Chapter 19: A little fun (lemon)

We see Y/n at his garage working on hid motorcycle bike as we see him kneeling fown at the left side of his motorcycle bike and working on it when Ikaros came in while holding a watermelon as she watches him work and then ask him.

Ikaros: Master? What are you doing?

Y/n: Oh nothing much. Just working on my motorcycle bike, that's all.

Ikaros: Is there anything you want me to do?

Y/n: No thanks, I'm good.

He goes to reach a tool but he couldn't feel it as he look at where he thought he had his tool and it turns out the tool is not there.

Y/n: Fuck. Where did that Wrench at? Shit.

He gets up and look around for hid Wrench and after a while he couldn't find it and let out a sigh and then turn to his motorcycle bike.

Y/n: Sorry girl. Looks like you won't be finished. I wish you were all fixed.

Ikaros: As you command master.

Y/n: Huh?

She then snap hee finger and suddenly the motorcycle bike came on without any problems which stunned Y/n a bit  until he remembered about Ikaros ability.

Y/n: Oh yeah I remember, you can wish things whenever I say right?

Ikaros: That's correct master.

Y/n: Huh....been a while since I ask any wishes from you haven't I?

Ikaros: Indeed.

Y/n thinks for a moment and remembered pranking Issei a while back and suddenly a light bulb turned on above his head and then he turn to Ikaros.

Y/n: (smirk) Remember the prank we did to Issei a while back?

Ikaros: I remember that moment master. You say it was a lot of fun?

Y/n: (smirk) Yep but I think we should do it again but this time, with his pervert friends. Come on.


We see Y/n and Ikaros walking through the neighbours when they come up to Motohama's house as the two hide somewhere close to the house and Y/n poke his head out of the window and seeing the trio playing video games at the living room.

Y/n: (chuckle) This is going to be fucking funny.

Ikaros: What funny thoughts do you have I mind master?

Y/n: (smirk) I wish for Motohama's house to be haunted and have different objects floating around, doors opening and closing and spooky voices near them.

Ikaros: As you wish master.

She snap her finger as we cut to the pervert trio in the middle playing video games when suddenly the TV started to float which shocked the trio.

Matsuda: Um dude?! Your TV is floating!

Motohama: (shocked) What the hell is going on?!

Issei: (shocked) I have no idea!

Then they hear spooky voices around them, doors opening and closing and other objects around the house moving as Motohama and Matsuda scream in fear while Y/n laughs while watching this.

Y/n: Okay, okay, I wish for the lights to turn completely off and have all their clothes be gone once they are outside.

Ikaros: As you wish master.

The lights turned off in the house which scared them even more so they rush out to escape and once they were outside they breath a sigh of relief.

Matsuda: Sunlight at last.

Motohama: We're safe.

Issei: Um guys.

They soon noticed the neighbourhood people is watching them and even some adults cover their children's eyes as they look down and find themselves naked as they scream in shock while we find Y/n and Ikaros at the alleyway as Y/n is laughing and slowly stops laughing and let's out a sigh.

Y/n: (smile) That felt good.

Ikaros: You really do enjoy tormenting them.

Y/n: Trust me, if you know them then you would understand why we do what we do best.

Ikaros: Alright then.

Y/n: Well wanna get something to eat?

Ikaros: As you command master.

Y/n: (chuckle) Let's just go.

(Sometime later)

We see the two inside a small store and getting some snacks and once they did they sat down at the sidewalk and Y/n started eating while Ikaros watche him eat which he turn to her and ask.

Y/n: Your not hungry?

Ikaros: It's not usually for service like myself to eat along side with a master.

Y/n: (smile) It's fine. There is no harm of eating along side with his or her master. Besides it makes a great bounds.

Ikaros: Great bounds.

She then look down at her sandwich and then take a bite and eat along side Y/n. After a while od eating Ikaros turn to Y/n and ask him.

Ikaros: Is kissing a sign of great bounds? I've seen a lot of girls kissing you and you kiss them right back. Is that the sign of great bounds.

Y/n: Yeah. It shows how we care for each other and how strong our relationship are.

Ikaros: I see. In that case.

She then lend in and kiss Y/n on the cheek. It felt nice for Y/n as she kissed him and then pull away as Y/n turn to her, smiled and then wrap her arms around her, giving her a hug.

Y/n: (smile) You maybe weird Ikaros but your my weird cute angel girl.

Then a little blush appear on hee cheeks when he said that. She never have this sudden feeling in her life but she liked it as the two continue to bound while they are eat.


We see Y/n walking through the hallway when he come across to Raynare's room which he peek inside and finds her laying on her bed and reading a book as he approaches her and ask.

Y/n: (smirk) So finding this place pretty neat?

Raynare: Oh hey Y/n. Yeah this is pretty neat place. Tell me, how many guests rooms or bedrooms for you have?

Y/n: Not that many.

Raynare: Well still this is pretty nice.

Y/n: (smile) Glad you like it. Say, Where's Mittelt and Kalawarner?

Raynare: Kalawarner is down at the living room and watching some romantic show while Mittelt is outside with Justice and Loremaster and doing.....something.

Y/n: Well at least they too are getting comfortable here. Well, better leave you to it.

Raynare: Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Raynare: Thanks for taking us in.

Y/n: (smile) No problem.

He then leaves the room and shut the door behind him and walks down the hallway when suddenly he felt a hand grabs him and pulled him to a room and then he was thrown onto the bed and looks over to see Lucifer there with a smirk.

Lucifer: (smirk) Hey there handsome~.

She lock the door behind her and Y/n knew what she wants as he let out a sigh.

Y/n: (smirk) Guess we're doing this huh Lucifer?

Lucifer: (giggle) You know it. You fucked with Asia, Modeus and Rias and now.....its my turn.

Y/n: (smirk) Well since there is nothing going on I guess let's do it.

Lucifer: (smirk) But first.....let me ask you something. What do you think of Furries?

Y/n: Um they are interesting I guess. Why?

She then let out a giggle and suddenly she turn herself into a goat which stunned Y/n as he crawl into bed and crawl up to Y/n while looking at him with a smirk.

Lucifer: (smirk) What about now Y/n~?

Y/n: (blush) Unholy hell! I did not know you can do that!

Lucifer: (smirk) I can do many things that you like? So what do you say, wanna fuck a furry?

Y/n:........Fuck it, let's do it.

(Lemon start)

Lucifer smirks and then snap hee fingers and their clothes disappeared and set neatly on a chair as the two go has it. They make out as Y/n can feel her goat like fur qnd it feels very soft and warm but either that or of her being turned on as the two keep making out as the bed move a bit as they roll around the bed.

Their tongues met as they were making out and later they stop making out and look at each other and then Y/n stick his own inside of her and thrust it in.

Lucifer: (blush) Oh Y/n~! Aaah~!

He goes at it, thrusting g his dick into her while Lucifer let's out moans of pleasure as the bed moves forward and backwards very fast with Lucifer grabbing hold the blanket as he goes hard on her.

Lucifer: (moaning) Oh yes~! That feels good~! Harder~!

He continues doing that until he feels it coming and soon the two let out a loud moan. The two were breathing heavily as the two look at each other and then they make out once more. We then see Lucifer rolled over to her stomach while Y/n have his dick inside of her butt and thrust her thicc butt in and goes into business.

Lucifer let's out moans and even Y/n slap hee ass cheeks, making her moan even more of pleasure.

Y/n: How does that feel?

Lucifer: (moaning) Very good~! Keep going~!

He continues doing his thing for half a minute and soon the two let it out. After that we see Y/n laying his face onto her breast and then licking her breast which making her moan a bit as he continues licking her breast.

Lucifer: (moaning) By Satan's ass your like a beast!

She then let out a gasp as he starts livking her vigina while spreading her legs apart and then goes at it. Lucifer grab hold the blanket while she roll hee eyes back a bit as this goes on for sometime until Lucifer felt it coming and after a second later she let's it out. She let out a moan loud as she lend her bed again the end of the bed while Y/n crawl and to her, touch her fur cheek and then smiled.

Y/n: (smirk) Feels like your in heat.

Lucifer nodes while breathing heavily which he let out a soft giggle and then lend over and the two make out once more. The two continue making out for a long while until they collapse onto the bed and then Lucifer started drifted off to sleep.

(Lemon ends)

Y/n finished kissing her as he realised she had fallen asleep. She then slowly turn back to her normal form while sleeping. He smiled and then climb out of bed and put on some fresh new clothes.

After he get some clothes he turn to Lucifer, kiss her on the forehead and let her sleep as he leaves the room. After he vlean himself up he make his way to the kitchen and grab himself a drink. Once there he takes a drink while he look out of the window to see Justice, Lordmaster and Mittelt where doing some experiments when it went off on their face....literally as Y/n sees this and let out a soft chuckle.

Y/n: (thought) Seems like today is a chill day. Guess we all needed a chill day which is good.

He takes another sip of his drink and then heads off somewhere around the house to relax as everyone else have a chill day and hopefully next day will be the same but as Y/n day will not be so chilled as everyone wants it to be.

To be continued.................................................

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