Chapter 31: Sona's sister?!

We see Y/n and Gasper visiting Eric's kingdom and we cut to the living room where we see Eric, Alice, Alex, Eydis, Roberto, Jeanne, Mordred and Artoria in the living room and were looking at Gasper who has a bag over his head with eye holes as Y/n explain to them everything about Gasper while they listen.

Y/n: And that's Gasper's orgin story. He may not be good as a fighter but he has a cool power. So any questions?

Alice: (rais her hand) And you saying Gasper is half vampire?

Y/n: (smile) Correct.

Roberto: How interesting. We never encounter a vampire for sometime.

Alex: What's even more interesting Gasper isn't intimated more.......afraid.

Gasper: (nervous) H-Hi.

Jeanne: (smile) Still you can't admit he is cute.

Eric: And Head wearing a dress because?

Y/n: He wants to be cute.

Roberto: Huh well it's not like he's a pervert and some men usually wear womens dress.

Eydis: Yeah. Its nice to meet you Gasper. Please don't be afraid....we're Y/n's friends.

Gasper: (nervous) O-Okay. I'm sorry.

Eydis: (giggle) Your just so cute.

Eric: (light chuckle) How about you all show Gasper around while me and Y/n have a chat.

They agree and they take Gasper away and once gone Eric tells Y/n.

Eric: So how are things?

Y/n: Well let's see. It seems that the leaders of the angels, devil's and fallen angels seems to want to have a talk and form an alliance. They will have a meeting next week in Kouh School. Although they could pick out a better location than a school. Seriously is the school somehow a white house?

Eric: We need to be sure the meeting will go well. If what rumours saying is true then the Khaos Brigade is the greatest threat we ever have.

Y/n: Yeah I can understand why. So any idea where they are right now?

Eric: No we haven't but if they find out about this then this could lead to trouble.

Y/n: Yeah and nobody likes trouble.

Then Eric gets up and walks over to a window and looks out while he tells Y/n.

Eric: This is serious Y/n. We can't afford anything if this alliance is broken apart. I trust that you can bring them all together.

Y/n: Yeah but here's the thing. I'm no hero. I'm a dark warrior who is also a badass mercenary who strikes fear to my enemies. If anyone should be doing this it would be you.

Eric: I wanted you to do it so that way both race will see that a dark slayer is united both race together to fight a common enemy. I know your not much as a hero but know that everyone will appreciate you after what you did.

Y/n: (sigh) Right. So what about yourself?

Eric: I'll also attend the meeting while my knights will protect the school. We need to be sure the meeting will go well without any trouble.

Y/n: Even though there might be?

Eric: (small chuckle) Guess I might have jinxed it didn't I?

Y/n: (smirk) A little bit.

Then Y/n's phone beeped so he pull it out and sees it is Sona so he gets up and reads her text.

Eric: What is it?

Y/n: Looks like Sona needs me. Well might as well find Gasper and then meet up with Sona to see what's up with her.

Eric: Well see you at the meeting.

Y/n: Same to you.


After he drop Gasper off to Rias he make his way to Sona's club and while walking up to the door he can hear Sona yells while a girly like laughter which made him a bit confused.

Then he enter the room and sees Sona's members standing in front of the door as Y/n came up to Genshirou, Tomoe and Reya to which he ask.

Y/n: So what's going on?

Genshirou: You won't believe who came?

Y/n: Who her sister?


Y/n: (surprised) Wait seriously?! I was just joking!

Tomoe: Nope. Her sister came.

Y/n: Huh. She didn't tell me she has a sister.

Tsubaki: She doesn't talk about her sister at all.

Y/n: Huh is it because they hate each other?

Tsubaki: No the opposite.

Then the door open all of a sudden and they turn to see Sona wearing what seems like a blue magical girls outfit and when she looks up she blushes in embarrassment and kneel down and cover her face from embarrassment.

???: Hey sis you didn't let me finish!

Then another girl wearing the same outfit but pink as she looks over and noticed Y/n and ask.

???: Whose he?

Tsubaki: This is Y/n. He's our friend.

Y/n: (smile) Sup. Cute outfit. Your a fan of magical girl shows?

Serafall: (smile) That's right! You can call me Serafall, it's nice to meet you! Sona told me your this dark slayer but a good one.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. So are you two playing dress up or something?

Serafall: (smile) Yeah~! It's so much fun and I have a lot of clothes for Sona to try on! My sister is just the best right sis~?

Sona: (blushing) Leave me alone!

Serafall: Huh why are you so mean.

Tsubaki: The thing is the reason why she doesn't talk about her sister is because she really likes Sona too much.

Y/n: Is that so. Huh.

(Sometime later)

We see Sona in her bedroom getting change back to her uniform and once done she breaths a sigh when she heard a knock and she immediately called out.

Sona: Serafall leave me alone please!

Y/n: Nah its me. May I come in?

Sona: Oh.....sure come in.

He open the door and enter as Sona sat on the bed looking embarrassed while Y/n sat next to her.

Y/n: Your sister is very friendly.

Sona: And embarrassing. Sorry you have to see me wearing something embarrassing.

Y/n: (smile) Oh don't be like that you were cute.

Sona blushes even more while Y/n just sat there for a moment and then Sona ask him.

Sona: I heard Gasper is released.

Y/n: You know of Gasper?

Sona: Yeah. You and him have something of a bond.

Y/n: Well that's because me and him understand our troubles of being different. We both were born not normal but anyone and be mistreated by others because of what we are.

Sona: I see.

Y/n: He maybe weak now but he'll grow one day. Perhaps I'll teach him so he can no longer be afraid of himself or other things ever again. But then again he can just be himself.

Sona: I think that's kind for you to do.

Y/n: Yeah.

The two sat there for a moment and then Sona blushes a bit and then came up to him. She sat on his lap facing towards him and looking at him while he looks back at her. Y/n sees this and he wrap his arm around her which made her blush even more as they get close.

Their heads get closer and closer unril their lips met and they begin to make out. They made out as Sona let's out some moans while they each wrap around their arms to each other as they go on.

Y/n took off her glasses and keep kissing her until they stop to take a breather and look at each other. Sona is blushes while Y/n smirks looking sexxy which made her blush even more.

Y/n: (smirk) Your always cute no matter what.

Sona: (blush) Jeez your like my sister.

Y/n: (smirk) At least its true.

Sona: (blush)......True.

They keep making out for a while and soon they stop and they exit out of the room together. Y/n was about to turn when suddenly Serafall appeared and kiss Y/n on the lips.

This surprised the two and then Serafall stops and cheerfully said.

Serafall: (smile) Now I'm apart of your harem!!

Y/n and Sona: Huh?

Sona: WHAT?!

Serafall: (smile) What? I heard you two kissing and I figured if I kiss him, me and you will be close.

Sona: No. No. Nnnnnnnnnoooooooooo!!!!!!

Y/n: Poor Sona.

Serafall: (smile) Besides your so handsome. Your like a prince.

Y/n: A prince Huh? Say is there an outfit of a prince?

Serafall: Yeah!

Y/n: (smile) Nice.

Sometime later we cut to Tsubaki and the rest in the resting room doing nothing when the door open and they look over and sees Y/n wearing a dark prince outfit as he ask them.

Y/n: (smirk) What do you think?

Genshirou: (surprised) Wow you look real-

Then they noticed blood pouring on the ground and noticed the girls nose is bleeding and suddenly they pass out onto the floor as they can't handle seeing Y/n even more sexxy which made Y/n chuckle a little and thinks he may have broke them.


It was the afternoon as we see Y/n riding his motorcycle bike home as he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Damn everyone seem to look up to me as hope. Then again I am the most powerful being ever but whatever. I just want this meeting to be over as soon as possible.

He was coming up to his gate when he noticed a man standing in front of the gate. He stop his motorcycle bike and ask him.

Y/n: Yo you lost?

He turn to him and make his way towards him. He had dark silver like hair while wearing a black jacket with a white shirt underneath as he walks up to him.

???: Perhaps I have. Is this your place?

Y/n: Maybe or maybe not. Depends on why you are here?

The two of them look at each other for a short while and then the teen turn and left. While he walk by Y/n he suddenly was felt with something familiar. He turn to him and called out to him.

Y/n: Hey! Who are you?!

He doesn't say nothing but keeps walking until he disappear from sight. Y/n was a bit nervous now as he turn to his home and worried that he came here for no good.

The power he felt is something familiar almost like a familiar Sacred Gear but stronger. He decided to tell Rias or Eric about this whenever he has a chance and ride his bike through the gate and into his garage and enjoy the rest of the afternoon.

Meanwhile we see the same teen walking away with a small smile as he too felt Y/n's power.

???: Let's see how strong you are......Y/n.

To be continued................................................

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