Chapter 2: The occult research club
The sun rises for a bright new day at the town as we take a look at a nice looking mansion where Y/n is living. It is a huge mansion that he buy with th elot of money he have gotten while as a bounty hunter throughout the years before he came to town.
It is a nice looking mansion at the inside and the outside as we cut inside the house and to Y/n's nice bedroom to see Y/n laying in bed snoring lightly as he sleeps. It wasn't long for his alarm clock on the desk beside his bed to start going off which made Y/n groan and reach out his hand and shuts off his alarm clock.
Once that he sat up from his bed as we see him shirtless as he crackle his neck a bit while he lend out a yawn while he stretched his body a bit. Once that he noticed the blanket started to move and then something underneath the bed rise up as we see a young a very cute demon girl wearing only a bra on her as she was too close to Y/n while she look up at him and open her tired like eyes to see her beautiful eye that have hearts in them.
Y/n: (smirk) Morning Modeus.
Modeus: Morning darling. That was a great sleep. Your body was soo warm and soft, thank you for letting me sleeping with you.
Y/n: (chuckle) No problem Modeus.
He pet her on the head making her blush and bit and she respond by kissing him on the lips which caught him off guard at first but he kiss her back while Modeus lend out some moans when Y/n wrap his arms around her as they make out for seconds until they stop and look at each other.
Modeus: (giggle) I want more.
Y/n: (smirk) Maybe later.
Modeus: (smirk) Can't wait.
Then the door of his bedroom opens and three girls that look exactly the same was at the door as all three tells the two all together.
Ceberus 1,2,3: Good morning Y/n and Modeus! Breakfast is ready!
Y/n: (smile) Awesome. Can't wait to see what's on the menu.
The two get change and after that they head downstairs and into the huge kitchen with a table where we see a female demon wearing a officer like outfit as she drink her coffee while Y/n sat next to her and ask her.
Y/n: (smile) Yo Justice any updates?
Justice: Nothing yet Y/n. (Smirk) But if there is, they can't escape by the wraith of Justice!
Y/n: (smile) Good luck with that.
Then Y/n sees another female demon enter the kitchen and to the coffee maker to make more coffee as we can see her look very tired as Y/n calls out to her.
Y/n: (smile) Yo Pandemonica! Good morning, wanna join us in Breakfast?
Pandemonica: Can't. Need to continue on working. Goodbye.
After she get her coffee she headsoff to continue her work which Y/n just shrugged as Pandemonica always do some paperwork without taking a break.
???: I'll bring her breakfast up. Hopefully she doesn't passes out like before. Anyways Breakfast is served~.
Then another female demon wearing a apron around her place down plates of breakfast for them which they dig in and it was delicious like always.
Y/n: (smile) This is delicious Lucifer!
Ceberus 1,2,3: Very delicious indeed!
Lucifer: (smile) Thank you, glad you all like it. So Y/n how was last night? Did you figure out that boy has a sacred gear?
Y/n: Not really but that Fallen angel wants him dead because of it.
Justice: Is it that pervert who peeks though girls changing rooms?
Y/n: You got that right, yep.
Justice: Can't believe some humans can be this creep. Except for you Y/n, your my handsome boy of justice.
Ceberus 1,2,3: Same to us!
Modeus: Me too darling.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. To be honest I'll feel sorry to any girl who has to stay with Issei for two weeks.
The girls giggled and then Lucifer pulls out a later and tells Y/n while she place it onto the table in front of him.
Lucifer: Oh I almost forgot. I was checking the mail and inside there is a letter for you.
Y/n grabs the letter and open it and once he unfold the note he reads through and sees it is from Rias and he reads through and then says.
Y/n: Okay I got some good news and some interesting news. The good news is Issei is alive and well and Rias is making him as a devil so she can keep him safe from any other threats.
Justice: And the interesting news?
Y/n smirks to himself and then tells the rest.
Y/n: (smirk) I'm invited to Rias occult club and meet with her club members. Can't wait what her club is all about.
The girls also find this interesting as well and so after they finish up Y/n heads to his garage to climb onto his bike and once the garage doors fully open, he rides off to Kouh academy for another day of school before he head to Rias occult research club.
After all of his classes ended he make his way to where Rias club is at and soon and arrive to the same location where he first been. He smirks to himself as he walk up to the door and once there he knocks on it. He waits for a bit and it wasn't long for the doors to open and Y/n looks up to see a male teenage boy with blonde hair appear at the door.
Y/n: (smile) Kiba? Hey there dude how's it been? Your a club member?
Kiba: (smile) That's right. It's good to see you as well Y/n. The President is waiting for you along with the rest.
Y/n: And Issei?
Kiba: (smile) He's also here as well.
Y/n: (smile) Cool. Well then, let's not keep them waiting.
He pats Kiba on the shoulder while he walk pass him which Kiba smiled and shuts the door and they walk through a hallway filled with candles which maybe creepy to some but not to Y/n. Actually he likes the smell of the candles and wonders where he can get those kinds of candles.
Soon the two arrive at a door which Kiba opens to reveal what looks like Rias meeting room ad the two step inside and the first Y/n sees is a small girl sitting on the couch eating a bar of chocolate.
Kiba: (smile) I believe you've met Koneko around school before?
Y/n: (smirk) Yep. She's a quiet girl that many guys fall with but if I know one thing is to never bother the quiet girl in school. Especially when she's in the middle of eating.
Koneko glance over to Y/n which he give her a nice smile and a wave which she nodes back to show respect and a hello and gose back to eating.
???: Hey you!
Then Issei walks up to him which Y/n turns to him.
Y/n: (smile) See your feeling all better after that attack.
Issei: Just what the heck was that last night and what was those spells you did?! Are you like a wizard or witch?
Y/n: First off no, I'm not a witch because my male and not female. And second a thank you would have been nice sense I did save your ass.
Issei: Don't change the subject! I wanna know what is going on and I wanna know what you are.
???: (giggle) I see you two are getting along well.
Then a long black hair girl approach the two as Issei looks at her in a pervert way as the women bows down and introduces herself.
Akeno: (smile) The names Akeno and I am Rias assist the vice president of this club. A pleasure to meet you.
Issei was staring at her breast so Y/n slaps the back fo hus head to snap him back to reality which Issei just glare at him in annoyance while Y/n clear his throat and respond.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you. Names Y/n, number one bounty hunter to call and the most badass paranormal hunter to ever lived.
Issei: (thought) Man I really don't like this guy. I thought he was just a women taker but now he's a women taker while also being a bounty hunter.
Akeno: (smile) Oh my a bounty hunter. How exiting. You must have completely a lot of jobs. I can't wait to see one of them someday.
She winks at him which he smirked at her and then Rias came into the room and sees that Y/n is here.
Rias: (smile) Ah Y/n your here. Glad to have you here, hope you find this place alright?
Y/n: (smirk) You and I know this ain't the first time I've found your club house Rias.
Rias: (giggle) Noted.
She sat down on her desk while the rest turns to Issei and Y/n as Rias tells the two.
Rias: To understand what this club really does we're not actually humans. We're in fact devils that made this club to fulfill other humans request while taking on some threats around this town.
Issei: (surprised) Wow your serious?!
Y/n: Yep they are. I can sense their devil like magic within them.
Rias: (smile) That's right. As you may know Issei I've turned you to a devil and have you apart of this club as my servant. While you Y/n I wanna know what race you are.
Y/n: (smirk) I'm glad you ask that. You see, I'm a Nephilim.
Rias and the rest were surprised apart of Issei who looks confused and asked.
Issei: I'm sorry but what the hell is a Nephilim?
Y/n: Nephilim are mysterious beings or people in the Hebrew bible who are large ans strong. I'm basically a powerful and strong being but I also have half human in there as well.
Akeno: But Nephilim is very rare to be found and yet here you are.
Y/n: (smirk) That's right.
Rias: (smile) Well this is a surprising reveal.
Issei: Okay so another question? Y/n, when you told me last night about Yuuma? What do you mean by all of that and how come no one don't remember her?
Y/n: That was just her human name. Her real name is Raynare, she's a fallen angel that was probably sent by someone to take you down.
Issei: But why?
Rias: Because of your Sacred gear.
Issei: Sacred gear?
Akeno: (smile) It's a power that is extremely strong and dose many abilities that are bestowed upon humans.
Y/n: They were created by gods to act like powerful artifacts to give apon some humans and other beings as well if it's possible.
Issei: That's cool so you have a sacred gear as well?
Y/n: (smile) Yep but ain't gonna tell you until something interesting would happen.
Issei: Aww man.
Rias: (smile) Well since you two are here do you mind take on small job for us?
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing.
Issei: What's the job?
Rias: There is a request by someone that is usually for Koneko but she won't be available so I was hoping you two can head there and take her place.
Y/n: (smirk) Sure thing. We'll get it done, come along Issei.
Issei: Fine.
The two head out and once they are gone Rias smiled a bit and like Y/n's charming and nice personality and hopes get to know of him more once he comes back.
We see the two walking through the neighbourhood in the middle of the night as Issei sighs behind while Y/n is ahead of him.
Issei: man this sucks! I should be home reading some magazines while watching some hentai shows.
Y/n: (mutter) Jeez even after your close death your still the same as always.
Issei: What was that?
Y/n: (smils) Nothing.
Issei: Just for a record, this doesn't mean we are friends.
Y/n: (smile) You can say that now but soon we will become friends, I can tell.
Issei: Yeah right.
The two keeps on walking in silence as he turn to Issei and decides to start a conversation by asking Issei.
Y/n: Have you ever heard of a warrior named "The Dark slayer?"
Issei: No I haven't?
Y/n: (smirk) That's a tale that Rias or the rest who known about his history didn't tell you yet but since your now a devil allow me to tell you his tale.
Issei at first want to ignore it but with no choice he listen as Y/n gose on to start the story.
Y/n: (smile) You see there was a large war between Devils and angels. Two beings, clash each other as the world around them burns and many humans were lost by this world. This happened many years and the world was doomed of this endless and dark war with no hope in sight. That is until a black warrior appear on top of the hill looking down at the large battle like a god that sees and hear the screams and death that is going on so the black Knight warrior took part but slay evey devil and angel that were being humans harm. He was a powerful warrior who doesn't gave up and dose whatever he can to defend humanity and ending the war, even by means killing a lot of devils and angels. In the end he have done it and after the war was over, the Dark slayer disappeared into the darkness almost like he was there in the day but disappeared at night.
Issei find it very surprising and interested as the two arrive to the location and before they enter through the gate Y/n turns to Issei and ends the story by telling him.
Y/n: He was never found but rumours say that he had a family and he passed down his sacred gear to his descendants in hopes the legacy of The Dark slayer will never die out.
Issei: What was his sacred gear?
Y/n: (smirk) "Warriors might." A powerful sacred gear that grants the user four forms that each forms gets more powerful when ever the user gets stronger. The first form can take on high ranking devils or angels while the fourth form allows the user to take on gods that is extremely power.
Issei: (surprised) Wow.
Y/n: (smirk) But who knows. You might already met someone who is the dark slayer but enough story telling and let's complete this job.
Issei: Um right.
They head through the gate and soon they were at the persons door as Y/n knocks on the door and the door slight open to reveal a nerd dude peak through the cracks of the door and looks at the door.
Y/n: (smile) Hello you must be Morisawa. We're here to fulfil-
Morisawa: Buzz of you two.
Then he slammed the door on them which Issei thinks was rude but Y/n was chilled as he simply walks back from the door qne within seconds and kicks the door open with one kick that breaks Morisawa lock as he turns back in shock as Y/n stroll inside his house while he said.
Y/n: (smirk) Whoa you must have a lot of anime stuff here. Guess you got most of those stuff from online or frok comnic con right?
Morisawa: Get out of home or I'll-
Y/n: (smirk) Call the cops? I mean, what are you gonna tell them? Two devil guys enter your place after you've sent a request to our boss to fulfill it? Listen dude, we're not leaving until we complete our job and I don't quiet or walk out from a job until itis properly done. So....what is it gonna be Mr Morisawa?
Morisawa sees he has no choice but to let them complete their job while Issei is surprised how Y/n deals with jerks as we see the trio sat down while Morisawa explains.
Morisawa: Well I was suspecting Koneko to be here.
Issei: Why is that?
Morisawa: Usually I cosplay her as a prince rescuing me. I even have a cute cosplay for her, see.
He then show them the cosplay that Koneko was suppose to wear while Y/n understood why Koneko was unavailable but then Morisawa ask the two.
Morisawa: So what can you two do instead?
Y/n: I can summons some powerful weapons while Issei here can use a sacred gear.
Issei: Yeah watch.
He stood up and calls out something from a anime show while he reach out his hand to summon it but I didn't work.
Issei: Aw man.
Y/n: (smirk) But he's still a noobie at it but he'll learn.
Morisawa: I see but I can see your friend here a fan of the drag-go-ball....but so you think. All you seen is the reruns while my first generation have the first look. Take a look.
He stood up and walk over to his shelf and opens to reveal tones of manga all about drag-go-Ball.
Y/n: (thought) Jesus how much money did you spent, they must have cost bloody fortune!
Issei: Just because you've seen it first that doesn't mean anything!
Morisawa: What?!
Issei: I have all the special edition ones so you can suck it!
Morisawa: Ha! Of course you don't understand. I remember came on every Wednesday night. I have my buddies over and watch it live.
Issei: Oh yeah when me and my friends were young we go to the park and play as the characters from the show and turn it into a battle ground. If you don't believe I can call in a super dragon on your ass.
Y/n: Um should we focus on the job or-
Morisawa: I like to see you try!
Issei: Yeah but you got to admit theg were good times.
Then Morisawa place down tons of manga onto the table as he ans Issei glare at each other with a smirk while Y/n is in between.
Morisawa: (smirk) Wanna hang out?
Issei: (smirk) Sure, why not.
Y/n: (sigh) Son of a bitch.
(5 hours later)
Y/n: Damn that was fucking long!
We see the two walking away from Morisawa's House as Y/n rub his eyes while Issei was next to him.
Y/n: Jesus I can't believe people like you watch those kind of crazy shit.
Issei: Well I can't believe how you don't like the series.
Y/n: Really? There is too many explosions, the characters always yell at each other, the main bad guy always comes back to life and even if they do stay dead forever, they somehow come back by either time travel or a clone version and even the main character dies like six times or more.
Issei: Whatever man it's stood a good series.
Y/n: (sigh) Whatever let's head home and i won't miss dinner.
Issei: Did you order dinner?
Y/n: (smile) Let's just say, someone is making some super delicious dinner which will be great.
Issei: (surprised) You mean you have some girl in your mansion right now cooking your dinner!?
Y/n: Yeah. Let's just say she is not the only girl living in my mansion.
Issei: (thought) Holy crap now I'm really super jealous right now. He has a harem already at his home. I bet all of them a smocking hot.
Then Y/n stop and grabs Issei's shoulder as Issei turns to him to wonder why they stopped and that's when Y/n tells him.
Y/n: We have company.
Then the sky turns all purple and they turn around to see a women walking up to them as the two turn and the women stopped while Y/n smirked and step forward.
Y/n: (smirk) You must be the Fallen angel sent by your master to kill Issei ain't that right?
Kalawarner: Indeed. The names Kalawarner and I've been sent to kill the boy.
Y/n: (smirk) Hate to break it to you but Issei is now apart of Rias household. You see.
He grabs Issei's arm and shows Rias household mark to Kalawarner which made her surprised but Y/n let's go of Issei's arm and then summons a spear from a magic circle and grabs it and taps at the end of the spear onto the ground while he said with a smirk.
Y/n: (smirk) But if you wish to battle us then go right ahead. Let's see your stronger then that paedophile guy that's I've beaten.
Kalawarner: Very well then.
She then summons both holy spears from out hand and gets into a battle stands while Y/n ready his spear while he still smirks at her, ready for a battle while Issei thinks to himself.
Issei: (thought) Yep, this is where I'm gonna die again.
To be continued..........................
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