Chapter 17: When the ultimate darkness comes (part 2)

The walls burst outward as we see Y/n being thrown away and crashes hard in the middle of the street as he roll a fee times only to be stopped by crashing into a behind him. Rubble landed on top of him as he stood up and swipe away the dust off of him and shake his head as he look over to see Kenzo walking slowly towards him and glaring at his while a fog of darkness appears behind him.

Y/n stood up straight and ready himself as he get into a fighting stand while Kenzo walks towards him and then he disappeared and appear right in front of him as he strike a punch which cost him to crash into a few buildings but he slammed his hand onto the ground and stop himself and then looks up as Kenzo launches towards him, ready to strike a blow at him.

But Y/n catches his fist which cost a shock wave that shattered the windows and glasses around them as the two dark warriors look at each other and then they start striking blow to blow at each other. They each strike blows at each other as sparks came out of their armor in each blow.

Then Kenzo pulled his hand back and thrust it towards Y/n's chest, sending him flying back and landing hard onto the ground with his feet. Then Kenzo bend down and then start to scream as everything around him shook like crazy as Y/n sees his two hands appear to have two purple orbs and then Kenzo looks up to Y/n and then fired both beams at Y/n which he summons his Ultimate void spear and use it to teleport away from the beams and then appear in front of Kenzo and swing his spear back and thrust it towards him but then Kenzo pulls out two swords and blocks his strike.

The two ender a blade lock and during that Kenzo spoke to Y/n, telling him.

Kenzo: Why do you wish to use your dark magic for good. Your a dark warrior, you should use your powers to take over the world!

Y/n: No! I wish to help others and protect the people I care for!

Kenzo: What are you suppose to be, a hero? Your no hero.

He then kick Y/n back and then the two clash blades at each other as Y/n was on the defence as he blocks each of Kenzo's strikes until they enter another blade lock.

Kenzo: Do you think everyone will see you as a hero? Do you really think they needed you as their shinning hope? Ha! What a joke! Your nothing but filled of darkness, feared by all and no one will never care for you! YOUR NOTHING BUT A SLAVE TO THOSE BECAUSE HOW POWERFUL YOU ARE!

Y/n: (angry) Just shut u-

Then Kenzo kicks him in the stomach, focing him to stumble back and then Kenzo launches forward and strike a blade into Y/n left arm, making him groan in pain while he swing his spear at him which cost him to move backwards. His sword was still stuck on Y/n's arm so he removed it and tosses it aside and then swap his spear to his Great sword od Victory and then dashes towards him.

Kenzo also dashes towards him and the two of them clash blades as they dual on the street but soon they leap onto the roof and they clash blades on the roofs of the buildings as the two swing their swords at each other, landing each blows at each other but Kenzo land a few slashes at Y/n one at his knee while the other at his left arm.

Y/n stumbled backwards as blood start dripping out of hid armor but he ignore it and let out a yell while he charge towards Kenzo but he move out of the way as his second sword came towards Y/n, striking at him in the guts and then fell off of the roof and crash hard onto the ground.

He groan while he still have a sword stuck onto his stomach while Kenzo looks down at him from the roof as he leap off amd crash onto the ground and then walk towards him.

Kenzo: Your weak Y/n. That's because you haven't embrace your true darkness all because of you so call "friends." They are holding you back and now you darkness is nothing but as a size of a acorn.

He walked up to him and then grab his sword and digs his blade deeper into Y/n which cost him to groan in pain even more as his armor disappeared, turning him to normal as blood start to appear out of his mouth as he groan even more while Kenzo pushes his blade deeper into him.

Kenzo: You should have killed your friends when you have the chance. I would do the same and take over this world but yet, you didn't and now look at you. Your gonna die all because of your weakness and that is caring of others and not showing your true powers.

He digs the blade deeper which Y/n felt something extremely painful which cost him to let out a scream of pain while Kenzo let's out a chuckle.

Kenzo: Time for you to die. If you will not join me, then you must die.

Blood is spilled onto the floor as Y/n start to lose consciousness as he look up at the sky and he could move his body among and he was about to pass out.


Kenzo quickly turned around and get punched by Issei which cost him to be sent back. Issei stood over Y/n with his sacred gear out as he tells Kenzo.

Issei: Hey how's about you fight someone else! Like me!

Kenzo: You? Your nothing but a pervert warrior. But....if you wish.

He then launches towards Issei while Issei himself ready himself as he pulled back his sacred gear back and when Kenzo was about to attack him, Issei'x sacred gear glow and he suddenly change into all red armor as he strike a blow at Kenzo in the face.

He was sent flying back while Issei look at his hands and realised he know has armor on him and gets exited.

Issei: Wow this is amazing! Look out ladies because the dragon Emperor has arrived!

He then launches towards Kenzo and the two battle all a while Rias, Asia, Koneko and Kiba rushes over to Y/n and once there Koneko pulls out the sword out of his stomach and throws it aside.

Asia: Hold on Y/n! I can heal you right back.

Y/n: Thanks.

Kiba: You okay Y/n?

Y/n: Well....I usually get stabbed by swords but this one hurts like shit. Where is Akeno?

Rias: She's with Eric and the others, trying to gather enough knights so they can fight Kenzo.

Y/n: I see. Well they can do a better job then I can.

Rias: What are you saying?

Y/n: (sigh) I'm not a hero. I'm not this shinning knight in stories. I'm not like Eric or the others. I'm.....just a dark knight with dark powers and not afraid to have blood on my hands. What's really a point of being a hero when everyone will see me as......a monster.

There was a moment of silence and then Rias gently grabs both of his cheeks and then lend over and kissed him on the lips and then pulled away and tells him.

Rias: (smile) Y/n.....we don't care if your a hero or not. You've done soo much for us and helped us in so many ways. You don't have to proof yourself or to others that your some hero.

Asia: (smile) That's right. Being a hero isn't always have to be a shinning armor or have a honourable ways. A hero is something that is within you.

Koneko: Being a hero is hard, don't give me wrong. But you can do some right things as well.

Kiba: (smile) I mean I may look like a nice boy but I'm actual a devil and so as everyone else. Just because we are devil's or your a dark knight, that doesn't mean we're not evil.

Rias: (smile) The point is we care for you Y/n no matter what you are. I care for you as well.

Y/n is stunned by those words and he was about to reply when Kenzo voice is heard.

Kenzo: What a touching scene here.

They turn to see him holding Issei by the neck and then he tossed him away as Issei crashes into a building and then he floats towards him.

Koneko rushes towards him and tries to throw a kick at him but he catches her leg and then slammed her hard onto the ground. Koneko lay there while Kiba launches towards him with his sword but Kenzo grabs him by the neck as he start to choke him when Rias fired red lighting at him, costing him to turn towards Rias and dropping Kiba onto the ground as he lifted out his hand towards her and Asia but suddenly a chain appeared out of a devil magic circle and wrapped Kenzo's arm and soon the rest of his body.

Rias tied him up with chains as he groan in frustration and then he breaks all the chains with a huge blast, making Rias and Asia cover their arms but Asia lose her balance and was sent flying and land hard onto the ground.

Rias sees this and turn only to be grabbed in the neck by Kenzo as he lifted her up in the air as Rias struggles to breath.

Kenzo: Now you will watch as I kill all your friends so you will know true darkness.

Kiba: Present!

Issei: Rias!

Koneko and Asia only sat up and watch as Kenzo gose for a final blow towards Rias when his fist was caught by the still injured which surprised Kenzo while Y/n tells him.

Y/n: want me to show my true darkness.....Well...

He then look up at him with his eyes completely red with red smoke coming out of it as he finish his sentence.

Y/n: Then let me show you!

Suddenly the ground around them shook. It shook soo much cracks appear onto thr floor and suddenly black smoke came out of the cracks and form around Y/n as he lend his other fist back and strike a powerful blow that dented his helmet and making him stumble back as Rias lands onto the floor and coughing while Y/n bend down and then let's out a mighty roar as a purple light devoured him as there was a extremely strong wind that blows everything around him as Kenzo and the others over their eyes from the blinding purple light.

Even Akeno, Eric and the others can see it at the mansion and then a armor hand came out as Y/n came out of the light as the purple light disappeared and everyone sees his new armor which is extremely powerful then they have ever sensed as he slowly looks up at Kenzo while black smoke comes out cracks of his armor.

Rias: Y/n?

Y/n:.....Rias.......get everyone out of

She comply immediately as everyone leave the area and once they were safe Y/n looks towards Kenzo and immediately appears right in front of him, catching him off guard striking a blow at him in the stomach.

Seconds later there was a sonic boom and Kenzo was sent flying into the sky as Y/n bends down and jumped high, leaving a massive crack to where he jumped as Kenzo was in the air as Y/n voice can be heard.

Y/n: You may tell me all you want about me. You may try to hurt me all you want. You may even try to kill me. But......

Then he appeared above him and then swing both of hid fists together slamming a blow at Kenzo which sent him falling straight down qnd crashing onto the surface with a massive explosion while Y/n yells at him while he flies down towards him.


To be continued..................................................

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