Chapter 25: The return of the knight
We find Xenovia standing outside of Y/n's gates as she looks at the place for a bit and then she opens the gate and walks through. She make her way around the back where she can hear some chuckles and giggles and when she turn a corner she finds Y/n sitting at the pool with Lucifer and Zdrada sitting with him naked as Y/n have his arms around both of their shoulders as they are having a good time when Xenovia came over and clear her throat which they turn to see her.
Xenovia: I see your having fun?
Y/n: (smirk) Yo Xenovia, how is business?
Xenovia: Good. Hey I need to ask you something. Alone.
Y/n: Oh sure thing. Lucifer, Zdrada I'm gonna talk to Xenovia a bit sorry.
Lucifer: (smirk) No problem.
Zdrada: (smirk) See you around.
The two girls kiss him on the cheek and then leave the pool. Y/n climbs out as he snap his fingers and his clothes magical appear on him as he turn to Xenovia.
Y/n: (smile) So what do you need? It's not usually for you to come by here without Irina, she'll be amazed.
Xenovia: That's the thing. Have you seen Irina anywhere? We split off when we were chasing Freed and when I was trying to find her, she was gone.
Y/n: Odd. Well she hasn't come by to my place or anything.
Xenovia: I see. I hope she's doing alright.
Y/n: Meh I'm sure she'll be fine. Maybe she's hanging out at that hotel.
Xenovia: Maybe. By away thanks for that. You really don't have to pay us for that.
Y/n: (smile) Hey, can't let you girls stay in an abandoned church for a few nights now would I?
He walks over to a table and pour in some drinks as he hands one to Xenovia which she takes while he takes a drink.
Xenovia: I see you live in a comfortable life.
Y/n: (smile) Yep. All because of my work.
Xenovia: As a Bounty hunter?
Y/n: (smile) You'll be surprised a highly skilled Bounty hunter gets paid for doing his job.
Xenovia: Right. Well keep in contact if you do find Irina. I worry she might get herself in danger.
Y/n: Don't worry I will. Besides I'm sure she is-
Then his phone on the table started ringing so he walks over and sees its from Eric so he answered it.
Y/n: Sup Eric. How are-
Eric: (phone) Meet us at your school right now! This is an emergency!
Y/n: Wow calm down what's going on? Did Issei destroy all the girls clothes with his sacred gear?
Eric: (phone) I wish but no. This is serious. We need you and Xenovia here right now.
Y/n turns to Xenovia and she sees his face meaning it can't be good as Y/n tells Eric.
Y/n: On our way.
Xenovia: Who was that?
Y/n: Eric. He wants me in my school.
Xenovia: Well it doesn't sound good.
Y/n: No kidding.
The two walk around and then open a garage to Y/n's motorcycle bike as Y/n hands Xenovia a helmet as they climb onto the bike and then he starts up the engines.
Y/n: Hang on.
He then speeds off with Xenovia holding on as they fly out of Y/n's home and to Kuoh academy to see what is going on.
At first the school seems normal however that's because it's all a illustration dorm while inside we see Eric's knights getting ready for war as they set up defense, handing out weapons and everything else.
We cut to Y/n, Xenovia and Eric as Eric tells the two the situation.
Y/n: Okay so let me get this straight. This fallen angel name Kokabiel is going to restart a war that was billions of years ago and he's gonna start this war right here, in this school?
Eric: That's correct.
Y/n: Well where did you get this information from?
Eric: Rias told us.
Xenovia: How did this happen?
Eric:......Actually....its why we brought you here because......we found Irina.
Xenovia: (shocked) What?! Where is she!
They turn to a room and Xenovia is shocked to see Irina laying in bed unconscious as Xenovia rushed over to her.
Xenovia: Irina! Damn it what happened to you!? Irina!
Eric: We believe Freed ambush her and injured her. She was lucky to survive but she won't be able to fight.
Y/n: Shit. Freed is gonna die for it.
Asia: Y/n!
He turn to see Asia, Issei, Akeno, Rias and Koneko as they approach him.
Rias: Did Eric fill you in?
Y/n: Yep. Evil fallen angel plans to restart a long ago war and Irina is badly hurt so I'm gonna kill this guy. Where Kiba?
Rias: Not here unfortunately.
Y/n: Crap. If its anytime it would be now.
Male knight: Sir!
Then a knight rush into thr room and tells Eric.
Male knight: We are detected a summoning spell within the forest! They're about to attack!
Eric: Get ready for combat! We cannot let our enemies win!
The knight agree as he rush off as Y/n turns to Issei.
Y/n: Ready for this?
Issei: Kinda nervous.
Y/n: Don't worry. If you die then I'll place one of your adult magazines on top of your grave.
Issei: Jeez thanks.
He turns to Xenovia as he place his hand onto her shoulder.
Y/n: She'll be okay. Come on, let's do this....for Irina.
Xenovia: Right. Let's go.
They all make their way out of the building and once out they were faced by a three headed dog biting and sending knights flying as the knights fire holy crossbows that dealt some damage but not enough.
Y/n: (smirk) Time to put this dog to the ground. Koneko, Issei, Xenovia with me. Asia treat the injured!
Asia: Right.
Y/n pulls out his sword on one had while his axe at another. Issei summon his sacred gear, Xenovia pulls out her holy excablibur while Koneko crack her knuckles as the four charge into action.
Y/n throws his axe that impaled the cerberus which vost it to yell while Koneko lands a punch that cost it to fall onto the ground while Issei leaps up and tries to land a punch vut the Cerberus launches to bite him but Y/n pushes Issei away and he dives inside of its mouth and everyone is shocked and first.
Suddenly the Cerberus became to groan and bark until it collapses and a blade stab through the ceberus and open an exit for Y/n to walk out while covered in blood.
The knights all cheered while Y/n wipes the blood off of his face as Issei rush up to him.
Issei: Nice one. (Sniff) You might need to take a shower after this.
Y/n: Noted.
Xenovia: Watch out!
Xenovia gets in front of them and blocks a blade strike from Freed as the two get into a blade lock while Y/n and Issei were about to help when suddenly Kiba came down and kick Freed back and lands in front of Xenovia.
Issei: (smile) All right Kiba!
Y/n: (smirk) Perfect timing. Now then, let's say we can-
Suddenly Kiba charges and duals Freed on his own which made Y/n sigh as he turns to Issei.
Y/n: Help out the knights to Asia. Me and Xenovia will help out Kiba.
Issei: Right.
Y/n and Xenovia rushes over as Kiba battles Freed as Freed laughs and goes to land a strike but Y/n blocks it and punches Freed in the face and making him stumble back.
Y/n: Your a pain in the ass Kiba. We're on the same side here.
Kiba: Just leave me alone!
She dashes and battles Freed while Freed keeps laughing as he enjoys this.
Xenovia: Has your friend ever act like that?
Y/n: Nope. He's basically every girls dreams as a husband.
???: Well if it isn't Kiba.
Kiba pushes Freed back and turn to see Valper as Kiba glares at him.
Kiba: You! Your gonna pay for everything you have done!
Valper: Is that right? You try to look for me because what I did to you and to your friends many years ago? Well if you really miss your friends then here.
He then pulled out a small crystal which shocks Kiba as he stared at it as Valper goes on yo explain.
Valper: (smirk) I've kept all of their souls within this little crystal in hopes to create more excabliburs. Now I don't need them anymore I suppose you will have them back, here.
He tosses the crystal that landed in front of Kiba as he drop his sword and pick up the crystal. Flashes of his friends and their voices echo through his mind as he look down with sadness.
Kiba: They didn't have to die for me. They have lives far better then mine. They rather give up their future just to save me? I abandon them just so I can live while they die. If anyone deserves to die on that wouldn't been me.
Silence fill the air as Kiba folds the crystal more when Y/n walks up behind him and then slaps him at the back of the head.
Y/n: What kind of talk is that! Come on your smarter then this Kiba, you know your friends long ago sacrifice their own lives so you can live and live a better life! Sure it's not what anyone would imagine but would you rather die in some lab like a failed test subject? Or would you live and meet amazing and cool friends like those in the occult research club.
Y/n walks pass Kiba as Kiba looks up at Y/n as he face Valper while not turning to Kiba goes on to say.
Y/n: You were found by Rias not because of your skills but because you wanted to have friends. Your old friends died so you can have a better life and look how that turns out. Your apart of the occult research club, in this cool school, girls fall for you and guys respect you. This is the sacrifice they have given you. Don't wash that away for vengeance, keep on living and forget about the past.
He then final turns to Kiba and put his finger on where his heart is at as he tells Kiba while unknowing to Kiba spirits of his past friends appear behind Kiba as Y/n smirked and tells him.
Y/n: (smirk) The past is in the past. We can't change that and its sad I know but we can choose our future together including yours. Your friends maybe gone but they are never gone within your heart. Never forget the good times you have with them.....and never give up on them.
Then Kiba felt a tug on his arm and turn and final sees their spirits as they surrounded him. They fly around and encouraging hin to never give up as they all enter back inside the crystal as Y/n smirks while he turns to Valper and pointed his blade at him.
Y/n: As for you. Time for you to die.
Valper: (smirk) What are you suppose to be? A hero? Your no her-
Suddenly Y/n quickly dashes forward and immediately he slice Valper in half. Valper is shocked as his upper body drops to the ground as blood poured onto the floor as Y/n kicks Valper up off the ground and tells him.
Y/n: (smirk) Your right. I'm no hero. I'm just someone who kills assholes like you.
Then he throws Valper towards Kiba as Kiba fuses his sword with the crystal as it changes and then he cuts Valper's head off. Finally killing him once and for all as Kiba looks down at his new blade while Y/n called out to him.
Y/n: You cool?
Kiba: Yes.....I am. I'm sorry for everything.
Y/n: (smirk) Good to have you back Kiba.
Kiba smiled as Xenovia just knocked out Freed and is surprised how wise Y/n is disbite being a dark warrior while everyone at the occult research club are glad to have kiba back.
Eric: Everyone!
They turn to see Eric rushing over as he tells them.
Eric: We need back up! Kokabiel is here!
They are surprised while Y/n smirked as he rest his blade onto his shoulder as he smirked and says.
Y/n: (smirk) Alrighty then everyone. Let's teach this fallen angel jerk why he shouldn't mess with our school!
To be continued..................................................
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