Chapter 20: The kendo competition (lemon)
It was another day at Kuoh academy as we see the students at the cafeteria and having their lunch while among the students we see Y/n sitting on the table and eating his meal as he enjoys himself as he eat. After a short while od eating both Murayama and Katase came up to his table which he turn to face them.
Murayama: (smile) Hey Y/n. Do you mind we sit with you?
Katase: (smile) If that's alright with you.
Y/n: (smile) Sure I don't mind.
The two of them sat with Y/n on the table and started chatting while Y/n finishes up his food as Murayama was in the middle telling Y/n their round against another school for the kendo competition and how they won.
Y/n: (smile) That must be tough but glad you girls won.
Murayama: (smile) I know but now we need to train for our next and final round next week and this one will be very hard.
Katase: However most of our club members doesn't believe that we can win. This other team we are facing will be very hard for us and we have no idea how to beat them.
Y/n: I see. It seems that you two might need some help. Tell you what, how's about I'll help you.
Murayama and Katase: (surprised) Really?! You can?
Y/n: Sure. True I'm maybe a guy whioe your club is filled with girls but I know some kendo skills that might be useful for your next round.
Murayama: (smile) Sounds wonderful, you sure you wanna help us?
Y/n: (smirk) Why not, sure.
Katase: (smile) Your the best Y/n!
Murayama: (smile) Yeah. Hey we gonna go now but see you after school okay?
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing girls. Later.
The two of then leave and once they leave Y/n takes a drink of his water when another student came up to him and then said.
???: So your this handsome boy all girls talked about huh?
He turn to be met with a female student with glasses while having short hair as he stared at her for sometime and then reply back.
Y/n: Yep that's me. I assume your new here?
Aika: (smirk) Right you are. The names Aika Kiryuu, nice to meet you. I heard a lot of things about you from the other girls and guys. How your attractive by other girls while a lucky son of a bitch to boy.
Y/n: Yep, that's me for sure.
Aika: (smirk) I can't really blame the girls, you are very attractive. What's your secret?
Y/n: I guess I show respect to other girls and not be creeps like Issei and his friends.
Aika: Yeah I see why. Anyways I overheard your gonna help Murayama and Katase with their club is that right?
Y/n: Yep. Figured I'll do something since this day is boring for me.
Aika: (smirk) Sounds interesting. Do you mind I come? I've met Murayama and Katase and maxe friends with the two so I figure they be alright letting me in.
Y/n: Sure I don't mind of it at all.
Aika: (smirk) Cool.
She then sat next to him while we see Issei, Matsuda and Motohama who were sitting right behind him as they overheard of everything as the trio where in tears.
Matsuda: (tears) That fucking bastard! We get kicked and beaten up if we even step close to their club but allow him in like there is no problem.
Motohama: (tears) He's gonna have first class seats watching the girls naked in the shower while we are dead last.
Issei: (tears) Life isn't fear man. Course you Y/n L/n!!!!!!
(Short while later)
Afternoon came and we see Y/n in the Kendo club and standing in front of the kendo club members that were all women as they were amazed to see Y/n here in their club with Aika lending her back against the wall, behind Y/n as Murayama and Katase stood next to the girls as Y/n tells them.
Y/n: Alright girls, I've look through the other kendo school teams that you all are facing and I gonna say they are very tough but, I can help you and give you some tips on how to win your final match and win. Is everyone ready?
Kendo club members: Yes Y/n~!
Y/n: Okay then.
He then pulled out a wooden sword off the floor and signals Murayama to come up which she did as she cam up with a wooden sword in hand and once they were face to face Y/n says to the girls.
Y/n: You opponent maybe quick while on the dual but the secret of making the perfect blocks and dodges is by their body movement. You see, you need to watch and focus on their body movements and quickly react whenever they move their body. Don't focus on everything around you, just imagine it's just you and your opponent alone in the room.
The two of them put on some armor on them and once that they lifted their wooden swords up in the air as both he qnd Murayama were facing each other and then she thrust her sword at him but quickly move back. He then quickly block her strike and dodge once more in quick reaction which surprised the kendo girls.
Y/n: Never strike back because if you do that then your opponent will have a chance to strike back at you. Try tiring your opponent long enough until you see an opening.
This keep going foe half a minute until Murayama loses her speed which Y/n quickly launch forward and tap his sword onto her chest. The kendo girls were amazed and clap for Y/n as Murayama is amazed of his skills as Y/n turns back to the girls and tells them.
Y/n: (smile) Alright then, let's get into teams of two and work and let's see what you girls got.
Kendo club girls: (smile) Okay~!
And so they started training while Y/n watches them, seeing them train when Murayama hands him a bottle of water which he tells her.
Y/n: No thanks, I'm not thirty.
Murayama: (smile) Sure thing.
She puts it away while she stand next to Y/n as she tells him.
Murayama: (smile) Thanks for helping us Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem. Glad I can help.
Murayama: (giggle) You know, when guys starts coming to this school, at first I thought all of them are just disgusting and smelly perverts and I'm sorta right but not you. Guess it's a reason us girls like you.
Y/n: Yeah I get that a lot.
Murayama: (smirk) I even saw you hanging out with Rias, Akeno and Asia and even see you kissing them. I guess they are your girlfriends.
Y/n: (light chuckle) Yeah and the crazy part being they knew and they are okay with it.
Murayama: (smirk) You don't say.
Kendo female student: Um Y/n?
They turn to see one kendo female student as she tells him.
Kendo female student: I saw in the changing rooms, getting something when I heard something that sounded like people in one of the lockers.
Y/n: (sigh) I'll be right back Murayama.
He gets up and heads in there and once in he looks around the lockers. He listened to the noise when then there was a slight movement he turn and walk up to a locker, swing it open and finds the trio perverts in there as they look up at him while he look at them, sigh and then tells them.
Y/n: You three never learn do you?
They swallow their pride away as the next thing we see was the trio inside of a garbage bin with flies around him as Y/b cleans up the locker and once that was done head back and sees Aika talking to Katase and Murayama about something which he figured was girl talk so he goes over to over see the training while helping out any kendo members whike the trio girls glance over at Y/n as they let out a suspension giggle while they go back talking to each other that seems like planning then talking.
(A few days later)
After days od training and preparing for their final match it was time. We see the kendo competition being held in Kouh Academy gym as we see crowds of people gathered to watch this match as we see Y/n standing near the entrance as Murayama, Katase and their club members walk up to Y/n as Y/n turns to them.
Y/n: (smile) Big day for you girls. You all ready?
Murayama: Y/n you sure we can do this?
Katase: We're a bit nervous about all of this. What if we lose?
Y/n: (smirk) I know you all could do this. Plus if you do, you all tried your best and I'm proud of you all. Now get in there!
They all blushed and node as they step out into the match as Y/n watched and then Rias came up to him.
Rias: (smirk) I'm impress for training those girls.
Y/n: Figured I can help them out.
Rias: (smirk) Your soo nice and a love it about you.
She kisses him on the cheek which made Y/n smirk more and the two watched as each kendo player step onto the ring and start theie dual. They dodge and block each of their attacks until they get a hit. Sometimes Murayama's team gets hit while the other team gets hit and now it goes down to Murayama as she came up to stage and faces the kendo student and then the two began their dual.
The two tap their wooden swords at each other as they dual. The crowd watched as Murayama keeps dodging and blocking but she's losing herself and couldn't keep up anymore. But she knows she can't disappoint her team and Y/n so she keeps on going and soon the other opponent start to lose her speed and then Murayama thrust hee wooden sword back and thrust it forward and then managed to tap her chest.
There was slince until a siren gose off and the crowd cheered.
Male announcer: And the winner of the Kendo competition is Murayama and hee team from Kouh academy!
The girls cheered for joy as they won the the match as Murayama couldn't believe it and was very happy for the win. She turns to Y/n as he smirk at her and give her wink which she blushed but smiled. Soon Murayama and her team was given their trophy as they rasied it in the air and cheered as the crowd clapped and cheered while Y/n fold his arms and smiled as he is proud for them.
We see Y/n at the locker room and taking a shower. We see him taking a shower and although it's not good to his own, it's better then going home stinking as he cleans himself up.
Then he heard three footsteps enter the locker room which he called out.
Y/n: It's just me in here, sorry.
He continues on cleaning until he heard he curtains open behind him which he turn and said.
Y/n: Wow you know impress in here rig-
Suddenly he stop mid sentence when he sees Murayama, Katase and Aika there completely naked and given Y/n a smirk.
Y/n: Um what are you three doing here?
Murayama: (smirk) Figured we come here and give you something just to say thank you.
Katase: (smirk) This was Aika's idea. Usually we trap you here and took off your clothes but I guess you did it for us.
Y/n: Um and what way of "thank you" are you three thinking off?
Aika: (smirk) How's about we show you.
(Lemon start)
Then both Murayama and Katase came in and seconds later he was pinned against the wall and immediately both girls started kissing him which surprised him as both Murayama and Katase moan as they kiss Y/n.
Soon Aika joins in as she walk in, kneel down in front of his dick and start given him a hand job which made Y/n groan in pleasure which made him turn on enough for him to kiss Murayama back as their lips met. The two made out while Katase starts kissing his neck while Aika keeps given him a hand job until she start given him a blow job.
She start sucking his dick while Y/n let out some moans as he slowly slide down onto the floor while the shower above him keep pouring down water on them as both Katase qnd Murayama take turns kissing Y/n in the lip while Aika continues sucking his dick more and more.
Y/n wrapped both his arms around both Murayama and Katase as he made out on both of them and soon Y/n can feel it coming as Aika keeps going until his dick erupted and he let out a moan.
Aika swallows his cum and then crawl up to Y/n as the two were face to face as she smirk and tells him.
Aika: (smirk) My god your hot.
Y/n: (breathing heavily) Yeah.....I get that a lot.
Aika let out a soft and sexxy giggle an then kiss him as the two made out and then we see Katase facing towards the locker with her hands pressed against the lockers with her butt stuck out as we see a box od condoms on the bench as Y/n puts it on and then insert it into Katase butt which made her let out a moan.
He then goes at it as Katase let's out moans as this made hee wet dreams come true. He keeps thrusting his dick for 2 minutes while Aika is seen pinning Murayama down the floor and licking on her vigina which made Murayama let out some moans of pleasure. Both Murayama and Katase let out moans of pleasure until they couldn't handle it and let it out.
Then we see Y/n sitting on the bench with Murayama sitting on his lap and facing towards him as his dick enters up of her vigina and Murayama move up and down while she let out some moans while behind them we see Aika and Katase doing the 69 position and licking on each of their vigina's as they let out moans of pleasure. Murayama and Y/n also let out some moans and after a while the four let out loud moans and we then see Murayama and Katase sitting against the lockers as they watched Aika and Y/n having sex on the floor as Y/n insert his dick into Aika and they go at it.
Aika: (moaning) Ooohhh Y/n~ don't stop! Keep going!
He continues going at it while Murayama and Katase find this very hot as this goes on for 2 and a half minutes of Y/n thrusting Aika and soon they feel it coming and then the two let out a loud moan and that was it.
(Lemon ends)
The doors open and with all four have gotten changed after their "fun" qs the three girls had a lot of fun as they turn to Y/n and then tells him.
Aika: (smirk) That was amazing Y/n. Glad we have that moment with you.
Murayama: (smirk) Yeah, if you ever wanna come by in our club to have more fun. You'll always welcome.
Katase: (smirk) See ya Y/n.
They each kiss Y/n and once that they walk off while Y/n stood there for a moment and then he shake his head, turn to the girls and smiled as he turn and walk off.
We then see the trio perverts around the corner and watched the three girls kissing and tell hij they have "fun", meaning he done it with them which made them very depressed.
Issei, Matsuda and Motohama: (tears) Why does he bang multiple of girls and not even one of us. (Sigh) Life isn't fair.
To be continued..........................................
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