Chapter 23: Team up

Out side of the occult research club we see everyone out as Y/n and Kiba are getting ready to have a dual against Xenovia and Irina who are seen wearing black tights suits while wielding their own excalibur swords. Koneko, Rias, Asia, Akeno and Issei were sitting at the side lines as Y/n summons his sword and gets ready.

Y/n: (smirk) Don't feel bad if you lose ladies.

Xenovia: We can say the same to you both as well.

Irina: (smile) Let's have some fun okay everyone!

Y/n: (smirk) Same. Alright Kiba let's do this.

Kiba: For the record I'm not here just because you needed help. I'm here to destroy the excaliburs they have.

Then a lot of swords were shot from the ground as Kiba picked up while Y/n just stared at him with a bit surprise but shakes it off and turn to the two girls.

Xenovia: Let's begin!

She then dashes towards Y/n, wanted to see his strength only to be blocked by Kiba and the two dual which caught Y/n off guard as the two dualed.

Y/n: (thought) Um I believe she was charging towards me? Okay then, fuck me I guess.

Irina: Wow. That was kinda rude. Is he usually like this?

Y/n: Not at all. But hey I'll go easy on you since your pretty nice.

Irina: (smile) Aaww I can say the same to you but if I must dual the most kindness boy ever then I shall. Forgive me lord.

Y/n: What the fu-

Suddenly he dodges Irina swing and the two have a dual as Y/n move around, dodging her swings and strikes as he even backflipped only to clash Irina's sword with his own. The two have a blade lock and then the two leap back, away from each other and then charge at each other going and clash once more.

Akeno: (surprised) Impressive. He's been training hard.

Asia: (smile) He has been training every week so he can get stronger.

Rias: (smirk) Impressive.

Issei: It looks like he got the upper hand on this.

Both of them clash blades as Y/n makes a few steps back as Irina kicked him to a tree and she then charges towards him. However he leap up of a tree and use a tree branch to jump high and land over Irina as she turn and goes for a strike but Y/n block it, the impact made Irina let go of her sword.

Her sword hit the ground as Y/n turns 360 and places his blade onto her neck. Irina is surprised how skilled he is as he gives her a friendly smirk which she smile back to him as she is eliminated from the match.

Suddenly Kiba came out flying out of the forest and crash onto a tree and hit the ground as Xenovia came out 9f the forest while Y/n came up to Kiba and reach out a hand to him.

Y/n: (smirk) Better luck next time.

Kiba just gets up by himself and leaves which surprised Y/n and the rest while Y/n turn to Xenovia.

Xenovia: So you defeated Irina. I'm not surprised since she's not as strong as me.

Irina: Hey! I heard that meanie!

Y/n: (smirk) Let's see about that.

The two stare down at each other and immediately they dash fast in a speeding bullet towards each other and theur blades clashes, sending shockwaves that made everyone step back.

Irina: (surprised) Wow! I've never seen this power in my life!

Koneko: That's how strong the two are really are but Y/n is just holding back his power. Trust me, he's very powerful once he let lose his power.

The two teleported everywhere in the forest as they clash blades, dodging each other swings and blocking their attacks. The slashes cost the trees to be cut down as they dual keeps going for sometime as they teleported back to where they were and Y/n begins to land some wicked strikes at Xenovia.

Xenovia is shocked to see how powerful he is and just like Irina how skilled he is. This dual continued for a lot longer then they thought but soon Xenovia can't keep up amd kneel while Y/n stood over her. Xenovia was breathing heavily and sweating as she look up at him and after catching her breath tells Y/n.

Xenovia: Even as a Dark Slayer, you are shown to be very powerful.

Y/n: (smirk) Your not bad yourself Xenovia. Guess we both have some cool skills after all.

He reach out his hand to her which Xenovia with no reason take it and Y/n helps her up. She wasn't sure why she accepted it but she just simply shake his hand and tells him.

Xenovia: Perhaps maybe there is use for you after all. Is there any way we can contact you?

Y/n: Yeah. Here, this is my phone number.

He write up his phone number and handed to Xenovia which she takes and looks at it.

Xenovia: Thank you. We'll contact you tomorrow. Come on Irina.

She nodes as they put where their swords, put on their cloaks and walk away while Irina turn to everyone and said.

Irina: (smile) It's nice knowing you all and Y/n I can't wait to be working with you tomorrow. Bye~!

She then walk away and they were gone as Y/n puts away his sword and stretch his arms and walks over to everyone.

Y/n: (smirk) Now that was good.

Issei: I can't believe you give them your phone number?!

Y/n: Yeah so? I'm know working with them right?

Issei: Yeah! But still, your just a lucky mother fucker.

Y/n: (chuckle) I smell someone is jealous.

Issei: (angry) Shut up!

Asia: Any idea where Kiba went?

Koneko: Who knows.

Akeno: Well I hope he's doing okay.

Y/n: Yeah same.

(Short while later)

We find Y/n doing his business in the bathroom within the occult club and once done he wash his hands and leaves the bathroom. He pulled out his phone to text Lucifer that he will be home and after he sent it he turn and noticed something.

He noticed a door that is chained as he look around and walk towards the chained up door. He looks at the chained door and wonders what's inside. Out of curiosity he lend his ear onto the door and try to listen. At first he hears nothing but that's when he realised he hears something at the other side.

Y/n: (thought) What is this? It sounds.....fade. It sounded like.....crying?

???: What are you doing here?

He jump a bit to see Akeno who let out a giggle as he tells her.

Y/n: Sorry just noticed this door that is chained up. What's in there?

Akeno: (smile) Best not to find that out.

Y/n: (smirk) Why, is there a dancing clown that make my nightmares come true?

Akeno: (giggle) Your funny. Say you want some tea before you go?

Y/n: Sure, why not.

They move away the door and once at the office Akeno pour some tea onto a cup and handed one to Y/n as he takes a sip while Akeno sat next to him.

Akeno: (smile) Feels nice to have a chat.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. A nice sword fight and a hot warm tea at the afternoon. Feels nice.

Akeno: (smile) Indeed. Although I am worried for Kiba. He's been acting weird and we fear he might leave the club.

Y/n: (smile) I'm sure he won't. Maybe he's going through something that he may want to deal with on his own. Trust me, he'll turn up and change.

Akeno: Hope so. (Smile) You know I find you very attractive.

Y/n: (smirk) Got that a lot.

Akeno: (smirk) For one your sweet, your gentle, handsome, cool and never afraid of anything. Your maybe a dark Knight but I like that.

Y/n: (smirk) you like dark knights I'm I right?

Akeno: (giggle) Indeed. Your just soo strong, your skills are amazing and your armor forms..... I feel chills seeing them and it makes my heart skip a beat. I love that about you.

Then she place her legs onto the couch and crawl up to Y/n while he lay on the couch after he place his tea onto the couch as Akeno crawl up to him and their faces away close as the two smirk at each other.

Y/n: (smirk) Fuck Akeno, your very hot talking like that. I find you, Rias and Lucifer very hot when you three act like that.

Akeno: (smirk) Does that turn you on~?

Y/n: (chuckle) What if I say no?

Akeno just let out a giggle and then they kiss. The two made out on the couch as they share some moans of pleasure as they wrap their arms around each other as they made out. This goes on for 5 and a half minutes until they stop to catch their breaths and look at each other with love in their eyes.

The two let out a light laugh and were about to do it again when they heard.

Rias: (smirk) See you two are having fun.

They look over to see Rias but instead of her getting mad she just smirk and approaches them. Then Akeno let me a giggle and hug Y/n.

Akeno: (giggle) Yes indeed President. He's a pretty good kisser, just like you told me.

Rias: (smirk) Told you he's good. Wish we can continue but it's getting late but whenever we have time, three of us will have some fun.

Y/n: (smirk) You girls are dirty but ain't complaining.

The two of them let out a giggle as Y/n make his leave and once he is gone Akeno telle Rias.

Akeno: (smile) He's such the most hottest man ever.

Rias: (smirk) Yes he is Akeno, yes he is.

(Sometime later)

Y/n arrive home and to his surprise finds Eric and Roberto sitting on the couch as they see Y/n, Eric tells him.

Eric: Please sit, we need a talk.

He complay and sat down and after that he ask.

Y/n: Okay what's up? Why are you two here for?

Eric: It's about the Fallen Angels. They are making their moves.

Y/n: Really? How many? 5,6,10?

Roberto: It's all of them Y/n. Every singal Fallen Angels are active and on the move. It seems a powerful Fallen Angel is up to something and it is not good.

Y/n: Well Raynare, Kalawarner and Mittelt are not apart of them right?

Eric: Don't worry they are not but this is a problem. Usually they hide among humans and taking on small and low risk jobs but now they are reported being sighted all across the world and they seem to be coming here.

Y/n: I see. So it's an invasion right?

Eric: That what we believe to be. If this happens then a possible war is coming and we need to be ready for battle.

Y/n: I see. Well two angels names Xenovia and Irina came by and I offer to work with them which they agree.

Reberto: Look we don't care how good looking these two girls are but-

Y/n: No like actual angels, the ones in heaven.

The two of them were stunned a bit as they thought hereafter angels as a flinty way and not actual angels.

Eric: Oh sorry. Well that's good. We need all the help we van get.

Y/n: Well I need to tell the two about this. I'll tell them tomorrow and we can see what we can do.

Eric: Okay. Thank you Y/n, we are saving a lot of lives today.

Y/n: (smirk) Sure. If there is war then that's not gonna be peaceful for me.

Eric and Roberto node as the two leave to return back to their kingdom as Y/n shut the door and with a yawn take himself to bed so he can get some sleep and be ready to meet up with Irina and Xenovia tomorrow.

To be continue........................................

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