spotted Y/n and called out to him.

Azazel: (smile) Ah there he is. The Dark slayer has arrived.

They all turn and Y/n is a bit nervous but with no choice he walks over to the table and stood there with the rest as he then sat down.

Y/n: Hi. are things?

Serafall: (smile) Super awesome Y/n~!

Sona: (mutters) Serafall please don't embarrasse us.

Michael: (smile) Now everyone is here let us discuss the situation we are dealing with here. This Khaos Brigade has been growning and it won't be long until they will plan to attack us. I believe the time is now that we must unit to defeat this threat.

Sirzechs: With all due respect Michael but I believe our people will not be able to work along side with Angels. That includes fallen angels after what Kokabiel did not too long ago.

Azazel: That was out of my control. I didn't tell Kokabiel to restart a war.

Sirzechs: Still my younger sister and her group were nearly killed by him along with the entire school. It was a good thing that he was stopped.

Azazel: (smirk) True but it was still not my fault. I have nothing to do with anything at all. Besides not his fault that he try to restart the war. After all he was enrage how the gods were killed.

Irina is shocked by thid which Y/n noticed which Michael scolled Azazel.

Michael: Azazel that information is secret.

Azazel: So you still keep that secret. Tell me, how long do you think it will take until the other Angels will find out. Soon they will become fallen angels as well right?

Tensions is rising by the moment and before any of them would speak Y/n says.

Y/n: Is this the reason why other race doesn't work together well?

They turn as Y/n just looks at them and then tells them.

Y/n: God's? Really? Look I don't want to insult anyone in the room but what's the point of continuing to follow the old ways that the gods left behind? Look I don't care if the person is a angel, devil or fallen angel because that doesn't matter. What does matter however is what is within us. We may not be humans but humanity seems to get along way disbite how different they look or do. Even if they hate each other sometimes that doesn't mean we should continue to hate them.

He points over to Rias and her group as he tells them.

Y/n: I was accepted disbite what I am and my families history. They treat me like one of their own and true I'm not apart of their house hold but they accepted me no matter what. I have three fallen angels that I treat them like everyone else and I treat Irina with respect. We maybe born different but we have the same soul, same heart and...just same within us. I'm not good when it comes to uniting leaders into one but right now we have a common enemy and we either fight each other so they will kill us....or will we work together and face our enemy as one.

There was silence in the room and at first he may have fucked it up but Michael smiled and said.

Michael: (smile) Your right. Even if we are different that doesn't stop us of working together.

Azazel: (smile) Yeah that's true.

Sirzechs: (smile) Disbite our past it doesn't mean we can still hold any anger towards each other. Perhaps we should unit. What do you all say?

They all agree which made Y/n sigh with relief as he sat back down on the chair.

Y/n: (thought) Huh this was actually easy then I thought. I figure something bad would happen but guess no-

Suddenly a body smash through a window and one of Eric's knights slammed onto the table dead which shocked everyone apart of Y/n.

Y/n: You got to be kidding me.

They look out od the window and see a massive battle happening outside of the school as Eric's knights fought the Khaos Brigade.

Irina: They're here!

Xenovia: It's a massive army then we thought.

Sirzechs: Indeed. Looks like they were ready.

Asia: This isn't good.

Kiba: Rias?

Y/n: Right. Everyone let's move!

Sona: That goes for us! Move!

Serafall: (smile) Be safe sis~!

Sona: (blush) Shut up!

They all leave the room and Y/n was about to leave when Azazel tells him.

Azazel: Y/n. This is a massive battle. Never hold back. Let it all out.

He doesn't respond and leaves the room while Azazel smiles and soon Y/n burst out of the doors and step out to the battle. Quickly a group of Khaos Brigade charges towards Y/n but he summon his spear and open a void which they drop through and he close it.

Alex: Y/n!

Then Alex cuts a few Khaos Brigade down and rush over to Y/n.

Y/n: So what's happening?

Alex: This was a surprise attack. They took out a few knights but we're holding them off as we speak.

Y/n: Sounds good. Where is Eric?

Alex: He's with the rest along with the virtues. It's all chaos here.

Y/n: Yeah. Its like the biggest school fight ever to be seen. Wish I brought a camera.

Alex: Time for jokes is over. For now we need to take them down.

Y/n: (smirk) True. Time to show these Khaos Brigades who they are dealing with.

Once his armor is summon onto him he turn and immediately disappeared and begins to take out the Khaos Brigade forces. We cut to everyone fighting them off as best as they could. Rias and her household support Eric's knights with Asia healing the injured, Xenovia and Irina now fighting side by side and now forgiving each other, Alex lead the rest of the knights as the battle continues on.


We cut to the occult research club and we see Eydis and Gasper playing a board game, Koneko eating and Roberto reading a book. Gasper hears the explosion and looks out and sees the battle going on.

Gapser: Do you think we'll be fine?

Eydis: (smile) Don't you worry. We'll be fine.

Gasper: O-Okay.

Eydis smile more while Roberto keeps reading and then he looks over at the door and then shut his book and summon his sword. Koneko also glance over to the door and she immediately get up.

Roberto: It seems we have guests.

Gasper gets scared while Eydis gets up and gets in front of Gasper so she can protect him. Suddenly the door blows up and soon the smoke clears up and revealing women with a hood over theie heads with a eye on the hood.

Roberto: Nilrens.

Koneko: What do they want?

They see Gasper while he hides behind Eydis and they lifted their arms and begin to charge up their magic while the Roberto, Koneko and Eydis gets ready to fight them.

To be continued..................................................

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