Chapter 3: A new friend
Clashes can be heard throughout the neighbourhood and sparks is seen in the distances as we see Y/n leaping onto the wall of one of the houses and quickly leaps away as Kalawarner flies over and swings her blade but missed and turn to see Y/n roll once on the ground and stood up as he turn and ready his Spear.
Kalawarner throws how holy spear at him but he opens a void in front of him that the Holy spear gone through and opens another void behind Kalawarner which she immediately dodge the holy spear from behind while he grabs it and charge towards him and the two clash blades.
While the two battle we see Issei watching this fight happening and fears that Kalawarner will be done with Y/n and try to kill him again.
Issei: (thought) Aw man what should I do? If she's done qith Y/n then I'm next! What I'm I suppose to do?! Wait, what I'd I can use my sacred gear? Well only one way to find out.
Kalawarner: Enough of this.
She then kicks Y/n back, making him sliding back while Kalawarner turns to Issei and flies towards him while Y/n lands his hand onto the floor to stop himself from sliding back and looks up to see Kalawarner charging towards Issei.
Y/n: Fuck Issei!
Y/n charge after her and she was about to strike on Issei while Issei raised his arm and suddenly there was a green glow followed by a burst that sent Kalawarner and Y/n flying back.
Kalawarner's clothes were ripped off since she was too close while Y/n lands hard on the ground and slowly gets up and looks over to see Issei and on his right arm was a red armor like gauntlet with a green crystal in the middle of his hand.
Y/n: (thought) That's Issei's sacred gear!?
Kalawarner: Crap! I let someone else take care of this!
Then Kalawarner fly off while Y/n slowly gets up and walks over to Issei as the two look at Issei's sacred gear.
Issei: What is this thing? Is this my sacred gear?
Y/n: Yeah and I think I know what it is.
Issei: You do?
Y/n: Yeah. This is Red Dragon emperor. One of the most powerful sacred gears to ever lived. Seems like your lucky to have that power as well.
Issei: (surprised) Wow!
Y/n: (sigh) Still now those Fallen Angels knows that your still alive and Rias will not be happy for that.
Issei: Crap your right.
Y/n: Still it's getting late, we should head back and tell Rias what happened.
Issei: Guess so.
The two walk off while we cut to a male figure on top of the roof of a abandoned church as Kalawarner lands behind him and bows down to the figure whike the figure didn't turn to he but he ask her.
???: The red dragon emperor lives?
Kalawarner: Yes sir. He also joined a Gremory house hold as well. What should we do?
???:......The plan has failed but I believe it is time to go with our new plan.
Kalawarner: New plan?
???: Yes Kalawarner. There is another sacred gear user that I wish to have and if we have that scared gear......We can be...God's.
(Next day)
We see Y/n in the kitchen eating some breakfast whioe checking through the news on his phone when a female demon wearing a lab court approaches him and slams her hands onto the table and calls out to Y/n.
???: I have finished my research!!!!
Y/n finishes drinking his coffee while he turns to her and tells her.
Y/n: (smile) Morning Loremaster. Found some information about those Fallen Angels?
Loremaster: (chuckle) You be surprised how long it took me to research and know each Fallen Angel that is targeting Issei.
Y/n: How many is there?
Loremaster: A few members but there are five that have names and some history about them. First of is Raynare, she was turned into a Fallen angel years back after she was wrongly accused of defining the gods and was banished from Heaven and turned into a Fallen angel.
Y/n: So she was framed?
Loremaster: It seems like it. Next ie Mittelt, she was turned into a Fallen Angel after she question her beliefs and as the result, she too was turned into a Fallen angel. Kalawarner and Dohaseek were once Angels until they were turned into Fallen Angels. The reason why is unknown.
Y/n: Weird...and the last member?
Loremaster: This one is even more weird. His name and history is unknown but he calls himself "The one." According to his records, he was already a Fallen angel many years ago, maybe even billions of years ago.
Y/n: So now we have five Fallen Angels that may have formed a cult is that right?
Loremaster: Looks like it. Still what should we do about this?
Y/n: (smirk) Well if anything happens I'll make sure they won't get near to Issei or anyone else.
He finished his breakfast and grabs his back and kisses Loremaster on the cheek which made her blush with a smile as Y/n heads out while he tells Loremaster.
Y/n: (smirk) Thanks for that information Loremaster. Tell Lucifer that her breakfast is delicious once again!
Loremaster: (giggle) Your welcome darling~.
Y/n heads out of his mansion and make his walk to school. Soon he walk by a park as he looks down on his phone looking through some messages when suddenly she heard someone fell and turn to see a young girl fell while her underwear is shown to Y/n which he immediately look away whike the young girl says.
???: Oh dear. That hurt, I'm so clumsy.
She sat up whike she turn and she noticed Y/n which Y/n looks over to see her. She was wearing what looks like a priestess like clothes with a hood over her.
Y/n: (thought) I don't see her around here before. She's probably new here.
Y/n: You okay there? Any injuries?
He says this while he walks up to her and help her up. Once she's on her two feet she nodes while she tells him.
???: I'm okay. Thank you kind sir.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. I never see you around here, you just came here?
Asia: That's right. I'm a priestess taht was told to come here. (Smile) The names Asia, it's nice to meet you.
Y/n: (smile) Asia huh, lovely name. Call me Y/n, a pleasure ti meet you.
Asia: (smile) Thank you. Sorry to bother you but I maybe lost. Can you be so kind to show me to a church anywhere?
Y/n: (smile) Sure I got some time before school start so yeah, I'll help you out.
Asia: (smile) Thank you so much. Your soo kind.
Y/n: (smile) No problem.
(Sometime later)
We see thw two walking together as Y/n helps Asia to look for a church that she was suppose to go to. During theie walk Y/n glance over to Asia and can sense her scared gera within her but rather asking her about her sacred gear, he ask her.
Y/n: So where did you come fro before you came here?
Asia: (smile) Just a village far away from here. I've never been to a city or town before so coming here was both exciting and nervous.
Y/n: (smile) I can see why. Being in the middle of a huge city will probably get you lost pretty easy. But you'll get use to it, so who sent you here?
Asia: Well I suppose to be partner up with someone but they don't tell me who this person is.
Y/n: I see. Well let's hope the person you partner up with ain't a pervert otherwise....well....let's just say lock your underwear draw just in case.
Asia: Oh okay then. So what school do you go to?
Y/n: (smile) Kouh academy. Nice school, have a few perverts though but still, nice school.
Asia: (smile) That's great! Do you have a lot of friends?
Y/n: Let's just say I have a lot of female "friends" and some male friends.
Asia: ???
Y/n: You'll understand if you ever come by to my school next time.
Asia: Oh okay....hey look, there it is!
They stop and look in the distances to see a church on top of the hill. Y/n looks at the church for a bit while Asia turns and bows to Y/n while she said while Y/n turns to her.
Asia: (smile) Thank you for helping me. I hope we can see each other someday.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah same here. Take care Asia.
Asia: (smile) You too.
She head off to the church while Y/n stood there and watch her leave while he looks at the church and pulls out his phone and snap a picture of it and sent it to Loremaster for some information about it. Once that he slide his phone his pocket and turn and head off to school.
It was lunch time as we see Y/n on the second floor resting on the wooden railing while taking a bite of his sandwich whne Rias approaches him.
Rias: (smile) You did a good job keeping Issei safe.
She stand next to Y/n as he finished his sandwich while he ask Rias.
Y/n: So how is Issei?
Rias: Doing fine but I told him that he must be careful now the fallen angels know that he is still alive.
Y/n: Right. I'll see about those Fallen Angels and see what they are planning.
Rias: What do you think they are planning?
Y/n: (shrugged) Who knows. All we know they might try to wipe out all devils or any evil being that see in order to impress their God.
Rias: Maybe still we can't be sure. Anyways I was wondering if you wish to join my house hold?
Y/n: (smirk) Sorry but I'm not a type of joining any house holds. But what I can do is being a agent for your house hold.
Rias: An agent?
Y/n: (smirk) You know. Your go-to person or someone to gather some intel while also help around your house hold a bit.
Rias: (smile) Hm that could work. If you like then I can accept that.
Y/n: (smile) Awesome. So what should we do now?
Rias: Well there is another request by someone that you and Issei can fulfill. Call me if anything happens. No pressure.
Y/n: (smirk) Pressure? What pressure?
Rias just smirks while she lend out a friendly giggle and heads off. While she walks away she glance but and lend out a smile once more.
Rias: (thought) I really like Y/n. He's a funny and cute person.
We see both Y/n and Issei walking down the neighbourhood at night as Y/n tells Issei about Asia which surprised Issei and then he ask him.
Issei: (surprised) Dude no way! How hot was she or how cute is she?!
Y/n: (smirk) Sorry dude but I can't tell you that.
Issei: Aw man, you suck.
Y/n: Still she did go to that church that was on a hill. You kno what church?
Issei: Um kinda? Isn't that church abandon though?
Y/n: Yeah. That's why I've sent it to Loremaster in hopes she can give me some information.
Issei: Loremaster? What kind of dumb name is that?
Y/n: (smirk) I rather you not tell her that. Otherwise she might use you as a lab rat for her experiment and trust me Issei, it ain't the experiment you don't want to enjoy.
Issei gets a bit scared as they arrive to the location as they walk up to the door and Y/n knocks on it. The two stand there for a while, waiting for someone to open but after a while no one came.
Issei: Should we come back tomorrow?
Y/n: Surly this person have to be awake. It's only 7:30, there is no way this guy summon us for-
When he reach the door handle and pull it down there was a click meaning the door was unlock as Y/n realised this and he slowly open the door and the two peak through to see total darkness at first but they can see light coming from the living room.
Y/n had a bad feeling about this so he pulls out his pistol and slowly walks inside. Issei follows him as the two step into the house and walk towards the light. Once close Y/n lend his back against the wall near the door to the living room as he gets really close and after a short while he enters the living room and aim his pistol around.
There were some candles being lit around the living room but there was no one here. Issei comes into the living room and look around.
Issei: Great why to set the mood.
Y/n: Something isn't right. Issei, it's best you leave while I look around.
Issei: Oh come on man I wanna help so let me hel-wow!
Y/n quickly turns around to see Issei nearly slip but managed yo land his hand onto the floor bit there was something wet so he lifted his hand and looks at it.
Issei: Is this water?
Y/n looks at the floor and it's too dark to be water so he bend down and dig iis finger into the liquid and looks at it and then says.
Y/n: No...this is blood.
Issei is shocked and the two follow the trail of blood and they see a dead body. Issei is horrified by this and nearly throw up while Y/n stood up and realised this was a trap.
???: It seems you two have finally arrive.
Y/n quickly turns and aim his pistol at a figure sitting on the couch as he turn his head to them and stick out his tongue like an insane person.
Y/n: Fuck this was a trap!
The man laughed while he stood up and the two can see him wearing a priest uniform as he bows in front of them and introduce himself.
Freed: (smirk) The names Freed, I was sent here to kill you two.
Issei: (shocked) Oh shit.
Y/n: So you killed this guy in order to lowee us into your trap?
Freed: (smirk) That's right. He was making deals with the devil so after his usefulness was done I chop him up and shot him several times.
Y/n: Damn your a psychopath.
Freed: (smirk) Call me all you want but I ain't gonna stop me of killing you two.
Then he pulls out his holy sword while his holy gun. As Y/n aims his pistol at Freed asn the three stood there for a bit and then Y/n fired his shot at Freed's arm bit he dodges his it and fires his shot at Y/n which he rolled out of the way.
He land on his feet and quickly summons a spear and blocks Freed's strike as the two strike blows at each other while Issei stood there and doesn't know know to do.
Freed strikes a kick at Y/n thet sent Y/n crashing into some shelfs. He turn only to move his head from a sword stab then Y/n strikes a elbow kick at Freed's stomach and spine his spear around whike Freed steps back and aims his pistol at him.
The two looked at each other while Freed quickly glance over to Issei and before the two either for anything Issei charge towards Freed but Freed quickly shoot his knees within seconds as Issei yells in pain.
Y/n: Issei!
Issei: I'm good. Damn that hurts like hell.
Freed: (smirk) Probably shouldn't have charged at me. (Chuckle)
Y/n: Your going to pay for that dip shit!
Freed: (laughter) I bet you would. Now let's see how strong you really are.
Y/n: Gladly.
He swings his spear around and get into a battle stand while Freed smirks and was about to pull the trigger when they heard someone scream and looks over to see Asia looking at the dead body.
Y/n: (thought) Asia? The hell is she-
Freed: Asia what the hell are you doing here? I thought I told you to finish the holy shield around this house.
Asia: (shocked) Wh-What happened here?
Freed: Oh that. Well he made a deal with the devils and we're here to finish the job.
She looked over and she as shocked to see Y/n here along with Issei.
Asia: (shocked) Y/n? Your a devil.
Y/n: Well not a devil but a Nephilim. But Issei is if your wondering. But listen, we're not bad people Asia. The only ones that are bad is psychopaths like hi-
Then Y/n get shot on the waist and slowly groan in pain while he fell on one knee while Asia gasp in shock while Freed walks towards Y/n and aim his pistol at his forehead.
Freed: (smirk) I don't give a crap if you are Nephilim or devil. All I care about is killing you both right here right now!
Y/n glare up at Freed while Freed smirked and was about to pull the trigger when Asia pushed Freed away and gets in front of Y/n which surprised Issei and Y/n.
Asia: Stop this now Freed! It isn't right to take a life away!
Freed: Asia move out of way. We need to complete our job.
Asia: But they are good people! It isn't right for us to take a life away especially a person's life that is a pure of heart. It ain't what God wanted us to do.
He charge towards Asia and was about to swing at her when suddenly Y/n gets in front of her and grabs Freed's light bleed. Asia opens her eyes and she was shocked to see Y/n protecting her while Issei is shocked that he grabbed a the blade of the light sword and then Y/n headbutts Freed, costing him to stumble back while Y/n taps his spear onto the floor and a void appeared below Issei and it was slowly sucking him into the void.
Issei: Hey what are you doing?!
Y/n: Get yourself better Issei. I'll take care of this asshole.
Soon he was completely sucked into the void and once that his spear disappeared as he stare at Freed as he tells him.
Y/n: You know Freed, I hate assholes who not only killing others for the fun of it but I hated it when people like you harm someone on your team that is innocent and kind. I won't allow you to harm anyone else, especially Asia or Issei.
He reach out his hand and summons a long sword as he slowly swings it towards Freed and aim his blade at Freed and then gets into a battle stand.
Asia is shocked how he can summon a things out of nowhere while Freed just lend out a laughter while he tells Y/n.
Freed (laughter) If you want to have a sword fight well you get one right here! I can't wait to see your limbs sliced off once I'm done with you!
Y/n: (smirk) Like to see you try Freed. If your really are a strong Priest then let's see what you can do!
The two ready their swords and then they charge at each other and strike blows at each other. Freed was shocked to see how fast Y/n is including Asia as Y/n quickly blocks and strike powerful blows at Freed while Freed try to keep up but he was going insanely fast.
He quickly pulls out his pistol to fire but Y/n dose a flip and kicks, kicking his pistol away and then he swing shown his sword, cutting Freed clothes making him stumble back and then Y/n land on his feet and then strike a upwards kick at Freed in the chin and then he leaps and lands a powerful kick at his stomach, costing him to be sent flying and crashing onto a wall and fell hard onto the ground.
Freed tries to get up but he falls unconscious while Y/n slowly gets up while he red his sword onto his shoulder and turn to Asia who was still shock but at the same time glad that he saved him and she start to fall in love with Y/n.
Y/n: Sooooo....are you looking for a place to stay for while?
To be continued...................................
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